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Willow Meets Liala...

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 7:44pm by Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi)
Edited on on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 8:50pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Observatory, USS Gladiator
Timeline: Before away mission
1817 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Willow had gotten done talking to Lydia, and decided she'd pay a visit with Liala. Since she had first arrived on the ship Willow had been just working nonstop. She had helped to catalogue the bodies and see if there was some clues with the blood traces that had been found and collected. Willow consulted the computer to see where Commander Ziyal could be at.

Liala was taking in some 'me' time. She was in the observatory staring out at the stars and getting lost in her own mind. Recently things had been pretty heated and the theme of events past, and to come, were going to be heavy to deal with. So, she wanted to get lost for a moment and stare at the flashing lights of worlds in the distance.

The door leading into the observatory, quietly opened and Willow stepped inside, the door just as gently as it had opened, closed behind her. Willow noted that the chief counselor was indeed here, and that she seemed to be occupied gazing out the window. Seeing Liala thusly occupied, Willow found a place to where she could also watch the passing of the stars and her mind drifted towards another time in the observation lounge, speaking to Captain Hawkins. The memory brought a quck flash of a smile and almost imperceptible chuckle.

Willow allowed herself to be drawn into a sort of reverie, not feeling that she needed to break the peaceful atmosphere that permeated where both she and Liala were at.

Liala had noticed Willow enter. Her empathic sense along with her perception of the universe gave everyone away. Every person sang a different song, gave off different notes as they moved their way through life and the song only stopped when a person's heart beat its last.

"You know there is something to be said about two people sharing the view of a starscape." Liala commented without turning. "Sometimes it is said that if two people gaze upon the same star at the same time a connection is made, albeit how strong is unknown." Liala let out a sigh. "Hello, Ensign Callingbull." she finally turned her head to gaze at the woman.

Willow pulled herself back from her own reverie somewhat having gone on a spiritual journey. She turned her own head to make eye contact with Liala's. "Hello Commander Ziyal. " A serene smile appearing. "It is a beautiful view and one can't help but to get lost in its wonder." she looked back out towards the stars, "When on the journey of life a person crosses the paths of another, it is hoped that the connection is a good one." she responded. Her voiced soft and still. "What do you see out there?"

"Not so much what I see, but what I hear." Liala smiled. "Harmony, discord. The crescendo of life and the fall of the same." she sighed a little. "Please call me Liala when we are off duty. I've never cared much for titles and rank. What brings you here?" she asked.

"Well, I wanted to meet you, Liala, and please call me Willow then." the woman replied with a smile. "Its been a bit busy, as of late and I hadn't met too many people as of yet." She gave a shrug, "I just wanted to touch base before well what will happen, happens." Willow turned her head back towards Liala.

"Willow it is." Liala smiled as the woman continued.

"Well it is very kind of you to come and seek me out. I always enjoy meeting new people in any circumstances." Liala replied. "I sometimes find looking out at the galaxy like this helps before a mission like this, of this kind. Helps put things in perspective. Are you nervous?" Liala asked.

"Just maybe a little bit?" Willow replied, creating a space between her index finger and thumb. "This will be my first large scale away mission and I am hoping that I won't flub up on it. So yes just a slight amount of being nervous. Who knows what we will be seeing when we get to that place." a slight frown appearing.

"True." Liala said pensively. "You will be fine, being nervous is healthy. You have a good head on your shoulders, and even if you begin to feel you cannot cope then you have senior officers there who can help guide you through it. The subject matter may take a long time to come to terms with. I know this is a long time coming for the Captain and Timia, eh I mean Doctor Svidi."

Willow gave a little smile when she heard Liala refer to Doctor Svidi as Timia. "You must be friends with the good doctor, in order to call her by name. Though I think you were the XO before Commander Kosugi took upon that mantle, so you worked closely with both Svidi and Captain Hawkins." when Willow spoke of Hawkins there was a slight wave of something there, not quite tangible but, something was there, maybe affection?

"And don't worry, I am not going to be asking why you are not XO anymore. My observation, with your kind and gentle ways, you are more inclined to be the counselor that you are. I am certain you were a rather good XO though." Willow said musingly.

"I know both of them quite well." Liala admitted. Doctor Svidi and I work closely together in the medical department and we have struck up a friendship and you are correct I was the previous XO. The Captain and I have a 'good' relationship, and he was respectful when things ended... as First Officer I mean." she felt the need to clarify for some reason. Liala sensed the feelings of Willow on mention of the Captain. Clearly something was going on between them.

"Your observations would be correct, but I have no issues about talking about my decision. I simply felt I was not suited for the role and that my real talents lie in healing the minds of those that need me. I prefer that to firefights and explosions." she mused.

"The new XO, Commander Kosugi, what is he like? I've not had the chance to meet him not even talking to him. I looked him up on the manifest, seems like a nice enough person. But you can't truly get the feeling for a person on paper so to speak." Willow replied.

This time Liala's cheeks flushed. "Raiden... I mean Commander Kosugi is wonderful man. Very considerate, charming and will always look for the best in people even if they do not see it themselves. He has an effortless way of connecting with people and is always happy to listen to peoples troubles with an open mind and a fresh perspective. He'd make a pretty good counsellor if he didn't suit red so much." she joked. "Honestly though, he is a gentleman, a smart, funny man who will always have your back." she realised this was the first time she'd properly thought about him and all his qualities.

There were many more that she could list off but then she would move into a more personal line of feelings and descriptors about Raiden. The man she was falling for.

Willow noted the flush of Liala's cheeks and the light in her eyes, when she spoke of Commander Kosugi. Willow wondered if she had that same look in her eyes when she thought of Captain Hawkins. Her eyes sparked with fire for just a moment as she thought of their stormy encounter. Willow shook her head slightly as if to clear her head. She had to get her mind back into the current scheme of things. Willow did get a sort of teasing expression in her eyes when she looked at Liala "I take it you are good friends with the XO? From what I am gathering."

"I like to think so." Liala replied. She wasn't exactly sure what they were yet. Were they dating? Friends with benefits? She knew which one she would prefer but wasn't sure what Raiden's thoughts were. She knew he liked her, and wanted to spend time with her so it was pointing towards the former rather than the latter. "We enjoy each others company outside of the uniform.

Willow nodded, then her eyes went back out towards the stars. "You do seem at ease when speaking of him. It just seems to radiate out from you. That is a good sign." a few moments of silence, then Willow asked, "Do you believe in spirit visitors?" It was something she was wondering. Not everyone would believe in spirits walking around being unseen helpers, so she was curious.

Liala simply nodded at the mention of Raiden. It was true, she did feel completely at ease with him, his very company was one of the thing she sought when coming off duty.

"I believe in spirits, yes. I believe we are never truly alone and that the fabric of the universe send us people from time to time to help us on our journey." Liala answered Willow's question. "Why do you ask?"

"Its just a matter of curiosity on my part." Willow replied, "I believe in the spirit world, most strongly. then again it is a part of my people to believe in that. What would you say about someone who has done a ceremony to help spirits find their way to the spirit home?"

Liala nodded as to Willow's curiousity. There was nothing wrong with asking questions, being happy with the answers were another thing altogether.

"I wouldn't say much if I am honest." Liala shrugged. "I have never given it much thought. If it is part of their beliefs, their culture then I am happy they follow this part of themselves, that they listen. If they choose to do it as an outsider I applaud their open mind and attitude to a wonderful and beautiful universe that has no limits."

Willow nodded, she was pleased with Liala's answer. "I am happy with that answer." she shifted in her chair, looking back out towards the stars. "I think perhaps I need to get some sleep. It will be very busy, and rather gruelling." She rose from the chair, and gave Liala a smile. " See you later, and definitely see you tomorrow."

"Yes, and one must be in tip top shape for the Captain." Liala hinted with a wry smile. She could see his aura all around her, his song played off the vibrations of her body. "See you tomorrow, Willow."

Willow had caught Liala's parting comment just as she stepped past the threshold. She turned to make a response but the door had already closed. Touching her cheek as it was feeling a bit warm, Willow decided to just go on her way. Tomorrow was going to be a difficult day.


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