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Clearing the Air (Mission Debriefings)

Posted on Thu Dec 30th, 2021 @ 9:24pm by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D. & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken
Edited on on Wed Jul 5th, 2023 @ 10:38pm

Mission: Calm Before the Storm
Location: Observation Lounge - U.S.S. Arcadia
5053 words - 10.1 OF Standard Post Measure

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It wasn’t long before the Arcadia had dropped out of warp and was now at the designated meeting location for Commander Ziyal’s away team. But once they had dropped out of warp, they had been hailed and requested emergency transport for some of their team. Once it was approved, part of the away team had been transported to main sick bay while the ship was docked with the Arcadia’s shuttle bay. Time went by and Captain Hawkins ordered for the ship to hold position while they assessed the situation. So once things were cleared up in Sickbay, he wanted all of the away team and the rest of the senior staff to report to the observation lounge.

David walked in first as he took a gulp of his water before looking out the large view port of the lounge. The long table that stretched two thirds of the room was made of real polished oak and was pristine. But also had the built in computer controls where each member sat. Making his way to the replicator, he refilled his bottle before looked out of the view port looking at the distant stars and the bluish purple anomaly glowing in the distance. It was almost calming to him to just stand there and enjoy the view but was cut short once the first person arrived at the called meeting.

“Davy!” John called out as he stomped through the door still in his dirty and burnt uniform. He wasn’t the only person to come through, but he focused only on Captain Hawkins. “I won’t lie, I’m half temped to request a detachment of marines, and go right back there!”

“Calm down, John.”

“They captured us and shot Meeka three times!”

Raising a hand, David looked at the marine. “Was she doing her job?”

“Yes, blocked a bullet and charged the shooter.”

“So she was doing her job.”

John glared at the man and sighed. He knew the captain was right and Meeka was in surgery now, but looked promising. Still it wasn’t what he wanted to see it happen. One bullet was blocked by her body armor, but one skimmed her and the last was lodged in her rear right thigh. “She will be fine,” John remarked as he flopped in his chair and sighed. It was time for him to calm down and stop being a hot head.

“You didn’t allow me to even ask, Colonel,” David countered as he stood next to his own chair.

“Sorry…” John nodded. He hadn’t flipped out like this in years, but this truly got under his skin. “Still think we need to go back and stabilize that government and future ally.”

Emmah moved through the doors, despite the fact she was currently connected to Arcadia and could have just appeared in the room, she knew it was most often alarming to people and sullied the trust of people around her. When she noticed the marine she smile. " Colonel!" she said happily, then noticed his demeanor, her smile faltered.

"Emmah?" John looked up and saw the blonde before him. "When the hell did you get here? I thought you were still on the Gladiator or at Memphis Island?"

Emmah offered a smile, "I was for a time, but I wanted to work with Captain Hawkins again, and I had news to bring him." she stated as she moved towards the end of the table and stood near the screen, trying to be inconspicuous.

The next folks through the doors to the lounge were Mel Torma and Callisi Veera. As Callisi held the door for Mel, she rolled her eyes. Eye... and sighed, "Would you please relax? It'll be gone before you know it."

What Callisi was referring to was the bandage on Mel's left, left calf. A small thing, really... the shrapnel wound was worse once the adrenaline of the moment wore off, but still Mel was seriously overreacting to it. She limped, sometimes with the wrong body's left leg as though in some form of sympathy limp. A phantom pain, for a limb that was actually there.

"It just, look it hurts okay." Mel countered, and Callisi shook her head, "Trust me, I know. Just, focus on stepping forward, try not to notice it." she offered some encouragement, "Maybe Hayter will take you for ice cream? Or he'll let you pet Meeka?" and that seemed to cheer Mel up a bit. At least it got her walking.

Callisi offered a smirk to the group, "Mel Torma, and her minder, reporting." and that's when Mel gave Callisi's shoulder a gentle *thwap* of a hit. A pair of scowls followed, and the cyclopean rabbitess put up a hand, "Alright alright. Mel Torma and Callisi Veera, certainly not Mel's minder, reporting."

"That's better." a pause, "Wait, you know what, never mind." the Dalacari just crossed her arms over her chests, while the Daughter of Ts'usu was clearly amused. "So what's the plan post op?"

Raiden came walking in, feeling very relieved to be back on the ship. He gave a slight smile to those that were there, and took a seat at the table. "Hello Captain, Colonel, Commanders." giving them a nod. He went quiet to hear if there were going to be some tidbits of information given out before the rest of those called arrived.

Liala had been released from sickbay, her injuries were quite severe given how long she'd been on the planet and the exertion she'd put on herself trying to get her team to safety. Her breathing was still somewhat diminished but she was sure that was partly psychological on her part.

Walking in to the room she smiled at the others and walked up to John and placed her hand on his shoulder. "John, how is Meeka?" she asked knowing how important she was to him. Even though she did not practice anymore, she was still a counsellor at heart.

The colonel looked up and took a moment before speaking. He knew all to well that even though they didn't always see eye to eye, they knew how hard it could be to handle working with one another from time to time. "She is doing well, last I heard. Still in surgery with the animal doctor. So we should see that wrapping up about the same time of this meeting. Thanks for asking, boss lady."

"My pleasure, Colonel. I know how much she means to you." Liala replied with a warm and reassuring smile.

Eira slipped into the lounge while people were talking and gave a quick nod, "Everyone". She still felt out of place in the team, being so new to the crew and everything but took an available seat and waited patiently for the debrief to start. Her shoulder was bruised and throbbed with each major movement she made.

Verelan made a small nod to the Captain. She hoped that he saw her but he seemed a little distracted with what was in front of him. She made her way to the replicator and whispered, "'osol twists'."

She half turned as they appeared, listening to the conversation. She wasn't sure why she was needed as she thought that it was a medical emergency not for intelligence but she sat close to the door, putting a sweet quickly into her mouth. She knew some faces, but not all and was ashamed that she hadn't made the effort to find out.

Kyle silently made his way inside, he was still sore from the bumps and bruises but he didn't take much of anything for major damage during the events on the planet. He sat down and took a deep breath to find his center, something he picked up after his time as a POW.

Raiden looked towards Kyle, wondered if the man was still ticked off at him for running off like he had. Raiden wasn't going to be apologetic for what he did. And yes he did steal Walken's idea. Who knows, Walken may have words for him or a punch to the jaw. Time will tell.

Timia Svidi strolled in to the room in a fresh uniform. Her work with the dead had left a smell clinging to her previous clothes. She glanced around the table and spotted Hayter. She took the empty seat next to him. "Hey, I checked in on her before I came up here, it's going well." she said offering a slight smile.

Raiden glanced towards Svidi, then looked back around at those who have arrived. "Are there more arriving?" he speaking aloud his questioning thoughts.

Callisi looked around, then turned her cyclopean glance back towards Raiden, "Well, short of piping in a line to sickbay for the injured, I'd imagine this is everyone."

As if to counter the point, the doors hissed open and Lydia hurried in, offering an apologetic look even as she found herself scanning the room to make sure those who had been treated were doing OK. "Sorry for the late arrival, everyone." Lydia wouldn't normally consider joining such a meeting unless she was ordered, particularly because the chief medical officer was already present, but she wanted to represent the ship's counseling department just in case Holly was unable to get away.

Raiden was relieved to hear that Meeka was doing better, he was really worried about that life and death struggle on the runabout coming back to the ship. "I don't think you are late Counselor, might be more arriving, who knows." Looking at Lydia.

He then directed his attention back to Callisi, "You do have a point there. Several did have a rough time."

Mel was visibly relieved to hear Meeka was going to be alright. Everyone else too, of course. Callisi turned more directly towards Raiden, "The wounded and weary often have a wider view. I'll admit, xenopsychology never was my strong point so if there's a consideration to be made about not asking for their report at the moment then we should respect that."

"Back home, you'd give your report no matter what. Enemy positions, field movements, supply lines. If you knew something that could save lives you'd scream it to the dropships in orbit if you had to. Metaphorically speaking, naturally." she said with a smirk, "But the fact was we delivered our intel. No matter the cost." a pause, "Of course, that's an active warzone. This is an... active point of interest? A conflict? I'm not sure what the proper term is, and I don't want to disrespect the wounded." said the rabbitess with the eye patch, the long scar peeking over the top and bottom of the black patch telling more of a story than any battle report could.

Raiden gave a nod. "I have no disrespect for them at all." he replied. "Besides they can get the updates later on. I know I have had that happen when I found myself in medical after a mission. " regarding the Rabbitess.

She, in turn, regarded him back. A bit taller than her (Unless you counted her ears, then she was a giant), and a lot of the same mindset. Callisi offered him a soft smile. "I can certainly respect that. Glad you're still with us. Let's catch up later. Tea, coffee, or whatever it is you do post op before we get sent out there again."

"Hopefully to turn that place into God's mirror." she muttered.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Raiden answered, then gave Callisi a look hearing her mutter. "I'd second that." he murmured in return, he feeling the same. "Can't do that though"

Liala smiled in relief that Hayter's canine would be fine. She had been uneasy about its presence but that was no reason not to be happy that the animal would live, in fact she had grown fond of the species. She moved away from him to sit on the opposite of Svidi, she felt breathless. Her injuries on the planet had caused a punctured lung and some internal bleeding that was fixed 'as a priority' when she returned to the ship... being XO had privileges for sure. Liala was told there might be some lingering feelings of breathlessness, fatigue or phantom pain but was assured everything was fine.

"Good to see that you are recovering Commander" Raiden greeting Liala, definitely feeling even more of a relief that she was up an moving around. She had been hurt which gave him cause for concern.

"Thank you, Raiden. I still have a bit to go but I'm well enough." She smiled. "How are you? Hopefully your feet are not too sore from running off from the group?" she teased.

His jaw dropped open, Raiden's eyes reflecting that he knew she was teasing, then closed it up quickly. "They are fine right now." then he smiled. "I was just drawing them away Commander, needed to work off a foot cramp that was all. It was a doozy."

"Next time think up your own plan Navy, I know you are helpless without Marine's to steal from." Walken laughed.

J'Loni walked in looking relieved but ticked off at the same time. Things were not what they should have been or would have been if it had gone south which it did fast.

Raiden grinned at Walken, "Well can I help it if your idea matched my idea? They say great minds think alike. I was just faster on my feet." giving a jovial wink at the marine, then looked at the person whom had just come in. He'd not met her yet, and wasn't certain whom the newly arrived person was.

The door opened and Jaeih entered quietly and took a spot at the back of the room.

Raiden looked to see once more whom had come into the briefing room. It was another person whom he'd not met yet.

"Alrighty ladies and gentlemen. Take your seats and let's get things going," David called out as he stepped up to his chair and pulled it out. "So let's cut right to it. What the hell happened down on the surface?"

"A poorly timed visit to a planet during an unmarked holiday where the consequences for illegal actions are waived." Mel started. "With a rebel uprising occurring on the..."

"... same day. I guess to avoid the penalty for attempted rebellion. I have to imagine the penalty is pretty steep. But yeah that's the beginning of it." Mel continued, switching from body to body. "We were..."

"... treated to the 'finest' of Sucarion hospitality, and then the prison break, then the running and the shooting and the ducking." Mel paused to catch her breaths. "it was so frantic and..."

"... hectic, but a few brave, crazy souls managed to make a way for the rest of us, and we... well we made it home."

"I think Lieutenant Torma puts it quite accurately." Liala spoke after she had finished. "We had no knowledge of this 'festival' that really just seems like an excuse to kill anyone you do not like but in this instance they decided to overthrow the government down on Sucarro as well. We were taken to the Presidents residence and soon after chaos began. We were taken prisoner by the Government, Hayter and I separated and interrogated for information about Starfleet until the rebels broke down to our level and released us. Said their quarrel was not with us but the corrupt politicians of their world. So, they let us go. The bravery and quick thinking of our team got us off that world and back here with a few scrapes and injuries, thankfully no fatalities." Liala finished.

"It was indeed a bit of a mess." Raiden remarked, "As like was mentioned we are back here safe. It wasn't that pleasant to be there. However, I do have a question, what happened on the other mission?" looking at Captain Hawkins, and then over to Timia.

"A real life purge. I would have not expected that," David remarked as he thought it through. "Commander, have your mission report to me by 1100 hours tomorrow. I'll be wrapping up our report with the T'sul." He looked over at the helms officer before finally answering the officer's question. "We arrived to find the T'sul dead in space on emergency power. Turns out, what we thought was an attack on the ship by a group called the Unholy Trinity. Doctor, do you want to explain the findings of your department and any further information?"

She offered a look at the Captain, "The Unholy Trinity?" she asked. She glanced at the hologram sitting not far away and saw a nod from her confirming the name. "Well that's rather dramatic. However, what happened was, we were recovering the missing and deceased from the explosion's on the T'sul. When going through identifications the medical team discovered that majority of those recovered had no blood. None." she paused for effect. "They were drained of their blood before the explosion's. And what's more, no trace of their missing blood was found on the T'sul either." she said. "Captain you seem to have some familiarity with this.. Unholy Trinity?" she asked.

"Exsanguination?" Mel questioned. "What could they want with their blood?"

"Biometrics. Obliterate the signal to make the corpses vanish." Callisi answered, too easily. "We did it to Koldarans all the time." she paused, "Of course, if you keep it warm and somewhat oxygenated, for a short time you can make a signal big enough to fool sensors." a pause, "Did that a lot too." she shook her head.

Emmah spoke up from her spot, "No, they use it as part of a ritual." she volunteered.

Timia looked over at the Hologram, still feeling uncomfortable about her, She decided to ignore what she said and focus on Callisi, "Its possible, but why would you need all the blood in the body for biotrtric manipulation. They drained all the blood." she clarified.

Callisi turned to at least focus on Timia, "We're involved in a massive border conflict back home. A tactic we'd use to draw the enemy to an ambush location was to set up a false sensor signal to lure enemy craft in thinking the region was occupied by their forces." the cyclopean rabbitess offered, "As for why *they* want it all, like it said, it's some form of ritual. Religion can make people do weird things if provoked."

"I have never heard of a religion with the name of the Unholy Trinity, but it sort of reminds me of blood rituals done in legends by vampires and such. Does this mean we're dealing with something like this?" Raiden shivered this truly sounded like a fiendish religion.

"Long story short..." Hayter perked up still irritated from what had happened but was able to regroup and refocus on the task at hand. "... The Unholy Trinity were a religious group that were xenophobic and believed that there would be a rebirth of this universe if they gathered the right bloods and cleansed the universe of those species that were considered unclean."

"The Colonel is correct," David spoke up as he sighed slightly before continuing. "We have had a run in with these religious zealots and they will stop at nothing to complete their calling."

Raiden glanced to his left where Lieutenant Toral had been seated quietly. "Looks like there is quite a bit of trouble brewing here." he whispered to her. "Unholy Trinity? Blood being taken out of the body?"

"Might be slightly off topic, but who do they deem unclean?" Liala asked. "Is it pretty much everyone that's not part of their group?"

"Well the original group were all human and so when they interpreted it, or rather their leader did, it was non-humans. But the text that was gathered was very vague when it came to what pure blood meant. There was more text, but the device that they had found was designed by an advanced alien species that created it to flush out the local area of such threats. The machine took the blood, and targeted it. I'd assume it would have been some wave or nanite attack. But I ordered the area bombarded as we took off. I wasn't risking it being used against anybody," the Captain tried to explain.

"And this means they are not gone then? That is just insane. These so called purists are nuts. And dealing with nanites set to kill a specific race, if I heard right or am I wrong on this?" Raiden remarked, definitely feeling his heart pick up its pace.

Timia felt her blood drain from her face at discussion of such a device. "They took the blood of humans this time too." she commented. "They could be going after any one."

Emmah clasped her hands together, "I suggest that we submit these new findings to Memphis Island Command, where the last data regarding the group was stored and studied. Admiral Grayon and Commander Kavi both have interest in instigating this as they have received reports of two other attacks." she said. "They have resources and people ready to investigate."

"So... not us dealing with it?" Timia asked the hologram.

Emmah glanced at Hawkins a moment, "I do not believe investigation of the UnHoly Trinity is a part of the Arcadias orders." she said. "Captain Hawkins would need to speak with his Chain of Command, and also Admiral Grayson to resume involvement in this case."

The Doctor let out a breath, "Well I'm relieved. The sooner we off load the corpses and pass on the data the better for me. Its unsettling having that many bodies on the the boat." she said with a shutter.

"Screw that!" Hayter spoke up as he started to voice his opinion. "I get that you all weren't around when that happened, nor was I at the time, but I was very close to the Gladiator crew and others. Many people died a meaningless death all because these blood sucking psychopath's want to purify aka murder even more people. I say screw orders and we hunt them bastards down." He looked at the doctor and just shook his head. But before he could say what he wanted about the woman's reluctance of dealing with this themselves, he was cut off.

"Either case, we will set course for Esquimalt Station. Once Doctor Svidia has gotten a chance to finish her report, we will have the bodies transported over to the station. Captain Ziralar has informed me that she has already started reaching out to their next of kin to inform them of what has happened," David informed the crew of what was going on in that area. At the same time, he looked at John and gave him a slow shack of his head. Though he agreed with the marine, he also knew that the Arcadia had its own mission and with his new responsibilities as a task force executive officer, David was supposed to have subordinate starship captains and crew to go and investigate such matters. Still this was eating at him as well but the best course of action was he to be the good officer. He was going to have to get used to this sooner rather than later.

"That being said, I need all department heads to get their reports into Ziyal by tomorrow 0800 hrs. Lieutenant Kosugi, set course for Esquimalt Station, warp seven. It will give us a couple days to arrive there, I know. But the crew need a little relaxation. That being said, I am placing all crew on R&R starting at 0900 hours tomorrow. Each department go to minimal manning to allow for everyone to get some time to relax, and that is an order. Any questions so far?"

Liala rolled her eyes at Hayters outburst. He wasn't wrong in what he was saying, probably quite a few thought it but it appeared his filter had not stopped it from coming out, or he just didn't care. She was not one for violence, ever, and she thanked the Goddesses that there was a blanket of orders, and basic laws, to stop people from running off and killing who they liked. If they did that they would be no better than the those on the planet they'd just escaped.

"I'll be in my office from 0630 before coming to the bridge so if anyone needs to find me I'll be there." Liala said with a smile. She had her own report to finish and she felt it would be a long and complicated one.

"Not at this time, Sir." Raiden responded, "Perhaps at a later time. " He though was thinking about talking to Hayter at some point, wanting more details. Just the idea that some of the Gladiator crew had died from this horrible religion. Ones that he didn't meet when he had his short time on that ship.

As he saw that the role was nothing more from the crew he stood up and cleared his throat. "Alright. That being said two items, Lieutenant Commander Liala Ziyal, please stand."

"Very formal." Liala said out loud to herself as she found herself rising from her chair even before she could properly think about why. There was a small part of her that felt like she was in front of the headmaster and had been caught doing something she shouldn't have, but she hadn't. She'd been good.

"Room atten'hut!" Hayter called out as he stood and snapped to attention. Though he was pissed about what had happened to Meeka, respect and honor was deserved to the first officer as he watched the Captain pull out an oak box from his pocket

David looked at the marine but nodded and slightly smirk as he looked at the blonde beauty that was now his executive officer. "I am not a man of many words, but simply put. Lieutenant Commander Ziyal, for your years of service and amazing dedication to Starfleet and your crew, I here by strip you of your rank of Lieutenant Commander and promote you to the rank of Full Commander with all rights and privileges there for," David stated as he replaced the black centered pip with a solid gold pip on her uniform.

Mel stood as the call was given, while Callisi practically snapped to. The difference in societies was clear from that single motion. One a creature of comfort, the other a creature of tradition. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mel gave a pair of enthusiastic claps, while the applause that Callisi provided was reserved, more decorum for a promotion.

Timia was startled by Hayter's huffing voice, and hesitantly stood up, staring at him a bit, until her attention was pulled back to the Captain and the first officer. A smile spread across her face, as she started to clap quietly, as soon as the announcement was made.

Raiden rose from his seat as well, and grinned as Liala received her new pip. Clapping quietly, he felt that it was well deserved.

There was a round of applause around the table as Captain Hawkins took his first officer's hand and shook it before allowing her to step back. The applause slowly died down before he looked at his newest Lieutenant. "And final announcement. As you all have already seen. Sergeant Walken's is no longer an enlisted member but has been field promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant and will be taking over as Marine Detachment Commander, under the council of Colonel Hayter. Colonel Hayter will be wrapping up training with the Lieutenant before we return him to the Gladiator. So please make sure to congratulate him and let us make sure to support and respect his new position."

"Well done Lieutenant." Liala said clapping and bowing slightly at the sight of the mans face upon the announcement. It was always nice to see and she herself was just getting used to the fact she was now a fully fledged Commander. It had been a long road, getting from there to here. She now fully felt like a First Officer and for a moment got caught staring at the Captain before returning her gaze to the room, and people in front of her.

Kyle was shocked, he had put in for officer's training but he wasn't expecting the jump already. "I will live up to your expectations."

Eira clapped with enthusiasm and a smile as she watched the two officers receive their promotions, especially Kyle. She had seen how hard he had worked for it and was proud of how far he'd come.

Raiden was very pleased at Kyle's promotion, clapping. "Fantastic Lieutenant, congratulation." giving Walken a brilliant smile. He felt Walken deserved it.

As the clapping and cheering subsided, David looked around the room and nodded. "Alright, let's wrap up our loose ends and get you and your people on some down time. Commander Ziyal, set course for the starbase, warp 5. We are in no hurry at this moment. Gives us all some well needed down time. You are all dismissed."

It took a couple moments for the senior staff to finish up congratulating the new Full Commander and new 1st Lieutenant, then they started to disperse. David did the same, walking out and heading down the hall to his quarters.

The thought of the Unholy Trinity was now heavily on his mind. He couldn't seem to break the feeling that there was more coming, no doubt. But would their group hold a grudge? Hell yeah if their core people were even remotely still around and kicking. The leader named Kevin was dead. He knew it, as he had killed him with his own two hands. The throbbing phantom pain of his thigh came back from the attack years prior with the psychotic zeolite. Thinking to himself, the captain thought deep about the day, and his orders to end the threat, but it wasn't the Star Fleet Captain way, but it was of the Marine's way. He was a threat and needed to be illuminated. Now... it seemed as though it was starting to come back around. Only time would tell if this was Karma or a new threat all together...

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