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Meeting the Boss

Posted on Sun Dec 12th, 2021 @ 7:56am by Commander Liala Ziyal & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken

Mission: Calm Before the Storm
Timeline: Post 'Clearing the Air'
1398 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Kyle wasn't sure what was full entailed yet but it was time to meet the Executive Officer. Since his promotion to Marine CO she was who he reported to now. He had a PaDD with him filled out with roster data, various physical stats, and current psych evals. Walken waited outside Commander Ziyal's office before hitting the panel to sound the buzzer that he was there.

Reports were coming in thick and fast now, well they always did, but some were more meaningful given recent circumstances. That, and they were due to depart from Esquimalt Station soon and needed everything tied off in a neat little bow. Sometimes Liala missed the counselling evaluations she'd have to file...

Her mind was however broken from her current page of reading as her doorbell came to life. "Come in." she said loud enough for whomever it was to hear.

Walken waits a second as the door opens and he steps inside her office. "First Lieutenant Kyle Walken." He felt the need to speak his name since the two really didn't know each other, other than the away mission. "Here to present the final roster for the marines on board, squad setups with strength and weaknesses, and to formally introduce myself to you Commander."

Liala stood to meet the new Marine CO and smiled. "Congratulations on your promotion Lieutenant. The Captain and I were quite happy that you accepted." she said accepting the PaDD from him. "Please sit, would you like anything?" she asked. "My replicator does a mean glass of water."

"Thank you, Commander," Walken answers as he sits down in the seat she mentioned. "Thank you for the offer but I am alright for now, I'm more of a liquor person myself but that will need to wait until off-hours."

Liala nodded and sat down herself, she wasn't going to get anything for her but it was a nice custom to ask a guest. "Yes." she said in answer to his liquor comment, she too liked a little taste off-duty. "How have the marines taken to Captain Sinclair's departure?" she asked curious to know the mindset of his new team.

"Well next time I open up my stash of real liquor I'll be sure to let you know." Walken laughed softly before he thought for a moment to her follow-up. "I would say confusion, many people including myself were not expecting her departure. I think it will take a little while for people to get used to it, going from the SNCO to the commanding officer of the marines was also a bit of a shock to them but that one has gone over smoothly more or less. A few newer enlisted, I'm taking direct control over their training. Hot heads who want a fight to prove themselves, gonna work with them on that."

"I'd be interested in what you call 'real' liquor." Liala replied. "Humans have such a wide variety." she continued before listening to his reply.

"I can understand their confusion. Sinclair's departure was quick, we didn't see it coming at all but as always we never hold anyone back. I can imagine there is a lot of questions from your department and such but I know marines tend to confide amongst themselves. I'm more interested in how you are doing with it though?" she asked, the counsellor in her coming out. "I know you know your job well, you've commanded before at enlisted level, but sometimes putting on bars can change things."

"Well Commander, I'm a collector of various Earth liquors from over the years. Aside from my personal effects, I brought more than a few of them with me, to celebrate the good and to honor the ones who can't stand beside us tomorrow." He answers honestly.

"I can't argue with you there, it does change things. Before it was how my actions can affect the squad, now it's how my actions and choices affect the whole of the battalion on board. But, after it all happened I have noticed some things that are still the same. I may be the officer in charge but I still have people to report to, and good marines and navy personal I can bounce ideas off of." Kyle looks Liala in the eyes as he speaks.

"I know things will change but in my heart I'm still the same jarhead that enlisted all those years ago."

"I have always thought it quite important to remember where you've came from." Liala replied. "After all, memories and past experiences make us who we are and in your case have led you to be the person you are now. You character and experience made you the best person for the job and I hope you enjoy it." she said smiling at him. "You will miss the days where you were not fully in charge though... I miss my days in my counselling chair." she added rather solemnly.

Kyle pauses for a moment and thinks to himself, "Do you want to talk about that?" He offers, it seemed like she wanted to get it off her chest and Walken was never one to shy away when a person needs to talk about something.

Liala smiled softly, "Thank you but that's alright. Sometimes I think being a First Officer has striking similarities to being a counsellor so I'm not that far removed from it completely. Plus I think I look better in red than blue." she added for a bit of fun.

Kyle laughs quietly, "Can't say I can comment on that Commander, never got to see you in the blue uniform."

"Was a dreadful colour. Didn't go with my complexion at all." she continued as she skimmed the PaDD once more to get back on topic. "I see we are picking up some new crew on the station. Just generic transfers mind you, some equipment..."

"I'll take your word for it, Commander. Understandable, I'll be sure to integrate any of the marines coming and do a run down of any equipment that is substandard and needs replacement."

"I have every faith in you Lieutenant. Do you need anything from me? I am more than happy to do what I can to make your transition easier, or help your department run smoothly." Liala replied.

"I'll be sure to take you up on that if any issues arise Commander. You will be the first person I come to about them. I'm glad you and the Captain are willing to trust me with this." Kyle smiles.

"As you know the Captain is a former marine himself so he knows what he's talking about, or so he likes to think." she said laughing a bit into herself. "He suggested you and I wholeheartedly agreed you were the right person to fill the space. You helped me a lot on the planet so that went in your favour." she joked. "But Kyle you have both the Captain and I's trust. 100%"

"It truly takes a jarhead to know another jarhead." Walken laughs softly. "Then I will keep working to keep that trust at one hundred percent." Kyle was feeling good about this encounter now, the nerves were for the most part gone now as he spoke with Liala.

"I have every confidence in you Lieutenant. Just remember no man is an island and if you need me I am here. I may not be well versed in the marine way of life but I will always help you in any way I can." Liala said rising from her chair.

"I appreciate that Commander, don't be afraid to come down to marine HQ would love to pick your brain and of course there is always the liquor stash." Kyle matches her movements and stands from his seat as well.

"Oh I'll hold you to that Lieutenant, thank you." She said brightly.

"Alright then, I will be sure to keep a special something ready," Kyle said as he nods before heading for the door.

Liala followed him towards the door and listened as he spoke. "I know a marine is always ready." she joked. "Thank you for coming to see me Lieutenant. I'll see that you get what you need when we arrive as Esquimalt Station."

With that there was a quick nod and Lieutenant Walken was off back into the sea of people that roamed and worked aboard the ship.


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