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The Powerless

Posted on Tue Jul 20th, 2021 @ 11:52pm by Captain David Hawkins & Corporal Zul'arra (Hawkins) & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D. & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG J'Loni Mo'Bri Daughter of House L'Keth & Lieutenant JG Holly Swan & Ensign Jaeih t'Rhenn & Captain Callisi Verra & Ensign Emma Walken (Walken) & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi)
Edited on on Sun Aug 1st, 2021 @ 12:40pm

Mission: Helping Hand
Location: U.S.S. T'sul
3932 words - 7.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Doctor Timia Svidi stepped in to the transporter room a full minute earlier than she had ordered the rest of the crew to arrive. She had a back pack slung over her shoulder, it carried some extra batteries for flashlights and her emergency medical kit. From the scans sent from the bridge there were life signs, but were they crew? Were they attackers? Hawkins was already working on scanning the system for possible dangers while she was leading the team over.

She started to check over her side arm when the team began to arrive.

Ensign t'Rhenn entered the room and paused just inside the door. She carried an engineering kit and looked around cautiously.

Emma Walken followed t'Rhenn inside her sidearm phaser holstered on her side, tricorder in hand, and a small kit on her hip carrying supplies to let her take samples.

Unlike the two Ensign's arriving professionally ahead of her Lieutenant Swan stumbled inside the transporter room having been distracted by attaching the fiddly flashlight to her wrist while carrying a medkit. Fortunately on this occasion her two left feet hadn't deposited her upon the deck as she caught her balance but not before gently bouncing off the two Ensigns.

"Sorry," she muttered softly.

Lydia entered behind Holly, and seeing her stumble into the transporter room, she instinctively held out both her hands in a rather futile attempt to grab her and prevent her from falling. Fortunately, swan managed to right herself and Lydia exhaled in relief. It would do if one of them got injured before they had transported.

Jaeih t'Rhenn merely shifted and stood further away from the door. she was not sure what had made the lieutenant stumble but she was not about to be run into again.

Emma smiles, "It's alright, no harm no foul."

J'Loni walked in, back pack on her back, phaser on her hip, bat'leth slung, and a portable power pack. Holding the portable high enough to be seen, "No good engineer leaves home without it!" she said chuckling. She knew that it was a possibility that one would be needed. Seeing t'Rhenn, she walked over to her and stood with the ensign and waited for the next set of instructions from the team leader.

Captain Hawkins walked into the transporter room with a young Lezaurian marine female. She was in light bdu gear with a side pistol and a rifle in her hands. She knew all to well that this wasn't a battle, but was to be prepared just in case. But when it came to her additional gear, there was no need for it.

"Doc, this is Corporal Zul'arra," David explained as he reached out to Svidi a small tablet with fresh data. "With several decks show severe damage. You don't need a body guard, but I recommend a marine with medical training. She is skilled and capable."

"I am also a Dog handler, sir. If needed, I can go into depth of all my training, sir..." Zul'arra added, deep down knowing that she was the one taking the most time working with the captain's dog, Nico. She looked over at the away team leader. "...Ma'am."

"I prefer you to take some just in case. We are still having issues scanning all of the ship," David added as he looked at the young marine and slightly glared at her before refocusing on the doctor and the young ensigns also prepped for the away mission. "But again, your call, Doctor."

Timia looked around at her away team and made a face. "Oh this is ammature hour." she commented. "Just great." she muttered and took the padd from the Captain. She raised her brows at him, wondering if he was sending ensigns and new people with her just to test her. She turned her attention to the Marine girl. "I'm a doctor and I expect if you ply your medical knowledge it better be right." she said firmly. She looked at the whole group, "I expect the best from all of you. Don't let me down, and I'll be your best pal..." She motioned to the transporter pad, "Load up." she said, "Every one, lets go."

She looked at Hawkins again, "I swear to God if you are laughing about my rag tag team..."

"... Never Doctor... I remember when I lead my first away mission," he smirked slightly as he stepped back and nodded to her. "Get going and get me some answers. But be careful."

Lydia didn't particularly appreciate being called "ragtag" but she didn't hold it against the doctor. Lydia didn't know her well, but she knew that would come in time. It wouldn't be fair to judge her based on such limited interaction, but knowing they were going to work closely together, Lydia resolved to do her best to establish a professional, if not friendly relationship with her.

Timia hmphed and then stepped on the transporter pad herself. "Energize" she ordered. The room faded away and was replaced by a dim lit room, emergency lighting only. TImia looked around, "Alright, check for injured, check why the power is down, and get me access to the logs so we can figure out what happened here." she ordered the team.

Instinct kicked in as Zul'arra raised her pistol with a light on it active helping increase the brightness. The transporter room was unmanned and half the size as the one on the Arcadia. There didn't seem to be any damage at this time, but between the emergency lighting and the red klaxon flashing, it caused them all to be on guard.

As the 'hired hand' she took point and walked through the door of the transporter room, to the same set up in the corridor with the lighting. As soon as she walked out, power conduits could be heard flickering as the power fluctuated to stay online. The smell of fire and smoke.

Emma reaches for her tricorder and begins to scan for any immediate life signs in the area.

Flicking on her own lamp Counsellor Swan peered into the gloom, her nose crinkling at the burning electronic smell. The first impressions weren't positive and they had a lot of ground to cover. "Doctor Svidi," she spoke up bravely: "Considering how big the vessel is I think we should divide into two teams. We have enough gear and our comm badges will keep us connected."

Timia glanced at the counselor as she moved in to the hall way as well. "Not yet. We need to get to the bridge or engineering first, figure out what happened. There could still be hostiles on the ship, or something else hinkey going on. Once I have a better picture I'll consider splitting up, for the moment we move as a team. Zul'arra, looks like bridge is closest, lets head there first." she said. "There should be a ladder junction close by." she added.

J'Loni couldn't agree more with Timia. This whole thing was not sitting well with her at all. Adjusting her bat'leth on her back, she carefully followed the rest with her wrist light showing her the way. 'What the hell went on here?' thinking to herself. Between the smell of fire, burned wireing and consoles, she could smell burnt flesh. "When we get to the bridge, it is possible that I can get some power back online," she added, patting the portable powercell.

Jaeih walked behind the group, her engineering tricorder out scanning the walls looking for power conduits and other engineering issues.

"Don't fall behind ensign." Timia called as she glanced back at the newer officer.

Timia allowed the younger marine to take point, but stayed right behind her, as they walked carefully forward. She sniffed the air, it certainly smelled like there were dead near by, but no bodies were in their path at this point. She paused when they reached the junction. "Check to ensure its clear." she instructed Zul'arra.

"Yes ma'am," the corporal replied before heading up. It was not always the easiest to clear when in a new territory but that was what they were trained for. She pulled up her rifle and locked her arms in place to prepare for a threat but as she checked, the junction was cleared. "Clear, no signs of weapons fire."

"Alright, up we go." she said tucking her weapon and scanner in her pockets. She slid her hand through her flash light strap and tightened to her arm as she crawled through the hatch and started to climb upwards. "Zul'arra, watch our flank. That's the right term eh?" she commented. She wanted to keep the ensigns and less combat ready people between her and Zul'arra. Not that TImia was a combat person, but she at least had experience in a fight....

"Its only 5 decks." she called down as the crew started to get themselves on to the ladder.

Callisi had been quiet up until now. A shift in the mood sent her from almost fun to be around, to almost professional. From the grip on her weapon to the way she cleared corners, this wasn't her first rodeo that was for certain. Her weapon of choice differed from the rank and file Federation hand phaser, and was probably something of her people's design. Something familiar, something reliable. At least in her hands it felt that way.

She assisted Zul'arra in keeping the semi-non-combatants safe, and for the moment out of harm's way. At least, out of the way of a direct firefight. Climbing up a narrow ladder was the last thing she wanted, tactically: That was a kill box.

Emma had no issues with heights but she was the less combat-trained of pretty much anyone there. Emma tightly grips the rungs and begins to follow the group.

Lydia was in fairly good shape, but still wasn't used to climbing ladders on a regular basis, so she made sure to take each rung carefully. She took the time to spare a glance and Holly's direction, feeling particularly protective of her fellow healer.

Nestled toward the tail of the group as they climbed Holly willed her tired legs onto the next rung, then next and so on. It was quite an effort, her case of provisions clanged nosily against the ladder and she pushed onward constantly aware Zul'arra was behind her and would not doubt report the counsellor should she tire thus holding the team up.

Timia arrived at the landing, feeling her legs quiver, 5 decks was actually a lot of climbing. She pulled herself on the landing and reached for the hatch. She popped it open and looked around the hall. They were in the hall between the bridge and the conference room. "Alright every one out." she looked at the closed door to the bridge, "Get that door open for me." she ordered as the team crawled out.

Hoping the others were too preoccupied to notice how breathless and sweaty Holly was she stepped around the Marine's as they tried the door. The dark corridor yielded no answers to the T'sul predicament just yet.

As the group got out, and took positions, Zul'arra allowed the rifle rest by the strap over her back, she re-handled the pistol as she took a moment to look at the console next to the door. It was flickering, but that was just the lighting of the console. "Commander, the magnetic locks to these doors just need reset, and it should open just fine."

Callisi let the rest of the squad go up first, for some reason or another, before she made her way up the ladder. Five decks, a grueling climb, and it reminded the rabbitess how much more attention her legs needed. Proper attention, mind you. Note to self, hit the gym when this is done. At the top of the ladder on the bridge deck, engineers were gathering around to try to force the bridge doors. Rather than add her two koku to the mix, Callisi brought her firearm back out, and covered the engineering team.

Jaeih sighed and moved into position to make sure nothing blew up.

With a nod from the commander, Zul'arra tapped a couple buttons into the console next to the door and within seconds the door swished open to show an active bridge. It was dimmed with red klaxon flashing around the room with a couple of the consoles flickering but still powered. There were crew actively working at the primary stations but once they heard the swishing of the door and a couple beaming flashlights coming from them, security officers quickly inacted and rushed to the door with phasers in hand. A stand still.

"Who is it?" a somewhat commanding voice called out as the security officers scanned the new arrivals with their own eyes.

"A marine and a couple new starfleet officers."

"... and a giant one eyed rabbit..."

"... What? "

Zul'arra looked over at Callisi and raised an eye brow before turning and keeping his weapon trained on the starfleet security officer. "Want to show respect for fellow comrades or would you like to see stars floating stars over your head after you are put in your place... sir?"

Callisi turned towards the open bridge, weapon primed and at the ready. Seemed this was a standoff. "Giant... pff, in his dreams maybe. I'm barely five eight." she muttered.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Timia said leaping forward with one hand up, and placed her other hand on Zul'arras shoulder, "We're from the Arcadia, We were due to meet up with you and found you floating. We're here to help." she said. "I'm Dr. Timia Svidi. Who is in command?" she asked

"I am at the moment," the male commanding voice spoke up. An andorian came around a console and his antenna leaned forward as he looked them over. "Commander Kyhress Ch'qaothros, acting commanding officer. That spit fire of a security officer is Lieutenant Giles and my acting second in command," he paused and looked out of the their primary view port which was overlaid with holographic readings, to see the Odyssey class starship moving closer to them slowly in the distance. "Damn fine ship, its transporters must have a range about twice as ours. They are just now in range of our transporters. Still don't have primary communications online, as we still have repair teams working on the power issues."

Callisi lowered her weapon, no need in maintaining the threat.

Looking over the group, the andorian's antenna flickered from forward to up and almost back as he took a moment to see that they weren't a threat. "Captain Ziralar and Doctor V'lekang are on the primary medical deck dealing with those that were around the explosion... that survived."

J'Loni walked out from behind her engineers and hooked up the portable power unit and charged up the power display. Looking at it she found several problems, "t'Rhenn look here, there are several couplings that are damaged. If we can connect them correctly we can bypass these safeties and get power to sickbay, here and the bridge. We can restore partial communications but we must work fast and correctly Do you agree?," she asked the young engineer.

Jaeih nodded and considered, "It shouldn't take too long."

Callisi took a few steps closer to the crowd, "Commander Ch'gaothros." damn her accent was almost flawless on that. "Callisi Verra, wing command. I did have one question..." she offered as introduction. She looked over the others with her one good eye, the prosthetic under the eyepatch followed along in silence. She opted for now to break the ice. "Who called me a giant?" she smirked.

Verra's remark cased Zul'arra to smirk but she kept her stance and her tongue. She couldn't help but be reminded of this being similar to Hayter's way of handling a serious situation. But her smirk disapated a bit as she saw Commander Kyhress' antenna lean forward as he looked their fighter wing commander over. This obviously wasn't something that he seemed to get, either the humor or the way of handling such a serious thing.

Paying attention to what Jaeih and she was doing, they both worked quickly and efficiently because soon power began to flow slowly building up as it got stronger. The bridge started to come to life. "Power is beginning to build. Bridge is almost operational. Try communications now sir's", J'Loni said quickly. "Jaeih how's the power to sickbay coming ", she asked.

"Going to need a few more minutes on it. these relays are damaged pretty badly and it looks like we may have a few leaks." came the reply om the engineer.

Timia looked around, knowing until engineering things were handled her skills were near useless. "How did this happen, Commander? Were you attacked? Arcadia hasn't detected any hostiles as of yet." she said. Her fingers touched her pocket and she pulled out the smaller padd, "I've also been ordered to look for a device that looks like this. Basically a 20 centimeter block?" she said not even sure what it was that Hawkins had her looking for.

There is a cough coming from behind the newly arrived people, a brown haired woman pushed her way forward. Her short hair was singed, and there was the scent of burnt hair. She had a black eye and a cut on her cheek. "One of the couplings has been fixed but need the help on the other." There was also discoloration on two of her fingers, her pinky and ring finger. "Now if I can get some volunteers to come help would be most appreciated." giving a lopsided smile, then winced, discovering a cut inside her mouth. "I'm Petty Officer First Class. Tia Smithy, engineer."

Looking over the engineers for a moment, to make sure he passed them, the andorian walked over closer to the group with his next officer in charge. They looked at the device on the padd before nodding. "Yeah, that is the mobile emitter technology for our guest."

"Your captain is Captain David Hawkins?" Lieutenant Giles question with almost slight excitement. "That is Emmah's device. We used to serve on Gladiator. He is such a great man to work for..." she paused before looking at her supervisor. "... of course like you sir."

Timia rolled her eyes, "Yeah sure he is. I don't have time for brown nosing. We need to help you people get back on your feet, and I need to find this Emmah?" she asked confused what that meant. She pointed to the Petty Officer, "And you need to be looked at, that cut might get infected if I don't clean it it out." she said, crooking her finger to get the woman closer.

She glanced back at the Andorian, "What happened here, You said something about an explosion?" she asked.

Tia moved forward towards the doctor from the other ship. "Sure thing." when she got closer, Tia said, "It's just a scratch, I've had worse." though what she called a scratch was deep enough for it to scar if not treated. Trying her best to not wince when wanting to grin as she was acting like the injuries weren't anything big.

Timia opened her small med kit and pulled out a dermal regenerator. She used a few other supplies to clean around the wound before she held the woman's chin and started to close the scratch up. "No reason to let a scar form on your face if it can be avoided, this is a quick repair." she said.

Tia made certain to not nod while being treated. "You're right Doctor, and thank you. I had noticed that power was coming back a lot faster than what I had hoped, so I came to investigate." Gesturing towards the other engineers, "As I said before, glad that you arrived to help out. "

The Andorian's antennas curled forward as he glared at the doctor to the nose browning comment, but bit his tongue on his response before answering. "We do not know what happened down in the engineering section. It was next to the ship's hall, which is open to space long enough to suck out a lot of the debris," he paused as he took a moment to collect his thoughts. "We know there are people sucked out into space. We need emergency force fields reactivated and area secure before we can safely investigate the situation. I'm not risking more people."

Tia saw the action of the antennaes, and rolled her eyes. "There just needs to be one more coupling to be connected and the emergency forcefield can be pulled up. Once the good doctor is finished, I can get back to work and just in case you were wondering, I wasn't in Engineering when that happened."

Long ears perked up, "Now, that's an odd thing to end a statement with." Callisi's interest in the conversation was suddenly piqued.

Tia cast a glance towards the being with a patch over her eye, "I'm sure it is." barely moving her lips. "I detected an abnormality and went to chase it down, it led me on a merry chase, to a junction box where there was a power surge, and I barely had time to cover. Still didn't keep me from getting injured." then she stated to Callisi, "What race are you?"

"My name is Callisi Verra, Captain." she paused, puffing up a little. "And I am a Daughter of Ts'usu." there was no lost pride there. If Callisi had any failing, it would be pride. Wrath maybe a close second, but pride was an old friend.

"Captain Verra, lovely to meet you. So your people are called Ts'usu. Okay. Now if the good doc is done with my face, I'm going to see about getting that last coupling taken care of. Don't know why engineering blew up. Lost too may friends there." Tia responded.

The cyclopean rabbitess figured it was close enough. "We've all lost friends." is all she said for the moment. There was a higher ranked officer here, and she was technically just a wing commander. There were plenty of things to say about death in the line of duty, but most of them didn't translate too well, "Your friends, I'm ... It's unfortunate they were called for their final duty."

Timia glanced at the rabbit and then at Tia. "all set" she said gently. "Alright, well let's get power fixed, and start to gather the survivor's, get a triage going... Captain, any idea where is find this box for your guest?" She asked motioning to the pass again.

"Thank you, Captain Verra" Tia said to the rabbitess. "And thank you Doctor." the petty officer turned and headed back down the way she had come and back into the Jefferies tube access.

A few minutes later, there is signs of the emergency shielding coming back online sealing the area where the explosion happened. Power coming back online. The couplings have been taken care of.

"No, but assuming engineering is where it wasn't, let's search the science labs, followed by operations and then medical." she offered with a minor shrug. "Science to determine what it was, operations to find out how it worked, medical to perform any minute micro-repairs."

Timia nodded, "Alright, Verra, with me. Lets go find this box. You lot keep working on getting this ship back working, We'll meet up and try to figure out whats going on once I retrieve the item for Hawkins." she said quite seriously. She shifted her head towards Verra and then headed for the lift.



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