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Rabbit hunting

Posted on Wed Jul 21st, 2021 @ 12:38am by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Captain Callisi Verra

Mission: A New Legacy
1497 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Dr Svidi looked around the bridge, every one had a job to do right now, and getting the boat up and running was most important. Timia had a another job to do. She stepped up next to the Rabbitess. "Hey ears, how about you help me with Hawkins side project here." she said showing her the device which the Andorian had identified as a mobile emitter for something called an Emmah. "Unless he's just screwing with me. These things don't really exist do they?"
she humphed.

Callisi gave an amused smirk. Her cyclopean glance slid up as though to look at her own ears. Yeah, they were indeed her ears. Giving Svidi that same amused smirk, "Hardly fair, what am I supposed to call you?" she quipped, in good spirits as she looked over at the device. "We don't deal that much in hologram technology, that's more the Dalacari design."

"Though, I did get the chance to sit in the cockpit of a Calus class shuttle, oh they're amazing." a pause, "They're eighty percent fabricator and holosimulation. So it's a massive personal shuttle that literally caters to your every whim. I wouldn't mind retiring into one, though I'd be hard pressed to find out which costs more: The Arcadia, or a Calus." she looked back over the device, "So, this is a mobile emitter, in theory? Field projector, image induction, holography emitter..." You know, for a bun bun she sounded like she knew her stuff.

"Yeah I guess so, I'm not a holo tech." Timia said as she headed for the now working lift. Internal sensors were not up yet, but she doubted the internal sensors could track this device. "And you can call me Doctor, Svidi, just don't call me late for dinner." she said before laughing at her own joke. She glanced to the side where an engineer was working, they shook their head at her. She stopped laughing and stepped in to the lift. "Uh yeah so... why is Hawkins interested in this tech? And why the hell is it on a medical ship?"

Callisi followed Svidi into the lift, and waited for it to close before continuing, "I honestly don't know. Maybe it's not a name, but a designation. Eee Emm Aye. Medical hologram with the ability to leave the medical bay might be convenient. As for why it's on a medical ship, if my hunch there is right, we just answered that question."

"Now, if I'm wrong, and Emmah is in fact a person, then maybe she's a holo tech and this device belongs to her. Doesn't explain its placement on a medical ship unless they were testing it on their medical simulation." she offered. "Otherwise, maybe Hawkins has a holosimulation he wants to meet in the real world." a pause..... "It had better not be me in that dress."

Timia looked at the woman and blinked, "What?" she asked. "The idea he would be fantisizing over... I mean. Not that I'm sure you're... what? Why would it be you in a dress?" she asked confused and stammering over her words. "Is he really that much of an ass? I mean part of me believes him capable." she scoffed.

"Humanity and the Children of Ts'usu aren't too dissimilar. If you want confusing, look up a Trilark." Callisi remarked, "And no, not him. I had a competition with the marine colonel, Hayter. Mock dogfight, loser wears this skimpy little red dress." she shook her head, "Oh I figured I'd win, but he was a little more daring do than I was. So, I'm a Daughter of Ts'usu, so I keep my word. I showed up in that little red dress, heels and all, and I think I sent a few crewmen to the infirmary when they got slapped by their dates."

"Now, truth being truth, Hayter was a gentleman. The dress stayed on the entire night, and I left him with his dignity once the bet had been fulfilled. But I know a few pictures of me in that dress exist, and I know most of the previous ship was decked out in hologram tech. Hayter might keep the picture, fondly remember, or whatever humans do." she shook her head. "Hawkins, I doubt would want the image. Though as far as how much of an ass he is or isn't, I couldn't honestly say. He's a man, which is already a strike, but a good man. If he wants me in a dress, he can earn it the old fashioned way."

"By making bets?" Timia laughed loudly, feeling a bit relieved. "I'm not sure what the hell to think of either of those men. Not very fond of them right now." she admitted. "But I can be forgiving, because humiliation bets are all in good fun and I can respect that, especially since you kept up your end of the bargin... but I tell you if you bet either of them again, and win I want pictures!" she said as the lift dumped them out on a laboratory level. "Ya know if this was a person why wouldn't he just tell us to ask for the person by name, rather than send us looking for a device?"

"It's a good way to keep everyone invested. Though we don't usually do humiliation bets back in the Imperial Navy. Simply knowing you were defeated would do. Humanity, though, is a much more competitive lot. Simply losing wasn't enough, hence the dress. As for me wearing it... I'm a woman of my word." she nodded and followed.

"I'm beginning to like this less and less. If this person needs a mobile emitter unit, doesn't have a name, or has a name we can't really know, it sounds more and more like some artificial intelligence." a pause, "My people had a rough history with emergent synthetic intellects. Built one, betrayed by it, destroyed it." she summarized. "We asked the Dalacari not to venture into the field of AI, and our more religious citizens prayed at the site of the battle for a month."

Timia nodded as they strolled forward looking for the last known location of the device, "I'm not keen on AI either. I never use the EMH's if I can avoid it. I know that one from Voyeger is a big deal, coming back and having been turned on long enough to have a mind of its own... even the Android makes me uncomfortable." she said with a sigh.

"We live on our moons. There's history, I'll tell you over drinks." Callisi said, getting comfortable with speaking with the doctor. "The AI we built realized there was a wealth of mineral worth on the planet. It sent mining robots there and started an operation. The scar on our homeworld is still there to this day. Imperial officials didn't know whether to repair it or let it stand as a lesson. One day, the Emperor simply said to leave it. A scar, to remind us of the wound inflicted."

"I'm not very keen on synthetics imitating the real. That being said, if I have to work alongside one I'll do so, as it's my duty." a pause, and Callisi motioned, "Is that it there?"

"Looks like..." Timia said as she moved forward. The object was leaning against se lab equipment, in a Manor that seemed very unstable. She picked it up, surprised a bit by it's weight. "Uh .. I don't think it has power?" She said. "maybe it's broken and this red dressed rabbit is gone?" She smirked.

Callisi followed suit with a smirk all her own, "And good riddence. While teasing and distracting are all well and good, I prefer to be judged on my merit, not my measurements." she gave a nod, looking over the device. "I wouldn't know it from anything, but it matches the dimensions, and looks just out of place enough to not belong here. I think we have what we're looking for."

Timia grinned at the rabbit, "Yes, While I do like being noticed for my mesurments, being judged by them is not good in my book. I like you." she declared as she shifted the device under her arm, "alright, lets meet back up with the group and see if we can't help them figure out how in the world this happened." she said as she turned and headed for the door way.

Callisi gave a smirk, "Competitive, strong confidence, sense of self worth... Oh, I think you and I just became fast friends." the rabbitess confirmed as she fell in step behind Timia. "Rank or no, if this ship was attacked because of that little trinket, there's going to be Hell to pay."

Timia looked at the box then back at the Rabbit as horror went through her. Was that the reason the ship had trouble? And Hawkins wanted it on Arcadia?! She was going to give him a piece of her mind!



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