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"No I don't"

Posted on Fri Jul 30th, 2021 @ 9:06am by Ensign Jaeih t'Rhenn

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Jaeih's Cabin
Timeline: Current
735 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Avoidance was not easy when you lived with three other people. Three other nosy and annoying people. Jaeih had come back to her quarters, snuck to the replicator, replicated a meal and snuck to her bedroom… and had almost made it before Sereph caught sight of her as she came out of the bedroom beside her.

“Ah ha! Caught you! Where do you think you are going?” Sereph announced loudly enough to draw Elizabeth and Elena from their own rooms. Sereph was dressed for a night on the town in a deep red dress, which showed her midriff when she moved. Killer red heals boosted her already tall 5f8 to a towering 5f10.

Jaeih shot her a totally disgusted look. “I am going to my bedroom, to shower and have dinner and then I was going to crash.”

“Uh uh. No, you are not.” Elena called out as she struggled to get a pair of strappy gold shoes on her feet. “We are going to the holodeck for some dancing.” She was dressed to kill in a glittering gold dress with thin spaghetti straps with her long brown hair down curling around her shoulders.

Oh yeah like Jaeih would want to do that.

“Get changed into something for dancing Jaeih.” Elizabeth said as she walked towards the living room in what Jaeih called a scrap of fabric. It was a deep sea green that highlighted the straight red hair of Elizabeth, and it barely covered anything, as it twisted around her slim form. There was no way Jaeih would be wearing anything like that! Not to mention that the knee high boots Elizabeth was wearing looked lethal and Jaeih knew she herself would fall over in them.

“Uh.. No I’ll pass thank you.” She all but dove for her bedroom, narrowly avoiding Sereph as she tried to grab her.

Jaeih didn’t have a chance to close the door before her room was flooded with her roommates. Now Jaeih had been busy since her arrival so her room was rather Spartan. Her small walk in robe was open and her roomies could see that she had her clothes hanging in groups. Uniforms dominated the wardrobe. And there was a small section of off duty clothes. And at the very back was two garment bags. Sereph grinned. She strode past the shocked Jaeih to the walk-in robe and to the back where the two garment bags were. A quick glance showed one was Jaeih’s Dress uniform. The other on the other hand, was very different.

Jaeih growled low in her throat as Sereph unzipped the garment bag to reveal, her Romulan Formal Robes. Her father had insisted on buying them for her. They were in the dark reds and gold’s of her family colours. They were also very form fitting. Sereph frowned.

“Nothing suitable here.” She said with resignation. “Nothing that screams, PARTY anyway.”

Jaeih put her meal on her small desk and crossed her arms. “Why would there be? I have no reason to go out. And I don’t want to. I need to eat and go to sleep so I can be up in time to go to work tomorrow morning.”

The other three exchanged looks. Sereph smiled faintly. “Elena… I think something in the shades of dark colours would work don’t you?”

“Maybe purple…” Elena said studying Jaeih carefully.

Jaeih rolled her eyes and sat down to eat her meal of Roast Chicken and Vegies. “I am not going.” She reiterated.

That’s what she thought. And even though she fought them every step of the way, nearly 40 minutes later, Jaeih found herself dressed in a borrowed dress from Elizabeth, who was closest in size to Jaeih’s ultra slim form. The dress, purple in colour, was strapless, and form fitting, though it flared out slightly to allow Jaeih to move. She scowled at the image in the mirror as Sereph pulled her hair up away from her face with pins and left the rest down. Elena handed Jaeih a pair of purple ankle boots. And ordered her to wear them. They knew she could barely walk in heals, having found only one pair in the closet. And seen her wince at them. Thus, the ankle boots would suffice. And before Jaeih could protest, they dragged her out the door… Jaeih truly believed that the galaxy hated her.


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