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Posted on Fri Aug 6th, 2021 @ 4:07am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi)

Mission: Helping Hand
1168 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


USS T'sul

The arrival of those from the USS Arcadia seemed like a godsend to Tia. She had felt so alone and scared, trying to find out what happened. Something had happened before that awful incident but, she couldn't tell anyone. No one, not until she could get off the ship she was on. She had done her job to get power to her ship but now she had to leave. Tia wasn't the captain of the ship, and at this time she didn't have any other loyalty to whom was left. To Tia they felt like enemies, might even be an enemy. The ones whom she had worked with told her that after a time she'd be able to integrate with the rest of the crew. Fat chance of that. Now she had to leave, to ensure her own survival. She felt she was being hunted, but her hunter was rather elusive, she saw what the person did, but did they look like they did before?

This caused Tia to have a bit of a state of panic, then she calmed herself. She had to think, to make certain the foe couldn't trace her. Trace her to where she was going. She had the coordinates to the USS Arcadia, now she just needed to deal with getting herself off the ship. She had thought of using an EVA suit to go there but with the distance she would have to go there wasn't any guarantee she would make it. Now... the safest way would be for her to get there would be by transporter. She decided that there would have to be subterfuge on her part. Besides, Tia owed one of the transporter ops a bottle of booze. She checked the roster to see who was on rotation. Oh good it was Black, who seemed to be on duty right now. Hopefully this will work for her.

She walked to the transporter room, a bag slung over her shoulder, with bottle in hand that of a good bourbon. "Hey Black how's it going?"

Black, a tall blonde man smiled at Tia. "Well well, how's it going Smithy. What brings you this way? I heard of what happened, glad you're alive." his smile of greeting faded away. "I thought you'd not be able to pay off the so called debt you owed me." walking over towards Tia and giving her an embrace, which caught Tia by surprise.

"Why Owen, I didn't think you cared." fighting away her sniffles. "And you were helping me weren't you to keep things afloat."

Black nodded, "Yeah, I was. Just don't say a word. "

Tia nodded, "Say, I've got a favor to ask I need to get off the ship. And this may seem crazy but I think someone is hunting me. I don't know who they are but.. I need to get off the ship and pronto I saw something.. I can't tell you though. It might put you into grave danger. Just get me off the ship." She held up the bourbon, "And here is the good stuff that I promised. After this I'll owe you big time."

Black looked at Tia, at first thinking she was a bit crazy, then decided that she was definitely seeming to be rather frightened. "Okay I'll help you out. And you owe me big time after this. I want an honest to goodness date with ya okay?"

Tia nodded. "Sure, sounds good." handing him the bottle.

"Now what do you need me to do?" Black asked.

"I need you to transport me to the Arcadia. I've got to hide and that ship is big enough for me to hide on. I'll have to hide my tracks though and you know what that means."

Owen nodded, "Yeah, I know what that means. Look here use my comm badge, I'll send you there, and I'll put yours somewhere, and get a replacement made for mine. Easy peasy."

Tia just stared at him, "Are you serious, you'd do this for me?" then threw her arms about his neck and gave Black a heartfelt kiss, very passionate about it.

Black held her close and gave her a return passionate kiss, then he released her regretfully. "Woah, I wasn't expecting that. I sure would love to experience that again. So date sometime later? After all this is taken care of?"

Tia nodded, "Yes most definitely." stepping back, feeling rather reluctant about leaving now. She took off her com badge and handed it to Owen who then took off his combadge and handed it to her.

"I'll be seeing you later, Tia or should I call you Black now." giving a roguish smile.

Tia laughed and her smile was also a bit watery. She stepped onto the transporter pad. "Okay Owen beam yourself to the Arcadia, where are you going to send yourself to?"

"I know exactly where I will do so. Just be ready to get rid of the com badge as you know that is a tracking device as well. Actually on second thought. Put on your com badge, I'll transport you to where I was going to send you and then I'll transport the com badge back. I'll cover your tracks. As long as I can." Black said.

Tia nodded and took her combadge back and returned his. "Okay, lets see if this works." and he nodded then energized the transporter and she disappeared in a shimmering pattern.

USS Arcadia

Tia found herself in a dimly lit area, with no one around. She quickly took off her combadge and gave Owen a message. "I made it safely, you be careful and I forgot to give you this. Enjoy the bottle." attaching her combadge to the bottle of bourbon and watched as it disappeared.

Tia then looked around and went to see about getting herself hidden away and also needed to see about being able to gain access to various areas. Well, she did still have her tools with her. That will help her get into places. With that in mind, she can now become a ghost and survive. She went to an access point to the jefferies tubes and took another look around and then disappeared inside. One thing to do when becoming a ghost or to hide was to hide in plain sight. She'll get to that soon enough. She had enough ration bars to keep her going for a little bit. Wasn't going to be tasting good but hey, gotta keep herself safe.

USS T'sul

Owen Black went to pick up the bottle of bourbon that Tia had sent back, along with her combadge. Now to make it to where it looked like she was still around doing her duty. He attached it to a small drone and sent into the jefferies tube to make it look like she was there. And then went back to his duties to check on scans and such, plus putting away the bourbon she had given him.



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