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Airlock Accidents Happen

Posted on Fri Aug 13th, 2021 @ 10:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Commander Liala Ziyal & Conall Hennessy (Ziyal)

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: The Brass Falcon Bar & Lounge
2152 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure

After the briefing with the crew, their two different missions detailed and orders given for preparation Liala wanted to let her hair down a little. They were not due to leave for a couple of days whilst further data was compiled on the Sucarions, the planet, customs etc.

She had invited Timia to the Brass Falcon, a new lounge/bar that had opened seemingly through the sheer will of its cheeky Irish owner Conall Hennessy.

Now Liala was never one to judge, counselling background and all, but if there was a man who seemed to always be up to something it would be him. The look in his eye of always looking for an angle, that cheeky Irish wit and charm, that and the fact he openly spoke of his colourful past before 'going legit'.

However Liala wanted to get to know the Doctor as she liked forming connections, making friends and she felt Timia could be one. Also, she felt if ever a drink was needed it was after the briefing, the tension with Hayter.

Liala was in civilian clothing, something comfortable and simply elegant. She wore a floral patterned top, jeans and sandal type shoes as Starfleet issue shoes/boots were just so suffocating. Her hair was down and she'd even put a bit of make up on so feel a little Human as they said.

Timia had donned a green halter top and black jeans, and left her long brown hair down. She always had it up when on duty, and it was nice to let her curls flow sometimes. A social visit with the Xo was nerve wracking for her. She didn't get along with the last XO, but then the last XO had been an arrogant witch of a woman. Timia couldn't really stand her. She hoped this one would be better.

She approached the Xo and nodded, "Well.. Here I am." she said with a fairly neutral tone.

"Here you are." Liala said with a smile as she stood up and welcome Timia. "You look amazing. You almost look like a different person with your hair down but it suits you." Liala waved down at a seat across from her.

Timia fingered her long curls as she sat down, "I'd wear it down more often, but honestly it would get in the way. I don't need my hair falling across a laser scalpel line." she chuckled. "That would be a mess none of us want to deal with it." she said. "So how you liking my ship so far?" she asked.

"No, definitely not." Liala laughed softly. "The ship is nice, bigger and far more advanced than my last so it's taking getting used too." she began. "Still I not use the transporter pad to get on to the bridge though... nothing will make me use those things."

Timia chuckled, "Yeah you're not the only one. A lot of people complain about as they dislike transporters." she shrugged, "The way I see if it you want to take the long way around that means you're running around more. Generally better for the health so, if you can manage your time well it makes you healthier?" she suggested.

"Time management and not getting dematerialised are two of my specialities." Liala admitted with a little laugh.

"So, ladies." Conall began as he walked over, his Irish twang the ever present melody within his walls. "What can I be getting ya? Cater for all types, especially two lovely ladies like yourselves." he said with a grin.

Timia looked over at the man and smiled, loving his accent. She'd always been a sucker for accents. "Oh hello... I'd love some bangers and mash, hold the mash." she winked and laughed at her own joke. She was hilarious and she knew it, no one could convince her otherwise. "I'm kidding, unless you think that was funny. I actually would like some grilled chicken and asparagus, just make sure it doesn't have tough ends." she said. "And a raspberry rum." she added.

"Well darlin' I don't just give my banger out to anyone I meet." he said with a thinking face as he looked up to his left. "But in your case I would definitely make an exception." he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Do you two want a room?" Liala asked playfully.

"Gods no love! You're welcome in this as well. I'm not a selfish man." he grinned before looking back at Timia. "You look like a rum kinda girl. My favourite kind." he said with a wink. "What about you blondie?"

'Blondie' Liala thought. Clearly this guy had no idea who the two of them were but she didn't entirely mind him. He was cheeky, attractive in a rough sort of way as he was covered in tattoos and strange clothing that made him stand out a bit.

"Cheeseburger, side of fries and a strawberry daiquiri please." she said offering a small smile back.

Timia worked her lips, trying not to bust out laughing at his suggestion. Good thing she was in a good mood today otherwise she might have considered the man a pig for flirting with two women and suggesting such things to practical strangers. She did sort of start it though. "I'll leave you my room number though." she winked at the man, "In case you DO want to get a room later." she said finally letting a giggle out. "Its kind of a nice room too, being a senior member of the ship and all."

"Oh I'm sure it's grand." Conall nodded trying to be serious for a moment. "Beautiful woman such as yourself needs a place befitting her station. Senior member sounds far too stuffy for me taste, nothing but a vision of beauty and youth here." he grinned. "Hope it has plenty of space, I like to make use of every room." he added suggestively whilst he put through their order before pulling up a chair and sitting on it Riker style.

"Now, ladies." he began. "In all seriousness, here at the Falcon I'm a little loose with my tongue..." he said suggestively looking at Timia, "and more so with my morals. I have real drink, real food and a real good time for those that want it. No ranks come through me door and, well, I can't really take a rank of nothing out of here so." he laughed and shrugged. "Conall." he said placing his hand over his chest. "Pleasure is most definitely mine."

Timia stared at the man as he spoke, enthralled by his suggestive words. Most men found her jokes annoying because they lacked humor, either that or they just were threatened by a woman who stood her ground. She wondered if Conall would be so threatened if she was firm with him. For the moment though, she was liking his flirtations. She glanced over at Liala and smirked at her, this was entertaining. "I should hope that you are not selfish with your pleasure." she quipped and winked at Liala.

"Ah never!" he said as he clutched his chest in fake heartache. "I am not a selfish man in any way, especially in that way. My pleasure is freely given to those that want it, even more so to ones the need it." he said flashing his eyebrows up as he looked at Timia. "But! I'll go get your meals sorted ladies, don't move a beautiful muscle. I'd hate for you to go anywhere." he grinned as he smacked the table lightly before moving off.

"Well, he is quite excitable." Liala said with smile and little laugh. "Think he likes you too. So much eye contact I swear he could see right into you."

Timia let out a giggle, before she pressed her fingers to her lips. "Thats a whole new thing." she laughed. She let her gaze follow the fellow, "He might be a fun diversion for a little while. Less of an ass then the other attractive men who have been recently added to the crew..." she laughed.

Liala laughed. "Yes, well I can think of one we can make disappear. Airlock accidents happen you know." she looked away playfully as if her mind was full of mischief.

Timia arched her brows and leaned forward a bit, "Which one?" she asked, "Because there is one in particular who is extra annoying, but I could see a few having an docking hole accident." she smirked and waggled her brows. Oh it was nice to have someone to gossip with, It had been a while for sure!

"Well... Hayter for one." she said with a smirk. "I have been a counsellor for a long time and my patience is almost never ending but the way that meeting went earlier, the way he speaks to women. Goddess... wait, who do are you thinking off?" she asked and leaned in. She loved a good gossip too.

Timia smirked, "Well Hayter for sure, I can't believe someone actually liked him enough to have a kid with him." she laughed with a roll of her eyes. "But Hawkins too. He's just as frustrating, even though he isn't nearly as abrasive." she said. "After that meeting we talked in his office and he threw around rank and position... questioned my medical orders. Honestly part of me wanted to report him for it. With out following my guidance there was a possibility of harming an entire world of people on that away mission." she said raising her brows as she was dropping the gossip on the table. "But he wanted to prove a point... be the big man.. so he tried to override me.... foolish." she clucked her tongue.

"He has a child?" Liala asked rhetorically, mostly to herself but the arrogance of the man made that hard to believe. She did notice that Timia had moved on to talk about Hawkins in a similarly frustrated manner.

"I think he's okay..." she trailed off a little before realising her personal feelings were a little mixed there. "But I do agree with you. From a medical history like my own we do not speak out of turn unless we believe there is genuine concern for life. We are a very passionate people I think, and sometimes those who are not from our field forget that. You are a very powerful woman." she smirked. "Can override anyone." she winked a looked over at Conall.

Timia looked towards the fellow and blushed a little, "I am sure I can. Sometimes guys like that. Sometime it makes them feel too inferior and they can't handle it and match my passion." She clicked her tongue. "Their loss"

"Oh darlin' I do agree with ya." Conall cheekily popped into the conversation. "Any man who feels inferior next to you don't deserve your attention and I wouldn't mind seeing that passion you have." he grinned.

Timia bit her lower lip, "You know, you might just." she said. "Although I have to wonder if you flirt like this with all the ladies that come in here. Are you the kind to have some fun and then make it weird if I decide to dine here again with my friends?" she asked as she glanced at Liala.

"Now I'm not gonna lie to ya, I am a bit o' a flirt. Can't help meself, I do love to make a woman feel special if only for a moment." His lilted voice dancing around them. "If all you're after is a wee bit a fun I can promise ya I'm a outstandin... I mean look at me." He said pointing his two thumbs into his chest. "Not a lot about me screams serious... does say weird, but the good kind." he winked at her teasingly.

Timia laughed, "Hmm, I may just have to put that to the test. What do you think Liala? Would you put him to the test?" she asked her, enjoying the playfulness and the joking with Liala.

"I don't think it is me he is interested in." Liala said with a wry smile. "I think you need to test his hypothesis... you are very sure of yourself." she said looking at Conall.

"What's not to be sure of love?" he asked and gave them a little twirl. "I've had no complaints in the past, just glowing compliments about my charm and energy." he grinned.

Timia laughed, "Well then maybe after dinner and Liala are done hanging out you will have to stop by my place and I'll give it a test." she winked at the man. She was interested, but didn't want to leave Liala hanging.

"Count on it love." Conall said with a grin and a slight skip in his step as he headed back to the bar.

"Well..." Liala said with her own smile now showing. "Looks like you've got a date with trouble later." she laughed.


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