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Professional Introductions

Posted on Sat Aug 14th, 2021 @ 7:52am by Lieutenant Lydia Whitlock M.D. & Lieutenant JG Holly Swan

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Sickbay
1296 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Following seeing to her own department and checking her schedule Counsellor Holly Swan crossed over in to the medical department to familiarize herself with the layout. She knew at times she'd be expected to assist with medical emergencies and triage, that however, was filled with some personal difficulties. She was terribly squeamish at the sight of blood; the smell alone made her queasy and she could turn a paler shade of white in an instant.

It had been a running joke in her training and had threatened to hold her back or derail her career before it had bloomed. She'd developmental a mental distraction to block out the worst affects which had helped curb her episodes but not cured it completely. With luck she wouldn't be vomiting up her breakfast next time she had to assist in sickbay any time soon.

"Hi," she greeted the nurses she passed on her wondering. This place was larger than she'd expected, no wonder the Captain took a tour earlier she mused having come across him earlier.

"Lieutenant Swan," Lydia greeted, approaching with a smile. "I've been meaning to speak with you, but it seems you beaten me to it. What brings you to my neck of the woods? Oh, where are my manners? Lydia Whitlock, at your service."

"Hi Lydia, nice to meet you." Holly smiled broadly. "I'm just exploring the ship and the facilities, I figured I'd better make myself familiar with the layout and the staff so I can help out more in emergencies' with triage or other matters I could manage."

"A very wise idea," the doctor offered with a nod. "It's nice to meet you too. Is there something I can do to help familiarize you?"

"Nothing in particular," Holly replied after some thought. "Just a run down of what is where, and perhaps an introduction to some of your team."

"Sounds like a plan," Lydia replied. "How about I take you on a tour of Key areas and introduce you to the staff as we go? Not everyone is a specialist of course, but we all have our primary work areas." Whitlock started to move, gesturing for Holly to walk beside her. "Perhaps we should start in the main triage area. More than likely, this is where you can be the most help, helping the team identify the most critically injured from the minor injuries that can wait."

Falling into step alongside Lydia the Counsellor nodded: "That would be a good place to start. I wouldn't want to overstep my position or paint my skill set in a false light. I'm no surgeon but I make an adequate nurse."

"No worries," Lydia replied with a smile as she guided Swan to the triage area. "I'd be happy to go over some refresher material with you because some emergencies can be difficult to spot, but many of them are pretty obvious. Besides, a lot of triage is emotional reassurance and keeping everyone calm. You know, in an emergency when the adrenaline starts flowing, people get especially anxious and impatient to get their injuries addressed."

The Counsellor smiled and gave an knowing nod: "Yes, keeping everyone calm can be essential, that sort of patient whom screams bloody murder isn't helping anyone except creating a scene and inciting a panic."

Lydia smiled in return. "Exactly, though to be fair, sometimes screaming can be indicative of someone's pain level, which can reveal the seriousness of an injury, but I imagine with a bit of a refresher course and familiarity with the crew in general, you'll be able to read situations well. Working triage, you'll want to pay attention to each patient's description of how they suffered the injury or illness, as that can help prioritize patients as well. Is there any particular area of your emergency medical training you would be interested in reviewing? I can put together some training material for you to review."

"Thank you Lydia that would most useful. Definitely add drugs and other treatment plans to the top of my list. I want to be sure the medicine I administer will be suitable and effective depending on the patients needs and potential allergens. Add in courses on non-human physiology and any tips you might have to overcome my squeamish tendencies."

Holly's honesty about her squeamish tendencies was most welcome. It was important for the crew, but especially the medical team to be upfront about their strengths and weaknesses. In an emergency or life-threatening situation, time could not be wasted or it could mean lives lost. "In the triage area, the focus is less about administering medication and just assessing who gets priority, but I will make sure to include such information anyway, as depending on the illness or injury, you might need to administer some medication to stabilize someone." Lydia paused then, considering an idea. "If you like, we can establish your emergency station at the nurse's station so you're a bit removed from anything that might make you queasy. I appreciate your willingness to help out, of course, but I imagine it can't be very comfortable for you in the situations to feel nauseous most of the time."

"It's certainly not fun," the counsellor agreed. "And rather distracting, I had hoped by now I'd found some way to overcome it completely. I've got better," she added. "I used to faint when I younger especially if I hurt myself and there was blood," Holly shivered at the memory. "I like the idea of the nurse's station it should help give me a bit of distance as you said. Perhaps we should conduct some drills one day to test how our departments can improve our support to one another."

"Have you tried imaginal exposure therapy or in vivo therapy?" Lydia suggested. She paused, then smiled. "Sorry, I guess you can't take the therapist out of me." Deciding now was as good a time as any, Lydia offered, "Actually, speaking of supporting one another, I did have some thing I wanted to discuss with you. As you may have read in my personnel file, I am a trained and licensed counselor, and while my position as assistant chief medical officer keeps me busy, I would very much like to continue to keep my counseling skills sharp and to support you and the counseling department as much as I do medical. The captain is on board with the idea, but I promised him I would make sure it was okay with you first."

"Who am I to turn down a willing volunteer?" Holly questioned with mirth. "I'd happy have you on our team whenever your time permits, as you say being the assistant here will occupy a lot of your tome. Did you run this past Doctor Svidi?"

"I haven't yet, but of course I will. I figured it was better to ask you first just to make sure it was OK with you before I bothered the doctor with it. Naturally, if this is agreeable to everyone, I would be willing to assist you in whatever capacity is best for the department, even if that includes administrative responsibilities as well as clinical ones. I figure that's only fair."

"Careful what you wish for," Holly teased. "In all seriousness I'm sure we can create a solid plan going forward providing all the i's are dotted and t's crossed."

Lydia nodded and smiled. "It sounds like a plan, thank you. Now, may I assist you with anything else?"

"No, I don't think so," the counsellor replied. "I believe we've covered everything, besides I don't want to take up any more of your time I know you're busy."

"That's alright," Lydia replied with a genuine smile. "It's nice to take a break from dermal and osteo-regenerating and just talk."


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