The Briefing
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 5:52pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Lieutenant JG Spencer Griffith-Bailey & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay
Edited on on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 7:37pm
The Gamma Expanse
2376 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure
The Briefing
A call was made for certain crew to attend a meeting, in an area that was not the observation lounge. This room had a table in the center with chairs around it, on the side was a smaller table, set up with coffee urns, a tea pot and pastries of several varieties. Raiden was there making certain that the holo-projector was ready to display the information that Hawkins was needing access to. They had a brief stop at Memphis Island to drop off crew and do some refitting. The shielding system that Edruj had developed had garnered a bit of attention hence the stop at Memphis Island. Now they were already headed off to another place, destination unknown, at least unknown for now.
Spencer was the next one to arrive at the meeting, curious as to why there was all the secrecy. He was carrying his standard coffee and sipping it as he spotted Raiden. "Commander," he nodded in way of greeting, "How is it that I'm the first one to arrive to these meetings? Usually, I'm the last one." He gave a small laugh.
"Some of us are running around like chickens with our heads cut off," Captain Hawkins quipped as he strode in just behind the ensign. His tone was light, but his presence commanded attention. His sharp eyes quickly surveyed the room, finding only the ensign and Commander Raiden present. With a brief nod to both, he addressed the ensign.
"Excuse me, Ensign," Hawkins said, his voice firm but polite. "I need a moment with the commander."
He gestured for the ensign to step aside, waving him toward the far end of the room. Once the ensign complied, Hawkins turned his full attention to Raiden, his posture shifting as the casual remark gave way to a more serious demeanor.
Raiden headed over to the far end of the conference room, wondering just what was up. "Captain Hawkins, what has come up?" taking a read on David's stance and demeanor. He glanced over towards Spencer then back to David.
"This mission," David started off as he kept his voice down low enough for only his first officer to hear. "You are taking the hot seat. I'll be taking the captain's yacht, with the away team."
The doors swished open, and the panicked forms of Mel ran in. "Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry I thought this was a 1200 meeting, not a 1030 meeting! Sorry!" her panicked concern spread from form to form almost as frantic as she was. She scrambled to a pair of seats next to each other and.... oh no, there were no pairs!! Umm, ummm....
She settled for two seats with someone occupying the third between them. She was a little extra jittery, but it was fine. She was fine. Fine. Fine. This was fine.
"You are fine Mel, times all over the place here lately. But we will get started here soon," David replied as he looked over from his conversation with Raiden.
Raiden had been distracted by Mel's arrival not answering David yet. It filtered through, . "Wait what?" he hissed, "You know by StarFleet rules it is that the Captain isn't supposed to be leading on a dangerous away mission, as they are rather important to the ship." Raiden had been reading over the rules and regulations wanting to be the best XO that he could be.
"All over the, wait, is there some kind of temporal anomaly or.... oh wait no, I know that look you were being figurative." Mel mentioned, and then gave a nod each. "Okay so with that being settled, then what's this about..."
"... you going off on some dangerous mission, again, against regulation, again, against advise, again, against reason, again. Again." Mel's normally smooth and flawless transition from form to form was just a hair delayed. She REALLY was a bit off from the whole chair in the middle thing. Though, Dalacari psychobiology was a bit weird in and of itself. She'd be fine.
Josey walked into the observation lounge with his ever present large mug of coffee in his hand. He found an empty seat sat down and pulled out a PaDD to take notes.
Spencer noted the Dalacari's discomfort at being separated and the fact he had a spare seat next to him, "Sorry to interrupt, but Commander Torma, if you wish to be seated next to each other, I'm more than happy to trade places with you both?"
Never before had something grabbed a Dalacari's attention so quickly. Inside there was the Internal Monologue... does she correct him first in that she wasn't a Both? Does she appreciate the good will gesture as a sign of interspecies understanding and...
"Oh Dia's knees yes please." the pair said as the two forms already started to move. "I really really appreciate this, thank you so much. Normally I'd be alright with just a little..."
"... divisional distraction but today is just an Off Day. And it isn't even Lensday." she'd give Spencer all the time in the world to scoot over before the pair settled. "Oh that's much much better. I really appreciate it." she gave Spencer the warmest pair of smiles. She settled, and her entire forms just relaxed. The tension melted away, the fur fluffed back from 'slightly on edge' to 'this resort is worth the trend five out of five'.
"I was completely prepared to do the rest of this meeting with that itch in the back of my brain too. I really appreciate it." next to 'safety', 'comfort' was one of the most important things to a Dalacari.
Edruj ducked her head as she stepped into the room. She already had a cup of rachtijino in her hand, and a number of sweat stains on her uniform. The refit that was done at Memphis Island caused more harm then good and Edruj had been busy taking care of it. "Sorry I am late." She said as she took a seat with no further word.
Hawkins acknowledged the bustling room with a brief nod, his eyes scanning over Mel’s flurry of activity and Spencer’s accommodating gesture. He offered a small, approving smile but otherwise remained reserved, letting the interactions settle themselves. Once everyone had found their places and the atmosphere had calmed, Hawkins refocused.
Hawkins leaned back slightly, a flicker of irritation crossing his features before he masked it with a calm, yet pointed, expression. His arms crossed over his chest, his tone sharpening just enough to make his stance unmistakable.
"I know the regulations, Commander," he began, his words clipped but controlled. "I’ve lived by them my entire career. But I also know that the book doesn’t cover every situation we’re going to face out here. This isn’t a classroom exercise, and I’m not about to sit safely on the bridge while my people take all the risks."
His gaze locked onto Raiden’s, his voice carrying a subtle edge of defiance. "You think I don’t weigh these decisions? That I just enjoy throwing myself into the fire? This is about getting the job done—safely and effectively. And sometimes, that means taking risks that can’t be delegated.”
"If you’ve got an issue with how I lead, let’s hash it out now. But don’t stand there quoting Starfleet regs at me like I don’t know them. The crew deserves better than hesitation disguised as protocol."
Hawkins straightened, the fire in his voice cooling but his authority unmistakable. "Now, if you have a real concern, Raiden, say it. Otherwise, I expect you to back me up when the time comes. Clear?"
Raiden's jaw clenched and had a flash of fire in his eyes as he listened to David's response. With a measured tone Raiden responded. "I don't have any trouble with how you lead, Captain, if I did I would have jumped ship early on. Still though I feel that I had every right to do a reminder. Or do you expect me to be a yes man when I am not. I do get the fact you do not want to just send out your people on a dangerous mission with you being on ths ship."
Raiden kept his voice low "It is my job to look out for Your well being. I have seen the signs of you going through something, I don't know what it is, but the signs are there. If I felt that you shouldn't be going on this mission, I would let you know, and we would hash it out. As it is, you seem to have all of your faculties and senses in order so I am not going to stand in your way. Mark my words though, if there is any doubt of that, I would get in your way of going." hsi eyes narrowing and his gaze unwavering.
Mel watched the interplay between the two, one form's glance on each of them. Such a fascinating development, being able to actually WATCH Single Instance Life bonding rituals. She stayed quiet to not disturb the subjects...
Having slipped in while the Captain and XO were ...discussing... Aarfa found a spot against the wall and willed her ears from pricking up. It wasn't possible to not hear the ...discussion... but it would be impolite, and disrespectful, to show it. When there was contention between leaders in a pack, it was best for the most junior to remain silent and wait.
Spencer stayed quiet as well but raised an eyebrow as he sipped on his coffee. Both CO and XO made very valid points, but he'd just follow the orders given and not question it.
Josey watched the Captain and XO having they're heated debate which was uncharacteristic for them both. It's not good when Daddy and Mommy argue in front of the kids He thought to himself but otherwise stayed quiet.
Hawkins met Raiden’s gaze, his expression unreadable as he let the silence stretch for a moment. Finally, with a faint nod, he responded in a steady tone.
"Noted, Commander. I wouldn’t want you to be a yes man—and I didn’t take you on as XO because I needed someone to parrot back agreement. You’re here because you speak your mind and because you care about this ship and her crew, including me."
He stood up straight, unfolding his arms and moving toward the head of the table. As he walked, his voice dropped slightly, just enough to ensure the next part was kept between them.
"And I hear you. I know I’ve been off lately. I’ll own that. But don’t mistake focused determination for recklessness. If I wasn’t clear-headed, I wouldn’t even be considering this mission, let alone leading it."
Hawkins paused at the head of the table, resting his hands on its surface as his gaze swept over those assembled. He let a brief, sharp breath escape before addressing them all, his tone shifting to his commanding presence.
"Alright, let’s get to it. We’ve got some late or missing officers to this meeting, but we’ll press on. The situation’s unstable, and intel’s limited. This mission isn’t routine either. After this meeting, we need to focus on emergency resupplying and we will need to launch soon. Those on R&R that aren't on the station or on the planet, we leave without them. So send messages to your people as needed. Questions before we move forward?"
His eyes briefly flicked back to Raiden, a silent acknowledgment of their earlier exchange before his attention returned to the group at large.
Aarfa remained standing but relaxed slightly. The leaders had reached an accord; there was tension yet, but the pack harmony was preserved.
"I can handle the logistics of the resupply." Mel offered. "Recreational mathematics is something of a hobby for me so, a supply chain and inventory should fall into..."
"... that niche nicely. As for the limited intel, I can offer an extra set of eyes and ears to sift through scatter chatter if it's needed?" her other half picked up the offer train and continued. "I figure I don't..."
"... know what I'm listening for, but that just means anything I can hear is suspect." a pause, "Right?"
"We'll listen for the chatter and the resupplying can be done rather quickly. Who will be on your team, Sir." Raiden shifting from where he had been standing to where he took a seat at the table. He did wonder as there needed to be a good group going with the Captain.
Edruj had been lost in thought about what occurred between the Captain and Commander. Scenarios like that were expected on a Klingon vessel, but on a Federation Starship? She would make sure to mention to both the Captain and Commander that discussions like that should be handled in private. Making them public was not good for morale. However, that would have to wait for another time. In the immediate she spoke up. "If you plan to take the Captain's Yacht anywhere, then you will need someone to make sure it remains in one piece. It would be my honor to volunteer for this mission. To engage in battle with your commanding officer is a high honor indeed."
Hawkins leaned against the edge of the table, arms crossed, his gaze sharp but calm as he took in the rapid volley of offers and suggestions. He let a beat of silence stretch before speaking, his voice steady and to the point.
“Edruj, your enthusiasm is noted and appreciated. You’re on the team,” he said with a nod, before his eyes shifted to Mel and her counterpart. “Scatter chatter’s worth its weight if you can make sense of it. Coordinate with Intel and focus on anomalies. But don’t overthink it."
His attention landed on Raiden last, “As for the team, Commander, I’ll finalize that shortly. But rest assured, it’ll be balanced. This isn’t a shore leave trip.”
Straightening up, he cast a glance around the room. “Now, if we’re all clear, let’s get moving. We’ve got work to do.”