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It's About Time You Knew

Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 5:51pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Ensign Opal Wickson [Kosugi] & Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant JG Spencer Griffith-Bailey

Mission: The Gamma Expanse
Location: Ready room
Timeline: Before Briefing
2209 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure


A few days had passed since Spencer and Opal had gotten engaged, and for the better part of it, things had mostly remained the same for them. Granted there was the additional fact that she was spending more time in his quarters than her shared own ones, he wasn't complaining in the slightest because it meant that it wasn't so lonely by himself.

On one of the rare times they both had off together, Spencer had his arms wrapped around Opal and they were laying on the couch in his quarters watching a show when piped up and said, "So, you know as much as I love living in this perfect little bubble of happiness with you and only you, and no one else knowing anything about us, what do you say we finally make it official to others and let the Captain and XO know?" His fingers were playing with the ends of her hair absentmindedly as he was speaking.

A soft chuckle Opal snuggling close, "You are right, we should. "Let's get dressed and spring it on them." her smile broadening into a grin. I've not had any interaction with the XO nor the CO so this should be quite interesting. What are they like? Will I need to be worried?"

Spencer shook his head, his voice reassuring, "Raiden is a good guy, I've got a lot of respect for him and what he does. Same with the Captain. I wouldn't be too worried about anything, nor intimidated." As much as he could lay on the couch with her all day, he needed to get up so he shimmied his way out from under her and stood up, offering a hand, "Do you need a hand up?"

"I'll take a hand up." a fond smile from Opal as she accepted the assist.

Twenty minutes later, Spencer had located Hawkins in his office and both he and Opal were standing out the front of it, getting ready to press the chime. It felt to Spencer like judgement was about to be passed on him, so he threaded his fingers through hers and raised it to give it brief kiss and a smile. He then pressed the chime.

Opal was feeling rather nervous, holding onto Spencer's hand for support. Then removed her hand, she was a pilot after all and being in the same place with the Captain of the Gladiator shouldn't faze her.

The soft chime echoed through the Captain’s office, interrupting the rhythmic tapping of his fingers on his desk. Hawkins had been reviewing mission parameters and supply requests, already steeling himself for the briefing ahead. He leaned back in his chair and shot a quick glance at the door.

“Enter,” he called out, his tone gruff but not unwelcoming.

As the doors slid open, Hawkins’ eyes fell on Spencer and the unfamiliar woman at his side. He noted their joined hands before Spencer quickly stepped forward, his posture slightly stiffer than usual. Hawkins cocked an eyebrow, his expression a mix of curiosity and mild annoyance.

“Well, this better be good. You’ve interrupted my deep, soul-searching thoughts about procurement forms,” he deadpanned, gesturing lazily toward the pair. “You’ve got two minutes to convince me this isn’t some elaborate prank or another request for bigger quarters. Who’s your friend?”

"Procurement forms sound absolutely thrilling, sir," Spencer made an attempt at a laugh but quickly covered it up before he looked between Hawkins and Opal, the latter with affection, "This is Ensign Opal Wickson, one of the support craft pilots. What we've come here to discuss with you will take a bit more than two minutes, and it would be ideal if Commander Kosugi could be here to hear it too, if you're able to call him?"

Hawkins leaned back in his chair, his sharp gaze flicking between Spencer Griffith-Bailey and the woman at his side. He let out a low, exasperated sigh, though the faintest hint of curiosity tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“More than two minutes, huh?” he said, his tone laced with dry sarcasm. “This better not be some long-winded sales pitch for why you need a second desk chair or an espresso machine for the flight deck.”

He studied Opal for a moment, then gestured toward the comm panel on his desk. “Alright, Griffith-Bailey, you’ve officially piqued my interest. I’ll call Raiden up here. But if this turns out to be something trivial, you’re volunteering for every extra duty shift for the next month. Got it?”

Without waiting for a reply, Hawkins tapped the panel and sent a quick summons to Commander Kosugi. Then, leaning forward slightly, he fixed Spencer with a pointed look.

“While we’re waiting, care to give me the cliff notes on why I should let this conversation take up more than two minutes of my life? And why do I get the feeling this has something to do with you grinning like a Ferengi at an auction?”

"First off, I just want to say that if there's an espresso machine on the flight deck, I still haven't found it yet, so we're not here to ask for a second one. The replicator just can't get the taste right." Spencer replied with a grin.

"In saying that though," he glanced at Opal for a moment before looking back at Hawkins, "I think we both wanted you and Raiden to be the first two people we told and asked for permission from, to get married and move into shared quarters," His confidence soared a little bit as he added, "More specifically, mine."

Just at that moment the door to the ready room opened and Raiden stepped inside. "I'm here and-" he looked at Spencer, then towards Opal. He recalled her being part of the group of shuttle pilots when the away teams went in to close down the Unholy Trinity's headquarters. From the way she was standing close to Spencer, and the way she looked at him. Raiden was starting to get a sense of something big had happened between the two of them.

"Hello Ensign Griffth-Bailey and Ensign Wickson"

Opal's eyes widened, the XO knew who she was?

"Commander," Spencer nodded with a full on smile, "Thank you for being able to come on such short notice. We have some news we'd like to share and have just told the Captain here," he looked over to Hawkins for his response before continuing on.

Raiden raised an eyebrow at this, then directed his piercing gaze towards David. "Well from the way Ensign Griffith-Bailey is smiling, something good might be happening? Or has happened?"

Hawkins leaned back in his chair, resting one arm on the desk while drumming his fingers lightly. His sharp gaze shifted between Spencer and Opal, a glimmer of amusement flickering in his eyes as he noticed the subtle nerves in their postures.

“Well, Raiden,” Hawkins said, his tone still laced with dry humor, “it seems that our star Flight Control Officer has decided to drop a personal bombshell in the middle of my already riveting day of paperwork.” He gestured loosely toward the pair, his expression softening slightly.

“Griffith-Bailey here is requesting permission for two things: to marry this fine woman standing beside him,” he gave a nod toward Opal, “and to take over a shared set of quarters. Apparently, bachelor life isn’t cutting it anymore.”

Hawkins sat forward, clasping his hands on the desk as his grin widened. “So, Commander, the question falls to us. What do you think? Do we let them take the plunge, or should I come up with some outlandish task to prove their commitment first?”

Though his words carried a teasing edge, there was no mistaking the approval in his expression.

Spencer took Opal's hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze, knowing her heart was probably racing and she would be a bundle of nerves. Even though he could hear the approval in the Captain's voice, Spencer knew to wait for Raiden's response and approval too before he said anything.

Raiden gazed at David, tilting his head slightly. What the heck?! Okay he is teasing, I think? I am still not quite up to speed on how he thinks, still. He keeps me on my toes.

"Well now,." Raiden paused, his eyes flicking over towards Spencer and Opal. "I don't think you need to give them a test as to proving their love for each other. I approve of them sharing quarters though. And taking the plunge, whenever that happens" he looked at Spencer, "Let us know when you two decide to set the date?"

Opal's eyes went a bit wider hearing what Captain Hawkins had said and the same for Raiden.

"I do have a recommendation though, Captain." holding out a PADD which contained a record of Spencer's work and what he has done on the ship. They were glowing reports.

Hawkins raised an eyebrow as Raiden handed him the PADD. Taking it, he leaned back in his chair and began skimming through the glowing performance reviews. A quiet chuckle escaped him, and he glanced up at Spencer, a trace of pride softening his usual sharp demeanor.

“Well, Griffith-Bailey, it seems you’ve been keeping busy,” Hawkins remarked, tapping a finger on the PADD. “Solid work all around. It’s good to see someone excelling at their job and still managing to carve out time for the important things in life.”

He set the PADD down and steepled his fingers, his gaze shifting to Opal. “Ensign Wickson, I don’t know you as well as I know Griffith-Bailey, but if this guy thinks you’re worth stepping up his game for, I’d say that’s a solid endorsement. You’ve got my approval for the quarters. As for the marriage... I’d say you have my blessing too—on one condition.”

Hawkins leaned forward slightly, he looked over at a small Oak box that he had off to the side. He took in a deep breath before taking it and sliding it across the desk at Raiden. "Do you mind correcting this situation for us?" he asked as he signed.

Raiden chuckled, feeling a bit of pride for Spencer. He picked up the box and walked over to Spencer, adding the pip which signified the raising of his rank.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant Griffith-Bailey, you also have been made the chielf helm officer." holcing out his hand towards Spencer to shake his.

Opal gasped, this was happening rather quickly and she was amazed at what had just transpired. "Uh thank you Captain Hawkins. Commander Kosugi." she squeaked out. Opal wanted to just pull Spencer in for a kiss, she'll do that later. She had to hang onto her own professionalism as they were in the presence of the Captain and the XO.

Spencer's eyes widened at the sudden promotion, both in rank and position, so he stuttered out, "Oh wow. Thank you! I.. I wasn't expecting this at all!" He returned Raiden's handshake and gave them both a beaming smile, "I don't even know where to start in thanking you both for this amazing opportunity. I promise," He looked at them both and then to Opal, "that I won't let any of you down."

Raiden gave a nod, "You have been working rather hard, and it has been noted. Now that the surprise has been sprung, I have more ship's business to attend to. Congratulations on all three accounts."

David leaned back in his chair, allowing a faint smirk to break through his usual stoicism. “Congratulations… now, unless you plan to redecorate, what are you still doing in my office?” His tone was teasing but firm. Though he was proud of the milestone they’d reached, Hawkins maintained the boundary between his role as Captain and the personal triumphs of his crew, ensuring his satisfaction with the moment stayed understated and professional.

Opal tugged on Spencer's hand in answer to what Captain Hawkins had said. It was time to go.

Raiden remarked "And I will be leaving as well, If I may, Captain?"

Still grinning and kind of in a daze at everything that just happened, Spencer said to Hawkins, "A nice bit of red would do this room wonders, Sir. But thank you, I don't have anything else, so I guess we'll be on our way as well."

Hawkins raised an eyebrow at Spencer’s comment, his expression caught somewhere between amusement and disbelief. “Red, huh?” he drawled, leaning back in his chair with a faint smirk. “Noted, Lieutenant. Maybe I’ll commission you as the ship’s interior decorator next.”

His tone softened slightly as he shifted his gaze between Spencer and Opal. “You two enjoy the moment. And Griffith-Bailey, keep proving why you earned that promotion.” He gestured toward the door with a slight nod. “Now go on. I’ve got enough paperwork to bury this office in red ink as it is.”

He turned to Raiden, offering a curt nod. “Dismissed, Commander. Let’s reconvene later to finalize those deployment strategies.” With that, Hawkins returned his attention to the PADD on his desk, already diving back into the mountain of tasks before him.


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