
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 9:05am

Ensign Opal Wickson [Kosugi]

Name Opal Emily Wickson [Kosugi]

Position Support Craft Pilot

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 142
Hair Color Dark Red
Eye Color Blue with a hint of green
Physical Description With her expressive bluish green eyes and her shoulder length wavy red hair, Opal can turn some heads. Her skin is lightly tanned, she is a lucky redhead that doesn't have too fair of skin. She has a small pattern of freckles across her nose and into her cheeks. they are light, but still they are there. Her body frame is a slim hourglass figure.


Father Gregory Wickson
Mother Agatha Wickson
Brother(s) Cyrus and Thaddeus ( Tad for a nickname)
Sister(s) Linette
Other Family Grandmother Amelia

Personality & Traits

General Overview Opal is a someone who goes by instincts and is a fly by the seat of her pants sort of woman. She does know the rules and will abide by them for the most part. She doesn't want to crack up the vessel she is piloting. She is warm friendly, outgoing with a smattering of a temper. She has an energy that drives her, to try to live her life to the fullest when she can. She does have her low points, can't always be the energetic person all the time, it would be just... unnatural
Strengths & Weaknesses +she has a zest for life
+Upbeat attitude
+ determined.

-Has a worry about being way over the top
-Thrill junkie
Ambitions Professional: She has an ambition to rise to higher ranks, and up her game in flying.

Personal: What comes her way.
Hobbies & Interests Has done paragliding, scuba diving. Rock climbing is also a passion. A favorite past time is engaging in dog fighting holoprograms. She has been gravitating towards working on the craft that she flies. Another hobby is going out and having fun, dancing. Working on her fighting skills