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Puzzle Solving

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 11:10pm by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Commander Mel Torma & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Ensign Emma Walken (Walken)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Holo Suite 1 - U.S.S. Gladiator
2663 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden gave a sigh, Tia and Hayter were in the brig, that and something else had taken up the two hours that he had allotted for a break. Raiden was on his way to meet up with the others in the Holo-suite, then realized he may need David's input as well, with figuring out the configuration of the temple. Raiden mentally slapped his forehead with a 'doh' expression. Tapping on his commbadge, Raiden contacted Hawkins.

"Captain, would you meet me at the holo-suite one, we are going to need your input on putting together a puzzle, its dealing with our current mission. I've got Ops, Engineering, and Science meeting us there, and feel your perception is needed." Raiden really hoped that this will help move things even further along as he felt that time was running out.

Raiden stepped into holo-suite one looking to see if the others had arrived yet.

Edruj stepped into the holosuite moments after Raiden. "Commander we have quite the puzzle. I feel as if we have been set upon some great mystery. Like your Sherlock." She smiled which for a Klingon always seemed to be a little scarier than their normal looks.

The twin forms of Mel followed shortly behind Edruj, skipping in before the doors closed. "Phew, not late. Sorry I was caught up in a side project and was almost late." she covered. Seeing Mel everyday, it would be easy to just see her as a somewhat forgetful, preoccupied thinker. Harmless. Mostly harmless.

Seeing her run, she had this ease of motion to her that quickly reminded that she was past of a very specific few. Much like the Klingons, her ancestry was with dominant predators.

"Did I miss anything?" And the illusion of her predatory history was thus shattered.

Raiden walked into the center of the holo-suite looking at the current normal grid pattern, before it was activated, he chuckled, "No you've not missed anything yet, Commander, we're only just arriving. I've also called the Captain to come add his input as well with this puzzle."

Raiden then addressed Edruj's remark. " It most definitely is a puzzle, therefore the game is afoot?"

Mel looked confused for a brief moment, then each of her bodies looked down. "OH... Oh that's right, you call them each a 'Foot'."

The holosuite doors rolled open and David walked into the room. He looked around and wandered what the reasoning was for his summoning. But just simply nodded and walked up to the group. "First couple days in the executive officers position and you are already ordering me around. Come a long way from the helm station to commanding the Commander."

Raiden gave a smirk towards David, in response to his comment. "Thank you for coming Captain, its just that we're working on figuring out that puzzle you had presented earlier, on that Temple, but this time going to look at it from a different perspective. Now Commander Torma and the others have figured out that the temple maybe like a um.. what was the term, a radio beacon? A radio tower? I just wanted to get your thoughts your.. information as to what you may have picked up, or is buried in your memories. Out of all of us you were in the thick of it, Sir."

He then looked at Mel, "Shall we bring up the miniature representation and perhaps you can tell the Captain what has been figured out so far."

"Yes DJ, show me your mad skills," David replied as crossed his arms and looked at the twin forms. "I have my own questions, but let's see what you got."

David's antics amused Mel, prompting a giggle from her as she set up her presentation, bringing up the miniature of the structure. "Simply put sir, there's an unusual concentration of selenium in this sample, a metal that usually only sees use in transmission and reception equipment for..."

"...subspace communication frequencies. It's the concentration of the material that's the issue. There's a ton of it in these pieces. I figured that it might be how..."

"...they maintain communications, something like this might pass under the collective radar of anyone looking for them."

"If this is a communication device then it may be possible to power it up and see who or what is on the other side. If it is powered up we can trace the power signatures without actually sending a message. Communications technology has not changed in centuries. That said when the system boots up it will send out a ping, just to see if the receivers are active. In that moment we can learn where the receivers are." Edruj was a little eager to learn about this system. It was intriguing and she wanted to know who created it.

Raiden cast an expectant glance over towards Captain Hawkins. He wanted to hear the thoughts from David was. "If we do get a trace maybe we'll be able to find where they are hidden. Do we even dare trigger it?"

Emma finally spoke up after staying silent in her thoughts, "We also need to be ready that with this 'ping' may call them out to us or cause them to go to ground."

"I agree that we should be ready for battle. However, I do wonder if they even know that we are on their tail. If they do not it could simply be another of their group reaching out." Edruj said in response to Emma.

"I think we have time to prepare for battle, unless they're going to pop out of nowhere..."

"... like the boogieman or something. My concern is if the signal gets out, it might tip our hand. I say if we're turning it..."

"... on, suppress anything going out and see if it can pick up anything coming in." Mel offered, a bit fidgety. She was nervous about this being a beacon for trouble.

The kind of trouble that gets you killed. Or worse... Stranded.

Edruj disagreed with Mel's suggestion. The Klingon thought there was a lot to be learned if communication could be established. However, Edruj knew Mel's suggestion was prudent. "I agree and I believe I can shut down outgoing messages and telemetry."

Raiden looked over at Captain Hawkins. "Captain what are your thoughts? Definitely need to have your input, sir." gently prodding at his CO.

"Not sure what input you need from me," David simply stated as he looked at his young executive officer before looking at the others. "What makes you think you can shut down the outgoing without knowing what to expect from this? Further more, why can't we just bombard the damn place and be done with it?"

"We can't do that, until we get to where we need to go. And what about the-" Raiden paused, and looked straight into David's eyes. "Sir I think the next part of this discussion should take place between just you and me." Looking at Captain Hawkins, he paused there and looked at the others.

"I think there needs to be found a subtle trace, and follow it." he paused and looked at his padd. "In fact there seems to be a plan in motion, to gain more information being put together by our Chief of security." looking back up from the Padd.

There was a moment of silence between the group as David looked straight at the new first officer and simply blinked at him. His hands were now folded over his chest and he took a deep breath as he pondered whether to correct the officer or clear things up. But emotions had no place in the moment. There for it was best to keep his tongue.

A furrow developed in Raiden's brow as he contemplated something. "If that thing is like a radio tower, and can broadcast something, think about the things we've found so far. The taking of the blood, all those who have been drained. Perhaps you can come up with a hypothesis Commander Torma?"

There had to be a reason for all of this. And what insane plan did the Trinity have with this horrific machine?

"Look, I know you're going to say that it's just because I'm a Dalacari, but when you put a puzzle in front of me I *have* to know how it works. There are so many questions..."

"... that we have, and okay so maybe this thing can't answer them. Maybe it can. I know I know, MAYBE is such a crude term, and it leaves so much open to the universe." she paused, not just to shift focus, but to emphasize the point.

"But, if we blow it up now, we get no answers. If we try to decipher its meaning, figure out what it does and how it works maybe we can use that to get some answers." another pause.

"And THEN we'll blow it up. Look, I know, I know, Dalacari have two sets of eyes so we can read while stumbling around. I've heard it all before. We're curious, curious..."

"... curiosities who ask questions and knock over beehives and don't really look where we're going while we're chasing down answers. I get it. This needs to at least be investigated..."

"... if for no other reason then we know so little about how the Trinity actually operates and coordinates that this might be a clue. And if it isn't a clue, then it'll be a target." she pointed out before quieting up.

"We just, you know, gotta be careful."

"So let me get straight to the point," the captain spoke up as he raised up a finger to indicate that everyone was to pause for a moment. "What are you wanting to do when we get there? Rescue our people, arrest the threat, and study this device?"

"Yes." Mel spoke in unison. It was rare when it happened, but it was rather adorable to see it.

The Klingon in the Engineer was beginning to show as she stood impatiently by and awaited the Captain's answer. She was not sure if it were just that she did not know this Mel well or what but the Delacari was excruciatingly hard to understand. However, the litany of things she wanted to say was held in her head as it was not the right time or the right place.

"Shouldn't that be obvious? Save the people, take out the threat and then research what we don't understand. If we just skip to blow up everything then what's to stop them from doing it again if we can't figure out their tech?" Emma questions the Captain's tone.

The captain eyed the klingon for a moment before shaking his head. "Guess people in off my rocker when suggesting obliterating them. It's not their technology and of course it's obvious to save our people. As for the technology, it isn't theirs. The technology has been found across the known sectors. Even Commander Torma's people have knowledge of the technology. Many have tried using the tech for their own gain. So to sarcastically state the desire to end these bastards, isn't far fetched. I'd assume even a klingon would agree that there is no honor amongst killing the helpless." He bounced back at the acting chief engineer. He preferred officers like this, who questioned him, and at the end follow the orders given to her.

"There is indeed no honor in killing the helpless. I am not saying to not end the bastards. I am saying to wait until we find out who they are and why they built this before we end them." Edruj said with a disconcerting smile.

The captain gave a long annoyed sigh before looking around the room. "Here is the priority. First, rescue or recover our people and any others. Second, put an end to these zealots, and third if able, you all can have your science project. But if it comes down to science and knowing more about an ancient dead and gone society over ending the threat we can't arrest without additional lose of our peoples lives, I will blow it off the surface of the planet, understood?"

On that note Raiden looked at the others. "This may end up taking a bit more time to explore this. Maybe a bit more working this out and scouring any notes we can find? Maybe when Lieutenant Wales and his team come back from their small mission there will be more information that can be added to this research."

Edruj eyed the Captain warily at the moment. The Klingon understood emotions, her people wore their emotions on their sleeves. So, she could forgive the initial urge to kill a bunch of zealots. However, what she could not ignore was the Captain's disregard for scientific exploration. It was the reason she joined Starfleet and not the KDF. "Commander Kosugi may I have a word with you?" She turned toward the rockface and made it look like she was scanning the rock. However, she scanned the Captain covertly.

Raiden went over to Edrun's side leaning his head close to her. "Yes?" he queried.

In a soft whisper Edruj leaned over to the XO. "Commander I believe the Captain to be compromised in some way. A blatant disregard for exploration is just not like any Captain." She knew that she was new to the ship but something had to be done.

Raiden remarked to Edruj "Every Captain has their own way of doing things. Captain Hawkins I have to find out what his way as well, that though will be a matter between me and him." looking over at David.

Mel, on the other hand, had different reservations. While all Dalacari were at their core creatures of curiosity they were also creatures very concerned with the preservation of life. "Captain, you know whatever decision you make, you've got my support. And Dalacari count double so that's a lot." she smirked. Twice.

"Save our people, priority one. No discussion. As for the rest, while I'm of the preference of taking them alive to face justice and punishment..."

"... I also understand that in the end, if it comes down to it, saving lives might mean taking them. If one cultist dead saves more of ours..."

"... at the cost of the artifact, do it. I'd rather study rubble than write condolence letters." she paused, "But, Dia willing, I'd love to learn more about..."

"... an ancient dead-and-gone society, so aim well. Please."

"Good. Get prepped and ready, kids. We have a mission to accomplish," David responded as he turned on his heel. But paused and replied over his shoulder. "Also, I called in the calvary. We are expecting to be confronted with a fleet, no doubt at their base of operation. So we will be ready. Let's finish this thing with the Unholy Trinity sect. If the temple ain't blown up, we can stick around for you all to do your scientific exploration. Those that are going to the surface... Be safe."

With that, Captain Hawkins headed out of the holodeck. His thoughts were not on the scientific discoveries of the mission at hand. His only focus was ending these sick minded people. Half a decade had passed since the last time thinking they had dealt with this threat, but now this loose end was causing havoc. This was his fault. He shouldn't have walked away to allow some other ship and crew to deal with these bastards. He should have seen it through. The anger and frustration came back once again. Rightfully so, but this was no place or time to lose control. Only to hone in on the task at hand.

"It looks like I am needing to head out myself." Raiden remarked after the Captain left. Raiden was determined to find out what was going on with the Captain and see where he stood. "See you all later." Raiden giving a wave and exiting the holosuite.

"Geez... someone needs to get laid..."


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