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How To Say Hello

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 8:17pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Captain Callisi Verra

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Raiden's quarters
3319 words - 6.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Red shoes clacked against the floor with each step the rabbitess took, closer and closer to her destination. Confidence was never something she lacked before, and certainly not now. Concern crept its way in now and then but she'd deal with those worries later. No time for them at the moment. Closer, and closer, and closer.

She stopped in front of her destination. A simple door, like all the rest, but what lay behind was the real reason. The rabbitess in red, a red dress with no sleeves that slipped along her curves but still had enough coverage to be considered 'classy', stood and weighed her options. Press the button, take a chance... or explain to her reflection that she put this dress on for nothing. She shook her head softly, ears up as she adjusted her eyepatch quickly... he said he liked it... then rang the announce chime at Raiden's door.

The sound of the door chime interrupted Raiden's sleep. One eye drifted open and he slowly sat up in his bed, his other eye opening. Throwing back the covers, his barefeet soundlessly hit the floor and he stood up. Making his way to the living room area, Raiden went to the door clad in a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top. The door opened, and Raiden's eyes widened. "Er hello Callisi." stifling a yawn behind his hand. "You look great, er come on in." stepping back to allow her entrance.

She gave a nod a she stepped in, "Thank you." She took the compliment, a gentle motion to her steps as she entered. "I didn't realize it was so late for you. Should I come back later?" She offered, but that fluff tail was already in. "I was going to see if you wanted to, well, get something to eat. Maybe a drink or two. Together." She offered, "But if i woke you up, I can let you get back to sleep."

Raiden blinked, "Sure we can go get some dinner, and a drink. Just, let me go get showered and changed into something suitable?" his mind trying to catch up with what was happening. "I'll be just a few minutes, take a seat if you would please." he turned to head into his sleeping area and to the refresher to get cleaned up and dressed.

She gave a soft smile at his acceptance, ears perking up just a little bit more. "Of course, take your time." She replied before moving to take a seat. She smoothed out her dress and sat, legs crossing at the knee and took in the sights as she waited. For this, she'd be very patient.

His quarters were devoid of personal decorations, just what came with the ship and the quarters. A potted plant, a generic picture on the wall, table chair. In a few minutes Raiden came out wearing a black long sleeved dress shirt, black slacks and black slip on shoes. No tie and the top button of his shirt undone. His hair had been slicked back.

"Okay I'm ready, shall we?" Raiden motioning towards the door then offered his hand to help her up from the chair. "You do look lovely." he commented.

"Thank you. I recalled you like the red costume I wore during our first encounter. I figured you'd associate this." She took his hand and stood up to her feet. "You look very handsome as well." She leaned a little up against him, "I didn't know if you were available so I didn't make reservations or anything. We could just walk and see what's open?"

"Aye that we could." Raiden giving a slight smile, He offered his arm as a gentleman would, then he paused. "I do have a question before we continue on, are we celebrating a special occasion? I do like the dress on you yes, and i remember our Kinetic ball watching. That was fantastic. Or is this just to dress up in something nice and enjoy the evening?"

She took his arm, holding that soft smile."No celebration. I just.. I wanted to get to know you a bit more. You.. you fascinate me, to be honest. I like that, and I.." deep breath... "And I like you, so I wanted to get to know you."

"As for the dress, it's a distraction. I.. i feel pretty wearing it. Pretty. Powerful. Calm. I know people are going to be looking at me, and usually i can tell they're staring at the eyepatch. In this dress, though, i know they're staring at me. All of me. And it's a bit better."

And then she giggled, "It's just Kinetic. Not Kinetic ball."

"And remember I did say wear the patch with pride. It looks good on you." Raiden commented, then feeling taken aback at her other comments, "You find me fascinating, why is that? And sorry, had forgotten that it was just Kinetic." stepping out into the corridor to head out to find someplace to eat. "People will just accept it as something that is a part of you."

"I love how you say it so simply." She commented. Her ears were already a bit red with a blush from her admission, now the red intensified. "You're very sweet, very complimentary, very handsome." She started a they walked.

"I may have a bit of a crush on you. That's the human term, yes? For when you, you like someone from afar?"

Raiden almost stumbled over an invisible crack in the corridor and his progress halted suddenly. He hadn't a clue about this detail, her feelings about him. He hadn't picked up the clues, his mind raced over what he's done with her. He was in a bit of a ticklish situation. He wasn't one who played with other people's feelings, not intentionally.

He turned to face the rabbitess, looking at the beauty of her, then he spoke. "I hadn't a clue about your feelings Callisi, and I feel like a clumsy fool." he paused for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. "Shall we instead, return to my quarters and make dinner there?"

She offered him a soft smile. Guarded expressions seemed to be the way they operated. Though it was the little things that spoke volumes about their people. Perked ears, that tiny little bounce in their step. A waggle of their tail. Subtle clues, from a people trained not to be too direct.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. I know that sometimes we're a bit indirect. Ts'usu teaches her children that being too direct can be insulting. I'm just glad you didn't take it as such." she covered. Always covering. "We can go wherever you want, wherever you feel most comfortable. Honestly I'm just glad that's out in the open. I know I know, I just said that being too direct is seen as insulting but, well, look me in the eye and tell me I play by the rules of society?" she said with a challenging air, holding her head up high. Pride, it was one thing she had in abundance. Perhaps an overabundance. The slightest scar could cause her to doubt everything.

Raiden regarded Calissi, a slow smile developing, "Take a breath and dinner in my quarters would be good. And I'll cook,
what sort of dishes would you not want to eat? Remember I am just getting to know you and your people and still discovering things about your culture." Raiden retracing their steps back to his quarters.

The door opens and he motioned for Calissi to step inside and he then stepped in, the door closing behind them. "What would you like to eat? And to drink? I'll be having some tea with my meal."

She followed his lead just a step behind, letting him lead. "On the home moons, land is a premium so actual beef is a delicacy. A lot of our dishes used fish and other seafood. At least, before the invention of the Insipp device, and then later we upgraded to Dalacari built Fabricators. Now we can eat whatever we like." she started, "Personally, I love the taste of beef. I can pretend I'm a rich magistrate's daughter and just live a little." she allowed herself to dream a bit.

"A lot of our dishes involve noodles or rice, which I'm beginning to understand is something of a universal staple. Just about every world either has those, or a variant of those." she noticed. "We love soups, broths, and stews. We, being the children of Ts'usu... and by extension, me." she offered another soft smile, moving some hair out from in front of her face.

"As for drinks, I love coffee. Since being introduced to it, I'm hooked. BUT... I realize coffee doesn't make for a good dinner drink. Tea works, though I've had all the tea I could drink back home. I'm previously a pilot, so I can handle my liquor. Don't be afraid to serve me something with a little kick." she added with a bit of a slow nod. "Just, I know humans have a perchance for drinking something closer to engine degreaser than actual alcohol. Please don't introduce me to that." she giggled softly.

"I'll serve you something with a kick if you want and don't worry, no degreaser. I- I think i will keep with my tea tonight." he motioned for her to have a seat at the table while he worked to prepare the meal, "Besides if you want coffee it doesn't matter if you have it with dinner. You could even have it iced coffee." giving an gentle smile. Raiden had decided he'd not partake in anything alcoholic tonight.

"At this moment, I don't have the necessary tools to cook our meal if you don't mind we'll utilize the replicator." He turned to place an order for himself, then turned " A good beef stew sounds really great. That is what i'll be getting and ordering one for you as well, along with a couple of rolls and I'm wanting a salad."

"Fabricator food is fine." she cleared, "Even Starfleet Replicators are fine, I honestly can't tell the difference." she continued as she took the offered seat, crossing one leg over the other as she got comfortable. "So please, don't go through any extra trouble just for me. A stew like that sounds perfect, just hold the salad for me. People think we look like rabbits, but I assure you, during my recovery I had all the leafy greens I could stand." she giggled, "Oh, and an Iced Coffee *does* sound good, now that you say it out loud."

She relaxed for a moment, actually letting her shoulders drop for the first time all night. "Thank you, Raiden."

"You're welcome, Calissi." Raiden moving towards the replicator and began ordering their food and drink. Two bowls of steaming hot beef stew, plus utensils arrived at the table, then the rest of the food was retrieved. While he made the food, Raiden hummed slightly, not realizing that he was, a nameless tune having come to his mind. Soon rolls and their drinks were brought over to the table, his salad, the rolls and butter along with honey. Her ice coffee and his tea.

Raiden took a seat across from Calissi, and lifted up his teacup and said, "Kanpai!" towards her before he took a careful sip of his beverage, then set the cup down. The cup he drank from was a lustrous black, with a green dragon upon it. He set the cup down, picked up his fork and began eating the salad. While Raiden was chewing he'd glance up at Calissi, giving a nod. He didn't speak as of yet as he was very hungry.

She followed him as he moved about, amused by the impromptu concert but she didn't want it to stop. So she stayed silent. As he set the table she stayed out of his way, just leaning back and giving him the same soft smile she held onto for the entire night. The drinks were the last things out, and at his salute, she giggled and raised her iced coffee and gave one of her own, "Kotei no oncho." a pause, "It means something close to Emperor's Blessings. It's an old expression we used to use before meals as a way of thanking the Empire and the seat of power for all they gave us, and acknowledging all we gave them. The Emperor's position is mostly ceremonial now, but they still have a bit of power. Suggesting policy, swaying public opinion, representing authority." she explained. "It's nothing like what they were, but still, it's interesting. Can only imagine what it looks like from the outside looking in." she said with a soft smile, catching his glance and his nod before she started in on her meal. She was careful and polite, but that might have just been because of the dress. Buttered rolls, stew, it was a recipe for disaster if she wasn't careful. Like a lady, she handled herself well with such a potential mess. Like an officer, though, she made good use of her napkin on her fur.

Once dinner was out of the way, she leaned back to relax and give a stretch. "Oooooo, that was excellent. Fantastic work Raiden." she offered with that same soft smile, a bit wider than previous though. She was certainly more comfortable now that she had a full belly, not to mention she was already pretty comfortable around Raiden. "Would you mind if I took off my shoes? They add an inch of height sure, but they are not built for comfort."

Raiden after sending the used dishes into the recycler, and wiping down the table. He kept the tea cup though. "Go ahead and take your shoes off." giving a little bit of a smile, noting that she was feeling a bit comfortable. He got himself a bit more tea and settled on a chair which was across from Calissi.

After a few moments of silence, Raiden placed his tea cup down on a nearby end table not making a move towards Calissi where she sat. "That was indeed a good meal. He leaned forward resting his arms upon his knees, looking at Calissi, she was beautiful but he wasn't going to take advantage of her. In fact Raiden was wondering if he had been inadvertantly leading her on, and he truly needed to address that. Clasping his hands together, he spoke quietly.

"Calissi, I need to find out something. Have I been leading you on, as in giving you false hopes on something being more than friends? I am not too familiar with your customs, so if I have over stepped what is allowable with your people then I am truly sorry. I have female friends who like to hold hands on occasions, and I have cuddled with them, but that is as far as its gone, and that is what I've done with you. It has been weighing heavily on my mind as of recently, and I just didn't know how to delicately approach this subject."

She gave him the attention the matter deserved, her glance fully on him. Both authentic and artificial. Every motion, every word, even the moments when he didn't speak seemed to hold her attention. "Approach it how you are now. Honest and direct. I promise you can't hurt me." there was that foolish pride of hers again. Unshaking, unbreaking, but it was bound to get her hurt.

"I came to my feelings on my own. Did the night we almost spent together help? Yes. Did it feel nice to be admired, desired even? Of course. But if I've overstepped a boundary, if I've seen something that wasn't there..." the infamous Ts'usu social escape clause, "... if I've put you in an awkward moment please say the word." then she smiled. Not the soft smile she hid behind the entirety of her life, but one a little wider, a little more honest. A little more of a smile and less of a grin. "The moment you took my hand, I overstepped a boundary on Ts'usu. But this isn't Ts'usu, and while I'm a daughter of the moons my heart is my own. To give, or to guard."

"If we're friends, we're friends. We can laugh, joke, maybe even hold hands like everyone else. As long as I know. If we're possibly more than friends, I actually also need to know." she pointed out. Outside, calm and cool. A thousand years of Ts'usu social training and stigma, inside, her heart was beating a hundred miles an hour. "No apologies, no sorrow, no regrets. We set the line and we move on from there."

"Calissi, anyone can feel the pangs of sorrow or regrets, or even suffer a hurt if someone doesn't return the same feelings a person has for them." His eyes were filled with compassion. No pity. "I consider us friends, we are friends, and that is all that it can or will be between us." Raiden didn't turn his eyes away from hers. It was difficult for him as he wasn't someone who liked to cause pain. "I prefer to be honest, and upfront about things with my friends."

She was silent for a moment. How was she going to take it? Was she going to laugh? How foolish was she? Was she going to cry? What heartbreak was she enduring?

In the end, that singular eye of hers was no shinier now than it was before. "I appreciate your honesty." is how it started.

"I mean, certainly, there's disappointment. There's hurt. Maybe a little embarrassment. But in the end, now that we both know exactly where we both stand we can start to work away from that." She finally broke eye contact with him to look down.

"At least next time I won't have to wear those ridiculous shoes. " she smiled, the mask was back. A soft smile, nothing like what she had just a moment ago. "Thank you Raiden. While it isn't what I *wanted* to hear, it is what needed saying. Thank you. " she took a breath, leaning back in her seat. "I know where we stand. So now I won't confuse a friendly gesture with something more. Plus I suppose this means I'm still single?" She ventured with amusement.

"I'll be fine I promise. Knowing what we are is more important than getting what I want. Besides, I've gained a friend today. One that doesn't judge me, view me differently because I'm broken, or pretend to be my friend to get at my home video collection. You're an honest friend. I'd rather have that than anything."

She was silent for a moment after that, collecting her thoughts. "Are you alright with this?" her concern returned to him. She reached across the gulf of the room to him with a free hand. "As a friend." she cited.

"I will be okay, I was more concerned about you, Calissi." taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze Giving another nod, "As for your heels, if a male can't accept you not wearing heels in that dress, they are not worth the bother. And on that note, do you still want to watch Kinetic or do that some other time?" he didn't mind watching that sport, in fact the last time he and Calissi had watched it was great fun.

Callisi gave a giggle, "I'll keep that in mind. Now, as for the rest oh absolutely." she smiled softly and rose to her feet, pausing only to collect her discarded shoes. "The last season is still being scrubbed but I got the season before it, and I haven't had a chance to watch it yet." she offered, "So, popcorn and Kinetic?"

"Sounds great to me." Raiden giving a genuine warm smile.


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