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Reporting in

Posted on Thu Aug 25th, 2022 @ 3:17am by 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Sergeant Trent Busby (Kosugi)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Walken's Office
1044 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Sgt Trent Busby had just arrived on the Esquimalt Station for his next transfer. He was told he'd be reporting in on the USS Gladiator. He had gotten a view of the ship, noting that there were repairs going on. He stepped onto the ship, and went to go look for- Lieutenant Kyle Walken. He was carrying a bag, with in it was two bottles of alcohol. One was whiskey, the other bourbon, the good stuff.

"Computer, what is the location of Lieutenant Walken?" the rather tall broad shouldered man requested. Getting the location he headed there.

Walken was in his office, going over the records of every marine under his command. If these cultists somehow managed to slip in sleeper agents he was damn well going to have anyone suspicious on a list to be watched.

"First Lieutenant Walken is currently inside his office." The computer answered the Sergeant.

Busby made his way through the ship, noticing that there were some marks upon the walls, indicating that there had been a fight upon this ship. It made him rather curious about this. He also noted that there was a slight air of anxiousness or rather a grimness which was exhibited by those he had passed, Busby reached the door where the Marine CO was and pressed the chime to let him know someone was there.

Walken sets down his PaDD with the full roster of everyone who transferred over to the Gladiator. "Come in."

Bronc strode in, a congenial smile, "SGT Busby reporting for duty, and also bearing gifts" holding out the gift bag he held in his hand. "Hope you enjoy it, sir." meeting Walken's eyes. "Sir if I may, what happened to the ship? Looks like it had a bit of trouble."

Kyle ignored the gift for now, "Sergeant for lack of better words, the Gladiator was found adrift not long ago. Some cultist group infiltrated the ship, we lucky few have been pulled from our original ship and are now here Captain's orders."

Walken looks Busby up and down for a moment, "How long ago did you make Sergeant?"

"Just a few months back Sir. Three months to be exact. I served on the USS Leonidas, it was my first ship I was assigned to. " his thoughts went to Walken's answer. "Cultists, what the hell sir, and this ship was left adrift, that isn't good at all. What was your original ship?"

"Good, during operations your comms callsign will be Raider 4-1. You will take charge of the fourth squad as their lead, they are fresh from boot so keep an eye and be ready to assist them." Walken gave his orders before answering the young Sergeant.

"Yeah first I've heard of them as well, but it seems like the Captain has had some run-in before. I was originally assigned to the Wyoming before it was lost with most hands during a situation with the Gorn."

Bronc gave a nod, "Aye Sir." making a mental note as per his comm call sign. His eyes widened when hearing about the Gorn attack. "I had heard something about that. Something like that can't be kept quiet about. Things like that tend to drift through the grapevine. My condolences for your loss." it was a sincere expression of sympathy as losing anyone of the large family of Marines is a loss. "We'll have to have a drink in memoriam of them." he paused. "That is if you want to. I know I do."

"As much as I would like to talk about it, there are things I saw down there that are classified during the operation against them that I will not and can not talk about," Walken says, he looks at the picture on his desk of him and Emma once she joined him on the Hawaii. "Can save remember until after the current crisis is solved."

"I am all for that then, a drink in memory of fallen comrades after this particular mission is taken care of. Also sir, I will not be asking you about what happened. It is indeed above my pay scale." he quipped with a smile. "It is just noted, as something difficult and horrible. Now for another subject." Bronc placed the bag which held the two bottles of alcohol upon Walken's desk. "Something that was told to me, when reporting in to a new CO, bring a gift."

Walken just laughs, "You should be happy that I didn't have time to transfer over my liquor collection when we swapped ships." Kyle slides the bottles back towards Busby. "I can't accept these but if you want to have someone to drink them with when it's an appropriate time I will be more than willing."

Bronc took a good look at his new CO, at first he wanted to argue about the man not accepting the gift, but just something about Walken he decided to not do so but it wasn't going to stop him from questioning him.

"I do have a question, sir, is there a reason why you can't accept these?" indicating the two bottles. " I don't mind waiting to share these with you at an appropriate time though. I am just wanting to know."

"Impartiality Sergeant, I like to keep everyone that serves under me in an even place. I don't care if you are a Private fresh from boot or an officer who has served for centuries. So it's just personal policy to not take gifts from those who I command." Walken answered honestly.

"I can respect that." Busby giving a nod. "Now with that out of the way, the current situation, we've got cultists to hunt down? What else of the situation are we needing to deal with?" retrieving the two bottles plus bag and putting them by the chair, near him.

"Right now get to know the other Marines on the ship, gonna hold an all-hands brief later about our orders and objectives." Kyle answers.

"Will do." Bronco responded, "I'll take my leave then and get situated." the tall broad shouldered man rose from his chair. "Thank you for seeing me, sir."

"Of course Sergeant, my door is open should you need anything else." Walken replied before getting back to the records.


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