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You're leaving? [Back post]

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 9:39am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Arcadia
1233 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Tia went looking for Evelyn, for the woman helped her out immensely. She made her way to Evelyn's quarters and rang the chime, hoping she was there so she can talk.

Standing in her bedroom packing her clothes into a box, Evalyn’s heard the door chime and looked towards the door, “hmm, I wonder who that could be” she said to herself as she made her way over and opened the door to see Tia standing there, “ah, hello there little stowaway. What can I do for you?”

Tia chuckled, "I just wanted to see how you are doing, may I come in?" there was a hopeful expression in her eyes, as she looked at Evelyn.

“Sure, come on in” Evalyn said, stepping back into her quarters, “please forgive the state of the place, I’m currently packing”

"You're packing, why? Are you leaving?" Tia was most definitely feeling slightly unsettled. "You weren't planning on leaving without saying goodbye were you?" the engineer looking rather woeful.

Evalyn smiled, “of course not. I was going to say goodbye. I received an offer from the Trill ministry that is just too good to pass up so I’m effectively retiring from Starfleet and returning to Trill”

Tia nodded, "You will be good there. I will miss you, even though we've not had a lot of contact but, you helped a great deal." wiping away a tear.

Walking over to Tia, Evalyn put a hand onto her shoulder, "i'm always a subspace call away if you need to talk. I am certain you will flourish here"

Tia nodded, "Okay, and I hope so, but I am a mess I think. I ended up growling respectfully at Raiden Kosugi. He didn't send me into the brig but, would have served me right. I still have to apologize to him, but don't quite know how to go about it. Flowers? Offer of a drink or just a simple apology." she scuffed her foot against the floor.

“Start with a drink. Possibly a bottle of Sake, if I remember correctly his cultural background is Japanese from earth. He may appreciate that. Otherwise a simple apology and a talk in the mess hall might be good”

"If he will give me the time of day. I hope that will work." Tia giving a slight frown. "I will admit I can be a prickly person. Well not always but lately it feels that I have to have thorns to protect myself." giving a huff. "I've been getting the nickname of Spitfire." giving a light laugh.

Evalyn smiled, “that’s not so bad, means you’ve got fire” she said before giving a sigh, “you could always just show up at his quarters while he’s off shift”

"Are you serious? I don't know if I want to do that. He might get the wrong idea." Tia mused. "So difficult. Did you ever get the chance to meet Raiden before you got your transfer?" she fidgeted just a little bit. "Don't worry I'll figure something out."

“Give it a shot, it may work out better then you think and at worst it’ll get him to notice you if you’re literally standing in front of him”

Tia scoffed, "I just don't know, at any rate I will get the difficulty taken care of. One way or other. This brings me back to you. Are you going to be okay leaving here? You caught me and that I guess was a good thing to keep me from consistently hiding." mustering up a smile.

“Tia, I’m returning to my homeworld, I don’t think it’s going to cause me any trouble. As for catching you, all you needed was someone to believe in you and point you in the right direction, and now look at you” Evalyn said, motioning around them, “you’re in charge of a department. I’d say that’s an improvement if anything”

Tia looked at Evalyn, "I'm not a department head but, they need me. I just am hoping to fit in where I can. I maybe dancing on the edge but hey I am where I can thrive, hopefully." Giving a slightly watery smile. "All I can do is hope, and keep working. Maybe try to keep from getting into fights? " a bit of a laugh there. "All I can do is try. "

Another glance around the room, Tia didn't know what else to say, as it seemed the final boxes were being packed. "You... you keep safe Evalyn. And hope you have a great life." Tia impulsively embraced Evalyn and the petty officer engineer murmured, "Thank you again." then pulled away rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand trying to stave off another set of tears which were leaking from her eyes.

"Gosh why am I leaking tears again." Tia sniffled. "This is embarrassing." she backed away from Evalyn and gestured awkwardly towards the door. "I'm just gonna leave now." then with a bit of a muffled sob, as Tia felt that she was losing a good friend, she dashed out of Evalyn's quarters.

Tia didn't care where she was going, but her feet knew where to go. It was back to her quarters to where she had some solitude and she wrapped herself up in her blanket, and curled up into a ball, and cried herself to sleep.

Evalyn tried to follow Tia out of the room but figured she better let her go. This wasn’t the first time she’d left a posting where she had good friends, but for a joined trill it was an occupational hazard. Stepping back into her old quarters, Evalyn took a deep breath before tagging her bags for transport and heading out to take one last walk around the ship she’d called home.

A final walk, that was something Raiden was doing, before he was heading towards the Gladiator maybe something to chase away the memory ghost that wanted to stay within his mind. Deep in thought, he wasn't looking where he was going and literally bumped into Evalyn.

"Oh pardon me. I wasn't watching where I was going-" Raiden stopped when he saw who he had bumped into. "Hello Lieutenant Toral sorry for being so clumsy. Are you headed somewhere?"

Stumbling a little, Evalyn took a breath in before righting herself, “just taking a walk around the ship sir. It’s going to be some time before I’m on a Starfleet ship again”

That elicitied a raised eyebrow from Raiden. "Wait, it will? What's going on?" the asian man exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

Giving a sigh, Evalyn thought to herself ‘here we go again’. “I received an offer from the Trill ministry that is just too good to pass up so I’m effectively retiring from Starfleet and returning to Trill” she said, repeating what she’d told Tia.

"Okay, well.." Raiden didn't have much to say on this particular piece of news. "I am sorry you are leaving but I can understand answering the call to go home." his dark eyes regarding her for a moment. "You take care then." Raiden giving her a smile. Raiden felt slightly awkward at the moment, then said "I won't keep you any longer then, Evalyn Toral."

“Stay safe, Raiden Kosugi” Evalyn replied before continuing her final lap of the Gladiator.



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