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Getting a team ready

Posted on Thu Sep 8th, 2022 @ 7:34am by Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Josey Wales & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Chief Petty Officer Logan Cale & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Security
2606 words - 5.2 OF Standard Post Measure

After a bite to eat, and a quick nap, Ensign Mishra was now ready to tackle the next part of preparing to go on a hunt. He walked into the office where Lieutenant Wales was at, "Sir, I hope you were able to get a nap and some food, I have a suggestion as to who take on the hunt for that preacher we heard earlier. You know you have me, and also Cadet Barakzay, I suggest that you also take Lieutenant Walken on this venture as well. I feel that it would be a good idea. If you don't mind my suggestion."

Josey looked to ensign Mishra and then pulled out his PaDD and checked the files on Lieutenant Walken. He nodded his head. " Good suggestion, we could use someone like him on a recon mission. " Josey tapped his Combadge. " =^= Lieutenant Wales to Lieutenant Walken. I would like to enlist your assistance on a away team mission. =^=

"Lets hope we can get plans put together for this." Ensign Mishra replied.

Josey glanced to Ensign Mishra. " You hope? "repeating back what he had heard. " We're Starfleet Security. The Captain wants us to go down on an away team and bring back the information that he requires, once we've done that we'll decide how to bring back our people quickly and safely. I am confident that we will accomplish our goals and get our people back, as failure is not an option. You believe that as well do you not Mr. Mishra? "

"Well I do believe we can come up with a plan, nothing wrong with hoping it comes to fruition, sir." he looked towards main security then looked back at Wales. "How about we meet Lieutenant Walken out in main security, and definitely include Cadet Barakzay"

Walken had been in the middle of a combat sim with a small group of new Privates. "Corporal, take over and run them through it again." He ordered as he steps outside of the holodeck. =^= Walken to Wales, sorry about the delay, I just got free and I would be happy to assist you =^=

" I'd be a fool not to include Cadet Barakzay on this mission. " Josey stated. " She knows the scent of our people and that may be the key to finding them. " Just then his combadge chimed and received the response from Lieutenant Walken. " =^= Lieutenant Walken could you meet us in main security please? We have thirteen hours to plan a recon mission and could use a man with your skill set. =^= They waited until Walken arrived to begin.

"I will certainly use every bit of my ability to find them, sirs," Aarfa said, having arrived quietly and waited at a slight distance so as not to interrupt the officers while they were talking.

Josey looked up towards Barakzay. " Come on over Cadet Barakzay, This is a planning mission and since your coming along, I'd like to hear some input from you as well. If you have a good idea, don't keep it to your self. And Cadet, at ease. If you want to get yourself something to eat or drink the replicator is over there. " He pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards his office. " You to Ensign Mishra, The replicator is in my office, Get yourself something if you want. "

It took a few minutes but Walken arrived in Main Security. The marine took a moment to look around before approaching Wales and the others, "Alright Navy, let's plan out a recon op."

Josey walked over to a table to where they could all sit down. " I don't know how mush you know of a group who calls themselves the Trinity, But I'd like to play you something of theirs to bring you up to speed. " Josey began the recording.

" And now a special message from our parent company Trinity sub space broadcast. Do you feel lost and alone in this wide galaxy? Have you ever felt that life is confusing and without meaning and guidance? If so then today shall be a blessed day for you! I speak of the light and joy of the Goddess. She loves all races equally and wants to gather all in her embrace of light and love, There are a few things that the Goddess finds to be an abomination. These things will be taught to you if you come and join us in our facility and learn of the Goddesses light and truth which brings all to truth, order and love. "

In fact we have been blessed with two ship crews that have come to us recently and joined our ranks. We wish for all to welcome the crews of the S.S. Nymphe and the USS Gladiator, who have come willingly into our fold." Her voice continued on just as smooth as silk. " Some aboard these ships were the choice favored of the Goddess and came to her in her rapture and were blessed with her glory and grace. The remainder of the crews came along with us and begged to be taught of the Goddesses mercy and love and are now being taught at their request, their minds will be set free from the worries and strife of the universe! How blessed and fortunate they are. "

Tiger Lily paused for a moment. " One moment please... Praise be to the Goddess! I have just received word from brethren preaching in the field that the crew of the Red Quaser has just agreed to join our ranks. If you wish to join us and be blessed by the Goddess and know of her love and light then contact us today! We now return you to your regular sub space stream with the next six selection by Mavchek, a late twenty first century singer. " Once again the music began to play....

" These same people, " Began Josey. " Slaughtered fourteen out of twenty crew members of the SS Nymphe for blood sacrafices to they're goddess and an unknown for the remaining six crew members. There was also a number taken from the Gladiator that were sacraficed to their goddess and from what we've have heard from that broadcast we heard, I believe that they are being brainwashed into serving the goddess. "

Josey turned to Aarfa. " Cadet Barakzay, I'd like you to tell us about when you were aboard the Gladiator and the trinity attacked the ship. This will help us plan out the most effective strategy for our mission. Please begin when your ready. "

Aarfa felt herself tense at the memories that rose with the question and took a deep breath, steadying herself in the present with the scent of the strong living beings around her. "I was on my sleep cycle when it began. I woke to a red alert and ran out to orders to help evacuate the childcare center to the saucer," she related slowly. "I could hear the reports of boarders, warnings about a ...fifth column... Then when the pups had all been evac'ed there was an urgent call for back-up in engineering. LT had meant for us cadets to go with the saucer but," she straightened a little, "we weren't going to abandon our team. We were ambushed before we reached it. I ...snapped at one of them... it made him shy and I broke free. LT ordered me to run, get back-up, so I did - I ran, used cut throughs to evade pursuit... then the doors sealed behind me. I was trapped." Her head drooped. "But they never came for me. I still don't know why."

" Whatever the reason that they didn't come after you. " Said Josey. " Consider yourself very lucky, you didn't end up like the other fifty four sacrafices that we found completely drained of blood. Your still very much alive and will help us recover and rescue our shipmates. "

" What we do know about the trinity so far is that they will lure in ships with distress signals and then board and overwhelm the crew. Most of the victims are small to medium sized freighters. For some unknown reason this time they went after a federation starship, what has changed for them to step up the attacks like that is something we need to find out during our investigation. We also know that when these cultist do attack that they not only go for blood sacrifices but new recruits as well. We can only speculate that they are using some form of mental control or brainwashing technique. Lastly of all the victims that we've found of so far, all of them have been human like in appearance. knowing this, I open the floor for comments and ideas for the recon mission. Oh, and we do know where the trinity is broadcasting from. "

"Sir, how about we just go get the ones we are planning on capturing and then get the information from them, that broadcast could be just from a relay station, then we go from there?" Mishra was all for just going out and getting the job done. He wanted to cause the Trinity member a great deal of harm.

" Not a bad suggestion there Mishra. The only problem is first we don't know to the whereabouts of the ship the Red Quasar, And Tiger Lily had also said the the crew had already agreed to join. So they either willingly joined or they've already been turned and are on their way in for deeper indoctrination. If we knew where they were coming from it would help. We could have the bridge scan for ships registration. We'd have to jam them as soon as we got in range of them so they couldn't send out a distress call." Said Josey.

"Sir, if I may," Aarfa put in. "Our mandate from the Captain is to go to the site of that broadcast and see if it provides any trail to our people. However, we aren't the only ship in the fleet - the information about the Red Quasar needs to be shared both so others might be able track her down if given the opportunity, and more importantly, so they're aware of she might be used as bait for a trap."

Josey smiled. " Good. I'm glad to see that you were listening. The broadcast building is our primary target and the Red Quasar is our secondary objective in case the first target is a bust. When planning any type of strike, it is always best to have a secondary or ever a third target. But you are correct in wanting to send out information to other starfleet vessels with a warning. " Alright let's talk about the type of gear we're going to need For a spy and possibly removing a cultist for questioning. "

"Travel light, we will want to slip in and out very quickly and quietly. Best to only take a small team, avoid direct contact, stick to remote recon until a plan is in place to slip in and take one." Walken added. "Stick to handheld phasers, easier to conceal, move at night, and avoid using lights at all cost while there."

" Do we have any personal shielding units in the armory? They could be used to escape if things go south on us. Civilian clothing of course, We can scan the surface once we're in range and see what passes for normal fashion and replicate them before leaving. Conceal your combadge on your person so it can't be seen. Phasers set to heavy stun and we'll hide anyone taken down so as not to attract attention. Other suggestions? " Josey asked.

Ensign Mishra looked over to where Chief Petty Officer Cale was at, "Looks like you'll be busy in the armory handing these items out for some of us."

“That’s what I’m good at” Logan said, giving Mishra a smile, “don’t worry about your equipment”

Turning his attention back to Lieutenant Wales and Lieutenant Walken, Mishra shook his head, "I don't have any other suggestions." finally answering the chief of security. "From what it sounds like, we go in quietly, quickly and grab the target, find information we need and get out of there. Sound about right?"

"Yes, sir," Aarfa responded. "Though I doubt civilian clothing will be enough to disguise me. My people are not common in this part of space. Even if I dye my fur so no cultist would recognize me from the ship, I'll stand out. Would it be possible to get personal holographic projector so I can assume a humanoid disguise?"

“I’m not sure that would be a good idea” Logan commented, swiveling his wheel chair around, “if it failed for whatever reason, you could end up endangering the rest of the away team. I can definitely get one for you, no problem, but I think you should be aware”

" That's a chance we're going to have to take. " Stated Josey. " As long as we don't get bogged down in a firefight and the unit isn't damaged, It shouldn't be a problem. We're going in and grabbing the person we need and getting back to the ship to question the suspect as to where our people are. So yes Aarfa you will get the personal holographic projector for this mission. Phasers set for heavy stun, also bring a melee weapon just in case things get downright dirty and personal. " Josey looked around at the team. " If you need to get a personal weapon from your quarters or need to request something special then do it now. Meet back here in thirty minutes. "

Over the security intercom came the voice of Commander Kosugi. "Lieutenant Wales, we'll be at our destination within the hour. Get your team to the shuttle bay and be prepared to launch. Kusugi out."

Mishra's grew large when he heard this. This was it, it was happening. Finally a chance to stop these terrorists from continuing on their bloody path. He looked at Walken then the others. "I'll meet you in the shuttle bay."

"Aye, sir," Aarfa replied. "I'll grab gear and meet you there."

" Alright we've got our orders. go directly to the shuttle bay after you get your gear. We've got a lady down there waiting for us and we don't want to keep her waiting now do we? " Said Josey. " See you all in the shuttle bay. "

“Right you lot, I want all of the gear handed out returned in acceptable condition this time” Logan said as he wheeled himself towards one of the doors out, “you have no idea how much paperwork is involved in replacing your gear”

Josey grabbed his gear from the quarter master and signed for the authorized use of the away team mission. " I'll also need four smoke grenades and four flash bang grenades as well just in case we run into trouble. " With the gear in hand he returned to his quarters and grabbed one item and strapped it to his waist and his duck canvas duster to wear over his civilian clothes while on the planet. He unsnapped the sheath in drew the bowie knife and checked the edge. Satisfied he put it back into the sheath and went directly to the shuttle bay to check on the team.

"I'll save you the paperwork then, go raid my armor down on the marine deck. Besides got to make sure the equipment is up to Marine standards." He joked before making his way out of Security, "Now you kids don't blow yourselves up while I'm gone."

There was some laughter at Walken's comment as he left. "Good luck!" others said as the door closed behind the away team.



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