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Thu Sep 8th, 2022 @ 7:34am

Chief Petty Officer Logan Cale

Name Logan Cale

Position Master-at-Arms

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 115 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Logan has an above average height and weight for a Human Caucasian Male at just over 6 foot tall. He has Brown hair, which he keeps within regulation length, Blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. His build could best be described as that of a soldier, strong, muscular and fit.


Spouse none
Children none
Father James Cale
Mother Savannah Cale

Personality & Traits

General Overview Logan has an outgoing personality but can at times be a little distant when he is engaged with his work. He's always happy to help a mate out

Logan has been known to come up with some rather strange solutions to problems he's presented with, not all of them are by the book or even make sense, but they tend to work.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

- good sense of humor
- physically strong
- Intelligent
- head strong
- confident


- unable to walk
- has bad dreams about the fight where he was shot
- refuses to get treated (doesn't want to burden anyone)
- has an unspoken need to prove himself
- doesn't always work by the book
- can be overconfident when he's sure he is correct

Personal History Logan Cale was born on the 22nd of May in Sydney Australia. Both of his parents were in Starfleet, his mother in Science and his father in the Marine Corp, and quite often either parent was off on assignment while the other took time off to raise him. When he was eight years old, both of his parents were killed in an accident when the Ship they were both on suffered a Warp core breach. His mother had gone up to meet his father in Earth orbit onboard the ship where he was serving as a Security officer. The investigation showed that the Warp core had a micro fracture that hadn't been detected during the ships last maintenance overhaul and was ruled an accident.

After the Funeral, Logan was raised by his maternal grandfather Harry Hayes in San Francisco. When Logan was around the age of twelve, his grandfather started to notice that he would often stay home after school rather then hang our with friends, so in an attempt to cheer him up, his grandfather started him on a project to rebuild an old motorcycle that had been passed down their family for generations. While it wasn't in the best of shapes, it kicked over with a bit of effort.

After leaving high school Logan chose to follow in his father's footsteps and joined the Starfleet Marine Corp. During his training at West Point, Logan chose to specialize in Reconnaissance. He was attracted to the adventure and excitement on the frontier of Federation space instead of standing guard on some planetside starbase.

After completing his training, Logan was deployed to the Bajoran sector to help deal with a few pirate problems and to assist in the resettlement of a couple of colonies in the area that was the Cardassian DMZ. There he served for three years, during which time he met and befriended a brash sniper named Jessica Dawson, a head strong and confident Bajoran-Human hybrid who had been assigned to Logan's Recon platoon. Volunteering to serve as Jessica’s Spotter, the two were sent out into the DMZ on many missions, scouting and observing both former Marquis and Cardassian colonies.

On one mission, Logan and Jessica were assigned to check out a mystery signal coming from a planet near the badlands. The signal had a federation signature but wasn’t one used by Starfleet, so was suspected to be a maquis signal. After arriving on the planet, the pair spent the next few days scouting out one of the few buildings left intact after the Dominion wiped the planet of all maquis.

Unbeknownst to them, the Jem’Hadar had booby trapped the few remaining buildings and as the pair entered one of them, a laser tripwire triggered a pack of explosives which brought the building down ontop of them. At the last moment, Logan pushed his squad mate out of the way of a falling beam before diving to one side himself. Thinking himself trapped under a support beam, Logan found himself unable to move the lower part of his body, but it wasn’t until Jessica came too that they found what the actual cause was. A piece of round steal bar had impaled itself through Logan’s back, severing his spinal cord and paralysing him below the waist.

(Recovered by someone)

After being recovered, Logan was rushed to Deep Space 9 for medical treatment. After several hours, the doctor onboard was unable to completely restore Logan’s spinal cord due to the kind of damage, which left him unable to move his legs. As a substitute, the doctor provided Logan with two alternatives, a wheel chair or a kind of exo-skeleton. After some thought, Logan ask for both options so he could still be useful in an away team.

After recovering on DS9 for a few months, Logan had plenty of time to think over his options. He couldn’t remain in the Marine Corp now but he didn’t want to leave Starfleet or take a desk job. After a little research and talking with people at Starfleet Academy, Logan chose to return to earth and retrain as a security officer specialising in weapons maintenance and procurement as an armoury. This way he could still serve in Starfleet onboard a starship and he wouldn’t be needed on away missions as often.

Returning to Earth, Logan’s retraining as a security crewman took the better part of two years as he had to get used to both the more ‘relaxed’ customs of security as well as his new mechanical supports that allowed him to get around.

As soon as he retraining was complete, he immediately put in a request for a ship board posting and as fortune would have it, the newly minted USS Gladiator was looking for crew so he jumped on it.