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Your Title to be Determined

Posted on Tue Sep 6th, 2022 @ 8:02pm by Captain David Hawkins & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: The Goddess
Location: USS Gladiator
3727 words - 7.5 OF Standard Post Measure


It was the end of the discussion with the engineer, science and operations, trying to figure out the puzzle of the the so called tower. Raiden caught up with David and quietly asked, "Captain can we have a talk in your ready room? I don't want anyone to over hear our conversation."

"Sure can, but why wait till we get from this deck up several decks into my office?" David asked as he kept his focus on his walking and looking over his padd in his hand. He was more than sure what it was about but at this point, he was a man on a mission to have it all prepped and ready before they got to their destination.

"Okay I'll shoot." Raiden replied. "You caused a bit of concern with your statement, of why not just blow it up. I wasn't certain just how to take what you said back there. Rampant thoughts spun around in my head as to what if there were some of our people stuck in that monstrosity and we blew it up. Wouldn't you consider trying to rescue them or would we have to come to the conclusion they are already dead?" he glanced over at Hawkins. "I had asked you in there cause maybe you could have shed some light due to your previous experience. I didn't know how much you had seen when you first encountered those people."

"Correction, It caused a bit of concern with you, number one," David remarked as they came up to the turbolift and nodded a group of crewmen that walked by them. "As far as my opinion, they gave up their God given right to live when they treated other people as blood banks. If that upsets you, that is your opinion, but that is my opinion. We are allowed to have our own opinions, aren't we?"

"Yes we are allowed to have our own opinions. My concern was not about the Zealots but more about those who have been captured, then again, is there any evidence of them taking prisoners? Do you know if they do?" Raiden asked.

"This is a first we have ever heard of the Trinity Faction taking prisoners, if that is what they even did," the captain replied as he thought back but kept his focus before him with his eyes. He wasn't really concerned about these zealots health and wellbeing. More of the focus of them not slitting another throat again. "As for bombarding them, that would take place after our people are rescued, if they are even alive anymore."

"Well seems that they have changed some of their tactics, and I think none of us even have a clue as to why they have." Raiden watching as the light indicated coming to their destination, "And of course you wouldn't have bombarded it until we got our people back." he glanced at David. "And I do feel assured that you wouldn't have the attitude of kill them all and let God sort them out." he turned his eyes back towards the lift doors. "I've met some who had that attitude."

"Then I guess you don't know me very well," David replied as the turbolift doors slid open and he walked in.

Raiden looked at David as he followed him inside. "No I don't know you that well yet."

"I am one of them. I am happy to send them to whomever their God is quicker then planned to sort it out. Less resources, less chance of manning to watch these sick people, and less people in the galaxy killing those not guilty of such things. Hell I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I am tired of seeing such atrocities."

"Actually I was referring to those who will take down an enemy and not care about dealing major damage to civilian population" stepping inside. "You don't strike me as someone who will justify the death innocent civilians and I am not referring to the Trinity followers. I am talking about those truly innocent and calling them just acceptable collateral damage. However yes there are losses that happen when engaged in war."

"Ok..." David replied simply as he really didn't know what else had to be said. He crossed his arms as he stood in the center of the turbolift almost as though he was coming off as he owned the thing, that it was his space and that Raiden was in his personal bubble. This didn't bother the older man but he wasn't completely sure as to where the younger officer was trying to take this conversation to. "So what is your question then?"

Raiden just realized how his thought process was going, and to his dismay he found that he lost his train of thought. "Sorry sir, I lost my train of thought. My question was, I believe, would you consider the loss of civilians in a fight against your enemies to be just collateral damage. Now that I think of that question, I feel that was a very judgmental question to ask."

"Computer, halt turbolift," the order was given before the chirp of compliance before the transportation device came to a stop. The commanding officer looked at the man and raised an eye brow before relaxing his stance. "To ask that question to me and be up front about it shows that I didn't choose wrong when it came to finding a replacement Executive Officer. You maybe young and have years ahead of you before seeing that Captain's chair, if that is your end goal, but never second guess a question as major as that.

"To answer your question, some people may say that its all part of the job. Well as long as I breath, I will not let that be just a job. We aren't out here to play gods or dictate policies when are created to protect others only to be hypocrites. We are out here to protect those that can't. Yes, you have those explorers, but I am not one of those. I could care less if we go exploring the Delta Quadrant, or a new scientific discovery. I am out here to protect the little guys. That s why I became a marine, not for glory, but because I was built to do so.

"Collateral damage does happen, I get it. But its the last thing to ever happen. Now blowing those blood sucking bastards into the next life, I would do it in a heart beat and would sleep like a baby. But so help me, if our people are dead or messed up. Don't think I wouldn't have the desire and ability to string those zealots up and slowly drain them just the same or worse then they did.

"So to your concern. Yes I am a dangerous man. A very dangerous man. I have killed people, tortured people, and haven't lost sleep over it. But I did it for a reason. What they are doing, I could do for the right reason. But the difference between me and those damn Zealots? I have none of those temptations. I have a moral compass that isn't so jacked up that I don't take pleasure out of hurting people. Its sickening, and so when I said why not just bombard their asses from above and fly away, forget the scientific desires or curiosity of how things work, out the window. I meant every word of it. And if that makes me a threat, so be it, but I will not allow more death. They are done one way or the other."

Raiden took in what David had said, not speaking for a moment, his eyes not showing any expression; weighing over what was said, in his mind. After a few long moments, Raiden spoke. "If you want to bombard that device I won't stop you. I won't object. I'll object if you do retaliate in the same barbaric manner and drain them of their blood like they've done to others. That would lower you to the same level as they are. If you're going to kill them then do so, and do it swift. Doing it the same way they've killed others, won't bring those who have died that way, back."

Raiden regarded David a bit more, a firm set to his jaw. "I am not delusional to consider you not dangerous. I know you are, I have no doubt about that. I am also quite glad to hear that you don't consider the loss of innocents to be just collateral damage and considered acceptable losses."

"Computer, resume turbolift," The officer ordered before looking at the first officer one last time. He took in a deep breath before returning to his previous stance facing the double doors. There was a moment of silence and the humm of the transportation device continued to keep the piece from being to overwhelming. As the turbolift started to slow, David spoke. "Anything else you would like to ask or question of me? If so, start talking."

Raiden was quiet for a moment then he asked, "How soon are we going to make plans to get our people back? And as for me quizzing you even further on the current matter, I don't have any more at this time. I'm sure I will have more concerns that come to mind at a later time." he moved his attention towards the turbo lift doors, musing over things.

Then one thing did come to Raiden's mind, and he had to ask. "What possessed you to ask me to be your XO?" looking towards David, one eyebrow quirked up. "I'm not going to object but that was just something way out of left field for that to happen, and rather unexpected."

"I thought Lieutenant Wales was preparing his plan of attack?" David looked at the younger officer. "Wasn't that supposed to be something in the works already?"

"Yes that is happening as we speak." Raiden responded, slightly amused by the way David ignored his line of questioning. Raiden was getting the feeling that there are questions or even subjects that David wouldn't be answering or discussing unless he deemed it necessary. Raiden pulled out his PaDD, checking to see if there were any other items of business that needed attending to. "When Wales team is able to capture that person who is broadcasting that doctrine, I hope they find enough clues or even information to lead us to where we need to go next."

"How long until they are prepped and ready to launch?" the captain asked simply knowing that there was more that he could have answered. But the Commander needed to earn his respect and trust before he openly offered up more information. But the last question wasn't completely out of line, just he wanted to make sure he found the proper words to explain himself.

Raiden consulted his PaDD once more, and smiled, "As soon as Gladiator is in range they are ready to go." he stated. "They are taking a small team, which consists of Cadet Barakzay, Lieutenant Walken, Lieutenant Wales, and Ensign Mishra. There they will be going after the acolyte who has been sending out the messages to garner followers."

"The cadet that I met a bit ago... She seems a little fisty. Knocked my coffee all over both of us and hit on me the first time we met," David spoke up, half kidding trying to ease the tension before he nodded once in agreement with the plan of attack. "The fleet will be there as well, keeping them from escaping. I'm sure they will have away teams standing by to go in once given the green light. But Lieutenant Wales needs the element of surprise. What about Corporal Zul'arra?"

"Corporal Zul'arra would probably be a good addition. We do need to first find out where the main base is, Captain, hence the small strike team. There is a good chance that, the proselyter isn't transmitting from their prime central area. These people are rather smart and very evasive. They seem to be able to hide where they are at. Recommendation, strike team grab said person, hopefully gain information needed, Then go after that main base and rescue our people and take down that religious center destroy whatever they are planning to use." Raiden responded.

"Fair enough. Just make sure they are in and out," he replied before the turbolift came to a holt. The doors swished open to show an active bridge. The two officers stepped out and moved their way around the busy crew members to his ready room. "What else do we have, Commander?"

Raiden took another mental note as to the bridge being swarmed by engineering. "I had noted that the Chief of engineering Lieutenant Edruj, may have wanted to push the button and activate the simulation of that smaller tower the group had put together. I propose that could happen but fixing it to where it may be able to pin point any other possible radio towers or transmitters mapping out where they could be located and then get other ships to destroy them. Sort of sending out a sonar, or ping?"

"More than likely the real thing will ping them for sure if they have a scheduled time frame and password or codes in place to ensure they are not hacked," the captain replied thinking out loud.

"Hmmnn wonder if a sort of virus or signal could ping out from their central core, if there is one, to render the possible transmitters useless, and not be able to be used anymore. That still goes back to searching out said towers. Probably too much resources to be used as who know how many of them could be out there." Raiden was just thinking out loud at this point. "But that is for a future detail as we have the here and now, gaining information and stopping the main branch, and rescuing our people."

"No... its stopping them all. Not just the main branch, but all of them," David remarked after turning right before the opened door of his office and looked at the first officer. "Let me be very clear. They are all done for, and no matter what it takes, none of them walk out of this alive or a free man. That is a promise."

Raiden saw the grim resolve and determination in the Captain's eyes, even heard it in his voice. There wasn't going to be any deterrence to keep the Captain from doing retribution upon these terrorists. They had wreaked so much havoc upon the citizens of the universe, too many innocent lives were lost. What other words could Raiden even say.

"If you do not control the enemy the enemy will control you." a quote from Miramoto Musashi A book of Five Rings, sprang from Raiden's lips.

Raiden locked eyes with Hawkins, "Too long have these enemies controlled the fate and lives of those near and far. And it seems that a quote from the great swordsman Musashi also fits here, where you are concerned, 'When you decide to attack, keep calm and dash in quickly, forestalling the enemy...attack with a feeling of constantly crushing the enemy, from first to last." he went silent for just looking at his CO.

The captain looked the man over and tried to figure out what this man was trying to do before grabbing the man to lead him into his office. Once the door closed, he walked around his desk as he spoke out loud. "Not completely sure if you are trying to one up me, counsel me, or tell me how to handle the situation at hand. But I got to say, personally, I don't care. But I'll give you this, you sure as heck have some quotes," he pause as he took his chair behind the desk as he started to accessing his computer. "The reason why I chose you is because typically you seem to keep a cool head, but that can also cause you question yourself if you run into a situation you have never been in. Quotes or not, this isn't something you are going to know perfectly how to handle. But I know you are willing to try and learn."

He stopped and looked over at the man. "Commander, you also have a secret and that means once I find it out, we will be having a long discussion, or I use it to control you. So between your double shifts, don't forget to look up a quote or two for this situation."

Raiden looked sharply at Hawkins when he mentioned a secret that he may be hiding. It sent chills up and down Raiden's spine. "I am not trying to one ups you, Captain. Just some quotes that came to mind as I'm trying to wrap my brain around this and it seemed rather appropriate."

Raiden's brow furrowed, realizing that having a secret that the captain didn't know about could be detrimental to the working relationship. "I could tell you the burden I am carrying around right now. Then you can decide whether I am compromised or not. If I had my head screwed on proper I should have told you earlier."

"Yes you could tell me. Hell I could order you and see what it is. But then again, you could make it to which I have to work for it. Then again, if you tell me straight up, what kind of character are you showing me and are you worthy of being my 'Executive Officer'?" David questioned out loud.

Taking in a deep breath through his nose, Raiden let it out slowly. He was going to make certain this didn't control him. "Well what I am about to tell you, happened before we moved to here, and before you decided to make me your XO." Raiden began, " Back on the Arcadia, I had a vivid nightmare. In it, our former Intelligence officer Verelan was prime evil incarnate. She turned into a Kitsune, a fox demon woman and tried to kill me. It was as if she were trying to find out something from me but what that was I do not know."

Raiden was clearly pissed off at what happened. "She did threaten my family as well as those on the crew. I fought her in what I termed a mindscape and I killed her in that battle shoving her out the airlock. I woke up from that dream and found some troubling evidence that I hadn't been alone in my quarters. There was an Osil stick that the intell officer liked to eat, and some blood traces on the wall of my quarters on the inside of the door. DNA evidence that had been collected and had sent to medical." Raiden's voice went a bit gruff as he continued.

"I had spoken to Commander Ziyal about what happened, and there was indication of pressure points having been applied to my face, like what would be used for a mindmeld. Worried that I had actually killed Verelan, I checked and found that she had left soon after that mind battle. No longer on the ship. I don't know if she was working for someone. She left before we went to check on that cargo ship."

Raiden stopped there and looked David straight in the eyes, his shoulders straight, Raiden standing tall. Oh there was the signs of that having taken a toll on Raiden, but he didn't falterf in his gaze. "There, that is my secret, hold it over me, whatever you wish. I don't care. Its your decision what you want to do now. But damned if I am going to let that... experience turn me into some blubbering weakling."

"Lieutenant Verelan wasn't her name. Due to top secret clearance on the matter, I am not at liberty to discuss with you the matter of the details. But she wasn't who she claimed to be. She wasn't killed and you are off the hook... for that," David explained as he blinked a couple times before going back to his monitor. "You don't have to worry about her anymore. She won't be coming aboard this ship any time soon."

"Her name wasn't Lieutenant Verelan." Raiden closed his eyes for a moment then opened them back up. "Lovely." Raiden uttered. "I am off the hook for that, but I am getting the distinct feeling, I am on the hook for something else, Sir." his jaw tensing up.

"A little birdy tells me we are hunting after the same pray," the captain leaned over slightly and peered at him for a moment to see his reactions.

"We are after what ? The same prey?" Raiden was definitely perplexed on this turn of the conversation. "Captain, you have me at a disadvantage, I have no clue what you are talking about." Invisible question marks were dancing above hie head. " Unless you are talking about the Zealots, then yes we are after the same prey." Raiden was feeling totally clueless as to what the Captain was getting at.

"If you don't know, then you can enjoy your double shifts. If there isn't anything else to discuss, get that away team's shuttle prepped and ready. We should be in place within the next hour," the ranking officer replied as he returned back to his work. "You are dismissed."

Raiden's eyebrows raised feeling even more confused. Just what in the heck was the Captain talking about. "Yes sir, there isn't anything else to discuss. I'll see myself out." And with that Raiden turned and left the ready room, feeling rather perplexed.

After the doors to his ready room closed, David leaned back in his chair and thought to himself for a moment. Though the man was young and inexperienced, he would surely book smart and calm. This could be a positive and a negative thing. His record showed him to be a clean shot pilot. He didn't seem to really show to many risks outside of piloting a starship. But that was what he had read of Raiden's service records. Still, those that he did talk to had high praise for the commander. That was good enough for him for this mission. Afterwards, that would be another story...


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