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Posted on Tue Jan 11th, 2022 @ 8:37pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez
Edited on on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 8:25pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Various
2785 words - 5.6 OF Standard Post Measure


As Raiden and Eira continued away from the holo-suite, and in answer to her question about food, Raiden chuckled, "I am not really a picky eater, I'd even eat a meal from the replicator. Sure I like sandwiches and such but, it's not the meal that is important, it's the company a person is with when you eat the meal." giving a bit of a smile. "You could eat a simple ration bar and watch a sunset with someone you like being around and call it a good meal there. A friend, a significant other, just someone you appreciate being around."

"I like that analogy." Eira returned the smile as they kept walking and she reversed her walking so that it was backwards for a short while, "So what are you feeling? I think something take-away and we can go to either your or my quarters and eat it and chill out there?"

"Well I am in the mood for a roast beef sandwich, with fries, so yeah, take out and how about your quarters. If that isn't too forward in asking that." Raiden gave a smile.

"I'd be happy to go back to mine, means less of a distance I have to go afterwards," she teased playfully as they walked down to the lower deck and stopped at one shop that sold various food and drink items. "I'll have the satay chicken noodle salad and iced tea please."

She turned back to Raiden, "I hope my amazing personality makes up for the lack of decoration in my quarters, haha."

Raiden got his roast beef sandwich, fries and a tea. "Well, your decorations would match mine. Spartan, except for maybe my blades are on the wall and some exercise equipment. And the er, provided furnishings of Star Fleet. " he chuckled. " I travel light as it is." he looked at Eira, and he smiled. He was certainly enjoying her company and just felt at ease. No dark clouds could be detected at this point. "I will definitely need to let you see what I have there some time as well. Sound good?" when they received their orders, he walked alongside her, "so curiosity, how often do you want to practice?"

There was an easiness that Eira could feel had spread over both of them and things felt natural, similar to what she and Rafe had all that long ago. "Ooh, I think I can do you one better there: three framed pictures, a small tray for my jewellery and a stuffed bear."

The pair strolled along and made their way up to her quarters. "At least twice a week minimum would work for me but it comes down to whatever suits you too. And yeah, definitely sounds like a plan."

"Twice a week sounds great to me." Raiden replied, "A stuffed bear, does he or she have a name? I had a stuffed Bear as well. I called him Buddy." he laughed. "Don't know why I did but I did. And he was my buddy for quite some time. In fact, I do have him still, he's dressed in a WW2 pilot's outfit."

"Mine is dressed as a soldier and is named Axel. He's been through quite a bit with me and is great for venting too." They'd eventually stopped outside her quarters. "Now. Prepare yourself for the best quarters you'll ever see in your life!" She started laughing.

True to form, there were the items she'd said: three photos on her side table and Axel the bear on the bed. Eira had forgotten to mention the soft blue blanket on the bed. "So, what do you think? I call it Scandinavian scarcity." Her accent picked up on the annunciation of the last few words.

She moved towards the photos and picked up one of them: it showed her brother Aidan on the left, Eira in the middle and their other brother Oliver on the right, and the boys were carrying Eira in their arms and all three were laughing. Looking over to the other ones, one showed Eira again but this time she was posing for the photo with her old department head Jinn and her boyfriend/best friend Rafe at a party.

The third photo was just Rafe and Eira at a waterfall on a holodeck and looking at it made Eira want to call Rafe to see how he was. Hopefully Raiden didn't look into things too much because she didn't want to carry over guilt of not having resolved things with Rafe if she was going to see what happened with Raiden.

"It is very chic." giving a soft chuckle. "And really it is very lovely, plus I do love the colour of your bedspread. It is much the colour of the sky when I flew with my uncle." he moved to put his to-go box on a table along with his drink. "Scandinavian? There were some beautiful scenery I flew a plane over as well. Such gorgeous mountains, with the snow on top. It took my breath away." Raiden almost made a comment about her taking his breath away. He thought maybe that would be too cheesy. But her hair did remind him of the snowcapped mountains of that area. However, his eyes did linger for a moment longer on her hair.

Eira moved to her bed and sat on it with one foot crossed underneath and the other leg out on an angle, her own to-go box was perched on a pillow. "My name actually means winter because apparently, my parents were fans of the mountains." She smiled at him and motioned for him to take a seat as well. "Honestly, you would love my home town: it was right by the water that froze in winter, mountains, quietness... I loved every minute of it." She could feel the lingering look and raised a questioning eyebrow.

Raiden's eyes drifted down from her hair to her eyes, then he realized that he'd been staring as he caught sight of her raised eyebrow. "Sorry I was staring, your hair reminded me of the beautiful snow-capped mountains there. And then I almost made a comment that could be thought of as a cheesy pickup line. Even though it would have been an honest statement." the last part was sort of a mumble, as he moved a chair next to the bed and sat down with his meal box in his lap.

"I was going to say you take my breath away as well." this last part murmured softly, mostly to himself.

"That." Eira swallowed a bit of food, "Would, hands down, have to be one of the sweetest compliments I've ever received. Thank you." She replied softly, feeling the burn of her cheeks going bright red because she heard the last part louder than he realised.

Without the risk of being too forward, "I like you, Raiden. You interest me quite a bit." She smiled and then moved her food so she could lay down on the bed, face to the ceiling. "There is one thing I'd like to show you if you want to join me?"

Raiden quickly looked over at Eira, a tint of pink in his own cheeks. "Um, you're welcome." Then hearing the invitation from Eira, he gulped. "Oh..okay." moving his food box to the table and then laid down next to Eira. "Okay." and he looked upwards towards the ceiling as well. He wasn't certain what was going to be happening, but okay then. He also didn't make any move towards her either.

She shifted so there was more room for him, "So I think you'll like this. I had one of my tech-savvy friends make it for me on our cadet cruise a while back and I've kinda kept it around because it reminds me of home." She gave him a wide smile.

"Computer lights off and start Northern Lights please." The room darkened right down and the natural phenomenon that was the Northern Lights projected towards the ceiling with the constellations behind them. It was beautiful and otherworldly. "This is the Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights as seen from home. What do you think?"

Raiden was stunned at the phenomena, it was fantastic. "Oh, this is beautiful, just to think that you have a bit of home right here with you as well. I love it." Raiden turning slightly to glance over at Eira. "This is amazing." grinning then turning his gaze back 'skyward'. "Thank you for sharing this with me."

"You're welcome," she took her eyes away from the lights to look at him and smiled softly. "I don't share this with anyone so you're the first." She moved slightly to make herself more comfortable, hopefully not making Raiden uncomfortable.

It didn't bother him in the least, he did look over towards Eira, "That display is actually something I could watch for hours." a gentle smile towards her. He shifted slightly then directed his gaze back upwards. "I love how the colours move about. And such brilliance to it, and yet so soothing."

Oblivious to the look he gave her, she continued her train of thought, "I can't remember exactly the reason they are formed but they've been fascinating humanity for thousands of years and will probably continue to do so. Every time I turn this on, it's always a different pattern and colours." She stared upward in wonder.

"It changes, much like the real northern lights? That is amazing!" he uttered. He went quiet as he gazed upwards. He could feel his eyelids drifting downwards, being lulled almost into slumber, a meditative state.

"Yeah, it does." Eira looked over and saw Raiden was falling asleep and chose not to say anything, instead just left him and leant over to pick up a piece of chicken from her salad and then look back up at the ceiling for a while longer.

It could be seen that Raiden had slipped off into regular slumber, and he shifted his position and moved rather close to the edge of the bed. In fact, one more movement he did roll off towards the floor.

Eira looked at him in surprise for a couple of moments before she started laughing, "Oh my stars! Are you okay?" She went to help him up by offering a hand while still laughing.

Raiden was startled when he hit the floor, and at first didn't know where he was at then seeing the Northern lights above he quickly remembered where he was, Eira's quarters. He glanced up towards her, "Okay sorry didn't mean to fall asleep there." He made a move to get up, accepting her offered hand to do so.

"It's honestly been such a long day, I don't blame you for falling asleep." She made sure he was stable enough before moving to the side of the bed. "What a way to end the first date though!" She laughed again, more out of embarrassment than anything.

Raiden nodded, giving an embarrassed laugh as he rubbed the back of his head. "I wasn't intending to fall asleep like that." giving a sheepish smile. "but yeah, makes the day memorable and can be laughed about. And really, do laugh it was funny."

"I like you, Raiden." Eira smiled at him softly once she finished laughing. "Are you sure you're okay? You kinda smacked your head pretty hard?" She took a step towards him.

He gave a rueful smile, "I've had worse. I'll survive, besides I've got a hard head, knock on wood." tapping on his head, then giving a wince. "Okay note to self, do not do that." giving a sigh he looked at Eira, with a smile. "I will be okay." he not moving away.

She suddenly felt slightly awkward, unsure of what to do. "We don't need our pilot with a concussion, haha, especially when it's not my fault!" It had been a long time since she'd been this close to someone.

"If it would make you feel better, I'll take a seat here" Motioning towards the bed with his hand "and you can check the bump on my head if that will make you feel any better." reaching out and touching her shoulder. "Will that help out?" Raiden having a soft smile.

"Are you sure you're not dizzy?" Her tone was caring yet curious as she sat down beside him and ran her fingers through his hair. "You might need a drink or something else to eat too. But yeah, that would help out."

He had closed his eyes for a moment while she ran her fingers through his hair then his eyes flashed open. "Dang my sandwich I don't think I finished eating it!" not moving from where he sat. He didn't want to move as it felt so good, her gentle touch and for some reason, the ache in his head was disappearing.

"If you want, I can stop?" She laughed in response to the panic she could feel. A smile played across her lips as she continued to play with his hair, "You tell me what you want."

That statement sent Raiden's heart racing. There were several answers that came to mind. And he chased most of them off. "An embrace would be lovely." he remarked, "Then I should get something to eat."

I can do that." She nodded in response and leant in to give him the embrace he wanted with her arms wrapped over his shoulders and waited for his response to it.

That actually surprised Raiden and he slipped an arm around Eira and pulled her close with his other arm encircling her as well. The embrace wasn't one to where it was uncomfortable. Then he looked into her eyes. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Eira replied as she found herself looking into his eyes that held so much expression without verbally saying anything. She didn't need to feel the emotions to know what was happening but for some reason, she felt comfortable enough being with Raiden that she leant in and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Now Raiden did want a kiss, but he didn't want to force it on Eira. And he was pleasantly surprised when she kissed him. He pulled her closer to enjoy the kiss even more then, he slowly released her, cupping her cheek with his hand, and brushing her lips with his thumb. "I enjoyed today, very much so."

His touch was so light on her lips that it almost didn't feel real and it felt nice. She closed her eyes and smiled before opening them again, "Same. Is it bad that I don't want this moment to end?" There was a feeling of calmness and she felt this could be the start of something nice and sweet.

Another smile appeared, then Raiden said, "Not really bad." Debating on giving her another kiss, then he leaned in for another kiss, not as long as the first, and leaned his forehead against hers, after he broke the kiss. "I think I had better go." with regret in his voice. "I am not one to take advantage of ladies, and I am not a love em and leave them sort of guy." He moved to pull away, releasing Eira from his embrace.

"So will there be a follow up to tonight?" She didn't want the night to end but liked the fact he was so respectful and actually admired that about him.

"Us going out on another date? It could very well happen. However, I don't think I will allow myself to get too comfortable in a lady's quarters again." he looked back up towards the Northern Lights as they continued their show. Then looked back at Eira, "It is something dangerous, and hearts can get hurt." he leaned in and this time kissed her on the cheek, "I'm going to leave now, and I will let you know when we can get started on your training too."

Raiden said rising from the bed. "Goodnight Eira."

"Good night Raiden," she responded and watched as he exited her quarters before she went back to laying on the bed and watching the display.

When he stepped outside of Eira's quarters, the door closing behind him. Raiden paused and looked back at it. Taking a deep breath Raiden adjusted his duffle bag over his shoulder and proceeded down the hall to his own quarters. He got ready for bed, and laid down to contemplate the ceiling for a few, his head pillowed on his hands. In his mind the patterns of the Northern Lights he saw on Eira's ceiling played through, then his eyelids lowered and he fell fast asleep.


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