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Posted on Sun Jan 9th, 2022 @ 3:59am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez
Edited on on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 8:26pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Holodeck
2197 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Eira waited patiently outside the holodeck she'd agreed to meet Raiden at, fixing the loose-fitting dark blue shirt and workout tights she was wearing to ensure optimal comfort. Ninjutsu was definitely on the list of activities she never thought she would be doing but hey, what could go wrong with learning something new?

She checked her watch: it was a few minutes past the arranged time but that was forgivable. As long as he didn't stand her up, she was fine with it.

Raiden was late, and he hated that fact. He walked up to where Eira was standing, holding a large duffle bag over his shoulder.

"I am so sorry I'm late. I was locating my practice gear for our training today." Flashing an apologetic smile. "I know that I could have gotten that from the computer but, I wanted to utilize my personal gear for this."

That smile, dammit. "Apology accepted, let's get started!" She flashed her own quick smile at him, "I am interested to know what you mean by personal gear though. I like that idea rather than from the computer."

Raiden hefted the bag he was carrying. "I've got protective gear here, like shin guards, arm guards. Sort of cushiony gear to soften blows when a person gets hit." the pilot explained. "Very important to have." giving a nod.

"Let's hope it all fits then. Don't want to have to end up seeing the doc this early for injuries." Eira laughed and followed him into the holodeck and watched as it transformed to the setting.

Raiden had stepped up to the archway and put in his command, "Kosugi Dojo program Number 5." he stated and when the two of them stepped inside, the holo-deck had been transformed into a likeness of his family's dojo. The personal one. There were mats upon the floor, their steps being muffled. There were two benches just inside, where Raiden set down his gear bag and took off his shoes and socks, placing them upon the rack next to the benches. He took off his warm-up jacket revealing the white tee shirt that he wore beneath. He chose not to wear the whole outfit of his martial arts but was wearing the pants that semi conformed to his body. The lacings of the pants already tied around the legs.

The room itself besides the mats upon the floor had bamboo along part of the walls, and a sliding door that looked out towards an inner garden plus an outside area for practice as well in the centre. It was a horseshoe arrangement with the open end facing out towards the ocean, through double gates which could be closed for more privacy. On either side of the archway were the weapons that would be utilized in the training. A gentle breeze wafted its way towards where Raiden and Eira stood, bringing in the delicate scent of the white jasmine blossoms that were blooming.

Raiden looked at Eira. "Welcome to my family's dojo. Hope you didn't mind my changing the program to mine." him walking to the centre of it. "it's been a while since I've opened this up." he said quietly.

Eira looked around the room and stared in wonder at everything before her. "This is amazing and beautiful." She started to walk around and take everything in, "How long has this been in your family for?" she asked and glanced back at him as she breathed in the scent of the jasmine. The smell unlocked the memory of when she was a kid and was sitting out in the back garden watching her brothers play while she read a book.

"Its been a part of the family maybe over a century." Raiden remarked. "It is very steeped in tradition, and a lot of family history." looking fondly at the surroundings.

Walking back toward him, Eira took a quick glance at how he was dressed and picked up some of the gear to look at it a bit better. "Reckon you could show me how to put all this on? I don't want to mess it up and do it wrong."

"Sure, lets get you outfitted." as he pulled out the protective gear. One covered the torso, the other the head gear. "I'll show you how to put it on, however I am realizing I need to outfit you with the proper size. However, you trying this on is a good training part for when I get you your own gear." giving a smile.

Eira raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms as she repeated what he said, "You're going to get me my own gear? So this will be a regular thing?" Nodding slightly, "I'm not going to complain about that, you'll have the most attentive student ever."

Raiden paused and looked at Eira. "I... actually thought you were wanting for this to be a regular thing, if you liked that idea. I wouldn't mind. " He paused, for a moment looking at her, after tying the torso pads about Eira.

She realised what she'd said at the comment and her eyes widened slightly as she held her arms up for him to tie them, "I'm sorry, of course, I want this to be a regular thing! Gives me a chance to hang out with you a lot more." She gave him an apologetic smile.

Raiden gave a tilt of his head nodding. "Well with my putting my gear on you, I definitely have a good idea of the size you'll need. This will be when we do more of the advanced things." he continued on as he put the protective gloves on her and even all the way to the shin guards and the foot guards. Kneeling at her feet, when he attached the other pads. He looked up towards her, "It may seem awkward but this certainly helps to protect you." looking up with a grin.

Eira laughed in response as she looked at all the padding. "I don't feel awkward in it at all." She raised her hands and looked at the worn gloves, taking note of the creases before looking down at Raiden and the rest of the padding. "So what's the first thing you're going to teach me?"

"I could say how to move in the protective gear." he teased slightly, rising upwards. " Normally that is used for when people strike blows and do some sparring. Try moving around then we'll get to the other moves, I can show the first katas of movement." Raiden grinning.

When he stood up, she felt the closeness and it caught her off guard a but, but it wasn't one of those weird feelings, it was good? She couldn't explain it. "Okay, so just walk around a bit to get used to it all?" She did that and noted that it felt unnatural to walk and move with them on.

"Yup and it does feel awkward in moving in it. However when you get into kicking you will be very glad have that protecting you." Raiden remarked, as he watched, giving a smile. "The first time I put those on my first protective gear, I felt like a turtle at first. Even pretended to pull my head into its shell. Dad wasn't too happy but mom thought it was funny. I even was running around calling myself Donatello. Dad was even less pleased." giving a light laugh.

Eira laughed as well and then thought for a second, "I can see just how funny your dad's reaction would be to that but can I feign ignorance and ask who Donatello is? I've never heard of him before."

A brilliant smile appeared on Raiden's face. "Here I will show you." and he said, "Computer, please bring in Donatello, from teenage mutant ninja turtles." And there in the center of the dojo a tall turtle with a purple face mask around his eyes. He was carrying a staff and was looking around. "Hello Donatello, I'd like you to meet my friend Eira."

The turtle looked at her and gave a bow. Then Raiden said, "That is Donatello, he is an engineer extraordinaire, and works on the gadgets of his brothers. They are named after famous artists. Leonardo and Raphael." Raiden said.

Eira moved as much as the padding allowed around the figure standing before them and looked at him. Quite frankly, it was bizarre to her but she laughed anyway, "This is actually so cool. I guess this is a production of the late 1900s or early 2000s? They really had it all back then, didn't they?" She liked the purple face mask for sure.

"Yes it is, I sometimes go on adventures with them. Just for fun." he give a slight shrug. "Can't be all business right?" grinning. "Okay lets get you out of the gear and I can start you on some moves." Raiden said.

She laughed again at the thought of holodeck adventures with mutant turtles, it would be interesting to see! "Adventures? I like Adventures." She said with a smile as she shrugged off the gloves and bent slightly to get the shin guards.

When Eira got the shin guards off, Raiden would come assist her in taking off the torso protector as well. "What sort of adventures do you like to take part in?" he'd ask as he un-velcroed the torso pads.

"Outside of work related, it's mostly nature hikes through old ruins around the world. There's always something new to discover and see." Eira played down the excitement in her voice at talking about it as she moved into a position that was facing Raiden. "That itself is an adventure to me."

"What sort of ruins have you seen so far in your nature hikes?" Raiden retrieving his gear and putting it into his gear bag. "And I like that idea."

"I always wanted to explore more of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales so I've got a few holodeck programs that take me through the ruins of castles and cities." Calm the excitement down, "You should come with me one day."

"I would love that very much, I am interested in things like that." giving a soft smile, he looking into hers. It seemed a long moment before he broke eye contact. "Beautiful country. Full of legends." he zipped up the bag and then walked over towards her. "So we'll, do some stretching warm up exercises and then we'll begin." standing in front of her then he lowered himself to the ground and began the stretching exercises. It could be seen that he was rather limber.

Eira held the eye contact too and smiled, "Maybe could even show you my home some day too." She followed lead and dropped to the ground with one leg outstretched and the other folded underneath her. Being limber and flexible was always a good thing. "How far do you reckon you could stretch?"

Raiden looked at Eira. "I can show you." he called up two boxes and then he stretched himself one leg on each one. That would show the sort of stretch he had. And he didn't break a sweat.

"Okay, that's pretty impressive." Eira laughed and clapped. "I don't think I can beat you with that." She probably could try but she let him have this win. "You're full of surprises."

"Erm sorry guess I was being a little bit of a show off. Anyway." he rolled forward to get himself off the boxes, and stood up. "Okay let me show you some of the movements." dusting off his hands. He moved over to where Eira was and then showed her some easy katas, for her to use. Going slow and easy for her to follow and to mirror him, and then stood by her side as well for the side view. As he went on he'd stop to check on her stances.

Eira kept up with what he was showing her and mirrored him exactly. Surprisingly, everything was easy to understand and the movements were fluid. "So just to double check, feet placement here and body and hands are twisted to be like this? Feel free to correct me, please."

Raiden took a look, slightly adjusting her hands and then her feet only minorly, making contact with his hands. "You seem to be a natural. That is great." once more putting her through some of the movements. "Okay, I think that is all for today. Well this part of it. I'm getting hungry." he laughed, as his stomach gave out a growl.

"What can I say? I've got an awesome teacher." She sort of shoulder bumped him lightly in playfulness as they made their way out of the holodeck. "So what would you care to eat for dinner? I'm pretty sure there are a few restaurants on deck 10 that would serve up something good!"

"Sounds like a plan!" giving a playful smile towards Eira as they left. He paused for a moment to say to the computer. "Computer save program." before the door to the holo deck closed behind them.

(OOC: I decided to add something at the end. Okay continuing on to the next one)


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