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The Next Morning

Posted on Sat Jan 8th, 2022 @ 9:12am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Captain Callisi Verra
Edited on on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 8:27pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Turbolift 02
1314 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Callisi managed to survive the celebration with hardly any signs of a hangover, blessings counted. She had trained with the best, so she knew how to drink from the best. Her uniform donned, smooth and crisp, with a mug of tea in hand as she walked to the turbolift to begin her shift. A few parts requisitions, a few repair schedules to approve, basic stuff. Boring stuff.

Her thoughts drifted, to the celebration, to the party, to... Raiden. A smile crossed her features as she walked into the lift and indicated her destination. Her hand against her mug tightened slightly, and she felt a little more than the warmth of the mug along her features. A companion, a friendly face, someone to share her experiences with... was it really this? Was it really something so simple?

That resolved it. The next time her and Raiden ran into each other, they'd figure things out. At least, line up their schedules for another movie night. The next movie night.

Raiden had a large mug of Chai tea with a splash of coffee in it. He rubbed his head with his free hand. That drink that Callisi had given to him was really good and then there was the rum earlier as well, that really hit his head. He did enjoy getting to know details about Callisi's culture. And that game of Kinetic Ball. That was some heady stuff. That drink though.. he didn't recall how many he had but, he was at least able to make it to his own quarters, and slept well.

He waited for the turbo lift to answer the call to go somewhere, when the door opened and there was... Callisi. His eyes widened when he saw her, and then a smile became evident.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" was about all Raiden could say for the moment.

She gave a surprised blink, which then slowly melted into a soft smile as she took a step back to give him more room to come into the lift. "I'm never mixing earth alcohol and Ts'usu alcohol ever again." she said softly, "But aside from that I'm fine. I hope the same is true?" she inquired.

"I am, just getting my brain to clear up just a tad." gesturing to the cup he held. "And I agree with you, both mixed together can pack a punch." Raiden gave a slight chuckle giving a small wince.

Callisi gave a nod, sipping her own drink as she did. She found it easy to listen to him, easy to pay attention to him. Easy to just... be there with him. "I just... I really enjoyed our time together." she admitted, getting over the hurdle of possible awkwardness. "I wanted to ask you'd want to work on scheduling another night together for more shows, more Kinetic... and I wanted to know if I should consider it a friendly get-together, or our second date?" she paused for a moment, worried she might be being too aggressive. As a tether, she offered Raiden her hand.

Raiden noticed the offering of her hand towards him, realizing that like all other beings there seemed to be a need for contact of some kind. He reached out and held her hand for a moment before slowly releasing it. It was not a rejection though. He will have to get to know more about her people's customs before anything else. "I would like to do that of course. I feel I may need to have us do such as friendly get together. With my still learning of your culture, I need to sort out things in my head. And I don't want to do something that will hurt you, or make you feel like you aren't worth anything." Raiden feeling like he is just really messing things up here.

She gave a soft smile as he took her hand, a smile that lingered even after he let go. His request for it to be a friendly get together didn't seem to phase that smile. "I appreciate that. All of that." she was silent for a moment before she picked up, "Something casual and friendly means less stress, less implication. I think we could both appreciate that. Also, less mixing of alcohol." she teased with a soft giggle.

"I think I have a few pieces of just cityscapes and people in motion. Just to show what a crowd looks like in a Ts'usu city. No stars, mind you, but it's still a nice piece to see." she offered as a preview of things to come. "Not to mention five more seasons of Kinetic." she smirked at that, sipping her tea as the ride in the lift resumed. "Just to warn you, though, next time I might have some questions about Earth."

"I agree, no mixing drinks but it was fun and... Yes I've gotta see more of the Kinetic game." giving a fist pump in the air. "And I would love to see the cityscapes as well. And about Earth, I'll answer your questions to the best of my ability." Raiden then drinking of his beverage.

She gave him a soft smile, "By the end of the first four weeks, you're going to have a favorite team at this rate." she teased, but enjoyed his company. "Earth is too public. I can go to any terminal and read all about it. And it's moon, it's poor poor dead moon." she shook her head, "Ts'usu guards herself, we keep her a secret to prevent the Koldarans from finding her, from attacking her. So there's only so much I'm allowed to say about home." a pause, "I'll share with you everything I can, but just like with Earth, there's bound to be questions either we can't answer, or we shouldn't answer. I'll never hold it against you if you can't answer a question." a reassurance of trust there. Such secrecy to protect their home. The Koldarans... must be an enemy of the people. Another race.

"We'll work out something for both our schedules. I'll be in the hangar bay most of my shift should you need anything." Ts'usugi culture seemed to favor the notion of leaving options and openings, and allowing the other party to take the option of either committing, or deferring. Usually there was always a backdoor out of an implied obligation, a way out, that wouldn't put pressure on either party. Very delicate, very hands-off. Even in conversation they didn't really touch anything.

Raiden smiled once more, "I would like that definitely and will come to see you in the hangar, and we can talk more about the arrangements." taking another drink. He was feeling at ease for the most part. "And I agree I may end up with a favorite team, as we watch more."

She gave a chuckle, "Sounds fair, but if it's the Nebulas we're going to have to start watching from different couches." she teased with a smile as the lift came to a stop. "This is my floor. Stop by anytime, and..." she was silent for a moment, hiding the moment with a sip of tea, "Thank you. I'll see you around, Raiden." and she took the first few steps off of the lift, then turned to see him off.

"Oh its on then." Raiden giving a grin, "I'll see later Callisi." he gave her a nod, "And I am looking forward to it."

With that, the doors to the lift closed, and Raiden was on his way. With that, the mask was back, and Callisi returned to being the Daughter of Ts'usu that everyone knew. Withdrawn. Enigmatic. Distant with emotions. A soft smile, a smirk, and nothing more else the mask might crack. She enjoyed the notion of being able to relax around Raiden. She turned to head to the flight deck, to at least start her day.


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