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Meeting the Captain

Posted on Mon Jan 3rd, 2022 @ 8:16am by Captain David Hawkins & Ensign Jaeih t'Rhenn
Edited on on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 8:27pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Captain's Ready Room
843 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Jaeih had gone to Engineering only to find that at current there was no Chief of Engineering, so she had turned back out of the Main Engineering and headed for the bridge.

It took her 5 minutes to reach the bridge by turbolift and she paused just outside the doors to take in the massive bridge.

The massive bridge was live with activity. The multitude of stations were manned with what seemed like seasoned and skilled crew members all around. The beeping and short discussions were subtle but almost constant. A bark was heard as a man and his German Sheppard Dog walked up the ramp to the turbolift. He paused as he looked over the young ensign.

"Ensign? Is everything ok?" the captain asked as he and the canine stopped a couple steps away.

Jaeih didn't jump, well not really. She straightened. "Ah no Sir. I was.. Its a very big bridge Sir, and I was just.." Rambling, she told herself. "Ensign t'Rhenn Sir, Engineering. I was told to report in to you."

"Hmm..." David pondered on that for a moment before it hit him that due to all the busy rushing around and trying to get the Arcadia resupplied, that they hadn't found Lieutenant Bauer's replacement for Chief Engineer. "Sorry about that. Well let's not waste this trip up here, shall we? Want a drink or anything?," he asked as he lead her down the ramp of bridge slowly and headed back to the ready room, in which he had spent several hours already in.

"Ah no thank you Sir, I am fine." She followed him into the ready room. "I suppose I should have called ahead, its my first posting."

Her statement wasn't wrong. She should have probably have called ahead but then again, he wasn't like other officers. There were others more ... by the book... but that was something that he was not. The book was more of a reference point then a holy bible when it came to commanding.

"No worries. Drink? My ready room is just down the ramp and to the right," David offered as he gave her a moment to take in the view.

"Ah no thank you sir." She said politely.

He paused and looked over the young woman to try and read her but in the end, he only cared more about what she had to say versus what her body language was showing. So he took a gulp of his freshly replicated water and sat on the edge of the desk offering her the chance to sit and relax. "Alright. Well how about we start off with the normal questions. Who you are, what your goals are and why you chose Starfleet."

The Ensign took a breath. "Jaeih t"Rhenn Sir, I chose Starfleet because my family have served both the Federation and The Romulan Galeae for centuries. My father is an Engineer, my mother, was a security officer. I am romulan/betazoid and my goals sir? To do my job to the best of my ability."

"Seems kind of straight and to the point..." David countered as he raised an eye brow. "All that I could figure all out from your bio. Tell me, who are you, ensign?"

She quirked an eyebrow at that. "I am the product of two races Sir. And being that, I have their passion to do the best I can."

There was a slight silence between the two before he finally sighed ever so slightly before shrugging his shoulder. "Not much of a talker are you Ensign? Don't keep me in suspense. What are those passions?"

Here her lips quirked. "Shopping and engineering" She said almost brightly.

"Yee of little words, I see," David raised an eye brow as he pondered what to do next. But in the end, it seemed as though there was nothing more she seemed to want to share. He stood and reached out his hand. "Well, Ensign, I hope you find your for yourself on this ship and her crew. I do not like to let people slip away, so if you ever need anything, I am sure we can help you out in some way. If we can't figure it out, I am sure we can find the help you need."

Jaeih inclined her head. "Yes captain." she replied.

Taking another moment and looked over the young ensign, he pondered as to what to expect from her. But with little to no details of her personal life nor desire to share, David wasn't sure what to expect from her. Would she be the type to silently go up the in the ranks without making a sound or was she bound to just be the type of officer to find a specialty and stay focused on it, forgoing the desire of climbing the ranks. He shook her hand, and he simply nodded. "If there isn't anything else, welcome aboard, Ensign. Hope you enjoy it here."

Jaeih saluted after shaking his hand and then as she was dismissed left his office.

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