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To Catch a stowaway

Posted on Tue Jan 11th, 2022 @ 8:40pm by Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi)
Edited on on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 8:25pm

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Various
2565 words - 5.1 OF Standard Post Measure

There have been reports of some things disappearing or someone seeming to have gone into another area when they hadn't. It was causing some problems...

Tia was breathing rapidly, she almost got caught. She was just trying to get something else to eat other than the rations she had. She had been working on some engineering problems she had found and was doing some repair work, when the engineer whose comm badge she had cloned had come to do the repair work. Tia had barely gotten out of the area and went to find a place to hide. It was time for her to clone someone else's comm badge.

Walking through the ship, Evalyn was looking over a list of reports from engineering that had peeked her interest. a series of issues that seemed to solve themselves without explanation. None of the onboard engineers had taken credit and there seemed to be no pattern to them. Figuring she'd start at the place of the last incident, Evalyn stepped into a cargo bay and started scanning.

From her hiding place, Tia was close to the woman who had just come into the Cargobay, all she needed to do was to make a copy of the signal then she would be gone, and into another area. It only took a few moments then, Tia crept silently away. It was time to get something to eat.

Tilting her head slightly, Evalyn thought she’d picked something but it was little more then a blip. Giving a sigh, she closed her tricorder and headed for the mess hall. Maybe she needed to take a few moments and rethink her strategy. She was no engineer and even her previous hosts had only ever dabbled in the stuff. They were more interested in science.

Tia made her way to the messhall, feeling rather famished. She wondered what she could bring up to eat, her eyes widened when she used the code to bring up the menu. Tia was starving. She ordered fried chicken, biscuits with mashed potatoes and gravy. With a vegetable on the side, plus a salad. She also ordered a raktajino to give herself boost of energy. For dessert chocolate cake with ice cream. Then once she had her food, Tia went to take a seat on a far table and mostly in a corner. Also adjacent to an exit in case she needed to leave quickly. Smiling at the food, Tia began to eat.

Walking into the mess hall, Evalyn made her way over to the replicator to order some tea, but as she put in her command codes she noticed a rather strange order in her replicator history, “wait, I didn’t order that. Why would I order baked goods with gravy? And fried chicken?” She said to herself before making a mental note to look into this as well. Ordering her tea, she spun around to see someone she didn’t recognize eating the exact foods that were listed on the strange order.

Assuming this person to be the culprit, Evalyn casually made her way over to the table, “Excuse me, is this seat taken?”

Tia had demolished half of her food, and was looking down at the next portion when she heard someone speak to her. She should have taken the food somewhere else to eat. Deciding to act casual, Tia took a bite of the chicken and while chewing looked up towards the woman. She motioned towards the seat in front of her, gesturing for the Evalyn to join her. Tia recognized her as the woman whose com badge she had cloned, silently cursing herself for her stupidity.

When her mouth was empty, Tia remarked, "How's it going?" as she was trying to work out a plan of escape. At the moment though barring throwing the food at the woman, which Tia didn't want to waste good food. She was at a loss. She didn't want to attract too much attention to herself.

“Oh it’s not to bad. Just your usual daily grind” Evalyn replied, sitting down across from Tia with a mug of Raktajino in her hands, "I've actually been chasing down something of a mystery. There's been a number of minor engineering issues all across the ship that seem to fix themselves. How strange is that?"

Tia groaned inwardly, realizing even more whom she had cloned the com badge from. Security and from the pips on the woman's collar, she was probably the chief of security.

Outwardly Tia remained calm, and picked her fork back up to begin the next part of her meal.

"You know that is rather strange for that to happen. And unexplained? Maybe the engineer forgot to log it in." Tia responded, taking a bite of her salad and chewed it, while contemplating the woman in front of her.

Evalyn shook her head, "Nope, thought of that. none of the engineering staff remember being in those areas at the time of incident. Even the Operations staff deny any knowledge. so either we have a very humble person running around fixing everything and somehow not pushing for a promotion, or we have a good Samaritan onboard who is in the right place at the right time at an alarming rate or regularity. it's a mystery"

After taking a sip of her coffee, Evalyn gave a sigh, "so, how about yourself? What department are you in? It takes me ages to get to know the new transfers"

Tia felt her blood grow cold, and she shivered. She felt like a net was slowly closing in around her and she didn't, couldn't do anything about it. She switched to her spoon, to finish up her potatoes, as well as her vegetables.

"I'm in engineering. Newly arrived." Tia casually remarked. Oh gosh what am I going to do here? Okay keep calm, Tia, keep calm trying to slow her heart beat, but feeling like it was going to be jumping out of her chest.

"Then you should understand. Someone simply running around and fixing things can be more trouble than its worth. Perhaps you could help me with my investigation?"

Tia closed her eyes for a moment, there it was, the feeling of being boxed in, then she opened her eyes once more. "P-perhaps I can help you there." swallowing hard, groaning inwardly. "I can't get away this time. Maybe I can run, no can't do that either.

"What would happen if you were to find that person who's been fixing the problems. Will they be sent out the airlock?" Tia was feeling that strange sensation in the pit of her stomach, hopefully they won't send her back to that awful nightmare of a ship!

Evalyn looked confused, “what kind of ship do you think this is? We’re Starfleet, we don’t space people. If anything would happen, I guess they would be placed under arrest for trespassing while we figure out who they were and why they were onboard”

"What if they saw something they weren't supposed to see, and fear for their lives. What if they were told they would end up in the airlock at some point and time? What if they were supposed to be dead." Tia's voice going into a whisper. "No airlock?" her eyes go up to Toral's.

Evalyn smiled, “you’re not actually in Starfleet are you?” She asked rhetorically, “so why don’t you tell me why you’re going around fixing these minor problems”

"I am in Starfleet." Tia huffed, "Its just some weren't all that, nice on my other ship." sitting back, knowing full well her running was over. "I left that ship, I don't want to go back. I can't otherwise I will die. And the reason why I've been fixing minor problems its what I do or used to do. Also helped to work on major problems. I'm an engineer." Tia stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

“And no one questioned you? A stranger helping out in engineering? I guess I need to improve my onboard security” Evalyn said, taking out a small PADD, “so why don’t you tell me your name and we can go from there. And I will assure you that I will not throw you out an airlock”

Tia shook her head, "You won't see my name on any roster there and I didn't exactly go into Engineering to find things to repair via physically going inside. I'd be suspicious if I saw someone who didn't belong there. Sure this is a large ship, and you can't completely account for whom is new and who isn't. I just stayed hidden." she gave a slight sigh. "However, my name is PO1st Class Tia Smithy. I am formerly of the U.S.S. T'sul. I met two people from this ship, a Dr. Timia Svidi and a Captain Calissi Verra, when they came onboard to find out what happened. They treated me well, and I just.. I just had to leave, I was in fear for my life. So I jumped ship."

"I guess that makes sense. May I assume one of the people that mistreated you was the security chief?" Evalyn asked, as she went though the information on her PADD, "well there is an easy way to fix this problem. we could always have you put in a transfer request and hand it in to the Captain"

Tia's eyes went wide with fright, her face going white as a sheet. "No, can't do that. They can't, just can't know where I am at." her heart beating so fast and she felt like she was going to hyperventilate. "Just put me in the brig, maybe talk to the Captain and Dr. Timia Svidi." she put a hand towards her forehead, "I am not feeling so well." she whispered.

Quickly standing up, Evalyn moved to Tia's side and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, "shh, it's ok just breath. You are safe here, I can assure you of that" she said quietly, thinking over her options. After a moment, she came up with an idea, "How about you come with me to my quarters? You can stay there while we get this sorted out"

Tia looked at Evalyn, "Are you certain you want me to be there? I promise not to do anything there." her shoulders slumped. "If you can get this sorted out that would be great, though. It really would."

"Don't worry about it. we'll get this sorted and you will be safe here. I promise" Evalyn said, stepping back and offering Tia her hand, "now come on, it looks like you need a good cup of tea and a quiet place to settle"

Tia searched Evalyn's face, then gave a slow nod. She felt she could trust this woman. "O-okay I will come with you." taking Evalyn's hand and rising from the chair. She felt so tired so spent. "A cup of tea sounds really lovely and a place to just curl up in a corner to get some sleep." just going where ever Evalyn led her. Tia was at the point now, she didn't care.

Leading Tia to her quarters, Evelyn showed her to a comfy couch before leaving her to go prepare the tea, “do you have any preference to your tea? I have several varieties”

"Do you have some green tea? That would be lovely." Tia responded, gratefully taking a seat upon the sofa which she found rather comfortable. She leaned back and looked towards where Evalyn had gone. Waiting, and thinking, and hoping that she will be able to get this mess straightened out. And not go back to that hell she had been at.

“Um….” Evalyn said before pausing for a moment, “I guess I technically do have green tea, but I don’t know how to make it” she said as she emerged carrying a small dark brown clay pot, “it was a gift from an academy roommate but they never taught me how to make it properly. He said it’s a traditional earth tea from somewhere called Japan?”

Tia smiled at seeing what Evalyn had brought out. "I know how to make that. If you don't mind I can fix up some tea for us." she rose from the couch and held out her hands for the teapot and what else Evalyn had with her. "Or we can go to your small kitchenette to work on it."

"by all means, I'd love to learn how to make it. None of my previous hosts had ever encountered this kind of tea" Evalyn said, motioning towards the kitchenette.

"It won't take long to teach you." Tia responded as she go the water boiling for the tea and set the rest on a tray. "As for that person I am hiding from, he isn't whom he claims to be. I know, well.. knew the people who were there. I saw the change in him." Tia remarked as the water became hot enough for the tea, she then instructed Evalyn on how to make it, Tia felt that hands on training would work out best. "I am glad your friend gave you all the equipment needed for this." giving a slight smile.

"True, if only he'd left an instruction manual with it" Evalyn said, as a thought came to her, "hmm, I wonder if this was meant to be an expression of affection from him?"

Tia looking at the items, and thought it over, and smiled. "They do have a tea ceremony that is done with this set up. I would say definitely it is a sign of affection. And it is really lovely."

Evalyn frowned, “well I guess I owe someone an apology” she said as she watched Tia make the tea. “Just out of curiosity, how did you learn this?” She asked, motioning to the tea pot.

"A friend of mine taught me how to do the tea ceremony. And I was interested in it. It can be rather fun." When the tea was finished, Tia looked at Evalyn. "Okay will you be letting Timia and your Captain know, even your XO about me being here, unauthorized? My fate is in your hands and you are going to have to tell them" having a resigned expression.

"We are going to tell them. you're going to come with me so you can explain your situation to them in person. I promise you I will do everything in my power to keep you here. Even if I have to put you in the brig to do so" Evalyn said giving Tia a friendly smile.

Tia nodded with a bit of a relieved smile, "Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. I guess tea and then the meeting with your command staff." she poured herself a cup then looked at Evalyn and poured her some as well. "To hopefully my being able to stay here on the ship and to us becoming friends."

"well, We're already half way there" Evalyn said as she picked up the cup and held it up to salute Tia, "and here's to a safe journey"

Tia gave a nod and a small smile, she hoped that being on this ship will be a new beginning for her. And not one that will be filled with pain.



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