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Breaking the laws of Science

Posted on Sun Apr 14th, 2024 @ 6:44pm by Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn & Cadet First Class Pallas & Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi)
Edited on on Mon Apr 15th, 2024 @ 11:59am

Mission: The Gamma Expanse
Location: Engineering
2260 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Things were all a buzz about where the Gladiator currently was, just on the cusp, the edge of a nebula. Talk had gone into overdrive as word of this spread through out the ship. Were they going into the nebula?

Tia looked around at those that were there, she noticed concerned expressions upon people's faces. They had survived the encounter with the Unholy Trinity fighting against that horrid cult. Now though they had another challenge. Tia wondered what was the plan, all she can do is find out information from Lieutenant Edruj as to what the next step was.

Edruj had run some tests, and theories through the computer and nothing added up, absolutely nothing. For the moment it seemed like there would be no way to keep the shields up while in the nebula. Her footfalls were hard and booming as she entered Main Engineering. "Right everyone drop what you are doing and attend to the core. We have a problem to solve, and today is a good day to solve." Her voice bilked no contestation, and she cared not what you worked on, you worked on her problem now.

Cadet Pallas had followed the lieutenant back from the Bridge, where the captain had given her this seemingly impossible problem to solve. Since they got back, the cadet did the best she could to be useful, assisting with running the simulations and pulling diagnostic data from a second screen and feeding them to the Chief. She spotted Tia looking around at the worried staff and tried to flash her a reassuring smile. Truth be told, Pallas was feeling the pressure as well. Engineering was one of her specialties, where she was supposed to thrive. So while it was the rotation that she had been looking forward to the most, she also now felt an enormous weight of her own expectations. "The newest tension limitation readings on the shield modulators are in, Chief," Pallas reported back as she transferred the report over to Edruj's console.

"And what do they show?" Edruj spoke with a small amount of irritation in her voice. It was nothing more than normal, just the way all Klingons sounded when things did not go their way. At the moment things did not go her way. She had a hard time with this shield conundrum. She looked around and saw her team no surrounded the core and were all bathed in the blue light of the warp core as if it were some mystical fire light. "Now, does anyone have any ideas on how we can keep this ship safe in the nebula?"

Pallas shook her head at both of Edruj's questions. "The readings are not good, sir. The quantum properties within the nebula are unlike anything I have seen before, or anything I can find in the Starfleet database. Even with the Gladiator's up-to-date computer, the statistical likelihood of the shield modulators failing to compensate for parametric uncertainties is well-outside safe operating procedures."

"Couldn't we sort of adapt something we learned from the Borg? As to how they adapted to keep the energy weapons, from injuring them? Some sort of adaptive progeramming? Or an oscillating prismatic forcefield?" Tia offered.

"If it were energy that was the problem that would work. However, it is not just energy that is going to be the issue. There are the gasses to worry about as well. Both together is what causes the shield issues. So, Petty Officer Smithy may have gotten us half way there." Edruj kept turning as she looked at each of the members of her team. There was something to the oscillating shielding now to get the complete picture.

Tia looked towards Pallas, then back to Edruj. "There is still the gases out there... and well the make up the nebula, I think different styles of dust out there." Tia felt that now she needed to do a refresher course on the make of nebulas, especially with the unknown factor out there.

"There is one way. However, it relies on a critical component which I do not believe we have. We could assimilate the shield emitters. That is to augment the emitters with Borg nanoprobes. If we do that it is possible that the rotating frequencies would give some shielding. Much like Borg Drones are protected. If we were to do this, the question where do we get enough nanoprobes." Edruj did not like the idea of assimilating any part of the ship. However, she knew that this could be the only way and was confident that she could keep the nanoprobes from entering other computer systems.

"The nanoprobes would adapt much more quickly to the changing conditions of the nebula's energy-matter fluctuations," Pallas agreed. "I think you are both onto something." An automatic, thoughtless grin spread across the cadet's face as often did when a plan began to take shape. "If we can get that to work, shields life will be extended geometrically, given not just improved resonance matching, but the regenerative properties of the nanoprobes interacting with the array." Her fingers flew across the screen before her. "Scanning the ship's inventory and personnel roster now for any available nanoprobes that may be on board."

Tia turned pale at the mention of Nanoprobes, just anything related to nanites and the offshoots. Still though there needed to be something said, she gulped then held up her hand. "Lieutenant Edruj, Cadet Pallas, well, nanites had been found in my body. C-could that be of any help? The nanites were taken out but... maybe there is still a sample in medical. And nanites could possibly be utilized and changed to the nanoprobes. And nanites or nanoprobes could be constructed to help us out? The er, little machines could be guided by you, Lieutenant Edruj?"

Edruj stroked her chin as she was in thought. The idea that Tia put forth was sound, but it was not exactly what was needed. "The reason the Borg specific nanoprobes are what we want is for the rotating frequency. Without that we are back to square one. We need the shield harmonics to rotate on an interval. The only way it can be done is if we reprogram the nanites, and I am not even sure that can be done."

"Well they are minature machines right?" Tia responded, "But are probably not as advanced as we would need. I can see your point as to the nanoprobes." having a thoughtful expression in her eyes.

Just then a beep came from the console where Pallas was searching for possible crew members that had been assimilated by borg but were rescued. There was one.. He is the quartermaster on duty. Chief Petty Officer Max Fenris.

"Well then we should not waste any more time." Edruj said and then tapped her com badge. "Chief Petty Officer Fenris please report to Engineering. This priority one urgent. Edruj out." She then turned to those that were already present. "What we need now is to secure the Petty Officer's permission, then evaluate what Borg technology may be left and see how many nanoprobes there are. This would tell us if a harvest is viable." She explained her plan while they waited for the proverbial guest of honor.

The pieces began to fall into place for Pallas. Cadet rotations were not, as she had initially thought, simply about finding the best 'fit' for a future Starfleet career. They were ways for officers to learn real skills that could be applicable in unexpected ways. "Chief, if Fenris's unremoved implants contain nanoprobes, I believe I can be of assistance. Doctor Svadi showed me how to utilize microforcefields to aid in this type of extraction. I will begin replicating the necessary instruments," she said, making her way quickly over to the nearest precision replicator.

Fenris finally arrived, a man with strawberry blonde hair, five o'clock shadow upon his cheeks. "Fenris reporting, is there something i can help you with?" His dark brown eyes glancing between the three women that were present.

Tia gave a nod, "Lieutenant Edruj can explain things as to what we need."

"Okay, so lets hear what you needed me here for." rubbing his hand along his stubbly chin.

Edruj's face showed no sign of happiness, she was all business at the moment. What bothered her most right now was if the Chief Petty Officer declined to assist them, they really had no other options. "Chief I am not going to waste any time here. We need your permission to perform a full scan of your implants, and extract any nanoprobes that may be there. As you are no doubt aware once the ship is in the nebula our shields will be useless and the crew exposed to the gasses. Our plan is to use your nanoprobes to assimilate the shield systems. This would give us the benefit of Borg rotating shielding. So, I will ask... Will you allow us to proceed."

Pallas tried her best to be discreet as she finished replicating the necessary nanosurgery devices and stood at the side, silently, awaiting Fenris's consent before beginning the procedure. She looked from Fenris to Tia to Edrug, feeling discomfort at the ethics of the request, but also knowing that each of them signed up to give their all to make their missions successful. And with lives on the line, the question of the needs of the many versus the needs of the few or the one stood out starkly.

An intake of breath, as he weighed what was being asked of him, then Fenris gave a nod, slowly breathing out, "Okay, if what I have is needed, then lets do this. Where do ya want me?"

Tia's eyes widened once more, she wasn't expecting the man's quick decision but more power to him for making the decision. "Er thank you." she stated, "This is going to be most helpful. "

"Tell ya what, there is a price though, once all this is done, someone's gonna owe me a drink, savvy?" flashing a quick smile, Fenris looking at those there.

Edruj motioned to a seat near Tia. "Over there would suit. Petty Officer Smithy will begin the scan and possible extraction." Then she smiled in the way that only Klingons did, and only when victory was on the horizon. "As to your price. When this is over we will drink the sweetest of blood wine and the tales will be told. Eh... Qapla'" Edruj seemed to be back to her old self.

Fenris went to take a seat near Tia, "Oh good I like the sound of that, Lieutenant." flashing a grin. His eyes wandered towards Pallas and Tia.

Tia gulped slightly, "Cadet Pallas will you assist me please?" the petty officer felt that it was going to take two to extract the necessary components. Besides, she was going to need another set of eyes and a good knowledge base of someone with medical skills. And the task began of acquiring the nanoprobes.

"Of course, Smithy." Pallas was at the ready with a makeshift operatory, which she swung over next to Tia and Pallas. "Monitor the probe scanners and adjust the microforcefield buffers to compensate for any EM or quantum feedback while I maneuver the nanoextractor into position," she ordered, feeling confident that the Gladiator's Medical staff had done their jobs in training her for exactly this type of procedure.

While Pallas and Tia performed the extraction Edruj began to work feverishly on the ship's computer. In order for her plan to work she would have to figure out a way to prevent the nanoprobes from assimilating the entire ship. After a few minutes of research she learned that an inverted tetrion pulse renders nanoprobes inert. She would seclude the shielding systems within tetrion field. If the nanoprobes left the shielding system they would become inert. "Q'Pla!" she exclaimed as she began to set the fields up.

"Q'Pla!" Pallas echoed with a grin as she brought the forcefield-suspended nanoprobes, freshly removed from Fenris' latent implants, over to Edruj. "The extraction was successful, ma'am. I believe these will be sufficient for the plan," the cadet said as she raised a small glass cylinder with a thumbnail-sized forcefield visibly rotating within for all to see.

Fenris had watched with great interest of the procedure, then decided to excuse himself. "i'll let you be and get back to my job." giving a smile and rolling down his sleeve, "Don't forget, Blood Wine at a later time, Lieutenant Edruj." flashing a smile towards the Klingon Engineer.

"Thank you for your help, sir." Tia responded.

"All you can drink. We will tell tales of this day." Edruj responded to Fenris. "Alright Cadet, Petty Officer prepare the nanoprobes for assimilation. I am going to inform the Captain of our progress and readiness. When the order is given you will inject the nanoprobes into the shield systems. My tetrion field is already in place and holding." She gave orders to the rest of her team. Today was indeed a great day, the Captain would be pleased with their breakthrough.

The cadet set the glass cylinder into the input port on the central shield management drives and waited for the order before activating the insertion with a swipe across the display. She grinned at Tia. "Teamwork makes the dream work, as you humans are so fond of saying."

"It most certainly does do just that." Tia brightening up. Her feeling of discomfort having gone away. The nano probes that Fenris was willing to provide was going to save the ship!


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