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Did you hear??

Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 9:07pm by Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Josey Wales & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay & Lieutenant JG Aizem Korci (Ziyal)

Mission: Just Another Day on Gladiator
Location: Security
1330 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Ensign Kanan Mishra walked into the security briefing room, having a bit of a cheerful expression. Shore leave was fantastic and it did him a lot of good. He looked around to make certain that the Chief of security wasn't there yet then he greeted those there.

"Morning, how are things? How was your shore leave?" Mishra asked, as he took a seat. "I do know that Lieutenant Wales got married recently, kinda surprised me, but hey he seems rather happy." taking a sip from his mug of tea.

"My shore leave was wonderful," Aarfa replied. "Thanks to you," she added with a smile, tipping her cup of beef bouillon 'tea' to him.

"Mine was pretty much as Prophets would allow." Korci spoke. "I'm ready to get back to it though."

Mishra gave a nod as to what Korci had said. "Indeed it would be lovely."

He looked over to Aarfa, "You certainly made my shoreleave great as well. That fish was so delicious." grinning. "Has anyone met the missus of Lieutenant Wales?" glancing about at the others. "I would truly like to do a little party for them both, just to celebrate that occasion."

"It was." Aarfa smiled back at Mishra, then cocked an ear with a querying expression. "What do humans typically do to celebrate a mating a contract?"

Josey walked in and sat down at the head of the briefing table and set the pile of PaDDs to one side. " I wouldn't call it a mating contract. " He said with a slight grin. " It is a celebration of two people that have found the special person that they want to be with for the rest of their lives together. Humans are happy when they find the love of their life or soul mate if that makes sense. " Josey sighed and then chuckled for a moment. "Fine, I can see you are dying to ask your questions, I might regret doing this but go ahead and ask your questions. But please don't make them to personal, Ok? "

"Soul mates... like a Hunting Pair?" the Kainan paused, "...though among my kind, those are more often platonic than not. Hrrm. So, then like those who continually renew their contract until beyond fertility and then still remain exclusive to one another. We do celebrate those, though such a path is seldom assumed when the first contract is made." She'd met enough humans who were remarried or had parents that were that she had assumed humans were not so different there, except that parents didn't necessarily commit to a bond for the whole of their childhoods (which made some sense given how slowly they matured). "Do humans usually assume a mating bond will last their lifetimes?"

" Humans have a bit of a romantic soul and we like to think that our relationship will last a lifetime. For some it will, For others problems or long term separation may occur which lead to a divorce. In other cases one of the two may have been unfaithful to the other and betrayed their wedding vows of forsaking all others and basically stay exclusive to one another. I don't believe that I have to explain how you'd feel if the one you cared for betrayed your trust and your love. " He thought a moment. " I realized that I haven't even told you who I married as of yet. Her name is Willow, She's a doctor here aboard the ship. And yes we managed to keep our relationship a secret from both our departments. How? That's classified and shall remain a mystery. "

Aarfa's head tipped to the side in a quizzical attitude anyone familiar with canids would probably recognize. She could certainly understand the pain involved if someone betrayed trust and love; but that was more associated with someone betraying pack. For mating arrangements... there was reason everything was spelled out in the contract and usually left fairly open for a first mating. The closest to she could imagine there would be a mate deliberately abandoning their responsibility to pups - which would bring down the righteous fury of entire pack. Yet while frowned upon among humans, from what she understood, it seldom involved anything worse than legal proceedings. But then, humans were weird. Maybe it had something to do with being so nose-blind. Not that she would ever be rude enough to voice that. "Well, I wish you and Willow every success. May your p-, offspring be strong healthy."

Mishra gave a nod. "I had thought of putting together some sort of get together, for two reasons. One to celebrate your union and two something to help some of the morale to uplift the spirits, especially due to the emanations of the nebula we are in."

Josey smiled. " Thank you Aarfa, I also hope our offspring will be strong and healthy. As for how many offspring we have, that is a discussion that my wife and I need to talk about. I wouldn't mind a few sons and daughters in the future, but no matter what we have I will be a happy man and do the best I can to provide and protect those that I love. "

He looked to Mishra. " I'm not one that usually goes in for parties myself, But I won't object if that is something that you'd like to do. Besides , it will give you a chance to get to know Willow. That and as a Starfleet officer I know the importance of keeping up a good morale amongst the crew, That and it should help reducing the number of fights we're having currently. If it helps in that aspect alone, then I believe that neither I or Willow would have any problems with the idea of a party. I'll let her know when I get home this evening. "

Mishra looked at the others. "What do you think? A little bit of a party? I am all for it." the man flashing a grin. "Something to maybe help the Morale of the officers hmmnn?"

Josey chuckled. " Verbally well played sir, I normally don't worry about Officers morale being a department head, I just concern myself with my department people and other crew members. But yes I'll admit that officers need a distraction every now and then as well. We can invite them as well. " Josey stated with a grin.

Mishra chuckled at Josey's answer. "Well we'll see what happens okay?"

" Sounds good to me, just let me know when and where if it does happen and we'll go from there. "

"Most definitely will do so." Mishra answered. "So there we go. It will takea wee bit of planning and once it is done we'll commence." flashing a grin.

Josey nodded. " Well if you'll all excuse me then, I've got to get back to work then. Unless there is something else you need to discuss as well? "

"No I don't have anything else to ask, perhaps later on." Mishra replied. "For now it looks like we are getting back to business as usual." giving a nod.

Josey glanced towards his office and gave a softly sighed. " Now I get the fun and pleasure of doing the quarterly crew reviews and several reports that need to be sent to the Executive Officer, The Captain and Starfleet Security for filing, review and action plans to be presented for increased safety and security of ship and crew and or to implement new procedures passed on from Starfleet HQ. " He looked at Mishra. " One day you might be a department head yourself, and I'll say that it's a great feeling knowing that you have earned the respect of your people and the trust of Starfleet to put you in such a position. But along with it goes the bane of every officer, paperwork and reports galore. " Josey mused for a moment. " Is it worth learning everything about you career path and going beyond if and when yoou can? Yes, I would say it is. "


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