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Moving Day

Posted on Thu Apr 4th, 2024 @ 4:15pm by Commander Liala Ziyal & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: Just Another Day on Gladiator
Location: Liala's, and now Raidens, quarters
995 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden looked at his own quarters, the one he had been assigned to before the Gladiator had arrived at SB 7. He chose these quarters instead of booting Liala out of the XO quarters. She had already made the XO quarters her home, and he didn't feel right about making her move. Now though he was moving in with her. He chuckled slightly in wonderment at how things have progressed. He didn't have much to pack, it had been a habit of his not to accumulate too much, just in case he needed to move quickly.

He had two duffel bags filled with his belongings. And in a carrying case was his erhu, a musical instrument he had been learning to play. He had actually improved greatly. Liala hadn't heard him play as of yet. He'd been a little bit shy as to revealing this part of himself. In an ornate box was a tea set he had gotten a long while back it was a gift from his mother.

He tapped on his commbadge, and contacted Liala, =/\= Liala, I am packed and ready to move my belongings, are you home? =/\=

Liala had been frantically moving things around the room to 'make space' for Raiden's arrival. =/\= Ehh yeah, I'm here.=/\= There was a crash in the background as something she's stacked up fell over. =/\= Send help, I've made a mess...=/\=

=/\=Did something break? I'm on my way over now and I'll bring a grav cart with me, and I can get hold of a petty officer to fix something if needed. =/\= Raiden thinking of Tia right off hand. He arrived shortly afterwards, with the small grav cart and rang the chime to Liala's quarters.

She was always quite clumsy, she just had managed to hide it well over the decades of her life. A lot of sitting still and not touching things became a habit. As the doors opened she smiled at Raiden. "You know you don't need to use the chime anymore? This is your place as well now." she looked behind him and saw what he was bringing along.

Raiden gave a shrug. "Old habits, I'll get over it." Stepping forward, he leaned in to give Liala a loving kiss and a heartfelt embrace. "Hello love." his voice warm and gentle. "Think we can find a place for my stuff?" he queried.

Almost melting in his arms Liala had forgotten the question. "Find what for what?" she said in a daze.

A low throated chuckle, Raiden then repeated his question. "A place for my belongings." looking deeply into her eyes. "Perhaps a corner?" a slow smile drifting across his lips his dark brown eyes having a twinkle in them.

Liala rubbed the back of her neck, a little embarrassed by the incident. Looking beyond Raiden to the two largish bags he had she smiled a small smile. "Eh well I wasn't sure how much you were bringing... so I guess you can put your stuff anywhere and we can work on finding a home for it?" she asked.

"Well, this is it." motioning towards the small amount of items. "one of those bags is my gear for my training, the other are my clothing plus some books." he gestured towards it, "and that is my erhu, a musical instrument I've been learning how to play. And last but not least is a tea set my mother gave to me." nodding towards an ornate box, that was securely placed on the grav cart.

"Well we can put that beautiful tea set on the table by the sofa if you like? Give it a centre piece kind of feel? I'm sure your mother would like that." Liala offered as she waved in the tables direction. "Is your training gear going to be stowed away? Like you don't want it displayed or anything?" she asked.

He looked around, "I could have the weapons displayed most definitely, my protective gear though; like the gloves and the chest and head pads, along with the shin guards can stay inside the duffle bag. My larger weapons are currently inside the armory for now." Raiden stated.

"I mean we can maybe get a mannequin if you want to have your protective gear on show?" This is your place now as well and I want you to feel at home here. I have kind of taken over... so rein me in." Liala said with a small chuckle.

Raiden shook his head, "My protective gear needs to stay in the bag, some weapons maybe on display. We'll find a place for it all." he assured her softly. He called for someone to come retrieve the grav cart, since it was now empty.

"I do have some ceremonial clothing that needs to be hung up." Raiden added.

Liala nodded. "Well, we do have a lot of space to work with." she smiled at him. It had been a while since she'd lived with someone but she knew with Raiden it wouldn't be difficult. They'd practically been staying at each others quarters for months now.

"Indeed we do." glancing around the quarters once more, then his warm gaze went back to Liala. "I've not shared quarters with someone in a more intimate way, and I am looking forward to this very much. Granted, it will be an adjustment. Sleeping together then we went to our separate quarters" he stopped for a moment then pulled Liala close to him, "This is actually a dream come true. There have been many times when I wished we were living together, I've missed being in the same bed, the same area as you." Raiden softly murmured.

"I've missed waking up to you as well." Liala replied as she felt their body heat mix. "Maybe unpacking can wait?" she hinted as she felt the atmosphere in the room change.

Raiden caught the hint from Liala, an answering smile spreading. "Yes I agree, the unpacking can wait." giving an answering kiss.


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