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The Sting

Posted on Tue Feb 7th, 2023 @ 8:37am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Obav th’Villos & Lieutenant Josey Wales & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Various
Timeline: Current
2515 words - 5 OF Standard Post Measure


Raiden paced back and forth in the shuttle bay, waiting for those who would be acting as zealots escaping from the brig, to arrive. Tigerlily lay sleeping in the runabout, along with a couple of security personnel to keep watch over her. The people that he was waiting for were Wales, Walken, Logan Cale and a pilot that Obav had recommended for this operation. Her name was Tarala Ligginash an Orion Pilot. He'd not had a chance to speak to the pilot yet, so will have to do a quick briefing before they went on their way. who would be the first one to arrive to this crazy scheme.

Josey walked in wearing simple civilian clothing, an Orion Disruptor and a knife. The brown cloak he was wearing was slightly scorched on the outside as it had been shot with a phaser on a light setting. " Reporting for duty Sir! Once the team arrives, We'll find out the information we need fairly soon I hope. I'd like to get our people back to where they belong Commander Kosugi and stop these cultist once and for all. "

Raiden gave a bit of a nod, "Your outfit looks great and should work out well. I wish i was coming with you but hey I'm needed here, and this is your show along with Walken's show. This has to work just to end this."

Walken walked in still in the civi clothing from before, the hood pulled up. The 'stolen' phaser in his hand and a borrowed knife from another marine. "Oh look at that Kosugi gets to sit around and let the real workers get everything done for him, you've taken to command well I see." The marine joked.

"It's been keeping me busy, so I have to let you all do the heavy lifting now." Raiden giving a laugh. "Now just need the rest to arrive then you will be on your way."

" I think we all agree the priority one is for all of us to come back with our skins intact. " Stated Josey. " That and recover our people. " He turned to Commander Raiden and handed him a Padd. " Commander Raiden, this is the action report of the away team while we were on the planet surface. It is for yours and the Captain's eyes. Included in the report is my recommendation to promote cadet third class Aarfa Barakzey to the rank of acting ensign. She helped advance the investigation by identifying at least two of the cult attackers that were aboard the Gladiator. She was cool and calm under pressure and displayed the best qualities of a starfleet cadet whole in the performance of her duties. This cadet went above and beyond her station and did an undercover mission prior to her graduating the academy. That and I'd like to request she be assigned to the gladiator after she graduates the academy as I believe she would make a damn fine addition to the security team Sir. "

"I will bring that up to the Captain when I see him next." Raiden replied.

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a dark haired woman who was of spanish descent. She was dressed in tan pants, grey shirt with a wide black belt about her waist, and black scuffed up boots. Her pure black hair was caught back in a simple braid, which hit just below her shoulder blades. Tucked in her boot was a knife and she also had a phaser hidden inside her belt.

"Sorry Sirs for interrupting," the woman glancing at Walken, Wales and Raiden, "but Chief Cale is not able to participate in this, therefore I will be taking his place. I am Ensign Mia Ascaso" the woman explained. "Chief Cale felt it important that he got things ready for what is to happen next." she looked around. "Is the pilot here yet?"

Josey shook his head. " No the pilot hasn't arrived as of yet. So the chief is unable to come along? Understood. So what then is your specialty Ensign Ascano? Since you'll be taking his place I'd like to know. " Stated Josey simply..

"Hand to hand combat, weaponry, and tactics." Ascano replied. " And knowing how to keep my cool in a tough situation." she added.

Raiden listened to this and gave a nod. "She sounds like she'll be a good addition to this endeavor."

Josey looked the Ensign over with a critical eye. " Well your most likely to put those skills to use on this mission, We'll see how well you can put them to use. Stow your gear in the shuttle Ensign Ascano and welcome to the meat grinder. "

Tarala was the next to arrive, she was a little late to the party but that was the price of looking good. She's gone with a pair of navy blue, work pants that she often wore when working on her own projects. They were dirty and a little rough looking. A pair of tan work boots that were scuffed and dirty as well. She had on a black work shirt and her raven colored hair was up in a pony tail.

She carried an Orion disruptor on her right hip, a knife and a pouch filled with various engineering tools, that were well secured, on her left. "It took me a minute to find a couple of tools, thank you all for waiting for me."

The marine looks around the room, "So is this everyone in our merry bunch? Four navy and a jarhead, sounds like a setup to a bad joke." He looked to Raiden to answer his question. "Longer we wait the sooner our 'VIP' wakes up, shouldn't be here any longer than we need to."

" Well if this is a bad joke, then let's saddle up and get this joke over with. " Said a grim tone Josey. He removed his disruptor from his belt and set it on a low power level, just enough to scorch the exterior paint and fired several shots as he walked around the shuttle. " This way it will look like we had a rough time during our escape. Get onboard and get the hatch closed. "

Raiden said before they got underway, "You will be having another shuttle pursuing you, it will be Cadet Barakzay, trying to stop you." He tapped on his combadge, "Aarfa, get ready, its showtime."

=/\= "Understood, sir. Ready for curtain." =/\=

Mia slipped into place, she was ready to help gain whatever information they can get.

One more look towards the away team, Raiden gave a wave and headed out of the bay.

" Alright everyone into the shuttle and strap in, things are going to get bumpy. " Stated Josey. He tapped his combadge. " Cadet Aarfa, Give us a ten to fifteen second head start. When you come after us set you phaser for low yield burst, I want her to be convinced that your in pursuit of us. I want us to be shaken around a bit, Not baked. Acknowledge. "

=/\= "Shaken not snapped." =/\= There was a brief pause as Aarfa considered whether the human would understand an idiom that referred to shaking to stun rather break a prey's neck, but decided the necessary sense probably came across. =/\= "Acknowledged, sir. I like to fly fast, so I'll give you a full 15 second start."

Tarala settled into the pilot's seat, her fingers moving deftly over the control panel as the ship started to power up. She glanced at a couple of the readouts and took a deep breath, "All right, we're five by five. Ready to launch on your order, sir."

Josey tapped his combadge. " Flight control, This is the away team. Permission to depart the hanger bay. "

Flight control to away team. Launch has been authorized, hanger doors will be open in twenty seconds. Good luck and god speed. "

" Who wants to live forever? " Josey mumbled softly under his breath. " Once we're clear of the ship, kick it up to half impulse. Lay in course for Gala four, Warp factor three at duration of two hours. Launch now and let's get this show on the road. "

Mia took a look at Wales but was silent, just waiting for this operation to get rolling and take care of these problem people.

" Alright. Launch now! " Josey said as the mission was now underway. The shuttle cleared the ship and kicked up to half impulse. " Alright , begin evasive maneuvers and telegraph them to let her know. We don't want this mission ending before it begins, lets get the action going and we'll wake our guest here in a few minutes and I hope your acting skills are up for the challenge. Because we've got to convince her that we're on her side, She may be our only way in. So let's not mess this up. "

Aarfa watched the shuttle pass the bay door, counting a slow 15, then threw her craft into hot pursuit. It was play acting, but her tail swished slightly with the exhilaration of shuttle coursing as she watched her prey weave in evasive maneuvers. She waited just long enough to be sure of the pattern, and then launched a volley of shots calculated to avoid a hit but 'singe their fur', rattling the fleeing shuttle with near misses.

"Just remember, no jumping the gun this time," Walken spoke calmly as he was in his sit messing with the phaser rifle as he watches their new 'friend' waiting for them to come too.

Tarala's fingers moved quickly over the console in front of her, the shuttle launched and the inertial dampeners compensated for any sort of lurching. She banked away from the Gladiator and kicked it up to half impulse. Once the shuttle was far enough away she kicked it up into warp.

"We are on course for Gala 4."

Josey pulled out a hypospray and held it near Tiger Lily's neck. " I reckon it's time to wake our guest of honor. " Josey felt the ship being bounced around by nearby phaser pulse shots. " Alright folks it's poker face time. " The hypo hissed and about a half minute later Tiger Lily's eyes fluttered open.

" What?... Where am I?... What Happened?..." Asked Tiger Lily.

" The one who attacked you was killed by us and the federation attacked the building after that. " Stated Josey. " As you can tell, the federation is in pursuit of us at this time. While you were unconscious you muttered something about Gala four. We're trying to lose the pursuers before heading there, or was that some other memory that you were dreaming about? " He asked.

Tiger Lily cast her eyes about the inside of the shuttle and looked at each member of the motley crew one by one. " Yes, Continue to try to lose the pursuers and then we'll head for safety. You shall all be rewarded by the goddess for your actions. "

Tarala took a deep breath, she glanced over at the now awake person before looking back at the console. "I don't suppose you'd like to share where that is?"

Tiger Lily looked at Tarala. " First we need to lose these pursuers before we head there. " Tiger Lily smiled. " Perfect the goddess has provided. Make for that asteroid belt and we'll lose them in there. " The shuttle jumped around as a few close by burst exploded near them. " Only after we lose them will we set course. We wouldn't want to lead enemies for the goddess to her temple now would we? " She asked sweetly.

"I need no reward, my lady." Walken knelt before her still keeping the act from when he first met Tiger Lily. "I am a blade to be used by the Goddess, just point me at the ones who need to shown her mercy."

Ensign Ascaso watched as the marine knelt near Tiger Lily, playing a part. She wasn't going to break her part of this either but wasn't going to be taking a knee in front of the woman either. She cast her eyes towards the pilot of this craft, then turned her attention back to Tiger Lily then asked Tarala, " How soon will we be there to the asteroid field? I'd like to get to where I feel at peace."

"If I knew you were kneeling before people, I'd have volunteered," Tarala commented with a smirk, before she looked over the console. The shuttle shook under fire from the Gladiator, causing an alarm to go off. "We're ten minutes out, I'm pushing the engines up to 110%"

Walken ignores Tarala's comment as he stands smiling at Tiger Lily before taking his seat. A combat knife is in his hand and he begins to spin the blade between his fingers.

Ascaso gave a smirk at Tarala's comment, also giving Walken a once over, then she turned her attention back to Tiger Lily. "I can hardly wait to become one with the Goddess, from what I have observed, she will bring unity to the universe."

A volley of shots rocked the shuttle. Out in the pursuing craft Aarfa smiled to herself, tail wagging slightly. In some ways just missing was more challenging than hitting the target. They were obviously heading for the asteroid field, which had been one of the likely scenarios. Time to make this look good, she thought, pushing her shuttle into a hard dive, like a hawk after dove, and firing another volley as if making a last ditch effort to stop them before they reached the asteroid field.

Tiger Lily smiled at Tarala. " The Goddess shall bless all of her faithful with peace and glory in her presence for all eternity, while the unbelievers shall be swept away and burnt like chaff and then blown away by the wind, my dear sister. " She said with a warm smile and faith in her eyes. " After we clear the asteroid field we'll set course for Gala four and I'll give you the final co ordinance for the temple. The goddess will make certain to protect us and bring us home once again. "

Josey gave a wirey smile and nodded his head in agreement with Sister Tiger Lily's statement. " With the Goddess together in paradise for all eternity sounds good. I reckon it's a damn sight better then any of our lives have been so far. Even if we die here we'll still be with the Goddess in the end. "

" Indeed you shall brother, Indeed you shall. Your faith has been rewarded with truth and wisdom. " Said Tiger Lily.

Ascaso watched as their 'hunter' left to get back to the Gladiator and visibly relaxed, with them being in the astroid field they were well on their way to the next part of the mission and finding the whereabouts of the temple where people were being held.

Tarala had rolled the shuttle and even sent a couple of errant shots back at their pursuit shuttle to try and shake them. She was glad when they finally turned off and they were nearly at the astroid field.

"We're entering the Astroid field now," She called back. "Praise be indeed."



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