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The Throne Room

Posted on Fri Feb 10th, 2023 @ 3:53am by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi
Edited on on Wed Jul 5th, 2023 @ 10:23pm

Mission: The Goddess
1742 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Tayla d'Jax


The noise never stopped. The pounding of the drums seemed to match the pounding of her heart, and maybe even the pounding of her head. Sleep was becoming more common as her body weakened over time, but for the moment she was stirring. Tayla cracked open her eyes slowly, looking through the grand cavern once again.

She would be remiss to admit there was some beauty to the massive cavern. The hundreds of floating orb lights cast light all over, they were all at different hights and had slightly different hues to them. Their light caught the minerals making the ceiling beyond the orbs sparkle like the night sky. The sparkle was only broken by the darkened arch in which the blood of thousands were swirled around, flowing through Tayla and back up in to the arch.

The walls had tapestries hanging on either side of carved in to stone statues. The work to add more statues were was continuing day and night. As was the drumming, and music, and then the dancers. Dancers in flowing tunics were always moving, looking like flowers moving over water with the grace in which they moved. The dancers were the only ones aside from her own attendants that were dressed in anything but drab colors. Even then their clothes were rather uniform like, covered head to toe, with masks covering half their face. She’d been told it was to keep the individual dancer from being known from any other. They were meant to dance as a single unit, to create an atmosphere of peace and flow for the coming goddess.

Her attendants 10 youths, ranging in age from 8 to low 20s were always close by. When they needed sleep they had pillows around her throne to rest on. They were never far away. THey were dressed in crimson robes, with silver accents, and beads. They were all revered as they were the ten that survived their blood being replaced with the blood that had been ‘filtered’ through Tayla. They were called the Purified.

They were the only ones allowed to touch her, if any one else tried they were instantly and painfully executed. Her attendants were vigilant in ensuring no one touched her. Each of them carried a highly decorative knife with a bone handle, and all knew how to use it with deadly force. Tayla had seen it when eager converts had rushed the throne to try and touch even her foot.

One of the Purified noticed she was awake and offered her a bright smile. “Great Mother, it pleases me you have awakened. You need to eat.” the woman said. She was one of the older ones, and the most zealot of them all. She commanded the other Purified with a firm hand, she knew her rules and believed with her whole being in what they were doing.

Tayla raised her gaze to the brown haired woman who was offering her a spoon with a rich soup on it. She wanted to resist it, and if she only needed to worry about herself she might have done just that. She needed to keep her strength, she had a baby to birth. She had to survive at least as long as that. Even if the baby was born in to the hands of these monsters, at least she’d live, and her father could track her down, hopefully before they did any damage to her mentally or physically. That was if they hadn’t damaged her already.

Tayla opened her mouth and the soup went right in. She coughed a few times as the liquid touched the back of her throat, the earthy spices surprising her tastes. “I need a scan of the baby.” she said.

“Great Mother, we can not invade the privacy of the goddess.” The Purified said. “In her sanctuary where she grows in strength, she can not be seen until the day of her emergence.”

Tayla sneered, “You keep saying her, but what if its a boy?” she demanded. She’d never told them one way or another.

The Purified laughed, “The High Priest said that the Goddess lives within you. Your blood was tested, to confirm if she chose to come as a god or goddess.” she said. “I am pleased she chose to come to us as a woman. The power of a woman is unmatched, and one day she may also become a Trinity, and birth more gods.” she said with clear desire in her voice. “I will serve her until my dying breath.” she vowed.

Tayla watched her and some how she believed her. This girl may be a total crazy zealot, but she really would do her all to care for her goddess. Maybe that was something Tayla could use in the future. Tayla knew how to use assets. Her history in Spec ops gave her some experience. Usually she was paired with Cor, and he was more brash, and so his work with assets only worked with certain types. Tayla had always been more flexible and able to adapt to what assets needed to hear vs the truth.

“I am certain your goddess will reward you for your service to her. And to myself.” Tayla shifted her arm a bit, and winced in pain. The clamps that held her to the throne were tight enough to ensure that the tubes running the blood in and out of her arms would not dislodge. She’d been sitting here long enough to develop sores. Clearly they did not know what happened to a stationary body. “Surely the priests have filtered enough blood, nothing new has been added in more than a week. If they have enough then why must I remain on the throne. Shouldn’t it be cleaned and changed to something more fitting the goddess?” she asked. “What is your name?” she asked her quickly.

The woman blinked and glanced at the other Purified, some sleeping, some chatting, others were working on small clothing and blankets, ensuring that it was all perfect, and blessed. “Catsia.” she said, “but I preferred to be called only Purified.” she said tightly.

“Catsia. The goddess would never wish you to erase who you are. Your uniqueness is what will make her court great. You are not some… borg. To lose your identity to your goddess would be tragic, and certainly not the mindset I would pass to her.” Tayla said.

Catsia frowned, “The goddess will give no care to a person. For her purpose is to purify, and only those who are purified may stand with her.” she quoted. “That tells us that I have no need for a name.” she said.

“But there are ten of you, and likely many more after the purification.” Tayla countered as she already felt sleepiness coming over her. She had such little energy. “You must stand apart as her most loyal.” she said softly. “And I will tell her of your greatness and care for her mother. I am growing weak on the throne, and I would be far stronger if I could get up, and walk. If I am stronger, so is she.” she reasoned.

Catsia stood a little taller, “Enough Great Mother. The High Priest ordered that you must keep the blood purified until the emergence. ‘At that time the two shall pass, and the goddess shall thrive’.” she said quoting again.

A chill ran down Taylas back. They intended to let her and d’Jax die then. It didn’t matter the state of her body then, so long as it could sustain the baby long enough to be born. She struggled to think of a reply, but her mind was growing fuzzy again. Catsia took the signs of tiredness to push more soup, Tayla accepted the spoonfuls hoping the soup would being back some energy and she could stay awake longer.

She had finished the bowl and was starting to fall asleep again when she heard a solid thud that reverberated through the cavern. It was enough to be heard over the drums, and sent rains of dust falling from the ceiling. As some landed on Tayla her attendants were quick to wipe it away. She looked up Catsia who was standing by her head, ordering some of the younger ones to fetch pure water to wash the dust off of Tayla. She could see the dagger dangling from her belt. It was so close, but she had no ability to reach it. If only things like telekinesis were a thing for Trill.

“What was that?” one of her attendants asked.

“The security doors closing.” Catsia said firmly. “Our sanctuary is under attack.” both horror and excitement lit Catsias eyes. “‘And in that day the traitors will fall. They will rush to the feet of the Trinity and fall one by one. The Chosen shall strike the enemy down and preserve the Trinity. Then shall the goddess come.’” she quoted. “Strike the hate, and the goddess shall riegn. Allow hate to thrive and she shall be weakened and lost.” she continued.

The meaning of the quotes settled on the group of them heavily. “Be prepared, my friends. The day has come, the day we were called for, to protect the Trinity and be ready for the goddess!” Catsia said gripping her dagger in her hand.

Tayla felt some adrenaline running through her as she lifted her head again, fighting the exhaustion. “Strike the hate huh? He’s here, baby girl. Your daddy is going to kick some serious asses and get us the hell out of here.” she said with a quiet voice.

The high priest ran into the cavern from a side cave, which Tayla knew to be some sort of command center attached. He ordered more guards to stand before the dias, and for the music and dancing to continue, as to keep up the spirits of the acolytes. Through the still open door in the back of the cavern hundred of acolytes rushed into the room and began to prepare defenses.

Barriers were moved into place, deadly drones cast up into the air, and every one of the zealots were armed with a gun and knife. The air was buzzing now, the zealot colony was ready for war.

“They have no idea what's coming.” Tayla said with a bit of a smug smile as settled into her throne a little more.



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