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The Unseen

Posted on Thu May 20th, 2021 @ 8:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral & Captain Callisi Verra & Lieutenant JG T'Rylea Rochelle & Ensign Thes Lahar (Ziyal)

Mission: Helping Hand
Location: U.S.S. Arcadia / U.S.S. T'sul
2039 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

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Walking back onto the bridge after such a long day, David yawned as he wasn't to thrilled to still be awake. But as it was the third ship that was next in line for them to handle, he wanted to make sure he was there to at least talk to the commanding officer and assist where they could. It was only respectful from one commanding officer to talk to another commanding officer. Especially one that was in his position now. It showed sign of respect and the proper priority in their eyes.

"ETA till we drop out of slipstream?" David asked as he walked around to the massively large center area of the command center, the brain, of the starship. As he did he noticed the Lieutenant Toral standing up.

"At current we are seven marks out from our destination." the cyclopean rabbitess responded, filling in for the helmsman.

"Thank you, Callisi for that and filling in for Raydon while he is away. Though don't do to much better then him, we do not want him jealous," the captain smirked her way before turning to the security officer.

"We do what we must. As for his jealousy, if I took over his duties then he'd take mine. Couldn't abide that." she said with a smirk.

"Oh I can promise you that you will not be replaced anytime soon. But didn't I hear some where that you were wearing a red dress at some point for losing to a marine fighter pilot?" the captain smirked as he asked.

"You did." she said, simple and direct. Maybe she didn't want to relive it, or maybe she just wanted to make him work for the details of her in a slinky minky red dress.

"Make sure to request a rematch against him, I don't plan on having this ship's doors modified for his big head," He replied as he smirked. This caused him to have a mental image of seeing her in a red dress after, so called, losing against Hayter during a flight competition between the two. He knew that there was a possibility as John was a former fighter pilot for the marines. But without seeing it for himself, David knew that it was something he would have to see the records before fully believing it.

"He's easy to distract outside the fighter seat. Though now that I know his level of comfortable risk, I don't think I'd lose the rematch." she stated. "Still though, as odd as it may sound, the dress felt nice." a pause, "It's... hard to explain why."

"Chief. How goes the command role on the bridge? Enjoying it thus far?" Captain Hawkins asked as he stood before Lieutenant Toral, now giving her the attention.

“It has it’s moments” Evalyn replied before taking a sip of soup from a lidded mug, “though if we find the time, I would like to find an asteroid field somewhere for some target practice”

"I would like a shot at that as well." Timia said as she strolled up. "Its been a while since I fired a ships weapons. I got a chance to do some target practice when I was a kid on the merchant ship I was on."

Looking between the two, David raised an eye up as though he was a vulcan but took his seat and smirked as he waved at the security chief to get to her station. " I tell you what, once we wrap up some of our check ins, I'll make it top priority so we realign the weapon systems with our good doctor testing her command skills," He offered as he pointed to the executive officer's chair to his side. "I didn't take you for the type to have played with a ship's weapons, doctor."

Timia settled in the chair and took a breath, it was an interesting feeling sitting here. "You'd be surprised what I will play with Captain." she smirked. "I am full of surprises. One need to just ask to figure out details." Her eyes glanced at the pilots station thinking back to her exam and get to know you chat with Kosugi. "I'll answer if I feel like it." she added with a smirk.

T'Rylea quietly and silently walked onto the bridge and stood in the shadows observing the goings on, on the bridge. Observation was her best teacher and in order to know a crew was to observe them doing their work. With Marcus back in the office, it gave her the time to do what she was doing.

Thes had been monitoring the slipstream from his station on the bridge. It was an impressive piece of technology but also one that had to have constant oversight as one surge could be catastrophic.

As expected it was doing its thing but something caught his eye on sensors. "Captain I detected an energy reading near the T'sul's location. At slipstream I am not able to pinpoint what it was but the sooner we get there the better." he offered as he ran his hand over his blue head.

Timia glanced up towards the Bolin. Blue skin always through her off... "We are about 3 minuets out aye? Can't go any faster? Would an energy reading be something worth concern?" she asked. "Theorize for me people!" she called.

"From my limited understanding of your Quantum drive, it doesn't have settings besides 'In Use' and 'Not In Use'." Callisi offered helpfully. In truth, that was the lump sum of all she knew about the Federation's exclusive propulsion system.

"I am afraid our speed is constant. Keeping the phase variance stable maintains the quantum field and keeps us from being thrown back into normal space. If anything I cannot do anything to speed us up given how much energy it takes from the main deflector to keep us at this speed." Thes replied.

Timia looked at the display, "We are 2 minutes out, every one be ready." she said mildly nervous. She looked over at Hawkins who gave her a nod, and looked at her with a bit of a smirk. She almost held her breath until the ship dropped out of the slip stream in to normal space. "Display." she called.

The screen sprung to life and the blackness of space was marred only by the shape of a ship with no light coming from it. "Report! Hail them!"

"Sensors showing the T'sul on minimal power ma'am. Scans also show debris from what looks like the engineering section some distance from the ship." Thes said with a hint of worry in his voice. What happened? Were they attacked?

"Go to yellow alert," David ordered as he looked at the view screen for a moment before looking down at his controls on his chair. He entered in his command codes, and a single command before a holographic display came up a foot in front of him. as he turned his head left and right, it adjusted in the same way. This was something that was going to take some time to get used to. He brought up data and and took in a deep breath as he felt concern. "Callisi, bring us in closer. Ensign Lahar charge tractor emitter and prepare for a power transfer if we get the green light. She may need a boost."

"She is not responding to any hails, sir!" called out a communications officer.

"From what I am seeing, there is no external signs of weapons fire. Toral, can you confirm what I am seeing?" David asked as he pondered what had happened. Deep down, he knew all types of possibilities, but the worst one of all was his concern for a fellow crew member and friend that he knew was supposed to be on the ship on an extended assignment. "What about life signs and do we have hostiles near by?"

Timia looked through the data that was coming across the screens. "No hostiles on sensors Captain." she reported. "Can we get remote access to their sensor logs?" she asked. Of course with no power that would likely be a no. "I think I may need to go over there."

"I think you maybe right," the captain agreed as he took in a deep breath before looking over at his acting executive officer. He pulled up a display and transferred the display to her which laid out specs of a small device. "Prepare your away team. Also, keep a look out for this small metallic device. I have a back up device, but if anything, you should be able to pick up with your tricorders."

She frowned at the display, "It would help if I knew what it was so I could look for it in the correct location." she said as she tucked the padd under her arm and sent a message to the transporter room to be ready for them.

"Its a mobile emitter. The device could be anywhere among the ship. Most likely in the medical decks as Emmah is the type to always want to help. But I can not be for sure. She was acting mission advisor for the T'sul."

T'Rylea heard clearly the statement of a mobile emitter being made and stepped from where she was standing. "A mobile emitter? Who would have a mobile emitter on the T'sul? I was under the impression that they were used by holograms to travel outside the hologrid," she commented.

Timia glanced towards T'Rylea, "Thats my impression too." she glanced towards Hawkins then nodded, "But we can answer those questions later, for now, we need to go see if our friends need our help." she said. "Alright, Toral, Verra, Rochelle, Lahar, get your stuff and meet me in transporter room 2. Ten minutes." she said then nodded at them to dismiss them from their bridge stations. She glanced at Hawkins, "I didn't miss any one did I?" she asked.

"That ensign at science, take her. But give me a couple minutes. I'd like to speak to her real quick before you head out. Shouldn't take long. Besides, Arcadia is still out of transporter range," David offered as he stood up. "Ensign Walken, let's chat in my ready toom."

"Ready in ten." Callisi mimed, as she stood to allow for the next in line to assume the helm. Once her station was secure and her post on the bridge was covered, the rabbitess made her way to the turbolift. She'd wait for others to get on, no use is making everyone wait while the lift took people one at a time.

Thes was not far behind Callisi and he smiled as he entered the lift. This wasn't his first away mission and he'd by lying if he didn't have butterflies in his stomachs. He smiled at the rabbitess, there was a strange attraction there for him.

She offered him a soft smile in return, really just a ghost of a smile. Her eye on him for a moment before turning to look at the panel inside the turbolift. A soft, blue eye devoid of shine or shimmer. Just an endless sea of blue. Shame she only had one.

"Going down?" and she pressed the button on the console that held the turbolift open, ending the hold and sealing the door.

T'Rylea squeezed into the lift just as the doors closed. "Thanks for holding it," she said looking to who said "Going down". This was something like her umpteenth mission so she usually had her awaymission pack ready to go and it was just a matter of just picking it up and leaving.

"Get going, Commander," David ordered as he looked over at the acting tactical officer replacing Toral. "Go ahead and launch a fighter detail to scout the area for a possible threat. I doubt there are any issues, but I rather be safe then sorry."

Callisi offered that same smile to T'Rylea, "Of course. Which deck?" she would at least continue to be a good hostess. To see someone so full of vigor, so eager and ready without hesitation or concern, it made her a little homesick. Just a little though. All she had to do to lose that feeling was blink.



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