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Getting to know Intelligence.

Posted on Mon May 10th, 2021 @ 9:38am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG T'Rylea Rochelle

Mission: Helping Hand
Location: T'Rylea's Quarters
1187 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It has been suggested by Captain Hawkins to go meet the other members of the crew and to that end, which actually coincided with his own desires, he was not against it. Going down his mental list, the intelligence officer, Lieutenant JG T'Rylea Rochelle was next on his list. Once again, not wanting to go by what is found on record of said lady, he wished to find out what she was like personally. He decided to go with what worked for him, asking the computer where Lieutenant Rochelle would be. So far he's met the others in different areas of the ship. Who is to say where Lieutenant Rochelle would be at.

"Computer, locate Ltjg Rochelle please."

[T'Rylea's Quarter's]

T'Rylea was having a fun time with her companion bird, Rex, who was dodging and weaving around her quarters until he got caught in the Indian Dream catcher yet again. "Rex! You silly bird...." T'Rylea said laughing, as she went to untangle him from the woven design. Feathers here and there, he was screeching and still struggling. "Stop fighting!" she said harshly and Rex calmed down. Finally getting him free, he hung his head as always cause he knew he was a bad boy. Rex was a one of a kind bird who had a very strong bond with T'Rylea. No one could explain it but it was thought that he could actually know what she was thinking and saying. Putting him back on his perch, she gave him a treat to lift his spirits.

Now that fun time was over, she went about checking her messages from SFI and others that had piled up. There was one from her parents and two from Marcus. "Oh my god, Rex, guess who is going to be here with us? Marcus! Aren't you happy?" Rex went nuts, as he always had fun with Marcus.

Raiden found his way to where T'Rylea's quarters were, paused for a moment or two, almost feeling a bit awkward, the feeling passed away. He rang the chime to let her know someone was there then realized that maybe he should have sent her a message. It was too late to do that now. Silently he groused at himself, for not remembering.

Rex screeched, as the door chime rang. T'Rylea pointed to his perch and he flew back and sat there watching as she walked to the door. As the door opened, "Lt. Kosugi I presume? Please come in and take a seat. Can I get you anything?" T'Rylea said smiling, as she let the surprised man in.

Raiden gave a bit of a smile when he stepped inside, then his eyes turned towards the bird on the perch. "Chi tea with a touch of milk and sugar please. " he requested turning his eyes back to T'Rylea. "You've got a nice looking avian there. And yes I am Lt. Kosugi, my apologies for not sending a message to you to request a meeting. The Captain had suggested that I get to know the rest of the crew, so figured I'd look for you." he shrugged, his emotions were a bit of a tumult, due to him not following gentlemanly protocol. Then again she could have told him to go away.

T'Rylea laughed, and smiled, "Your emotions gave you away, no need to worry. I won't read you, I just sense your emotions. Betazoids have a general rule, emotions can be sensed but as for reading a persons mind, that is a no no. It is forbidden and I especially stand by it unless I am ordered to, and only then. But you didn't come here to talk about that correct?" she said handing the young Lieutenant his cup of Chi tea.

Raiden accepted the tea, "Thank you, and I have heard that it is allowable if permission is given." giving a bit of a smile. "May I take a seat?" not wanting to take a casual approach, even though she gave him some tea, he wasn't going to just assume. "I am sorry for being so awkward. I am completely stepping out of my own protocols. It seems that I have been catching other crewmembers during their personal time, and my brain just decided, hey its okay to just arrive at someone's quarters. I normally contact someone before I do so." giving an apologetic smile.

"Oh my goodness, yes please, have a seat. Where are my manners..." T'Rylea said blushing slightly.

"Thank you." Raiden stated, taking a seat. "And its okay, I guess we both are a bit caught off guard." then taking a sip of his tea, he lowered the cup to where it was resting upon his knee. "Now that we're hopefully over the awkwardness, I'd like to learn about you, if you don't mind. What are your likes, dislikes that sort of thing?"

Looking at the young officer, not quite sure of what he wanted , she decided to be point blank and direct. "Well what can I say, I'm an intelligence operative/officer, and have a motto, 'Everyone comes home Alive' and I live by it. I've never left a man or woman behind. There are a number of things which I call my pet peeves, but the biggest is don't lie to me ever. I know when you lie. Betazoids know when a person is lying. Also I don't like being taken for a fool. That is the worst thing to do. The last one who did, is sitting in a penal colony for thinking he could pull a fast one on me. There are others but those two are the number one peeves. As for likes, I am a di etse person in that department. Love to read, horseback ride, doing a good mystery holonovel. Painting and swimming come in second. I do enjoy a good party but not where one gets falling down drunk or stupid," T'Rylea said smiling, sipping her tea.

Raiden nodded, as he listened to her answer. "For me I don't like leaving anyone behind either, I don't believe in lying, I prefer to be honest. And someone thought they could pull a fast one on you. That was dumb. I like flying, swimming, fishing and wood working."

"Interesting hobbies, swimming sounds to much like bathing, but it's fun doing belly flops," she said chuckling. Looking at her computer, she saw it was time to check her messages. "Damn, where did the time go I have to check messages. Can we chat later?", T'Rylea asked.

Raiden nodded, smiled. "Sure, not a problem. It was lovely to meet you." drinking the last of his tea. "thank you again." he carefully set the cup down and rose. "I'll be seeing you around." then headed out the door. There would be a general sense of congeniality and him not being bothered by her needing to go about her work.

Before the door closed behind Raiden paused gave a wave of farewell.

Opening up her computer she went to work reasing her incoming messages.

Lt. Jg. T'Rylea Rochelle
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Arcadia

LtJG Raiden Kosugi
Chief Helmsman
USS Arcadia


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