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Posted on Sat May 8th, 2021 @ 7:09am by Ensign Jaeih t'Rhenn

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Starfleet Academy and Arcadia
Timeline: prior to arrival
585 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Academy main notice board, the place where everyone goes to catch up on the gossip and see what is new on campus. For those graduating it was the place where you could find your postings. Jaeih walked quietly between a couple of tall cadets and waited patiently for the two in front of her to finish reading the listings.

“Hey Simmons which one did you get?”

“I got Galaxy. I can’t wait to go.. It will be a blast!”

“What about you Michaels?”

“I got Atlantis.”

“I got the USS Sydney.” Said Kenos

“I got the Reliant” Announced Tealnk

Jaeih moved forward and scanned the list.

“Hey Jaeih! What did you get?” Came a smooth voice behind her. Jaeih ignored Matthews and scanned for her name. She was about to speak and reply when a squeal cut her off.

“I got PROMETHEUS!!!” screamed Susan Edwards, all too close to Jaeih’s ears as she
pranced back to her ‘pack’ of snobby Starfleet brats.

“Aw gee Susan.. I wonder who got you that..” Muttered Michaels

“Yeah Only an admirals daughter would get such a plum assignment.” Replied Simmons, one of Jaeih’s fellow squad members

“Hey I got Enterprise!!” yelled Jessica Paris, Admiral Paris’s niece

“Yeah and there’s another example of the ‘General’s daughter syndrome” Added Michaels sarcastically.

Jaeih turned to find Kenos, Matthews, Simmons, Tealnk and Michaels waiting to see what she had gotten. Her squadron, her friends, the only people who understood her and never approached her about her past and why she worked so hard. “What?” she asked then quietly.

Daniel Matthews, Squad leader placed his arm around his 2IC. “Come on t’Rhenn.. spill the beans.. which ship did you get?”

“The USS Arcadia. Congrats Simmons… the Galaxy will love to have you I am sure… and
Michaels I hope you have fun on the Atlantis as will the Sydney and the Reliant love JK and Tealnk.” She stopped and glanced up at her last team mate “Well Daniel… what did you get?”

“I got transferred to the USS Carlyle a deep space exploration vessel.. galaxy class.” He looked down at her.

“Gee Jaeih I was hoping that at least some of us would have been able to get posted together.. I mean we are a great team.” He looked at his other four teammates
and the four of them huddled by a wall.

“It is logical Matthews….” started Tealnk.

“That they want the best to be on different ships just so we can defend the federation better.” Jaeih finished softly. “Come on guys lets go celebrate”

“A logical choice.” Replied Tealnk

“What he said.” Said Janet ‘JK’ Kenos as the others nodded.

“Lead on Jaeih.” Said James as the group began to move towards the academy exit.

As they walked Tealnk spoke up. “As much as I hate to appear as you humans say ‘a wet blanket’.. But tomorrow we will be shipping out for our new assignments.”

Jaeih looked at the ground as the news sunk into everyone. “We will be fine!” She said trying to be bright. They all exchanged looks and nodded. Life goes forward.


Two days later, Jaeih was walking into a joint cabin on deck 26 on the Arcadia. Two of the 4 rooms were labelled with other officers names, and the third had her name on it. Smiling she slipped into the bedroom and dropped her duffel on her bed. She would report in and get her life started as a Starfleet Officer.


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