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Getting a check up

Posted on Sat Apr 17th, 2021 @ 1:49am by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Medical
1534 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden had gone to see the captain and most times it would be the XO he'd go see next, but in truth, there was the one person that most people tried to avoid, and that would the Chief Medical Officer. The chief medical officer held within the palm of his or her hand, the fate of those serving on any ship or even starbase, it was their decision to see if a person was fit for duty or not. Never good to make a doctor go on the hunt for you. That was a disservice to them and highly disrespectful. Raiden was raised better than that. Raiden found his way to sickbay, took a step inside, his eyes widening at the size of it. One could get lost in here, Raiden mused to himself.

Raiden caught the attention of someone who was on duty, "Excuse me, can you direct me to Dr. Svidi's office?"

Said personnel gave directions to where the CMO would, or could possibly be at.

Raiden went there straight away, wondering just what the Doctor would be like.

Timia was furrowing her brow as she typed quickly on her keyboard. She didn't always like dictating her reports. She mouthed the words as they typed however, leaving her looking a bit foolish. She glanced up when a shadow was cast over her desk. "Hello?" she asked as she looked the man over.

"Hello, sorry to disturb you, I'm here to meet you and also to get my medical updated. I'm Lieutenant Raiden Kosugi, newly transferred to this ship as Helm." Raiden began. "You're Doctor Svidi" almost stumbling over her name. "if I read the padd right, and I hope I didn't mangle your last name too badly." giving a wry smile.

Timia smiled, "Not half bad actually." she said. "Just like it sounds in my case. I'm sure years ago people added extra sounds to it, but I'm a simple girl." she added. "Well Admittedly I prefer to ensure that my ship remain on course with a healthy pilot. So lets give you a once over." she said getting up from her desk and motioning towards one of the bio beds in her exam area.

"I would be rather remiss if I didn't make sure I was in good health. " Raiden giving a chuckle. "walking over to the bio bed, and taking a seat with his feet dangling above the ground. "As per Captain Hawkins suggestion that I get to know the crew, I figured I'd take care of two things at once. Meeting you and, taking care of other details" a twinkle in his eyes.

Timia smiled, "Well that is certainly a smart way to think about it." she said as she touched the control panel of the bio bed, starting up a full body scan. "Do you have any particular health issues or past situations you think I should be aware of?" she asked him as she moved her fingers to his neck and probed around for a moment.

"Broken arm from being a kid, collar bone happened when I was climbing a tree. But that has healed up awhile back." Raiden lying back to make things easier. "Other than that, currently, no major problems" the body scan though would probably show indications of scar tissue having been worked on like cuts from working with wood on his hands or an area where he had some surgery to close up a wound like from a knife.

"Well nice thing about modern technology those get healed very nicely." she said. She glanced over the scan results as it started to display on her screen. "Nothing is out of the ordinary, in fact you may be healthier than your last intake exam." she commented looking at the comparison from his last CMO's report. "Nothing to stop me from letting you fly my ship." she grinned and backed up a step so he could sit up. "The one thing I know about pilots is that they can be daredevils. If you have that inclination please just make sure you don't let any injury go unreported. Can't have my pilot have a knock on his head now can I?"

"No, doctor, can't have that. And I'll make certain to let you know. " he got off the bed and then looked at her. "Okay, now that is finished, would it be okay to chat with you for a few?"

TImia looked at the clock and flicked her wrist, her watch displaying her schedule for her. "I've got a few minuets. Is there something concerning you?" she asked him.

"Actually not really, I am just wanting to get to know a little bit about you, what not to do, to get you ticked off, that sort of thing. Likes, dislikes. The usual questions a person asks when getting to know someone." Raiden giving a bit of a shrug and a smile. "It works better to know what a person is like, just to help with a crew working better together."

Timia looked a bit surprised, "Oh... I um...." she glanced around and motioned for her office, not really wanting to have personal conversations in the medbay where her nurses and staff were working. "I have rounds to make in the hospital in a few minuets, but I suppose I can try and be friendly." she chuckled. "What do I like? hmmm?" she considered. "I like old movies..." she said.

Raiden walked with Timia to her office to continue the conversation, "What sort of old movies? And also, please let me know if you need to leave and I'll get out of the way." his eyes crinkled up with a smile. " I do like old movies as well. Any favorites?"

"Growing up we had a data cube of 20th century movies, Monster Movies were always fun. Godzilla types. I also like fantasy epics like Tolkiens movies, The Hobbit and Lord of the rings. The Holo remakes they did ten years ago just... I don't know they just don't have the same charm." she sighed.

"I agree with you, I like the classic films, the remakes don't do the movies justice. To me there just isn't any sort of soul unlike how the classic films were made. And I just get tired of seeing the ads for
remake of a classic, new, bolder supposedly more enticing. I like films where they had actual backdrops and fantastic scenery, and music, such as Singing in the Rain. And I do love the Tolkien movies."

"Singing in the rain..." she repeated and thought for a moment. "Oh Yes. I think I saw that once when I was kid. I didn't get it for a while because I hadn't yet experienced rain, beyond a shower. It freaked me out." she chuckled as she moved around her desk and pulled up her computer to make sure she didn't miss any thing.

Raiden blinked for a moment as he had no idea what Timia's back ground was. "How old were you when you got to experience rain for the first time, and how did you like it?"

She tapped her chin, "12 I think?" she said. "I didn't often go planet side and I always remember nice weather. The first rain I was a part of... well it was a bad storm. It scared me fairly badly." she admitted. "The winds... I mean it tore branches right off trees, it was cold and wet. I was soaked in seconds. I'm pretty sure I cried."

"Sounds like a hurricane, those are rather frightening. Not a great way to be introduced to rain." he replied. "Okay so favorite foods, favorite colors, what do you like."

Timia arched her brows, "Honestly I feel like you're trying to profile me for a ship wide dating connection forum. I'm all set." she said tossing her hair back a bit. "And I do have my rounds to do."

Raiden blinked then actually chuckled, "Sorry, I've done that to my friends as well. And they have said the same thing to me. Anyhow you are right, you've got rounds to make and I'll get out of your hair. And as a personal rule, I get to know a person before I ask them out, if there is a bit of chemistry and a mutual interest, then things move forward." rising to his feet. "I'll see you later on, if you care to converse." raising an questioning eyebrow.

Timia smirked a little, she could see an attempt for an open door, clearly. She wasn't going to make it that easy. "I could care less either way." she said neutrally as she picked up her tricorder. "Please let me know if you have any medical concerns, if not I'll see you around." she said, before tilting her chin up and strolling out of her office, leaving him behind. She took the door to the right, which would take her directly in to the hospital, rather than the general corridor.

Raiden laughed softly, as he watched her leave. Formidable, spirited, beautiful, dangerous. Danger Zone....Doctor Svidi. One more glance in her direction then Raiden turned to leave. He had things to do as well.


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