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Lt. Cortez's Arrival

Posted on Mon Apr 12th, 2021 @ 10:57am by Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez

Mission: A New Legacy
546 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The ride in the shuttle to the Arcadia had been long and Eira was happy that Kyle, another transfer from the Hawaii, was with her. She'd managed to somehow fall asleep with 30 minutes left on the trip and it was enough to bring up memories of a previous mission she was on.


Eira had been witness to the Gorn attacking and had seen how they operate: no mercy was given to anyone who stood in their path and opposed them. When she'd first gone down to the surface, she had been with a small team of 6 people, both Starfleet and Marines and it was their job to gather intel and report it back.

After an unfortunately timed explosion rang out behind the team who were sheltered behind a cover of concrete barricades, three Gorn had turned towards them and yelled out, raising their blasters and firing in the direction of Cortez and her team.

They made a run for cover towards a tree line and the blasters managed to down one of the Marines Trent Jensen, leaving him on the ground but still only just alive. Shots rang out between each side as Eira tried to run back and pull him back to safety. One of the Gorn were downed and thankfully not moving and the other two continued to advance before the one on the left was struck down with a well-aimed shot from an Ensign in grey. "Nicely done Aval, now come and help me with Jensen." The Ensign rushed to help carry him as he was rather solidly built.

The third Gorn had managed to let off another two shots that landed squarely in the head of Aval and Jensen, jolting Cortez and causing her to drop him. She could feel that her face was shocked at the blood that spattered all over her uniform but it hadn't actually registered with her yet.

It was at that moment that a fourth unarmed Gorn came from the right and managed to land a poorly aimed punch that knocked Cortez to the ground and he used his claws to start slashing away at her. One of her team landed a killing blow to his head and she tried in vain to push the 300 pound creature off her. The shock came in a massive wave and hit her all at once and she registered that there was pain in her stomach area from the surface being slashed.

Once the remaining team got to a safe location with the downed crew, they allowed themselves a bit of a breather and the wave of shock of what had just transpired hit her again.


Cortez woke up with a jolt and eyes wide, feeling the surge of emotions she was feeling radiating out around her so strong that she was sure Kyle could feel it.

"You okay? You look really pale. Was it another one of those nightmares again?" Kyle's face was worried and concerned for her.

"I'll be fine, it's just another nightmare." She felt the concern coming from him.

"Okay, remember you let me know if you need to talk or anything and you know I'm here." She appreciated the concern and the comfort he offered. "Now, you haven't missed much but we'll be arriving in 5 minutes."


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