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Meeting Security

Posted on Sat Apr 17th, 2021 @ 6:59pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Holodeck
1689 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Raiden decided he'd better go check in with Security and meet the person in charge, he heard it was a Lieutenant JG Evalyn Toral, he only took a glance at the image of the chief of security but images don't give him a read as to whom the person was like. He tapped on his comm badge, and spoke to the computer.

"Computer what is the location of Lieutenant Toral? "

=^=Lieutenant Toral is in holodeck 2=^= the computer replied

Raiden nodded to himself and also mused, it seems like crew members are definitely making good use of their down time, he liked that. He ventured forth to the holodeck 2 making certain at first that it didn't have the no entrance indicator. It didn't and he walked in and was quiet when he did.

As the doors to the holodeck opened, they revealed a lush open field with a single cherry blossom tree next to a gentle flowing stream. In the shade of the tree, Evalyn was dressed in a loose fitting Asian inspired white dress with long sleeves and a split down one side for ease of movement. After a moment, she began to move through a set of flowing motions that looked like a strange dance. Beside her was an older man playing a gentle melody on a wooden flute.

Raiden smiled, for the scene was reminiscent of being home, the wooden flute bringing to his mind of his mother playing her flute beneath a blooming cherry tree. The calming notes drifted across the scene to him, filling his soul with some peace. He watched with interest the graceful movements, his mind working to recognize the katas she was using.

As she turned around while moving between movements, Evalyn spotted someone standing there watching her. Pausing for a moment, she was about to return to her movements when the old man threw a small smooth stone at her, hitting her in the shoulder, “ow, what was that for?” She asked the old man.

“You were easily distracted. Poor form. Start again” the old man said before leaning down to retrieve another stone from a bucket next to his foot, “now, again!”

"Sorry for my distracting you." Raiden speaking up. "I've just been assigned to the Arcadia and felt i needed to come check in with you, since you are the chief of security." he paused and looked at the old man getting ready to toss another rock at Evalyn. "However, it seems that I've arrived at a bad time. I'll meet you at your office later." turning to leave.

“No no wait. computer freeze program” Evalyn said as she started to walk towards Raiden, “I’m sorry, I was just trying to relax. What can I do for you?”

Raiden stopped and turned around, an apologetic smile on his lips. "I wanted to meet you, as part of getting to know the crew. However, I didn't want to interrupt your session anymore than I already had. Which is why I was leaving." his eyes taking in her features, finding her pretty. "You are very graceful in your movement and I had been working through your movements, to figure out what style of katas you were using." he gave a slight bow of apology. "As I said moment ago, I can meet with you in your office at a later time." He hadn't moved as of yet to leave, not knowing which way to jump as of yet. He'd like to stay and chat but, it was her personal time and he didn't want to disturb.

“No, it’s ok. You went to the effort to find me in the first place so we might as well talk now” Evalyn said, looking over at the old man, “computer, remove the teacher”

A moment later, the old man vanished, leaving the two of them alone, “so, why don’t we start with a name and what I can do for you?”

"Name?" his mind went blank at first. Then his mind cleared. "Oh, right." Raiden smiled wryly. "I'm Lieutenant Raiden Kosugi and am newly arrived Helmsman for the USS Arcadia. I'm getting myself familiarized with both the ship, as well as those I will be serving with."

“So, you’re our pilot? Well, try not to crash the ship. We’ve become accustomed to her and I’d rather not have to start on a new ship” Evalyn said, holding out a hand, “anyway, it’s nice to meet you. As I’m sure you know, I’m the chief of security on this tub”

Raiden nodded, shaking Evalyn's hand. "I do not plan on crashing the ship at all." giving a bit of a smirk. "Pleasure to meet you." he looked at the scene she had in the Holo deck. "What sort of martial arts do you practice?"

“It’s an old earth art. I can’t pronounce the original name but it’s basic English translation is ‘Eight Trigrams Palm’. Though I use it more to relax then for combat training” Evalyn explained

Raiden went through his memory, for that sounded familiar, then it came to him. "Pakua chang!" giving it the Chinese pronunciation. "It has been awhile since I've heard that term." remembering that his mother and sister were practitioners of the art. "My mother and sister know that style. And it has been so long since I've practiced with them. I have probably forgotten some of it, that my mother would be ashamed if she knew."

Evalyn smiled, “I’d be more then happy to share my program with you if you wish to brush up on the technique. We could even practice together once in a while”

"I would like that very much." Raiden replied. "And it would probably make my mother and sister pleased for me to get back to that style." giving a return smile. "How long have you been part of the Arcadia crew? Or for that matter, how long have you known the captain?"

“I can answer both questions together, I’m not sure. I stopped keeping track of those kind of things about 100 years ago. But I can say I’ve known the Captain for longer than I’ve been onboard this ship, I transferred across with him from our old ship”

"That was the Gladiator wasn't it? I got to have the privilege piloting that ship for a short time. It was fantastic, and there's a good crew onboard there. They were talking about him, telling me stories about him." Raiden replied.

Evalyn smiled, “well I’m sure most of the stories were accurate for the most part. He’s a good man and a good captain”

"I could tell. And I think they feel he's almost a deity with how they spoke of him. Says a lot about the man. And from what I've observed he's going to be a great captain to serve under. So, to another subject, besides doing this for destressing what else do you like to do?"

“On occasion I like to cook. Though I haven’t had a chance to in a while. What about you? Any hobbies?”

"I like working with wood, and well Martial arts. I fly old style planes, and have worked on them as well. I go fishing when I can and I like to swim. I sort of cook, but just enough that its edible like eggs, things that are simple. Most times I eat replicator food."

Evalyn smiled, “how long has it been since you’ve had real food?”

"The last real food I had, was before I caught a ride on the Gladiator, which ended up with me, flying her." Raiden paused as he remembered what happened, his eyes showing a bit of a storm in them. "I had a roast beef sandwich which I didn't get to finish. A person decided to throw a punch at a friend, which didn't reach its mark. However that certainly didn't add to the flavor of the sandwich. " he looked at Evalyn, giving a shrug. "And that is the last time I had real food."

Evalyn almost laughed, “so you lost a sandwich because someone punched it? Must have been a good sandwich. The last time I had real food would’ve been the academy”

Raiden grinned. "Yeah, something like that. And you'd not had real food since then? Wonder if there is a possibility of getting fresh ingredients to cook some real food, somewhere. Can't always eat replicated food." he mused.

“Guess we’ll have to try our luck when we get to the next starbase. Traders can be useful for fresh ingredients”

Raiden looked at Evalyn. "sounds like a date!" then he stopped, "Well that is.. Okay then, I now feel awkward. It seems that when I am showing interest in getting to know someone, it sounds like I am setting up a dating profile." rubbing the back of his head.

Evalyn shrugged, “it’s ok, I’ve been on both sides of this dilemma. Believe me it doesn’t get easier” she said, walking over and giving him a peck on the cheek, “just start with a friendly lunch and see where things go. I’m in no hurry. After 300 years you learn to take things as they go rather than force them”

Raiden smiled, turning a slight shade of pink "I have that sort of code as well, to take things as they go."

Evalyn smiled, “well that’s good to know”

"I should probably get going, we'll have to plan on having a friendly lunch together." Raiden said smiling.

“I will leave that to you. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we reach a Starbase” Evalyn replied as she glanced back at the fields around them, “computer, end program”

As the room went to its normal black walls and floors with a yellow grid, Raiden looked at Evalyn. "Okay, sounds good. I'll see you later then." giving her a smile. Raiden though she was a lovely woman, and looked forward to getting to know the Chief of Security a bit more.



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