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Extraction [Part One]

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2022 @ 6:57pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi)

Mission: The Goddess
Location: various
2628 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Raiden was by the shuttle to send off the small away team that consisted of Lieutenant Josey Wales, Lieutenant Kyle Walken, Cadet Aarfa Barakzy and Ensign Kanan Mishra. "I won't make a long winded speech, the only thing that I will say is this, Be careful and be successful in your mission." The XO stepping back.

"Right, thank you sir!" Ensign Mishra responded then climbed into the shuttle.

"Save me the trouble of ignoring the speech then Kosugi, so that's a win in my book." Walken laughed softly as he looked his friend in the eyes.

Raiden laughed in return. "Thought so. Wish I was going with you but I can't try to steal all of the glory now can I?" giving a smirk towards Walken. it was starting to become a running joke between him and the Marine CO.

Aarfa swallowed a laugh but held her tongue; she was cadet after all. But as she joined the Ensign in the shuttle, she thought that it was nice to see the friendly interaction between superior officers and appreciated how they were using it to lightened the tension.

Mishra looked at Aarfa when she joined him in the shuttle and gave a slight smile, "Since I didn't introduce myself yet, I'm Ensign Kanan Mishra. And you're Cadet Aarfa Barakazy. Nice to meet you." holding out his hand to shake hers.

"Pleased to meet you as well, Ensign," Aarfa replied, taking the offered hand and swishing her tail slightly. The humanoid greeting ritual still felt slightly awkward, but she supposed species without tails had to come up with something and she was making an effort to become natural using it. "I look forward to hunting with you."

"I feel the same way where the hunting is concerned. Rumor has it the Chief of security will be flying us to our destination." Mishra remarked. "Have heard that he is quite the pilot." giving a nod. "I had heard back at the meeting that you ended up enduring a lot by being left alone on the ship, I couldn't even imagine just how awful that could have been."

"It was..." something she did not want to think about. Ever. But especially heading to Trinity territory. Aarfa swallowed, gathered herself. Her nightmares were not a thing to share at the start of a hunt. "...something I would not wish to repeat." Indeed, she had no intention of repeating it and the extra knife in her boot and pill sewn into the hem of her sleeve gave her some degree of comfort in the assurance that she could choose not to.

Walken laughed as he overheard just a part of the conversation as he entered the shuttle. "Well I hope he does, otherwise I will fly and I hate to bear the bad news but Marines don't fly well."

Raiden poked his head inside the shuttle. "What I thought you knew how to fly." glancing over at Walken.

"I can fly if need be, sirs," Aarfa put in. "I started as pilot and I could handle shuttles before entering the Academy."

Josey stepped into the shuttle. " That's how I got into Starfleet, because of a judge. He gave me the choice of Starfleet or a different alternative, I used to race shuttles and antigrav speeder bikes. Got into Starfleet and found I had a talent for law enforcement, Probably the best thing that happened to me to change my life. " Josey walked over and sat himself down in the co pilot's chair and looked back to Aarfa. " Don't you have a pre flight to do? You are going to fly this thing aren't you. "

Had she heard right? Aarfa's ears and whiskers perked with surprise and excitement. "Yes!, yes, sir," she said getting up and heading to to the co-pilot's seat.

Raiden stepped back once Josey got into the shuttle. He patted the small craft upon the side then said. "See you when you get back." Turned and stepped back to the exit door then turned to watch as the shuttle was prepared to leave the Gladiator.

Aarfa nodded to LCDR as he stepped away. "Thank you, sir." Then settled into the pilot's seat, running a quick glance over the controls to fix the positions and class of shuttle in her mind. "Ready for pre-check, sir," she said to Wales.

"Kosugi this ship better be in the same condition or better when I get back or so help." Walken announced before he took his seat.

Raiden laughed when he heard the parting words of Walken. "I'm not flying the ship but I think I can safely bet that the one who is flying will do their best to not get too many scratches on the hull. Now be safe all of you."

Josey heard the hatch seal and watched as Aarfa did the flight pre check. Josey opened the com channel. " Flight control this is scout one requesting permission for departure."

=^= Scout one, shuttle bay doors are opening. Permission for departure is granted and god speed. =^=

" Cadet Barakzay, once your done with pre flight, set course and let's get going. We've got a lady out there and we don't want to keep her waiting, now do we? " Stated Josey with a serious expression on his face.

"Aye, sir, we do not," Aarfa replied. "Pre-flight complete. Flight plan laid in. Ready to proceed when you are, sir."

Raiden watched as the shuttle left the bay, it disappearing beyond the shields. Then turned to leave the bay, and resume his other duties.

Ensign Mishra looked at the others then looked out the view port back towards the shp, he then turned towards the planet they were heading towards, glad that his clothing was changed to where it would blend in, instead of the golden color of security.

"So question, when we get on the planet, what will you be looking like, Barakzay with the holo disguise ?" Mishra wanted to know a he was curious as to what she could look like.

"Nothing special. Like this," she replied, tapping the holo. After a brief shimmer, the tall lean Kainan was replaced by tall model-slim human woman with tawny hair just a shade more red than Aarfa's fur. The long muzzle was replaced by a long oval face with high cheekbones. The only thing still recognizable as Aarfa's were large brown eyes, though the plain serviceable clothes she'd worn for this mission remained largely the same, though adjusted only fit a human figure.

"Woah that is incredible." Mishra exclaimed, "Its the first time I've seen one being used." nodding in approval.

He glanced over towards Walken and Wales. "So the plans we have for this team up is find that person who is putting out the programs, grab her and get out of there and do some questioning?"

Josey glanced up at Mishra. " That's about it. We grab her and find out where our people are. If things get to hot then we bring her along with us and question her while returning back to the ship, If need be we turn her over to our intelligence officer for questioning. " Josey had a thought and was glad the federation didn't resort to such tactics. " It's a good thing we're going in after her at this time, Had it been someone like the Romulan or Klingon Intelligence questioning her she would have most likely been exposed to the mind sifter. Thankfully the federation doesn't employ such tactics. "

Mishra gave a nod, just then there was a signal coming from the console, then the staticy voice of their prey filled the Runabout.

ah my good listeners, it is now an hour of easy listening, and the spoken word of the Goddess. Let your mind be at ease let your spirits be purified. Allow the hurt and anguish that you are feeling now, be cleansed. As the time is drawing near where that will be happening. We will be gathering sending our prayers to the Goddess, and we shall cleanse all those who have been chosen to undertake our mission. Let us raise our voices to be heard, and to be counted amongst the faithful."

Mishra just stared at the console which had been monitoring the general signals. "Okay we need to take down that zealot. Are you freaking kidding me?"

Walken began to double-check his gear, "Don't let them get in your head, level head, level emotions. Keep it all in check."

" Phasers set for heavy stun! " Called out Josey. " We have a emergency four man transporter in this shuttle, If we meet resistance we will stun our target and three will transport back with the target between two of us and once we get back the fifth person will be transported after the others make it back with the target. We will pre program the transporter for an emergency beam out programmed to a tricorder signal. Everyone got that? Good because failure is not an option here. If we fail we lose our chance at rescuing our friends and crewmates. "

Josey worked the sensors. " Target planet ahead. Cadet Barakzay, bring the shuttle to coordinates 272.3 by 057.6. There is a shuttle park there about four city blocks away from the target building. Double check your gear and get yourself ready, We're landing in a few minutes. "

The shuttle landed in the shuttle park and Josey replicated a half dozen small diamonds in case funds were needed. He handed the tricorder to Mishra. "Lock on to the broadcast signal and we'll follow it to the source. " The group left the shuttle park and began walking to their destination, Most of the people wore fashions similar to what was worn on earth. The only difference was those that were wearing simple tan robes and handing out literature for the goddess and asking for donations to help further the cause of universal peace.

The building was an older thirty story building and the directory had the church offices listed for the entire 28th floor and the broadcast area listed on the 27th floor. Access to the upper floors is by stairways or old style elevators.

Mishra gawked upwards for a moment looking at the older building and then over at the disciples of some relgious order of the goddess. He could feel goosebumps rising upon his arms raising the hair as well. He kept his emotions in check though like what Lieutenant Walken had said back in the runabout. He also was alert for any sign of trouble. He had to step to one side of a woman who was in one of the tan robes not wanting to take of the materials.

He felt a sense of relief when they got inside the building, and looked to both Wales and Walken, "Which way are we going to be taking, elevators would be quicker, but stairs safer?"

"No safe answer, the elevator is quicker but we are trapped in a confined space. We don't know how many personnel they have guarding the stairs. I say stairs, elevator is a kill box waiting to happen." Walken never kept his eyes in one place for long scanning for anything or anyone that may have made them.

Aarfa nodded agreement. "Stairs. Safer and going more slowly will let me check for scents at access doors. The 'church' may be listed as only those two floors, but we don't know that they have no presence on the others." She had already been scanning for the scents of those who attacked the Gladiator, ready to alert and pursue if she caught one.

Josey glanced to the stairs and watched people milling about the lobby area. People were going back and forth to the elevators and heading out to the street to continue their day. In two recessed alcoves facing the elevator lobby stood two pair of large cultist watching everyone as they entered and exited the elevators and listening to com devices.

Josey patted his stomach. " After a lunch like that I think I could use a bit of cardio and take the stairs, I don't want to feel bloated before we start our business meeting. " He proceeded to walk to the stairs. As the group passed each floor they noticed a security camera pointed at the door leading onto the floor exit, every forth floor there was a emergency com panel in event of medical emergency or other events that may occur.

On the tenth floor they encountered a pair of brown robed sisters coming down the stairs. They both smiled. " Greetings gentlemen. Have you heard the blessed word of our goddess? She is wise and just and will gather all unto her bosom in the cause of universal peace and joy. " Said the first.

" But first the universe must be cleansed of it's impurities before the goddess can bring her faithful into salvation." Said the second and continued to speak. " I am Sister Setta, and this is sister Olsen. " She said pointing to the first sister to have spoken. " If you seek to join with the goddess, then we can escort you to the offices on floor twenty eight if you'd like, there are many there that would welcome you with open arms. Would you like us to show you? " Asked Sister Setta.

Mishra gave a nod, "Yes that would be quite lovely thank you." He responded, in his mind though Kanan was thinking that there were just too many acolytes here, would have to put this designation as a clean up area, to eradicate those who may be wanting to continue this awful worship of the Goddess. He mentally shook his head, not his call.

Sister Setta gave a nod and led the way to the level they wished. Mishra was feeling a bit uncomfortable, there had to be an escape out of here, and didn't know how many people they would be facing. At the very least, they only had to deal with two levels for this so called church, and not the whole building that would have been most uncomfortable. When they reached the level, Mishra asked in an innocent way, "So, about the worship service when is it to be held? And where? I am looking forward to being part of those who feel the presence of the Goddess."

"The service will not be happening for another two hours. In the mean time you will have a chance to meet others as you listen to the message that is being sent out, and begin the purification of your mind." Sister Olsen spoke up.

Just on the outside of the stairwell were two more burly cultist members. The two ladies gave a nod to the guardians of the door. "They are seeking enlightenment."

The men nodded, and let them pass by. One of them had a faintly familiar scent to him. in the mean time the sisters escorted the small group to a waiting area, "Here you can wait until she is ready for you to speak to her. We need to go on about another appointment."

Aarfa's nostril's flared (fortunately masked behind the holographic projection), but she had to swallow to suppress a low growl as she caught the scent of one of the men who had attacked the Gladiator. She marked his location and appearance - here was a backup target if they couldn't secure a better one.

Inside the waiting room which looked rather comfortable, were several couches, some chairs and a desk where a receptionist would be seated. At the moment there was noone there.

"Please have a seat as Sister Agatha will be here shortly." giving a bow towards the four seekers of knowledge. The two ladies leave, closing the door behind them, leaving the away team alone.


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