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Extraction [Part Two]

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2022 @ 6:59pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Josey Wales & 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken & Cadet Third Class Aarfa Barakzay

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Various
2683 words - 5.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Inside the waiting room which looked rather comfortable, were several couches, some chairs and a desk where a receptionist would be seated. At the moment there was noone there.

"Please have a seat as Sister Agatha will be here shortly." giving a bow towards the four seekers of knowledge. The two ladies leave, closing the door behind them, leaving the away team alone.

Certain they were being observed despite the physical absence of cultists, Aarfa said nothing. However she casually bumped the person sitting closest, and sniffed loud enough for him to hear, casting a pointed glance toward the door.

Josey was sure that he wasn't the only one who heard Aarfa sniffing, and knowing her sense of smell it was clear what her meaning was. She had found someone who was involved in the attack on the Gladiator. Josey had a sudden memory from when they were down in the lobby and looking at the floor directory, The church office was on the twenty eighth floor and the broadcast station was on the twenty seventh floor. He had to convey the information to the team. " I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet the sister who was broadcasting the goddesses message? If it wasn't for her we would have never known to come here to seek enlightenment. If I recall correctly, it was on the floor below us, I think. Do you think they'd let us meet her? " He asked the question in general and hope that someone would pick up the conversation in case they were being monitored.

Mishra picked up on the hint. "True would have to ask about that. Um let me go see if I can find someone." The ensign rising up from his chair. "I'll be right back."

He returned with a woman in tan robes following after him. "Okay here is Sister Agatha and she is willing to take us down to the 27th floor."

Agatha looked at those who were in her reception room. "Indeed, I will escort you there, she will be delighted to hear that her words have reached out and touched others. If you will follow me and I will take you there." motioning for the others to come with her.

" We are grateful to you for this kindness Sister Agatha, We would have never known of the goddesses wisdom and mercy had we not heard from that angelic voice that reached us in the darkness. " Said Josey as he rose to follow the others and meet this woman that they have travelled so far to meet.

The group was escorted down to the broadcast area and was escorted in by Sister Agatha. They waited until the on air light had turned off before entering. Sister Agatha spoke up as they entered the broadcast booth. " Sister Tiger Lily, These gentlemen have a desire to meet with you. Your Voice guided them home to us and they wish to be enlightened by the goddess. "

Tiger Lily's anti gravity chair spun in place. She had waist length raven black hair and green eyes. She also had braces going from shoulder to shoulder, Down the length of her spine, and on the interior and exterior of her arms and kegs. Before them sat an attractive Elaysian woman from a low gravity world who could not get around without the aid of her chair. She smiled warmly. " Please forgive me for not standing, But it makes me very happy that I could be your voice that lead you to us here this day. Praise be to the goddess for bringing you here to us. Sister Agatha said you desired to meet with me, Is there anything I may do for you or questions that I may answer for you at this time? " She asked with sincerity.

"Gentlemen and Lady." Mishra gently corrected Sister Agatha.

"Oh, I am sorry I did not mean to exclude the lady here." Sister Agatha replied with an apologetic glance towards Aarfa. "At this time I must go back to the reception area. Enjoy your visit with Sister Tiger Lily."

Aarfa simply inclined her head, not trusting her voice. Tiger Lily's was not a scent she recognized, but the room was filled with traces of those who'd attacked the Gladiator. She didn't know how to convey that to the others here, but the play was to get information and she trusted the more senior officers to have some experience and a plan for how to go about that.

"I'm just happy to find a place where I can find unity, my beautiful baby girl was taken by the 'impurities' of this universe. I can't get her back but I can prevent this from happening to others. I just want to thank you, if I hadn't heard your voice and message I don't know what would have happened to me." Walken lowest his head before Tiger Lily.

"Then may the goddess give you peace and comfort." Sister Agatha said, then she left, closing the door behind her.

Mishra followed Agatha to the door and once the door closed, he locked it. He couldn't stomach anymore, he had palmed his phaser, which was now hidden in his hand. Then he turned and fired at Tiger Lily hitting her squarely in the chest, the phaser having been set to heavy stun. She slumped over and slid off her hover chair to the floor.

Mishra looked at Wales, Walken and Aarfa. "I couldn't stand hearing anymore of that. It was making my skin crawl. You can throw me in the brig when we get back to the ship but, for now lets get any information we can get. Radio codes, books they could have that would be informational. And we have no idea when she is supposed to be broadcasting next. Okay sirs big decison time here."

" Well I doubt if we're going to find any code books here in the broadcast booth. " Said Josey. " She's the extraction target after all. " Josey bent over to check tiger lily's breathing. " Ok, She's fine. " As he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of patatoes. Just then there was a heavy thump on the door. One of the massive goons was screaming and trying to break down the door as he could see them through the small window in the door, an alarm klaxon shattered the silence. " I can't reach my combadge with her over my shoulder. Someone contact the shuttle computer and beam us back before reinforcements arrive. " A second cult guard arrived and joined in battering the door. The door began to bow and crack.......

"Well shoot, I had no idea I'd be setting off an alarm." Mishra replied. "However, need to find some information and fast." Mishra muttered as he went to quickly dig through the desks and into the sound booth. He also fired upon the radio equipment. "Just need to make certain they can't call out."

Mishra tucked the information inside his tunic and safely in an inner pocket.

Aarfa moved to face the door, phaser drawn, and tapped her comm. "Target acquired. Beam out centered on Lt. Wales."

Walken was disappointed in the rushed nature of this, he would have spent more time here. Seeing what he could and speaking with the target before grabbing them. He was silent with his phaser now aimed at the door.

Just as the door busted open the transporter connected to the runabout engaged and the team found themselves upon the runabout. "I think we need to get ourselves out of here now?" Mishra exclaimed.

"Remind me to just have the Marines pull an op like this next time. We lost the chance to search for any more valuable information, targets, and locations. Now we have to chance it all on pulling it from her!" Walken was upset as he sat down holding the phaser. "It doesn't matter how much sewage is spewed by these people. If we had been patient we could have gotten more and been more prepared for our assault."

Mishra glowered at Walken, "Security could have handled this." forgetting himself for a moment. "Its not just marines that can do this sort of thing." he looked over towards Tiger Lily, for a long moment, recalling what happened, then it hit him... and his head lowered to where he was looking at the floor. He goofed, he goofed big time. "Well at least they won't be able to call out, I killed their communications." he muttered.

Josey jumped into the pilots seats and began a forced start up of the engines. It was a technique used by shuttle racers but it was harder on the engines and could blow the engines out if you didn't know what you were doing. " Walken take tactical. Aarfa sensors and Mishra Communications. Also Mishra keep an eye on the prisoner as well." Josey growled and cussed under his breath. " And Mishra the next time you fire on a away team mission without orders or a signal from your team leader....." He shook his head. " You had better learn patience quickly or you won't go far in this department. Aarfa was aboard the Gladiator when they attacked and showed better restraint then you did. I don't care if we had to listen to their garbage, as long as we get our people back. "

Josey thought for a minute. " We need to gain her trust and fast. Walken and Aarfa I want the two of you in the brig with her and tell her that you killed the one who shot her. We need to get her to open up, Tell her you were beamed up directly to this brig together and you have no idea who is holding you and see what you can get from her. Mishra tell the gladiator that we're coming in hot and to prepare to beam three directly to the brig when we are in transporter range. I want the security watch person pulled from the brig area and remotely watching and standing by with a back up team if something happens. "

"All right sir, um I know I am in a bit of trouble sir but maybe it might work out a bit more if you have someone of the same race as well? Chief Logan Cale, is of the same species so it could work maybe?" Mishra trying to make up for his stupidity, looking from one to the other.

"Chief Cale might be a better choice," Aarfa said, ducking her head slightly. "I can hold my tongue, but an outright..." she paused, almost biting her tongue on 'lie' - it was a harsh word, one her companions didn't deserve since she understood what they wanted to accomplish, "...That is, I am not a good actor. Telling untruths is ...strongly discouraged in my culture. I doubt I could say we killed the Ensign and be convincing."

" Alright, Let's have this Chief Cale briefed on the situation and the cult so that he can be convincing so that sister Tiger Lily will feel she's amongst her own. I hope this works, we still need more information on where the cultist are. Inform the Captain of the plan and have this Chief Cole briefed before we arrive back to the Gladiator. " Stated Josey.

Mishra gave a nod, "I can send a message to Commander Kosugi who can let the Captain know, and he may also be talking to Cale as well?" he looked at the others. "It is in his job description right?"

Walken got up from his seat and walked over to Mishra, "I have an idea that I want to run with and since you are dead I need your commbadge Ensign." He states as he sets his phaser down, playing the role of another prisoner he wouldn't be needing that.

"Um sure, just need to send that information to Commander Kosugi, and... okay, what is your idea." handing over the combadge to Walken.

"It's going to be a prop for later." Walken answered.

"Okay wish i could be a fly on the wall to hear what is going on, but since I am dead, its best that I am not there." Mishra replied. Mishra thought for a moment, "Sirs, maybe we don't put you in the brig at all. Instead, say that you had been captured and had broken out of the brig and you have well, killed me, also I suggest that you add someone who can fly real well, besides Wales here. Have someone else be 'chasing' down this runabout as if to try to capture you." he shrugged, "Aarfa and I will be back on the Gladiator, with Tigerlily none the wiser. Therefore you could keep that phaser, sir?" looking at Walken.

"That will be up for the Command staff to choose," Walken answers as he sits back down.

"Well, what do you think about that idea though." Mishra wanted to know. Mishra looked over at Wales to hopefully get his thoughts on the idea. "And if a plan does get approved, then would you be sending instructions to your people to get prepared?" Mishra turning his attention back to Walken.

"Whether approved or not, we should have a Plan B," Aarfa put in. "No disrespect, sir, but this woman is a fanatic. We don't know if she'll give you anything or how long it will take. Time is a factor if we're going to recover our people before they turn them. Or worse." She straightened, swallowing to steady her resolve. "I can reset my holo to a different face and go back to scout more. I might be able to pick up a scent from the crew or I can track that guard who had been one of the attackers."

Josey sat with his head slightly down as he listened to the ideas proposed. " The idea of having a pursuit craft chasing the shuttle has merit. We'd need a asteroid field so you could pull off a convincing escape. " He glanced up at Aarfa. " Cadet, we will have a plan B before we move in. Your heart is in the right place and I know that you want to recover our missing crew mates as much as anyone else, However we just snatched a high profile target from under their noses. Any new faces will be automatically suspect, And i don't want you to be captured or having to recover your body. Let's see what we can learn first before going down that road. Right now we have several options and we'll see which one command staff will approve of. "

Mishra looked out the view port noticing that they were nearing the Gladiator. "Well looks like we're here and it will be judgement time. Either way, I am now dead so must remove myself from this scenario once we land and make sure she is still unconcious, I did hit her with heavy stun."

Aarfa had simply bowed her head in submission to the team leader. "I will do whatever you believe best, sir. If a pilot is needed for a chase shuttle, that is a role I can play."

Mishra gave a nod towards Aarfa, her idea of being the pilot chasing the stolen shuttle sounded great.

Josey looked up at Aarfa. " It's not like I don't believe in your skills Cadet Aarfa, Once you finish the academy I'm going to personally request that you be assigned to the Gladiator. Your a damn fine security officer and I believe you have a promising career ahead of you. Your idea was a good one but a little to reckless at this time, you'll be far more useful when we're searching for the prisoners. Your natural talent gives you an advantage and will be able to save lives, that's why I don't want you going solo at this time. " He opened the communication channel. "away team to Gladiator, we're one minute out prepare to receive shuttle craft. "

From the Gladiator came the message, "Welcome back"


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