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Hello Chief

Posted on Wed Nov 2nd, 2022 @ 6:27pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Tia Smithy(Kosugi) & Lieutenant Edruj Daughter of Thrawn

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Engineering?
1607 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Tia made her way to main Engineering, she had just gotten done clearing up a small issue in one of the jefferies tubes with one of the power conduits. The petty officer had a streak of dirt across her nose and she was mopping some perspiration off her forehead. The back of her tunic was dark with a patch of sweat.

She asked one of the other engineers that were there, "Is the Chief in? I've not spoken to her yet. Not that I'm trying to avoid her though."

Edruj had settled into her role as the Chief Engineer of the Gladiator with relative ease. Her belongings were transferred over and her new quarters settled. Now it was time to get Engineering settled, and this she thought would take some time. However, it seemed that she was pleasantly surprised when no one seemed to challenge her as she took command of the department. At the moment she stood in front of the Gladiator's massive warp core and barked orders to get the power output up five more points. "Yeah, Lieutenant Edruj is the loud Klingon at the core." the engineer said loud enough for Tia to hear but low enough to hide the words from Edruj.

"I see, sounds like she knows her stuff. Thank you, I'll go see her now." Tia moved towards the central warp core, and took a good look at the Chief of Engineering, while Edruj was calling the shots. She may be loud but she looked capable to Tia.

Edruj had oversaw the overhaul of the warp core herself. Like most engineers she now looked at it as her baby. At the moment she stared at her baby with approval as they looked to reinitialize the core. A young woman approached from the corner of the Klingon's eye. "Morning Petty Officer what can I do for you?"

"i've come to meet you and also, wanting to check how the heart of the Gladiator is doing." nodding towards the warp core. "Are you getting ready to initialize the warp core?" Tia asked.

"Yes, the core has been upgraded and is ready to begin service. If all goes well here the Gladiator will be moving toward service as well. It has taken a lot to bring this ship back from what was done to it." Edruj noticed as if for the first time the other woman's uniform being gold. "Would you like to assist? It is going to be a glorious experience."

"I would love to do so, this lady has gone through a lot. And so being a part of new life being breathed in, that would be great." Tia giving a half smile, which in turn became a full one. "It would mean that the Gladiator will be feeling much better."

"I believe so. Monitor the intermix from the console opposite the core. I will begin the ignition process. Intermix should stay within normal parameters of 35 parts per million. It seems the nacelles are primed and ready and we are ready to begin." Edruj began to work at the console opposite Tia. "I am going to take power from the spacedock and the EPS system to raise the temperature to 2,500,000K. Begin monitoring the intermix."

"Aye sir." Tia wathing the monitor, and taking readings, watching the data scrawl across the screen. While she watched, Tia asked Edruj, "Sir, a question if I may, what ship did you serve on before coming onto the Gladiator?"

Edruj watched as the internal temperature began to rise. It rose steadily and within parameters. She was pleased with how things were going thus far. "I served aboard the USS Mercutio prior to coming to the Gladiator. I found the Gladiator derelict in space while on shore leave and that is where I met the Captain. The rest as Humans say is history."

Tia frowned slightly at the mention of the Gladiator being derelict. "I am glad you found her though, and that you are being instrumental in bringing her back to life. And really glad that engineering wasn't blown up and bodies sucked out into space. Like my last ship, the USS T'sul. The rest of that ship was okay, but losing engineering that well... sucked." Tia turning her attention back to the console before her.

"The engine pressure is now passing 30,000 kilopascals. I am transferred here now. Bringing this ship back online is something near and dear to my heart. It will be a great honor. Tell me why you decided to dedicate yourself to keeping machines running." Edruj looked up from her console at the woman across from her. She looked rather young but that was the way in Starfleet, Edruj knew.

"It is easier to fix machines than it is to fix people. Which is why I am not a counselor." flashing a smile, "In truth though I do like working on machinery, just seeing if there can be improvements made, or just figure out what is wrong and then see if it can be fixed. Don't like giving things up unless its a total bust, then well could utulize the part get it reconstructed into something else like recycling it." Tia responded.

"Most people think that Klingons only find honor and glory in combat. However, that is not the case. We find honor and glory in all types of combat. Mental combat when the enemy infiltrates your mind, or the combat of keeping things running such as engineering." The Gladiator's warp core began to swirl with colors of red and purple. The heart of the ship had just began to pump and all seemed well. "Yes, come on you can do it." Edruj coaxed.

"I like the sound of that, finding honor in different aspects and not always in the glory of physical battle. I agree with you that there is different forms of combat." the rhythmic sound of the warp core, drew Tia's attention "Now that is a sound I like to hear." having an ear to ear grin.

Edruj's eyes were glued on her console. She did not acknowledge what Tia had said as her attention was drawn away at this crucial moment. About five minutes passed in silence as the sounds from the warp core moved from chaotic noise to the rhythmic hum that most Starfleet Officers had become used to. Edruj smiled "Q'pla... We did it and the Gladiator lives again. I am sure this ship will bring honor to the Federation and to her name."

Tia grinned happily and raised her hand for a high five. "High five! That is fantastic news." the petty officer responded. "I just came in at the right time then. With you being here I think it helped with the organization of getting the Gladiator up and running again." Tia gave a bit of a shudder remembering what had been found here. "And now she lives and breathes once more."

"You did indeed and you have left your mark on the heart of this vessel. Well done, well done indeed." Edruj smiled and clapped Tia on the back. What warriors felt in a combat victory, Edruj felt with every feat of engineering. This was a first for the engineer and she relished every minute of it.

Tia winced at the clap on the back, it stung and she staggered forward slightly. "Glad to have you here definitely." once Tia had her balance back. "Now that the engine is running, its onto more victorious repairs, and healing what ails the Gladiator."

She looked at Edruj "What do you like doing after work, besides living in Engineering." giving a chuckle.

"I believe now that the core is operational we should tackle the power distribution systems. It is one thing to have power, however, now we need to make sure that power goes to where we need it." Edruj began in almost a teaching voice. The words of Tia's question sank in and the Engineer realized that no one had asked her something like that, and as such Edruj was a rather private person. However, she realized that Tia simply tried to get to know her. "I tend to practice the Mok Bara, and play poker. However, I think my most passionate hobby is the art of telling tales like most of my people."

"I would love to hear some of the tales. I like to build ships in a bottle and do jigsaw puzzles. Those are great fun." Tia offered up, "I've not done any Mok Bara before, what is that like?"

"It is an art that uses your enemy against themselves. It is very similar to Ju do and Akido from Earth in that way. When there is less work to be done we can sit with some bloodwine and tell tales of our ancestors." Edruj replied with a jovial tone. She looked forward to the drink, tales, and friend.

"That sounds great. I will be looking forward to that." Tia giving a small smile. She was liking this a lot. She gave a bit of a satisfied sigh, looking around the Engineering. "This is beginning to feel like home. I feel I can relax and enjoy my work." Tia remarked.

"The glory is the work. Now come let us get this done so the drinking may begin." Edruj laughed and indicated the direction of the next tag.

And yes a next tag of what else needed to be done on the ship. With that Tia went back to work looking forward to the tals she may listen to from Edruj, though she'll have to decline the drinking of bloodwine due to Captain's orders.


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