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Security Meet Up

Posted on Wed May 11th, 2022 @ 10:51am by Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant JG Aizem Korci (Ziyal) & Ensign Kanan Mishra (Kosugi) & Chief Petty Officer Logan Cale

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Arcadia/Gladiator
1038 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

(OOC: Just getting a brief setup for introduction of who is in security for the time being.)

Ensign Mishra was waiting in the briefing room of Security on the Arcadia, he heard of the incoming mission of going on to the Gladiator. He retrieved a cup of coffee, slightly sweetened, and stepped ot the door where Lieutenant Wales' office was. "Okay sir, what's the situation and what exactly are you wanting us to pack with us?"

Josey glanced up from his desk. " We're going to need copies of all files concerning of the civilian cargo ship Nymphe and the Gladiator to continue our investigation. Every security personal will need to be issued a phaser rifle, phaser sidearm, security tricorder, a tactical vest and helmet. We don't know the state of the armory or other supplies for security until we can get an inventory, So we'll need to bring along the basics for our department to operate." Josey thought for a moment. " The two biggest task we're gone to need to take care of when we get aboard the Gladiator will be to check the stocks of photon torpedoes and make sure they are all accounted for. We don't want to go to warp and have the ship blow up on us, Do we? "

" The other task I can handle from right here. " He stated as he worked quickly at his computer station. " Beginning level three scan of the Gladiator from stem to stern and checking for any and all know types of explosives anywhere on that ship. " He looked at the time the computer expected to have the task finished by, It estimated ten minutes before everyone started beaming over. " Pass the word that everyone needs to get their security gear and be wearing it when we leave and to pack personal items and be ready to disembark the Arcadia. No time to whistle dixie Ensign, let's get this done."

Wheeling his way into the room, Logan made his way down to the group just in time to hear most of the mission outline, “the armoury is ready sir. We can outfit as many people as needed”

Josey looked up and gave a crooked smile. " Excellent work Chief Petty Officer, Keep up the good work. " He looked over those assembled here in the squad room. " Now the real work is going to begin when we get aboard the Gladiator. We're going to need sweep teams going over the areas where the cult was and gather any evidence that was left behind and see if we can find any clues to where our people may have been taken to. If there are any survivors, they'll be expecting some one to be looking for them and rescue them. Let's not let them down. " He paused for a moment before speaking again. " The other big task is to comb through the computer records and piece together the chain of events and visual evidence records to make a complete report to the Captain and file it with Starfleet security to make sure it doesn't happen to any other federation ships. Does anyone have any thoughts, Questions or Comments? If so, I'd like to hear them. "

"Well, will we be transporting over to the Gladiator or taking a runabout? Something I'd like to know." Mishra looking at Josey.

" I plan on transporting over there myself. We'll need one or two security personal to ride over on the runabout to keep an eye on the security gear, But I was just planning on a couple of crewmen to do such. Unless your interested in taking over that task, we're going to need security on board to help with some traffic control with the large influx of personal coming aboard at one time. So standard procedure, check off authorized crew coming off the transporter pads and direct them towards their department. If they aren't on the crew manifest they need to be held and questioned as per regulations. Anything else?"

Korci had been listening to all that had been commented on and decided now was the time to speak up. After all, the boss did ask. "What is the status of their tactical systems? Defensive capabilities? Should the cult return is the Gladiator in a position to defend herself?" he asked.

" That is an excellent question. " Stated Josey. " Our first task is to interrogate and study the ship's security systems and come up with defensive tactics to prevent this from ever occurring again. To many lives have been lost already, and we still have a number unaccounted for and might even be alive, We are looking for clues that may point us in the direction to where they've gone to. If you find anything in your investigation, no matter how small I want to hear about it!! It may just be the key we need to track these killers down and get our people back. "

Mishra got a contemplative look in his eyes, "Say Lieutenant Wales, how about we tag in the marines as well, you know it would probably be a good idea to do so. And have you met the Marine CO?"

Josey turned his attention to Mishra. " I have no qualms about asking for help when I need it. But as of so far we haven't run into anything we couldn't handle by ourselves as of yet. But I reckon it's about time for me to meet him, since we're going to have to work together form time to time. "

Misha nodded, "Well then I guess next course of action would be for us to get to the Gladiator and cooridinate with the others?"

" Everyone got they're gear and personal effects packed and ready to got? " Josey asked, as he scanned about the room seeing the heads nodding that they were ready. " So grab your gear and get it to the transporters and we'll get set up on board the Gladiator. Remember space is going to be at a premium until we reconnect with the saucer section, So there will be a lot of bunking up. Any other questions or comments? " He asked.

It looked like there wasn't any more questions. "I guess we move out then." Mishra respond, with a smile.


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