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Like Hell...

Posted on Wed May 25th, 2022 @ 6:40am by Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Captain David Hawkins

Mission: The Goddess
1617 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Timia rubbed the bridge of her nose as she paced in front of the Captain ready room. "What the hell is taking so long." She growled as she waited for her turn with the Captain.

After seeing off Lieutenant Edruj, whom had requested to join them as an Engineer on this mission to hunt down the trinity cult, he led the klingon out of his office. Without fail, the captain saw the literal fumes coming from the doctor as soon as his eyes met hers.

"Hey Davy," John rushed over, cutting in line like a child rushing to the front of the lunch line. The marine ignored the doctor, no doubt even more ticked as he but into a an apple and started to chew on it before giving his report. "The supplies are being transported as we speak. Also got some fighters, runabouts, and shuttles transferring over. The workerbees are doing a check on the exterior of the hall and doing last minute repairs if they find them. But will report to the engineering team who should give ya an updated report over all."

The colonel took another bite of the apple before looking over at the doctor. "What's with miss Whoopie Do here?"

"First of all. what?" TImia said looking at the marine. "I make it a point to tell you that Tayla was not brutally murdered? and this is the thanks I get? Cutting me off when its my turn? Go away you pig headed bully."

She turned to the Captain. "We need to talk."

"Seriously, you two need to chill and act like adults," the captain sighed before waving the two to follow him as he started up the ramp of the massive bridge. "You know, i thought Tayla and Hayter would just act like two little children around one another, but no. They had to get to close to one another to cause a third to join this universe. But you two... it's like different. Twins acting like one can one up the other."

The three entered the turbolift and after Hawkins had called for the deck with his quarters on it before John spoke up. "Fair enough. But it's better than cursing one out like teenagers."

"Nonetheless, you two ain't helping one another."

"Fine..." the marine remarked before looking over at the female. "And you were fair and respectful. I only joke with those I like. You are not to bad for a med head. Don't take it personal. It's either this or I have anger issues."

"Yeah..." David cut in as the transportation device came to a holt before swishing open. He looked at the two. "... it's either his mouth smarting off or hitting on you. Or both... which do you prefer?" With that he lead them out of the turbolift into the large and wide cooridor."

Timia gave a slight roll to her eye, "I don't know that I'd like either. He's a man with commitments and yet flirts about. I know I'm worth more than that." She smirked.

"But it won't be an issue any longer either way." She stated firmly. "As I am NOT going to the Gladiator with you."

"Uh... yeah. I'd agree. You are worth more than a one night stand, Miss Whoopie Do. I'll leave ya be. Good luck. I got my own crap to deal with. I'll see you both on the Gladiator," John waved before walking back into the turbolift. "You two can enjoy that lovers quarrel."

Timia watched him escape down the hall way with a bit of smugness to her expression. She felt like she won that little spat. She turned to Hawkins again, "I can recommend some members of my staff who would suit the mission, but my place is here on Acadia." she said firmly.

As he entered his quarters, David spoke up while he paused to look around the room. "Thanks for your concerns but I'm good. I made my choice, thank you. "

She frowned, "Be that as it may your choice does not agree. I am not going. This is my assignment, and this is where I will stay. The mission that Arcadia is continuing on is medically related. I can not drop it to go with you on that.... tomb of a ship." she said with a flustered tone.

"I'm sorry, did I ask your opinion?" The captain replied as he started to grab some of his gear and a duffle bag. "And are you a lieutenant Commander in Starfleet?"

"My opinion matters!" she growled at him, "I will not be forced to go there! You can not force me to do this, I will file a complaint. This is my place, Not there. I can send staff with you, but like hell I am going to back that ship!" she said tightly.

"Yes your opinion does matter, but when I give you an order... I have already made up my mind," he countered cool headed and relaxed for now between packing and wa during what else was missed. "Once the mission is over, you can put in your transfer request and I'll approve it."

Timia folded her arms, "No, You'll approve it now. I'm staying on Arcadia, and that is final." she said, "I'm not going to the Gladiator, I have work here that needs my over sight. There are other medical personnel I can send with you. There is no reason why you need me there."

"I'm sorry," David pause and looked at the doctor. "I'd like to remind you to take a moment and correct yourself before I take the time and correct you myself. What do you say, Lieutenant?"

"Doctor, Thank you very much." Timia corrected him. "I've made my position rather clear Captain. You don't need me to go there and I have work to do here. I'm staying."

"Doctor is a title, a job. Lieutenant Commander is your current rank. But about to be demoted and find a replacement for your position. You can either go with us, as I ordered, or take a demotion and stay here in the brig for disobeying a direct order from your commanding officer awaiting court martial."

Timia scowled at him, "Why? Why is it so damned important to you that I go when there are several others qualified to do this? You are single handedly putting Arcadias others missions in jeopardy! And for what? To chase after your missing friend? I'm sorry she's gone, but that had nothing to do with me needing to be on that... half a junker."

He raised a hand to symbol silence. "Do you know why I put up with Hayter's mouthy, pain in the ass remarks and not bust him down to private?"

"Because he's your old pal and you two bought dogs together? I don't know, he swings both ways and he's in it with you and d'Jax?" she shrugged.

"I let a lot of things slip and openness under my command. Get out of my quarters and have your letter of resignation on my desk within the hour. I'll have a shuttle prepared for your departure by the end of the day," David replied and went back to packing. "You stay on the Arcadia and refuse to do those things, and you can sit in the brig. Gladiator will be connected with her saucer section with a couple weeks. The mission to solve who is murdering and mutilating their bodies comes before your stuck up, childish insubordination."

Though she wasn't completely wrong, not everyone had the flexibility to talk to a superior officer as he. He didn't think he was special, but he also didn't tolerate with insubordination, especially from a senior officer. The flexibility and open booked nature he allowed his crew to offer up with himself and others did have its own limits. But people didn't get to just enjoy it right away. There had to be some earning and respect there to see where everyone stood and agreed to.

"Oh you are very much over reacting." Timia rolled her eyes. "You know very well I wont be doing that, and protesting a transfer is not a valid reason to demand I resign. You haven't even given me a damn good reason why I should go and mess up the other missions Acadia is assigned to. To risk the health of other people, do you even know what we have in our cargo bay? Medication that will save the lives of hundreds of thousands. I've been coordinating this mission for months, and you want me to resign because I'm protesting an unneeded transfer? Childish." she scoffed. "Why the hell do you need me?"

"You are right, I don't need an insubordinate officer. You sure as he'll aren't even close to being worth my time and mediocre medical skills to show for it if you can't handle a simple mission like this. Now go. I will just put a reprimand in your permanent record for insubordination of a senior officer. I'll find a better, more selfless officer elsewhere. Emmah still has her medical programming, I'll just use her," he remarked as he paused long enough and walked up to her. He started to shoo her out of his quarters and when she has back out of his quarters, he took a deep breath and cleared his irritation. "Lieutenant Command Timia Svidi, it was good to meet you. I had high hopes for you but I do wish you well. Good day, and God speed."

"Emmah? The hologram? You can't be serious!" Timia scowled. "DO you ever listen to any one?" she said with frustration as the door snapped shut in her face.



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