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When Liala Met Holly

Posted on Sat Jan 2nd, 2021 @ 3:20am by Commander Liala Ziyal & Lieutenant JG Holly Swan

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Counselling Offices
821 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Liala had decided to walk the halls of the counselling offices, pop her head in a few and take in the overall feel of what used to be her domain not so long ago. Sometimes she liked to see how counsellors decorated their spaces. What made them feel comfortable, what made those that came to see them feel safe and warm.

She knew the new Chief Counsellor had only just came aboard but Liala still wanted to meet her, as she did all the crew. The senior staff needed to know each other inside out to work well together and now was just as good a time as any to say hello.

As the doors opened she saw brown haired woman from the back and softly spoke. "Hi, Lieutenant Swan?" she asked.

"Yes, hello." Lieutenant Swan spun to greet the new arrival. Once her eyes took in the uniform colour and rank Holly felt herself stand a fraction taller. "Commander, ma'am. How can I help you?"

Liala smiled noticing the change in body language once Holly had fully taken in who she was talking to. It was something Liala was still getting used to. That extra gold pip and red colour was a rascal.

"I was just seeing how the counselling suites were. Call it a habit I'll probably never get out of... but I know you have just came aboard and was wondering how you were settling in. I'm not long on on board myself." Liala replied as she hoped the woman would relax a little. Liala was in no way intimidating to look at.

"You were a counsellor before?" the Lieutenant asked curiously a little surprised at the confession.

"For over 50 years." Liala replied with a soft smile. "Although I like to think that I will always be one. Helping those in need is not something that will change throughout the course of your life. Just your ability to better help them through experiences of your own." she added.

"Fifty - " Holly spoke before stopping herself realizing she could have dug herself a trench offending the senior officer if she continued. "Well, that's reassuring. I'll be grateful for any advice you wish to share."

Liala laughed softly. "I'm El Aurian." She said as she watched the counsellors slight contortion. "I am sure you are very good at what you do Lieutenant. I am happy to be here for you if you need me, as I am sure you will be for all of us."

"Thank you Commander," Swan smiled revealed Ziyal wasn't offended by her near slip up. "Though I hope we don't find ourselves in hot water to often."

"That makes two of us." Liala admitted. "I much prefer the use of the word, a peaceful solution of being heavy handed and aggressive. Though, I fear sometimes we may have to use the sword over the shield."

Starfleet was not without its bite these days. They found themselves under threat more and more over recent decades and they were becoming more insular as a result. It concerned Liala deeply as the Starfleet she knew seemed to be changing.

"Sometimes we have little option, that's where we come in," Holly nodded certain Ziyal knew what she was referencing. "I also have a strong background in general medicine to assist in sickbay if required."

"That's good to know." Liala replied. "I have a little experience in that area myself. Nothing too broad, dipped my toes in a couple of times during the Dominion War to assist. Was kind of an all hands on deck kind of time." Liala said with a rather solemn tone.

The human nodded again: "It certainly was a challenging time for everyone, hopefully something we won't have to see again in our lifetimes." She paused and gave the Commander a cheeky smile. "My life time anyway."

"Oh I hope to never see it in my lifetime too, although I am not optimistic." she sighed but then a little smirk formed. "Are you settling in okay so far?" she asked. "Have you scheduled your psychological intake exams?"

"No, not yet," Holly shook her head. "I was going to wait till the personnel list stopped fluctuating like crazy first. I'd be wasting my time otherwise I feel, there's key personnel roles still vacant as you probably already know."

"That I do." Liala smiled. She had kept an eye on the personnel list too. Part of her job as First Officer was to be the port of call for personnel issues before they reached Captain level. "Better to get yourself comfortable before trying to do that for others."

"I will," the counsellor smiled. "Thank you for dropping by Commander, I'll keep you appraised of anything important."

Liala smiled. "It was nice to meet you, Holly. If you need anything, my door is always open." she said as she moved to exit.

"Thank you ma'am I'll bear that in mind."


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