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A Trip Not Transported

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2021 @ 2:57am by Commander Liala Ziyal

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Lua City, El Auria
Timeline: BACKPOST - 2255
1160 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

The smell of the sea air always calmed Liala. Here she was, Lua Beach on the outskirts of the city where she lived. Lua was a costal city, beautiful by El Aurian standards as it had been modelled on more traditional styles than the major cities further inland. There were a few modern buildings, technological wonders that spouted up from the ground like a big grey beanstalk looking mass, but they complimented the city’s style in their own way.

“Kisack for your thoughts?” she heard from behind her as hands covered her eyes.

The voice was familiar, soft but masculine at the same time. It was her friend Refre, a fellow artist and part-time actor by trade. He was the one that had convinced her she had a gift, that her art was worth the eyes of others. That her music on the elthal (piano) and vokari (violin) should not be kept behind the soundproof doors of her home, nor her voice that he compared to the Goddesses above.

Refre was her first love. He looked at her as if she were the only thing, he saw that there was nothing surrounding her, that it was her on the blank canvas and nothing else mattered.

Her father, Vaccin, on the other hand did not like him. He had no time for artist and made his opinions quite clear on that fact. When Liala had told him that she wanted to pursue that as a career there was friction that formed between them. He loved hearing her play, seeing the result of her paintings/drawings but never wanted that as a life for her. Something about it “not being a real job”.

Liala did not answer Refre. Instead, she just smiled.

“Lost in your own mind again?” he asked rhetorically as he tipped her back and gave her a kiss.

She enjoyed the kiss before smiling once more. “No, I knew exactly where I was in there thank you.” She said punching his shoulder playfully as he sat down next to her.

They sat on a boardwalk that overlooked the Great Sea of Briwol. It was an almost crystalline looking feature on their landscape. A few boats littered the horizon, birds overhead and the sound of the waves lapping up onto the sand was always beautiful to Liala’s ears.

“Oh sorry.” He said in a mocking tone. “You know we have a performance tonight? I mean I’ve been calling you on your Webe for hours.” He said now taking a stern tone. Refre got like this as Liala was a bit more of a free spirit than he enjoyed.

“I turn it off when I am here.” She said nonchalantly with a little shrug. “You know I come here before I sing. It calms me, clears my mind of all the negativity that surrounds us.” She added looking up to the sky.

There had been rumours of The Borg encroaching further into their territory. That soon they would be on their doorstep and life as they knew it would come to an end. Most believed in their superiority in both technology and in experience. El Aurians were a smug people then when they had not been pushed to the brink of extinction.

“I am guessing you saw High General T’San’s broadcast to the people?” he asked.

Liala nodded. High General T’San was the leader of the El Aurian Defence Force fleet that was protecting them from the technological menace that was approaching. All very stay inside, stay safe and be vigilant etc. All very scary stuff.

“He needs better PR people. I mean telling us that we all need to prepare to leave just in case the lines break…” she shrugged. “Negativity… depresses people.” She said solemnly. “Even if we are under threat, I do not think a little light would do anyone any harm.”

“That is why we perform my love.” Refre said pinching her chin and moving her face to look at his. “Come, we need to go. I have transport ready.” He said as they both rose from their picturesque backdrop. The suns had begun to set, and the sky was a beautiful shade of crimson and azure.

Liala followed Refre, as she had done for years, around the street corners of Lua until they came to the mass transport pad at Bigghet Station. Refre felt a tug at his arm as Liala stopped. “I thought you said you had transport?” she asked.

“I do.” He said gesturing to the multiple pads. People were using them even now, the quick flash of people coming and going lighting up Liala’s eyes as she began to become uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Liala had never told him about her phobia of transporters. She had always managed to avoid them, avoid the subject. Truth be told she had no idea what scared her about them, but the fact was, she was terrified of the idea of being disassembled and then reassembled on the atomic level. Truly in unnerved her.

Her pulse began to quicken, her breathing too. She could feel a panic attack coming and that she had begun to perspire on her forehead. Everything in her body was resisting the movement forward.

“I… ehm…” she hesitated as her breath began to quicken. “can’t.”

Refre looked confused. “Can’t what? Use the transporters?” he asked almost joking.

Liala looked at her feet and nodded.

“You cannot be serious?” he asked a little more seriously. “We have been using these platforms for over 800 years.”

“I haven’t.” She said simply. “I have never used one in my life yet. Refre, they terrify me.” She said beginning to step back from the station as Refre tried to pull her towards them. “Please… don’t.”

“We are going to be late. We need to use them, now.” He said as the grip on her wrist tightened. “Daylo Concert Hall is on the other side of the city.”

“You are hurting me Refre. Please…” she almost pleaded as he let go of her wrist in surprise.

“Sorry Lia, I’m just worried we will miss the show.” He said feeling bad that he had hurt her a little.

“Refre.” She said sweetly as she moved in closer and played with the strand of hair that had fallen on to his forehead. “I am the lead singer, you the orchestral director. There is not a show without us. We can be 10 minutes late by taking a samso (taxi). Relax carina (sweetheart).”

Refre nodded in somewhat of a realisation that what Liala said made sense. “You’ll need to activate your Webe for that.” He mocked.

Liala smiled. “One is already coming.” She said holding his hand once more and dragging him to the Samso platform nearby.

Today was not going to be the day she got over her fear of transporters. One day, maybe, but not today.


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