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Posted on Tue Oct 26th, 2021 @ 6:34pm by Commander Raiden Kosugi & Lieutenant JG Eira Cortez

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Hangar bay
1856 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It was the two hours just before Gamma Shift ended and Alpha shift began. That sweet moment where most everyone were still in their beds, asleep or starting to stir. Raiden was up and already dressed. There was a place that Raiden loved to go to and watch the stars go by. It was in the hangar bays, when they were quiet and an observation area to look down upon the fighter craft that were slumbering.

Raiden loved being there and found it a good place to think and dream. Most times he'd be by himself, but he wasn't alone this time. He stepped inside and heard something but what that was he wasn't certain.

Eira couldn't sleep so she'd decided to take a walk down to the hangar bay, knowing full well it would be empty and the acoustics would be amazing for her to let out a few notes of an old tune she remembered from long ago.

The echoes of her soft singing were deadened by the arrival of someone else and she opened her eyes to see Raiden there. She'd seen him on the away mission but never spoken to him so her idea was to just watch him and see what he did.

His curiosity piqued, he moved about to see just what that sound was, when it registered to his mind it sounded like someone had been singing, but abruptly stopped. He grimaced slightly, it looked like he had interrupted the person. He went towards where the sound came from, his eyes adjusting to the semi-darkness of the hangar. Whomever it was, was hidden from his view until he stepped inside further. He saw someone there, a silhouette against the background of stars. He thought he saw some light coloured hair, which seemed silvery from the starlight.

"Hello." he greeted the person, his voice soft and gentle.

Eira looked at him directly for a moment before she spoke in a light tone, "Hi." She wasn't one for speaking much so she stood there in the awkward silence. "Sorry, I'm Cortez, the new Chief Diplomat on board. I don't sleep well so I thought I'd come down here a stare out there for a bit." She pushed her hair back behind her left ear.

Raiden's mind quickly went through those who were on the away team then stopped on the image in his mind."Ah yes, I remember you." he smiled. " I like to look out at the stars myself. It brings me calmness of mind." drawing nearer to where she was at, but not too near to give her some concern. "And I am the foolhardy pilot who stole Walken's idea." giving a slight laugh. "Lieutenant Raiden Kosugi, at your service." giving a low sweeping bow.

"I remember you too now," Eira smiled and raised an eyebrow at the formality of the bow. "Are you sure you weren't a Marine back in your previous life, flyboy, stealing Kyle's idea?" Her accented voice had a slight teasing tone to it as she relaxed slightly and leaned against the railing, still looking out at the stars. "And I agree, this is my peace and quiet without going onto a holodeck."

"Not a marine perse." Raiden remarked turning his eyes towards the stars, "Just someone whom thought he could help, anyone of the Marines could have flown the runabout to meet up with the ship. Everyone had taken a pounding, and I trusted that the Marines would get everyone to safety." he said quietly. "I do have skills that serve me rather well." a lopsided grin crossing his lips. " However I'm not saying I'm better than the lean green fighting machines they are." leaning his elbows on the railing and linking his fingers together. "I used to pilot diplomats to their various meetings, and also accompanied them as a bodyguard." giving a slight shrug.

"I think you did a remarkable job though if I'm being honest." She smiled again but this time turned to look at him, her mismatched eyes studying him carefully. "Marines are mostly trained to be lean, green, fighting machines but I have a feeling your skills are more the style of martial arts, am I right? How long have you been on board for?"

Raiden directed his gaze over towards Eira, his expressive eyes regarding her, a warm friendly gaze. "I've not been on the ship for too long. Just joined before we went on that diplomatic mission. And yes you are correct, I am a martial artist."

"I knew it!" She grinned. "What types are you into? I can honestly say I don't know anything. Dancing and archery is more my style."

"Dancing, archery, good stuff. The style I know is well, ninjutsu." he said quietly. "I don't normally announce it. Its a family tradition." giving another shrug.

"That's pretty cool" she nodded and smiled again. "Now we both know a secret sbout each other. You're the first person out of my last two postings that has heard me kind of singing. Walken is one of my best friends here and even he's never heard it."

"I am sorry I interrupted your singing, I would love to hear some more. If you don't mind." Raiden remarked pleasantly. "It was beautiful." he did like it, even though it was a bit elusive.

"Thank you." Eira blushed as deep a red as she could feel at the compliment. It was not every day she got one, especially from someone new, and her first thought was to be suspicious whereas the second was to take it as a compliment. "You didn't interrupt anything, it was just something to pass the time and to be honest, I don't even know what it was and I can't think of anything to sing at the moment."

Her hands moved to her hair to bring it around the side so she could start twirling the ends of it; more out of absent-minded habit than anything. "How about ninjutsu lessons in exchange for the singing by starlight?"

Raiden nodded, "I can do that. I don't mind at all." watching as Eira played with her hair, it reminded him about his sisters doing something like that, and he felt a slight pang of missing them, and his mother. He shook it off though. One could not dwell upon that.

She felt it as soon as Raiden did and looked straight at him, "I'm sorry if I overstep but I just felt a sadness come over you. Is everything okay?" Her tone was gentle and caring with the prior suspicion disappearing as she reached out and touched his arm lightly.

Raiden smiled softly, "You playing with your hair reminded me of my sisters, they did that when in deep thought. And I just had a wave of homesickness, it will pass. Family can be so complicated." he thought of his father and his brother as well, another sense of sadness. "Family, it could be a love hate relationship. And so complicated." a brief flash of a smile became evident. "Don't worry, it will sort itself out sooner or later. "

"I understand family and how hard it can be," she nodded in reply, "I have an older brother who doesn't talk to me any more and I don't know anything about my parents." Eira shrugged and laughed a bit to lighten the mood. "Complicated is my specialty though"

Raiden chuckled, "Younger brother who thinks I am a betrayer of the family heritage, father feels the same. Both of them won't talk to me. It make family gatherings a bit chilly." he gave a slight sigh then turned back to look at the stars. "Yup sounds like we are part of the same sort of club complicated family." he turned his head towards Eira. "A diplomat, that can be a rather strenuous position. What made you decide to be one?"

Eira laughed at the club comment and then looked back down, "I was in Intelligence and part of the more specialized operations side of things prior to this and a few things that happened made me realize that I needed to change career paths so Diplomat was next on my list and I was lucky enough to be accepted for a quick qualifying role." She looked back up and smiled, "So here I am! I was lucky to get on the same shuttle as Walken so I at least knew someone."

Raiden nodded, "Walken, he's an interesting man. Don't talk much, pretty tight lipped but I gathered that he's been through the wringer too many times." remembering that sort of conversation they had. "And seemed a pretty good guy as well."

"A bottle of alcohol and a couple of glasses usually does the trick with him." Eira stated carefully to not overstep the friendship with Walken too much. "He'll talk eventually, just give him time. I myself have only had a single drink with him but it got him talking enough, ha ha."

Raiden smiled, "I will keep that in mind. I think I'll take a bottle of real stuff to him, what sort of drink does he like? I do owe him an apology for my stunt earlier. After that maybe it will be water under the bridge." He turned his back to the stars, leaning against the railing.

"When would you like to do some training?" Raiden asked Eira.

"Bourbon or Whiskey will do the job" Eira replied with a smile and looked at him, "Any time you're free, just name the time and place and I'll be there. I'm always keen to learn something new." She started humming away, still with the smile in place.

Raiden smiled as he heard Eira's humming. "That is beautiful, and tomorrow if you would like, we can start a training session when our shifts are done. How does that sound?" her humming bringing some peace to his soul.

She noticed the change in emotion but didn't say anything and instead smiled while feeling her cheeks flush pink again. "Sounds great. Maybe even some food?" She hoped that was not too forward to ask.

"I would love that." Raiden responded, "I would love to have a meal with you." turning to gaze back out towards the stars so he wouldn't be staring at Eira. He really didn't want to creep her out by doing so.

"Then I believe that's a date." She pushed herself off the rails and kept looking at him with a smile. "I know a great place for food as well so I think we're sorted. I should probably get going so I can hopefully" She crossed her fingers, "Get some sleep. If you want me, you know where to find me."

"All right sounds good to me." turning his gaze once more towards Eira, "and when you dream hopefully they will be pleasant ones." Raiden giving a warm genuine smile.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and gave him a genuine smile back as she started to walk away, "Um, you too." She was excited at the prospect of training with him and couldn't wait for tomorrow.


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