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Calming the Storm

Posted on Sun Oct 24th, 2021 @ 8:18am by 1st Lieutenant Kyle Walken

Mission: A New Legacy
Location: Marine Barracks, USS Arcadia
Timeline: Before 'Clearing The Air'
518 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Kyle sighs as some of the younger marines were angry over what had happened down on the planet. This world was supposed to join the Federation and then they attack the away team that was sent down to handle the diplomacy. A few of the younger Privates that remained on the ship gathered around Sergeant Walken. "Gunny, you were down they why are you not rallying behind this after what they did to you?"

Walken looks down at his hand as the young Private points out his bandaged hand. "Alright, children line up and shut it down!" Walken announces as he gets up. The Privates line up, "You all need to learn control, we as Marines don't get to just arbitrary choose who we strike! It's thinking like that that gets us into pointless wars. Now one of you tell me what the Federation stands for?"

Private Vasquez steps forward, "To be Liberty, equality, peace, justice, universal rights of all sentient lifeforms."

"Very good Private, back in line. Yes, it was wrong of them to not inform us of their...'festival' but it is part of their culture it is not on us to force change.

"But sir, look at what happened. You were hurt, some of the senior staff were as well. We can't let that go, we would look weak to others." Private Holland explains their thoughts.

"Really Private? Weak...tell me, if one of them was here right now would you attack them? Would you beat them down or kill them to show that you are better? That mindset is the reason my form Platoon Captain is sitting in a Federation prison and isn't here leading troops anymore. He lost focus on what it means to be us, he took his justice into his own hands and executed a surrendered prisoner. So answer me Private, are you gonna be a Captain Bolingbroke disobey orders and go kill people, or are you gonna be like Gunnery Sergeant Walken?"

The Privates all quietly look away, "You Gunny."

"I can't hear you, speak up!"

"You Gunnery Sergeant Walken!" They all answer back.

"Good to hear, don't need any Bolingbroke in this group. Report to the holodeck at 0500, I think we are gonna have a nice jog through the mountains."

With that, Walken dismissed the group of young Privates. Finally taking a moment to himself he took a breath. Opening his footlocker he pulls out an aged bottle of Scotch with a single glass. He had recovered this bottle from the Wyoming after its destruction and his rescue as a POW. Opening the bottle, he pours himself a double before sitting down on his bunk. "To the lost, always be remembered as the heroes you are." He toasts quietly to himself as the liquor touches his lips. Real alcohol, an old friend to the marine by now. After the glass was finished Kyle cleans it out before returning it and the bottle to the footlocker, he stands up. Despite it being so early they were having a debrief on the mission, Walken got up and left the Marine barracks.


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