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Posted on Fri Oct 15th, 2021 @ 8:42am by Captain David Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Timia Svidi & Emmah (Svidi)

Mission: Helping Hand
Location: Brige - U.S.S. Arcadia
1604 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

When Timia and Verra returned to the bridge the engineering teams were still working to restore power. It seemed to Timia that everything was do far going well and until they had repairs done they wouldn't know exactly what had happened to cause explosion.

Timia took this moment to step aside and report in to Hawkins. She tapped her comm badge and connected, "Captain. I've recovered the... thing... you sent me for. Our crew and members of the T'sul crew are working to restore power. They don't seem to know what caused the explosion." she reported.

=^=It's a mobile emitter. Good work, Commander. I'll head over there here soon if need be, otherwise I want you to send the emitter back asap. If they need additional medical or engineering staff, you have my go ahead to pull from our personal. What is the status of the injured?=/\=

"Reports are still technically drifting in as comms have been spotty. There are hurt all over the ship though. Nice thing about being a medical ship is they seem to have triage well in hand. I think we would be wise to have extra hands ready to transport over when they're needed." she said. She placed the device on the ground, "Emitter is ready to transport to you." she said.

There was a slight pause as Hawkins thought about the best course of action before his reluctant response was heard. =^=Alright, transporter chief,=^= Hawkins' voice was heard as he talked to the technician most likely rear from his position in the commanding officer's chair. He gave the order and within seconds, the device was transported from Timia's view.

=^= Keep comms open until engineering can get the comm systems repaired over there =^=

"Yes sir." Timia responded before she began to start to check in with the teams again.

The device appeared at Hawkins feet, motionless, with no lights of blinking. On the lower corner of it, near the control panel was a smudge of blood, and a small dent on the corner consistent with a fall. David picked it up and investigated it for a moment in his hand before speaking up. "Hey Timia. Did you run a scan on this blood?"

Timia frowned as she paused, "What blood?" she asked over the comm system. "Captain, there is blood everywhere around here. You know... Explosion's, injuries? Its going to take weeks for the ship to be fully cleaned of traces." She glanced around, "I guess you're not here to see it. If its a concern for you take it down to the medical bay, they'll document with pictures and take a swab I can test later." she told him.

"No need to. I'll have Emmah check it out," David replied as he shook his head. He started tapping a couple command codes into the devise before he and the surrounding crew watched as a female was before them. The blonde hologram now before him made him feel as though he was looking at his child, making him excited and relieved at the fact that she was ok.

Emmah glanced around, her eyes landing on Hawkins. She grinned and jumped at him, throwing her arms around his neck, "Captain!" she cried happily. "I am so pleased to see you! I was worried you would not!" she said with relief.

David gripped her in his arms as though she was a long lost child of his. She had been the closest to a child as he had ever had. Her body was warm and was so life like that he never once questioned her being an actually life being and not just a computer generating program. A moment passed before he released her and smirked. "You do realize I would have hunted you down till the end of time. You are family. "

Emmah smiled, "If I could have figured out tears I would produce some right now." she said. "I have several things to report to you." she said with a little more seriousness as she seemed to realize she was on the bridge. She shifted her clothing to a simple uniform, something a typical Aide would wear. "What happened on the T'Sul?" she asked.

"Well we are trying to figure all that out at the moment. Doctor Svidi is leading an away team to investigate as to why part of the engineering section blew. We have several bodies in the vacuum of space. So we were going to ask you as to what you got before transporting them to one of our sick bays for a good work up. What can you remember before you got knocked out?" David asked as he relaxed by crossing his arms over his chest. He knew that that was something wrong with all of this, and if there was anyone that knew something, he was hoping Emmah would.

She thought back to the time leading up before her deactivation. She made a face, "I was in the lab discussing the mysterious death on the ship. Three people had passed away, seemingly of heart failure, but we were not certain why. I was speaking with Dr. Janic in the lab about it when I blinked out. I remember nothing else, no one approached me to touch my emitter, no orders to deactivate was given." she said.

"So it was a happy coincidence or we have someone that knows how to disrupt your commands on your emitter to shut off." This made him ponder for a moment as he walked back to his command chair and offered her the executive officer chair. "When was the last time you were at Memphis Island to see Captain Kavi and ch'Koro?"

"Just over a month ago, before I joined the ship to come here." Emmah said as she moved over to the chair and took a seat. She didn't need to sit, but she found it helped people around her relax when she followed suit. "Why?" she asked curiously as she looked the bridge over. "Also, please tell Arcadia that I am permitted to connect to her." she said. "She's blocking me out."

"First, can you run a self diagnostic on your programming to verify all your files are uncorrupted?" David countered as he started to comply with her request. He entered in his command codes and unlocked the link path for Emmah. There were very few people he trusted, and Emmah was on that short list. But they both knew that no matter how close their relationship was, they were to make sure she hadn't been effected with.

Emmah looked away from him a moment, "Diagnostic running." she said, and was silent for another few moments, "Complete, no breaches in security or errors. Whatever turned me off was not due to direct contact with me."

"I figured that ch'Koro had locked it down so it couldn't be effected, but Still does not hurt to verify," he remarked feeling more at ease. He went ahead and gave the command codes that he created for her and sat back. "The reason I ask is someone may not have access to your program, but they had knowledge to deactivate the power supply to the emitter to interrupt it or it was a fluke that your mobile emitter went offline and never reactivated.

She nodded, "My automatic programming should have turned me back on. Of course had the ships Captain been comfortable with me connecting to the computer I would have been able to handle it myself." she commented.

Looking at her, he nodded, but noticed a small flashing light on her emitter he leaned in close enough to look at the description before looking up at her. "Go ahead and transfer to the Arcadia data base. Your emitter is running on emergency power," he pointed out. "Is it possible that all of this was a complete luck of the draw?"

She paused as she made the shift to the ship, her image flashed a bit as the ship's, ship-wide emitters took over. She took the block from her core and set it on her lap, allowing it to power down, and start to recharge, just by being near power sources, much how tricorders and other such small items stayed charged. "I doubt it. It takes a specific set of frequencies in power fluctuations to overwhelm my emitter. I'd love to know where the bursts came from, if they were ship wide or more localized near me to target me." she said.

"Is it possible whomever did this was trying to knock out the ship's recording sensors as well?" David asked as he thought it out loud. "This may not be a direct attack against you."

Emmah considered that a moment, "That would make the most sense." Her eyes flickered a moment. "Arcadia reports that the T'sul internal sensors were down for several hours before the exposition." she commented.

"Then that explains that part," He remarked as he thought it all through. He looked around the bridge. As massive as it was, it seemed small compared to the outstanding issue before them in which was coming to light. "How about we go and check on the good Doctor. Hopefully she has something new to report."

"Of course Captain." Emmah said standing up, "Perhaps she can held shed some light on what is going on."

He stood up and nodded slightly as he lead the way. "Yeah, let's see what kind of attitude the doctor is in." With that the two cleared the bridge and headed to the turbolift. It was no doubt not something at he was looking forward to.

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