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A Surprising Shore Leave Part Two

Posted on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 8:26am by Lieutenant Josey Wales & Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi)
Edited on on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 10:34pm

Mission: Memphis Island
Location: Memphis Island
Timeline: During Shore Leave
2710 words - 5.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Willow noticed a small pathway that led from in front of the cave and around a bend, "Let's see where that goes?" not answering Josey as of yet. Following the small pathway, it going between two large stones then behind the stones were trees on either side of the pathway, it soon opened up to a small area where steam rose into the air. There were rocks, smooth flat rocks and several rounded and in the center was a natural pool, a hot spring. An area slanted into the pool. Foliage surrounded it with tropical trees.

"This is so beautiful. I like this better than going into a cave. Natural light which is good for both body and soul." Willow commented.

Josey kicked off his sandals, sat on a rock at the edge of the springs and put his feet in and enjoyed the warmth that was soothing his legs. He looked about at the lush and rich vegetation that grew around the hot springs. A light breeze rustled the leaves and felt pleasant upon his skin and watched the reflection of the moon upon the surface of the water and the stars that shone brightly in the night sky. " I don't know if anyone has ever been here before. " He said as he admired the night sky. " It is a very beautiful place that you have discovered here, Therefore I shall call it Willow Springs, It needs a beautiful name to match it's appearance. And I personally can't think of a more beautiful name then that. " He slid off his shirt and enjoyed the sensations that nature was providing them. " Care to come over next to me and share this wonderful view? " He asked.

"I would love to." Willow replied. "But I don't think I am the one who found this first. There was a path that I noticed shown by the moonlight, so we followed it." Willow rolling up her pant legs to stick her feet and legs into the spring. However it wasn't long before Willow had the desire to bathe in the moonlit hotspring.

She moved from the rock and looked at Josey. "I want to bathe in the water, I've not brought a swimsuit, so, I am going to strip down and get into the pool. Do you mind turning your back to me for a moment while I get myself ready ?" giving out a shy smile.

Josey turned his back and closed his eyes. " I shall wait until I hear from you to say it's alright to turn around. I didn't bring a swimsuit either, Just these cut off denim pants. I didn't bring much in the way of clothes. Most of my items are food and gear, I really wasn't planning on seeing anyone while I was out camping, But I'm glad I did. "

Once Josey turned his back, Willow was out of her clothing very quickly, laying them neat and tidy upon a nearby rock, then slipped into the water. "Okay you can turn around. And this water feels simply divine. You must try it out." she breathed out, in satisfaction of its warmth. She even turned her back until he was in the pool. Feeling her skin prickle up with excitement.

Josey slipped into the water and felt the warmth soak in and soothe his tired muscles. " Oh.. this feels great. " Josey exclaimed he found a smooth flat rock under the surface of the water where he could sit with just his head and shoulders exposed above the waters surface. The bottom of the hot springs was sandy and smooth and had a pleasant feel to it. " I'm half tempted to build a house near here. " He said half serious and half jokingly. " Wouldn't that be nice? " He asked. " A crystal clear lagoon nearby with a good supply of fish and other seafoods and plants. Clear some land and grow some crops and maybe raise some animals and be self sufficient, Right now that almost sounds like heaven to me. "

"It does sound wonderful to me as well." Willow stated turning around to regard Josey. Tonight seemed magical to her. Even though she'd barely met this man, it just seemed like the very spirits of nature were whispering about him to her. She moved closer to him, finding a nearby rock not too far. Settling down to where she closed her eyes, letting the exquisite warmth permeate to her very soul. Here, here was life, she taking comfort in the heat of the water. Slowly she allowed the water to direct her mind away from the previous events to the singular one, this moment being near a rather enticing man, whom she felt something more deeper than just a physical attraction. He felt like someone she could belong with. It frightened her as this was really sudden, and yet felt so right.

Josey sat and listened to the sounds and sensations around him. He could feel the gentle breeze rustling his hair as the last rays of the day faded from the sky. He could hear the sound of the waterfall splashing into the lagoon as it sent ripples across to the opposite beach, the warmth of the water that slowly relaxed his muscles and the sound of his own heart beating in his ears. What was it that made him feel so drawn to this land? As well as this woman he had just met today? It felt like he had known her for ages, yet his mind told him otherwise. It confused him, yes. But it did not scare him. This was something he'd have to figure out, and wondered how she felt.

"Tomorrow morning after breakfast and breaking camp, would you like to hike to a nearby settlement and find out the lay of the land and get some fresh supplies? " He asked in a soft and gentle voice.

"Aye that would be lovely. We can can find another campsite? I was hoping to spend a few days to get myself centered but I think my plans are changing, since I have met you." Willow responded, moving even closer to Josey her arm was now against his, her leg against his and she looked into his eyes, the moon reflecting from the water lighting up her face.

Josey looked at Willow and was surprised to find himself kissing Willow, But the way this evening had progressed and there was just something about this place and situation that felt right.

The next morning they woke together, Josey had already gotten up and made a campfire to cook breakfast and was getting ready to slip into the water with his speargun to catch their breakfast. He saw Willow exiting the tent. " Good Morning, did you sleep well last night? " He asked.

Willow gave a bit of a chuckle. "Yes, I did sleep rather well. It looks like I will have to bring my camp over here now. Along with my food i had brought with me." She walked over to give Josey a kiss. "I definitely wasn't planning on finding someone when I first came out here to do some camping. I am glad I found you."

The spear gun dropped into the sand as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close for a deep passionate kiss. He pulled back and caressed her cheek tenderly. " I wasn't expecting to be meeting anyone like you out here while on shore leave either. But I'd like to see where this relationship leads to, and since were on the same ship it doesn't have to end here on Memphis Island. I'll be honest with you, my last relationship was ten years ago and it didn't end well. But I have never felt this way so strongly or as quickly as I have with you Willow, But I am willing to walk this road with you to see where it takes us. " He brought her in closely again for a hug and then stepped back. " Now if you'll excuse me for a few minutes, I'll be back with the fish and then we can go and bring your gear over here after breakfast. " He said as he stroked the length of her hair enjoying the texture and silkiness under his hand and wondered how he managed to get so lucky as to meet with a woman like her and hoped that he could make her feel as happy as she made him feel.

She pressed up against Josey, Willow enjoying the closeness with him. "While you are out there, I'll get things tidied up here. But next time I will be going fishing as well. I've got some fishing tricks up my sleeve." giving a bit of a smile.

While Josey went fishing, Willow went to explore just a little bit for food that can be found in this zone. To her delight, Willow found some sea grapes, some hibiscus flowers, and cocoplums. She checked to make certain that what they looked like were indeed what they were. She added some tender ferns to toss with the salad she was making. This will make a lovely addition to breakfast.

When Josey returned with the fish, Willow had things ready for the fish to be cooked.

Josey brought out his knife and began to scale the fishes and noticed the preparations that Willow had made while he was fishing." What's this? A salad?? It looks rather tasty and should help balance the meal out. " He said. " And what fishing tricks do you have up your sleeve I wonder? " He asked. " Oh and to add to our feast, I was able to catch this feisty little bugger. " Holding up a medium sized crab. " With the fish and the salad it should make a good enough meal to last us while hiking to find another camping spot. We'll go to the nearby settlement and find other areas around here good for hiking and camping, Sound good to you? " He asked as he placed the fish onto skewers and angled them over the fire.

"That sounds good to me, as for my different styles of fishing, I like to use a net to catch fish. I like to create a cause way to direct the fish to the net I would have set up." Willow replied, with a smile. " I even know how to fish with my bare hands as well."

Once the fish was cooked and breakfast eaten, Willow showed Josey where she had made her camp. She looked at her campsite that was all set up, then looked towards Josey. "Funny thing though, I never got to sleep in my tent. I wonder why?" giving an impish look towards Josey.

Josey gave Willow an innocent look. " I have no idea why, But I would be willing to discuss it with you later tonight if you'd like to. But since they're both two person tents, when we get to our next campsite we could use one for sleeping and one to store the gear in." He walked towards her and pulled her close and gently kissed her lips and then softly stroked her face and hair. " It matters little to me which tent I sleep in. As long as you're there it could be anywhere and I'd be happy. "

A low throated chuckle Willow wrapping her arms around Josey. "I am inclined to feel the same way about you. Lets get packed up and head back out and do some hiking and camping. Maybe we can go do some horseback riding, sound good?"

" Sounds good to me. " said Josey as he pulled her in for a kiss. They went back and broke camp and had everything packed up and left the area as they had found it. They hiked for a few hours until they found a small town and bought more provisions. after a few more days of hiking and camping they came upon a small settlement and were able to rent a pair of horses for a week and explored the sights and wonders Memphis Island. They traveled through forest and fields of flowers, visited rolling hills and a cave that was open to the public that sold crystal jewelry and focusing stones for relaxation and meditation. They even stumbled across a Country Inn and had a lovely breakfast sitting on the veranda that overlooked a small but picturesque lake.

After that morning they started back towards the settlement from where they rented the horses, It would take them a few days to get back there but still had time to do such with a day left over before they had to be back at the ship. They could stay the night in the settlement and beam back to the ship from there. But he'd like to ask Willow what she thought of the idea and get her input on the matter.

When Willow heard the suggestion of Josey, she answered softly giving him a kiss and wrapping her arms around him. "I would love to do that. "looking into his eyes. "This has certainly been the most remarkable shore leave I've been on. I never thought that I would end up finding someone as special as you are and even, turning out to be someone I wish to spend the rest of my life with." leaning her head against his shoulder.

Josey wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. He looked at her for several long moments before speaking. " I'm glad to hear that you feel that way. My mother spoke of finding one's soul mate and knowing when you've met them. To be honest I never thought that there was someone like that out there for me. sometimes I wondered if my mother spoke from experience or just romantic wishful thinking, I guess she was right all along. " He said as he gently stroked her hair. "

I'd like to see us grow old together, maybe even build a little place here on Memphis Island and stay here when we're in the area. " Josey fell silent as he thought. " These last couple of weeks we've spent together, I really don't want to see it end. I have a suggestion that I'd like you to hear, this might be out of the blue and I'll accept whatever you decide to do. I've got a senior officers quarters, and everything I own doesn't even take up a fifth of the space, So what I'm trying to ask here is would you like us to live together on the ship? I know it's kind of sudden, and you don't have to answer right away. Take your time and answer when you're ready. "

Willow kissed Josey, interrupting his words. When she pulled back Willow said,"Yes I'll move in with you, I love the idea of being with you for the rest of our lives, we just need to go through proper channels in order for that to happen." she stated with a smile, her eyes going misty.

Josey gave her a nod and pulled her close to him once more.They spent a peaceful night together and broke camp before dawn. They arrived around breakfast time and turned the horses back to their owners and inquired about the location to the nearest town and received directions. Josey called and requested a transport from their location to the town 32 km away and they were whisked away in the sparkling beam of the transporter to their destination. Once there, they visited several stores and picked up needed items and then went about checking out some areas of interest and local historical areas, including the beautiful town hall and went inside to see more of it.

All Willow could do was just smile radiantly,an arm about Josey’s waist when they headed towards the transporter platform. She leaned her head on his shoulder then gave him a sweet kiss, before they stepped upon the transporter pad. “This has been the best shore leave I have ever been on.”

They both smiled at each other and took one more look at the lovely Memphis Island as the shimmering effect of the transporter beamed them up to the ship.


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