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A Surprising Shore Leave Part One

Posted on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 8:25am by Lieutenant JG Willow Wales (Kosugi) & Lieutenant Josey Wales

Mission: Memphis Island
Location: Memphis Island
Timeline: During Shore Leave
2648 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Willow had looked at what Memphis Island had to offer and she came across a rather lovely image, and it was a place where not so many people could be there, out amongst a more natural setting where a waterfall was seen cascading into water below. The sight of the ocean beyond a sandy beach also had its own enticing enchantment. She made ready her camping gear which consisted of a two person tent, a bedroll, cooking gear as well as a pole, a net and bait. it was going to be just herself so she can commune with nature. Who knows, maybe she'll be able to collect some herbs as well, to add to her collection.

Willow dressed in khaki cargo pants which had plenty of pockets, lace up boots with long sleeve button up shirt Khaki in color, with a light blue tee shirt beneath. Her hair was pulled back in a french braid to keep it out of her face and not get tangled.

When all was ready, Willow arrived on that beach, finding a good spot where she could set up a tent and her camping spot. She could hear the sound of the waterfall before she got her first view of it. The sun hit it just right, reflecting upon the cascading water. She breathed in, filled with wonder and delight. She could hardly wait to go explore that area.

Josey had arrived on Memphis Island at first light, He had found a beautiful lagoon with a cascading waterfall. He had set up his tent in the tree line to provide a wind break, he found a banana tree and harvested several of the fruit and wrapped them in a banana leaf along with some vegetables and a loaf of bread wrapped in another. The foods wrapped up were placed onto a pile of glowing stones which he heated up with his phaser, and he had two fish on sticks over an open campfire which was just beginning to smoke a little.

Josey was still wet and his hair dripping from swimming in the lagoon with a snorkel and speargun, in which he managed to bag six fish. His wet cut off denim pants hadn't dried as of yet, only his sandals and unbuttoned sleeveless shirt which had his combadge on it even identified him as starfleet. As the scent of the cooking fish wafted down the beach, he sat and enjoyed the incredible view and the crystal clear waters of the lagoon as he waited for his meal to finish cooking.
Willow had just finished setting up her camp, when she caught the sight of some smoke drifting upwards to the sky. This got her curious, and she had to go investigate. She made her way through the trees, moving some vines out of her way. She arrived a slight distance from where she had seen the smoke, catching the scent of something good. Fish being cooked over an open fire. She felt her mouth watering, Willow will have to make certain to get her own to cook. However who was that beyond the tree she stood behind. Willow peered around the tree, the upper half of her, being framed by a flowering vine, the scarlet flowers nestling against her dark hair.

Josey heard a rustling of some leaves from the tree line behind him, his head half turned in the direction of the sound as he stood up and spotted the female by the flowering vine. He turned and faced her and saw she was unarmed. " I was unaware that Memphis Island had nymphs wandering around these parts. " He watched her for a moment. " You're not lost or hurt are you? " He asked. " My name is Josey, I was about to have some supper, I've got more than enough to share if you'd like. " He offered her politely.

Willow took a few moments to gaze at the man in front of her. Fine chiseled features, her eyes traveling over the whole of him. She liked the look of his steel grey eyes, his ebony black hair which had a slight wave to it. His broad shoulders and what she could see of his chest beneath his sleeveless shirt. She came out from behind the tree and walked over towards him. He was quite handsome.

"I'm not a nymph but thank you for the compliment." her voice having a warm musical quality to it, "I see that you are in StarFleet? So am I, and my name is Willow. I also will be delighted to accept your offer. Also I am not lost, I had just set up my own camp not too far from here." Willow added.

" Well with your face framed by the flowered vine that you're next to gave your appearance to be nymph-like. So are you assigned to Deep Space seven or one of the ships that is docked there? " He inquired.

Another brilliant smile from Willow as she moved forward and stood not too far from Josey. "I am from the USS Gladiator. I'm part of the medical staff there. What ship are you from?" A breeze having come up, causing a strand of her hair to move gently.

Josey looked surprised. " Seriously? You're from Gladiator? How did I miss meeting you then? " He asked himself the question without meaning to verbalize it. He shook his head in disbelief and glanced up grinning. " I am Lieutenant Josey Wales, Chief Security and Tactical Officer of the USS Gladiator, And it is truly a pleasure to meet you. You know I've never had much reason to visit sickbay before, But I think I may have found a reason. I find you to be an interesting person, easy to converse with , Intelligent and very easy on the eyes. I brought a six pack of beer that I have cooling in the water, would you care for some with your fish? "

Willow's eyes went wide with wonder. Josey was definitely a rather upfront sort of individual. She wasn't expecting his forthrightness but she liked it. A lot! It just made her feelings of attraction towards him grow a lot more. She felt very drawn to him. Like a magnet is attracted to steel. She stepped nearer to him, "That sounds amazing, I accept your invitation." her voice soft and low. She just could be in trouble here, and Willow couldn't help herself. "Uh yes, and I didn't realize you were on the ship as well. I've not really gone exploring the ship so missed out on meeting you. Well until now." her cheeks going slightly dark, with her blushing lightly.

" Where are my manners? " He asked. " I must have a decent place for a lady to sit prior to eating the meal. " He glanced about and spotted a fallen palm tree and went over to the fallen tree and set his phaser to a low setting and cut two sections of the trunk about a half meter in length and carried them back and placed them on the ground near the camp fire. " It may not be fancy, but it will be more comfortable then sitting on the ground. He went into the tent and came back with two plates and divided the food evenly and served Willow first, and then brought her utensils and a cooled beer from the lagoon. " I hope you find everything to your liking. " He stated. As he dished up his own food and then came back to the stools and sat close to her and the fire so they could converse easily.

"Thank you" she said, Willow was grateful for the seat that Josey had made for her. She hadn't been anticipating this sort of meeting of any kind, already she felt that something was weaving itself together intertwining both of them. She set the other four fish to cook whilst she and Josey started to eat.

Josey ate and enjoyed the food as he watched the fading sunlight glint off the surface of the lagoon and waterfall in the last rays of the day began to fade away into evening. The campfire began to cast a welcoming glow to the surrounding area and reflected off the surface of the glass like stillness of the water. Josey saw a moving light reflecting off the lagoons surface. " Look there! " Said Josey as he pointed to the of the water. A micro meteorite reflected brightly on the surface of the water as it burned up in the atmosphere. " That was beautiful. " He said. " A beautiful evening shared with pleasant company, good food , a light breeze and scenery to die for. What more could one ask for? " He said as he smiled warmly at Willow.

Willow's attention was riveted by that shooting star, taking note of the reflection in the water, almost like an opening of a pathway to who knows where. Her eyes went back to Josey and moved to finishing attending to the cooking fish. "I have always loved eating fish cooked on skewers of natural wood over an open fire." taking a bite of the other. "And the company can't be beat on this night." smiling towards Josey. She gave out a sigh of contentment, "This is certainly something that I needed." she reaching out and touching his hand, her arm brushing up against his.

Josey stood looking up at the night sky smiling, he listened to her speak as he gazed upwards into the heavens. " I can't think of a better way to cook a fish while your camping, brings out the natural flavor of the fish more and a touch of salt gives it a savory taste as well. " He felt something soft and warm brush up against his hand and then arm. His hand instinctively wrapped around the warmth as he glanced down and looked into her eyes. " This is the best company that I've had in a long time. " He said softly. " I am very glad that I've finally got to meet with you Willow. " He then looked towards the waterfall. " I had planned to take a walk to the waterfall this evening, I heard that there is a cave behind the waterfall with a hot spring in it and I am curious to see if it is true or not, Care to take a look? " He asked her.

"I would like to find this out myself. I haven't heard anything really about this place except for a good place to camp and a beautiful waterfall." Willow responded softly, leaning her head against Josey's shoulder. Not answering his comment about meeting her, not yet. However, Willow was glad she had met Josey already. Just the connection she was feeling, gave her some small worry. Perhaps the walk they will be taking will help to clear her mind, or an answer will come to her mind as they went to the waterfall. But first, "Let's finish eating then we can go. I do not want to waste the meal that we've prepared." her dark brown eyes looking into his steel gray eyes.

He stroked her hair gently and smiled at her. " It would be a shame to let the food go to waste, I'll have to forage for more in the morning but that won't be a problem. Even if I don't find anything I still have two weeks of field rations in my backpack, so going hungry isn't an issue. If I have to hunt I can always make an Atl-Atl to hunt with. I used to do it when I was younger. "

"I know how to hunt as well, and can do spearfishing." Willow replied, "And I don't mind eating field rations. Let's clear things up and go for our walk."

Once the meal was finished, and the area cleaned, Willow held out her hand for Josey to take. She loved the feeling of her hand in his. As they walked along the beach towards the waterfall, Willow looked at Josey then voiced her concern. "I feel a connection with you but, I worry that it is too soon for such a connection to be made? What are your thoughts, Josey?"

Josey stopped and looked at her, still holding her hand. " To be honest with you, I feel very comfortable with you and it feels like I've known you for awhile. I normally don't take a liking to someone so quickly, and it's making me think as well. I'm not really to concerned to much about that aspect, but it does make me wonder. " He thought a moment and then lifted his head and looked into her eyes. " My mother once told me that there would be people that I would meet in my life and it would feel like I've known them all my life. She said these are special people and to treasure them, So I'll see where this road takes us and if it's meant to be then it will be I reckon. " Josey turned and resumed their walk towards the cave. " Are you still up for this? Or would you just like to sit and talk things out for a bit? " He asked her. " I don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. "

"I am fine with this. I just wanted to voice my thoughts to you as I feel that I can actually speak to you and share my thoughts. I do like what your mother had said, and I agree with her there. It feels natural to me that we are here in these surroundings holding hands already." smiling warmly. "Perhaps I am overthinking this. I normally trust my instincts on matters such as this. And right now I am wanting to do-this." Willow pulled him close to her and she gave Josey a kiss wrapping her arms around him.

Josey didn't pull back from the surprise kiss, instead he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her closer as he continued the kiss. Once they finally ended the kiss, he gently caressed her hair and the side of her face. He exhaled and looked her in the eye. " You just about took my breath away with that one, I don't ever recall being kissed like that before. " He traced his finger over her lips. " If you keep that up I'll become addicted to it. " He stated with a grin.

She was still breathless from Josey's answering kiss, Willow only being able to just smile, gazing into his eyes. Right now she just wanted to have another kiss, pressing her lips to his once more. He had said that her kisses would cause him to become addicted, well the same could be said for his. When their lips parted she whispered, her forehead against his, her body pressed close. "I could say the same thing about yours." giving a delighted smile.

Not breaking contact with those beautiful eyes that were peering back at him, he finally found his voice to speak with her. " You know, I fear if we don't move from this spot soon we'll just grow to be part of the landscape, not that it would be a bad thing. I'm kind of comfortable this way. " He ran his hand softly the length of her hair down her back. " What is it about you that fascinates me so? " He asked the question more to himself than anything else. " I have never met anyone like you in my life, So I'd like for us to find the answer together and decide what to do from there. What are your thoughts on that? '' as they began to slowly move behind the waterfall, towards the cave entrance.

"I would like to do that as well." Willow replied, enjoying the feel of her hand in his and seeing the moon shining towards them through the cascading water. It was feeling magical.



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