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An Unexpected Reunion

Posted on Thu Jan 12th, 2023 @ 10:22am by Ensign Aarva & Cadet First Class Pallas

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Ensign Aarva's Quarters
Timeline: tbd
3139 words - 6.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Given the amount of time Pallas had spent looking at the Gladiator's crew manifest--a strangely obsessive hobby that she had engaged in pretty much from the moment she had received her "Cadet Cruise" assignment--it would not be surprising for an outside observer to think that this was a woman who was headed straight for a fulfilling career in Operations. They would be wrong, probably, but be fully excused for such a belief. As it was now, after having spent some time aboard the ship, wrapping up her first rotation through Medical and looking forward to the next one, the fourth year cadet nonetheless still had her PADD set up to alert her when new crew arrived aboard. It was, perhaps, a notable compulsion, the kind of attention to detail that Lieutenant Walker might say makes for a good recon marine. Or, as it were, a good engineer, a good scientist, or a good many other things. Probably, though, not a good pilot, a thought she had now with a laugh at her own expense as she heard her PADD chime in that particular tritone she had selected for exactly these sorts of notifications. A new officer had come aboard, and Pallas, still thinking about all the pilots she had met aboard the Gladiator so far, and one in particular who she pretty much never stopped thinking about, leisurely set down her real, authentic paper book, and picked up the PADD to see who had joined the Gladiator, and what she might be able to learn from them. Because, although she continued to allow herself to be royally and utterly distracted by her new romantic connection, the young Ardanan had at least not lost track of the fact that she was here to learn. Which was wonderful for her, as anyone who knew her would describe her as someone who loved to learn. To a fault, sometimes.

She sat up, suddenly, her blaise demeanor replaced by surprise, followed by a double take to ensure she was reading the updated manifest correctly, and then excitement. She bounced somewhat comically from her upper bunk, dropping to the deck and slipping on her boots before continuing to bounce her way out the door, heading for the turbolift at a quick jog. This earned a few raised eyebrows as she sped by; it would have been wholly acceptable had she been in running gear, but in full uniform, folks tended to worry a bit more when they saw someone running. Still, the easy-to-spot smile on Pallas's face was likely reassuring to those who may have been concerned.

The cadet didn't fully recall the journey into and up the turbolift, but she did pause to breath as she rang the chime on the door to the quarters of the Gladiator's newest ensign.

What time of night was it, like, 2245 hours? Aarva had no idea; she'd fallen asleep stretched out on her sofa, PADD across her belly. She groaned, rubbed the sleep from her eyes and grabbed her glasses from the coffee table, putting them on as she answered the door...

"Oh, hey. Um. Whaddaya-" Violet eyes blinked slowly as she focused on the very, very elated-looking woman in front of her... wait a second. Wait a second... hold on. She focused on her face, and immediately recognition and joy blossomed over her craggy features. Memories came flooding back, breaking through the sleepy fog that'd settled itself in her brain. After all, how could she forget-

"PALLAS!" The small Kelpien launched herself at her friend and former fellow cadet, wrapping her arms round her midsection. God, for someone so small Aarva was surprisingly strong, the one thing about her that was the same as all of her countrymen. "I missed you. Fancy seeing you here." She mumbled into her chest. "How've you been?"

The cadet took the hit, though honestly part of her knew it was coming and let it happen anyway. "Physically, at least, I might have been better a moment ago... I think you broke a rib..." she joked, quickly confirming she was fine with a grin before hugging Aarva back. "Good to see you too, Aarv... I mean, *Ensign* Aarva. How am I supposed to stand at attention and salute you, Sir, when you give me a welcome like this one?"

After a moment, her breath coming back to her as a laugh, she rolled both of them over onto their sides and then pulled her senior up along with her into an awkward sitting position. "Fancy seeing you here, too. I almost fell out of my bunk when I found out you had come aboard. What was the question? Oh, how have I been. Well, I'm a Cadet First Class now," she said, unnecessarily pointing at her insignia, "but somehow I never manage to catch up to you. You made it, just like we all always knew you would. And a Sovereign Class on your first assignment, Ensign... not too shabby."

"First. I don't have my uniform on. So no rank, no salute. So just Aarva. That's an order." Aarva grinned, standing and pulling her friend up with her. "Second, the hallway's a rather weird place to talk - so in we go. Come on." Curling an arm round her shoulder the best she could she led the taller woman into her quarters, allowing the door to hiss closed behind them.

"Second of all, I consider my first assignment here sheer luck, so let's not dwell too much on that, shall we?" Aarva said with a chuckle. "Can I get you anything? Food? Something to drink? I think we've got quite a lot to catch up on now that you're here - which means you might be here a while." She let go of her at last and started towards the replicator, ordering herself a tall glass of iced sweet tea. Yes, sweet tea. She'd never liked the somewhat more astringent, tart taste of fredalia tea.

"First of all," Pallas suppressed a grin as she used her most formal voice, "do you really think you are the first officer on the Gladiator who has tried to order me to not address them by rank? I have been here for a bit now, so you should know better than that. You get 'Ensign,' 'Sir,' or 'Ma'am.'" Pallas tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't stop herself from snickering as they made their way back into Aarva's quarters. "But, really, why am I still having to tell you to stop selling yourself short that way? You worked your behind off, and Professors Zero Zero and One One said they had never encountered a student with more innate understanding of robotics than you. You earned this seat. Own it proudly." She watched as her Kelpian friend moved elegantly toward the replicator with her distinctive gait. "I will have one of what you are having too... let me guess, sweet tea? Remember when we all took that trip to the Carolina coast? You must have ordered sweet tea every single meal while we were there."

"You still remember that?" Aarva giggled and ordered yet another cup of iced sweet tea. "Looks like I actually did build a reputation for myself, huh!" She settled back down on the sofa, sweeping her PADD off to the side, and patted the spot next to her. "Make yourself at home. You know I'm not into fredalia tea like you all. So!" She smiled and passed the other cup over. "What's new with you? There's not much new with me, really, considering I only just graduated and got here, you know?"

"Most of the Outties are off on their cadet cruises, like me," Pallas shared, referring to the closeknit group of self-proclaimed outsiders from her class that had adopted the more senior Aarva into their ranks. T'Shel is on a Sagan-class research ship. Glom stayed in San Francisco, pursuing their medical degree, as expected." Pallas took the glass and enjoyed a slow drink. "Pretty good, not like Ocean Isle though," she grinned. "You asked, though, what was new with me. So I suppose updates about others is not exactly what you are looking for. Well, it has certainly been eventful since I got here. I do not know if you heard before you arrived, but this ship was almost destroyed. I actually found out when I first got here. So it is pretty hectic, but that also means there is a lot of opportunity for someone who likes putting things back together." A very pleased look crossed the cadet's face. "I even had the chance to help put some of the fighter wing back together, which had been mostly wrecked when the Gladiator was attacked."

"The ship almost what!?" Aarva nearly fell out of her chair in shock. "Goodness gracious. I'm glad you're alright, though. At least you got to work on the fighter craft - I'm not sure how useful I'll be outside of the usual engineering stuff. You know, since we don't work with robots often." Vasha blushed a little bit with embarrassment. "I do have a few things I'd like to try and build, though. Remember Pu'lio? The robot dog I told you about?"

Pallas quickly put down her glass and held up her hands at the reaction, trying to be reassuring. "Oh... no, sorry... I was not here until everything was safe, do not worry!" she explained. "All major systems--life support, primary shields, etcetera--they were all done when I arrived. The XO did show me the Bridge, though, while it was still in a pretty serious state of disrepair." She shook her head at the memory. "There is a lot of the 'usual engineering stuff' still left to do, though. Lieutenant Edruj, the Chief Engineer, she seems pretty great. I hope I get to rotate through Engineering soon, we would get to work together all day!" she grinned at the idea. "And, yes, of course I remember about Pu'lio. Are you rebuilding them?"

"Well... not Pu'lio exactly. It'll be better! More intelligent, more responsive, a bit less robotic in movement... you know?" Aarva said, violet eyes glittering with excitement. "I'll take some time to settle in first, though, and get used to life here before I work out how I'll manage that. I'm sure lieutenant Edruj would be happy to support me, though!"

"Oh, and I'd love to work together with you! I'd be glad to teach you whatever I can..." Aarva smiled. A little memory popped into her head: the two of them had been studying late in the Academy's library, and Pallas had worn a dress that made her look so good her breath had tried to leave her lungs just seeing her, and the way she tucked her hair behind her ears when she worked... she'd barely noticed when her cheeks had begun to redden that night and she'd been staring, like she was now. .

"I am very confident that the Lieutenant will support your passions, from my one meeting with her. She is very philosophical. In a good way. I think maybe a lot of Klingons are. But she does seem very passionate about her own work, and equally so about supporting others to reach their own conception of 'honor.' Pretty much exactly what I think I would want in a Chief. My first rotation here has been in Medical, which I have to say, has been much more engaging than I expected. I knew it would be interesting and that I would learn a lot, but I think maybe the timing of my arrival and the messy situation of the current mission meant that I 'hit the jackpot,' as humans say. Doctor Svidi can be pretty direct, even severe, but she is really brilliant. I hope I can be that kind of leader one day, someone who always knows exactly what to do next."

"Ah. Doctor Svidi. Right." Aarva's smile faded somewhat. "I'm not a fan of checkups, you know that. I still haven't gotten myself checked out yet." A long, bored sigh escaped the Kelpien's lips. She'd always felt self-conscious, and even more so around medical personnel. Blame some bad experiences for that feeling - some doctors had been especially probing and insensitive when asking her certain questions. "Well, I suppose I'll make my way there eventually. Maybe tomorrow." She blinked then, breaking the spell she'd put herself under. God, her cheeks felt hot now.

"I could be there, if it helps," Pallas offered. "I can tell Doctor Svidi that I would like to observe the physical, make sure you are properly taken care of."

"Gained any new hobbies? Met anyone, um... interesting?"

The cadet gave Aarva a playful, mock frown as replied, "Who has time for hobbies when there are commissioned officers to impress?" Her face broke and she chuckled. "I am the same as I have been since you have known me, spending all of my time trying to learn and being an amateur xenoanthropologist. Which is my typical long-winded way of saying, 'Yes, I have met a lot of interesting people.' Lets see, I already mentioned your boss and my boss, and I mentioned the XO, Commander Kosugi. The Chief Flight Controller, Lieutenant th'Villos, tried to get me to not call him 'sir' like you did, just because he was off duty. There's Commander Torma, Chief of Sciences, she is Dalcari, a binary lifeform from the Delta Quadrant, brilliant scientist. Cannot wait for that rotation. Oh, the Captain. He is..." Pallas paused in genuine thought. "I am not sure what to make of him. I accidentally ran into him. When I was running. Like, actually ran into him, turning a corner. It was... a very awkward experience. I am pretty sure he was testing me. But at least he said it was okay for me and Callisi to date?" She realized, after a pause, that she had sort of buried the lede. "... oh right! I mentioned that I got to help rebuild fighter pilots. That was how I met Captain Callisi Verra, the Gladiator's Starfighter Squadron Leader. She is brilliant," she smiled.

"...oh." Aarva had truthfully lost the rest of what Pallas had said about halfway, right after the part about dating. Her chest felt a little bit tight for some reason, and she found it hard to breathe, like her heart had just beat its way into her mouth. "I- I'm glad! Maybe someday I'll get to work on those too, heh..." Large violet eyes darted furtively around the room, eventually settling on the time displayed on the chronometer on her wall. "It is getting kind of late, though, uh..." She found it hard to look her friend in the eye now, though. Something just felt... different. "...I'll catch up with you again soon! I have an early shift tomorrow, so uh... I'll see you around?" All true, of course, and she really did need the sleep - but somehow she really did feel that she'd breathe a little better id Pallas weren't right now sitting right next to her.

"Oh, right, of course! I just barged in here while you were already getting ready for bed. That was pretty inconsiderate of me. Anyway, I will see you tomorrow, when you come into Medical for your checkup, right? So it will not be that long, in any case," she said reassuringly, adding in a playful wink. She leaned over and gave Aarva a friendly hug before standing to leave. "Sleep well, Ensign Aarva, and I will see you soon. It really is great that we are both on the Gladiator."

Somehow that hug too didn't feel quite as comforting - and Pallas was good hugger, she always had been. "Just Aarva. No ensign. No uniform." She croaked, forcing herself to put am arm around the Ardanan and guide her to the door. "I-I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then. You sleep well too, okay?" Her eyes felt wet and full, like little bubbles, fit to pop and spill their contents onto the floor. What the hell was going on? She removed her arm from around the other and returned it to her side, nervously lacing her fingers together.

Pallas had been about to leave when she heard the crack in Aarva's voice. "Hey... are you okay?" she asked, her eyes narrowed in concern. "You look..." The cadet couldn't put her finger on it. Something about the way her friend was looking at her right now was bringing up a memory from their time at the Academy, but what it was escaped her for the moment.

"I'm fine! I really am. I'm just nervous about tomorrow. You know how I hate physicals." She responded. She tried for an apologetic smile, but all that came out was something of a wibbly crack of her mouth. "Some doctors poke and prod me and ask me really invasive questions and all. I'm just hoping doctor Svidi isn't like that." With trembling hands she patted her friend's back, hoping that would somehow reassure her. As nervous as Aarva was she was never a liar and Pallas knew that about her - she hoped now that that would work in her favor. "I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll be alright then! Okay?" Nah, probably not. She felt like choking, honestly; there seemed to be a ball of something in her throat she simply couldn't cough up at the moment.

"Okaaay," Pallas said, not quite sure that Aarva was telling her everything, but she was not one to make things up, so the cadet took her at her word. "Like I said, I will be there, and Doctor Svidi is sort of abrupt but she really does want the best for everyone. She is not the kind to cause you undue suffering out of some inappropriate curiosity. It will be okay, I promise," she said as she gave her best reassuring smile. "Goodnight, friend. I really am glad that you are here," she said, putting a hand on Aarva's shoulder and giving it a slight squeeze before turning and leaving.

The part of her shoulder where Pallas had squeezed seemed to sting for a moment as she watched the Ardanan leave, and the door close and lock behind her. One somehow agonizing moment passed, two, three... and then her knees gave out, depositing the young Kelpien onto the floor in a heap. Whatever it was that'd been in her throat and kept her from breathing burst, popping like a soap bubble, as did whatever it was that'd made her eyes feel swollen, and she soon began to cry and sniffle and bury her rapidly moistening face in her hands. Somehow she felt like she wasn't going to sleep easy tonight.



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