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Update And...

Posted on Sun Jan 22nd, 2023 @ 2:49am by Captain Callisi Verra & Captain David Hawkins

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Ready Room
2320 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Despite having given dozens of reports to easily half a dozen commanding officers, this one weighed the most on the rabbitess' soul. She had her PaDD in hand, and walked with a purpose towards Captain Hawkins ready room. She had plenty to discuss with him, and most of it was work related, which was actually unusual. It was the not-work related chat that worried her the most, though.

She reached the Captain's ready room, steeled herself, and then gave the announcement chime a tap.

"Yeah... come on in," Captain Hawkins called out as he stood before a massive monitor outlaying the details of what was to come. But he had also been looking at the image for... God only knew how long. Once the doors swished open, he looked over to the door and nodded. "Callisi, get bored down there in the hanger and fighter lounge?"

"So far there's solid progress." She reported, handing over the PaDD for a written update. "We have one fighter fully repaired and full readiness." She stood proud at that. "I'm running a skeleton crew so that's extra hands for other departments to reach full readiness faster. One Fighter is all we *need*, now we're just building a buffer"

Her glance slid to the large monitor, "Did I interrupt some research?"

"Not at all. I'm just looking at the long range scan reports of the area in question," David responded before taking a deep breath. It was a long time coming but that final day, hopefully, was coming soon. "Your department was supposed to be fully staffed, full squadron of pilots and everything."

She gave a nod, "Indeed, but at the moment we have more pilots then we do fighter craft. A skeleton crew lets me work on getting more fighters up to operational status, while allowing the others to assist in other departments to get us to full readiness sooner. All the fighter craft in the moons won't help if the Gladiator isn't at a better capacity." she paused, "Unless we need to tow her somewhere."

"If you feel I should consolidate my assets, though, I'll welcome any advisement."

"No no, you seem to have it under control. I'm not going to micromanage you and your department. I was just asking is all," he replied as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Exhaustion was really kicking in and it wasn't going away anytime soon. He skimmed over the report real quick before taking a deep breath. "Sorry, I had hoped to have had more supplies and that new vehicle replicator installed to our primary systems, but engineering seemed to be a bit busy, as of late."

She gave a nod, "Hope is what keeps a navy afloat, they used to say when we were confined to just the oceans. Now, I don't know if they've updated the saying. Holds true though." she pondered. "The vehicular replicator needs space and power, and right now those are more vital to other departments. My crew is at your disposal as far as allocation of manpower to get us back to spec." she paused, "Would it be rude to say I don't exactly trust a fighter I haven't assembled myself, despite the benefits of replication manufacture?" she teased, all in good fun. Then her tone dropped... She hesitated. "There is, another matter. A personal matter, I'd like to discuss with you. Though if you aren't in the proper mood or mindset, it can certainly wait."

"It's nothing negative."

"Oh?" David turned his full attention to her and pondered what it could be. He side lined all of what she said as he trusted her skilled and leadership capability over her personal. So he left what he had heard as just her being open and honest. "What's going on?"

Callisi had faced the Koldaran in battle. Cost her an actual part of herself. She served for years dropping ground troops behind enemy lines and bringing the Sons and Daughters of Ts'usu home. Accolades, recognition, honor. She did so without hesitation. She did so without fear. Why, then, did this next bit worry her so?

"Captain, we've been through so much. You've more than earned my respect, both as a person and a commanding officer. For that, I'll dispense with the pose and pomp. I'm asking your permission to break a regulation." she started. "I've... become fond of a member of the crew, and I have it on excellent authority they're fond of me. We're in separate departments, but I understand there is a regulation somewhere in the Federation scripture that frowns upon such."

"I also know that as Captain, the decision to persecute said regulation is your call. I've come to offer my case for this to be permitted." she paused again, calling on her experience to give her the strength to face a Shipmaster and ask them to disregard a regulation. "Her name is Pallas, sir."

"I'm sorry, Cadet Pallas?" this threw Hawkins off for a short minute before looking at her with his full attention now. "Typically relationships are not something I micromanage. But a cadet with a seasoned officer, someone that can be a superior over her is kind of a slippery slop."

"I wouldn't be ordering her to do anything against her will." Callisi responded. "Though as for the ship's command hierarchy she and I are not likely to be in a position where I would be her direct superior. I'm hardly part of the structure currently, truth be told."

"My domain is the fighter wing. Beyond that, my capacity to order is limited. Rightfully so, I'll add." She paused, "This is something I did consider. I factored that it wouldn't be long before her authority on the ship superseded my own. I can't, in good faith, promise things will be perfect. I don't have that power, and I don't enjoy lying to those I respect. Give the word, and caution and discretion will be the tone."

"Say no, and it ends."Calissi said, with a bit of a tremble at the end. Usually she didn't let her walls down, but there was a moment when the real Callisi was laid bare. A momentary vulnerability.

"In Starfleet, a Fourth Year Cadet is assigned in the field, on a starship, to go around the departments to get a taste of each area. This way when they are placed in a position of command, whether it be in their work area or out in the field on an away team , they are going to taste each and area department. The only difference with your department is, fighter department falls under a specialized section of flight control training. You are still in a position of command, whether it be in a department head over her, or not. She will still be assigned to your department to get a taste of the flight control operational procedures of fighters," David tried to explain before taking a deep breath. He knew that this was a lot, but he wasn't the type to stop people if it wasn't hurting people. "Tell you what, who is your second in command under you?"

Callisi gave Hawkins her full attention. Ears perked and straight, her eye firm on his form as he spoke. At his question, she considered for a moment. "I understand, and I apologize for the situation I've placed you in." though at his actual question, she pondered a little more. "Flight Lieutenant Morrison. Callsign Eagle. He's only about twenty hours and five CD's away from earning his Red. Well on his way to his own squad."

"When she is in your department, she falls under that Lieutenant then. This way you are out of her command structure in that area. Sounds fair?"

She gave a nod, "That sounds very fair. I'll inform Eagle that Pallas is under his proverbial wing during her time there, then?"

"Sounds good enough," the captain nodded and nodded as he thought to himself as he replayed the last words out of his mouth. They seemed a little over the edge for some, but David wasn't the type to always sugar coat it. And he had made sure to always assign people he knew could handle a straight shot when it came to these things, but also allow frustration to roll off their back. "Sorry, I just know its still an adjustment between your people and ours. So I'm trying to keep everyone safe."

"No apologies needed, sir. I'm still amazed at the leniency the Federation offers her soldiers. Though, in the Federation we're members or crew. Back home, we're soldiers. As for any actual adjustments, until you all get some real ears I think I'll be the one adjusting." she said with a soft smile. "But, I appreciate this. I won't squander this, and I won't continue it if it starts to turn into something hurtful to either of us. You have my word on that sir." she paused for a moment, to give that moment some weight.

"While I'm here, anything you need of me further than the prior report?"

"Yeah, how are you transitioning to the Gladiator? Kind-of feels as though we haven't all met up and seen one another in a bit. I won't lie, I have been to preoccupied with the mission to think of what the crew needed."

"I've always traveled light. Back in the Navy sometimes i was just a duffel. Travel from ship to ship was part of the posting. Since posting up with Starfleet, though, there's a bit more attachment to ships. Coming back to the Gladiator it... well it feels like coming home. I know, I know, it's so cliche it could run for mayor. It's a good feeling, though. We need a bit more good in the world, so... so yeah I'm doing alright." She was quiet for a moment, "Thank you."

"Cliche, no. Honestly, I know we have been gone a bit but at least we are on the same boat and not split up," David remarked as he took a deep breath before looking at her. "Ignore my irritation. Sleep is little lost for most of us."

"Sleep is a precious resource. We get it when we can. Back on the front you took whatever you could in sleep. A nap, a long blink, anything really. Honestly the only good thing that ever came out of my injury, is I could actually sleep with one eye open. Took me forever to really get comfortable with it, and in the end, it was the eyepatch or my sanity." she admitted. "Honestly, let it go. Be cross, get pissed. I'd rather you vent a little now to maybe one of the few people who know the life, then bottle it up and explode on the crew."

"I mean, either that or we get lost in shots and I tell you everything wrong with Federation fighter combat theory." she offered. "But you seem to need more positive in your life. Plenty of stones in the bag, as they say."

"That maybe the case, but I'll tell you what. After all this is said and done... We go and do that, with the whole crew. Find a wide and empty part of space, activate the cloaking device, and have a ship wide rest and relaxation for a whole three day weekend. Or be smart, go find a planet with no threats whatsoever, and just get lost in nature, the lakes, oceans, mountains," David remarked as he clicked his lips before looking at the fighter pilot. "Hell, take the fighters out and have some fun. I think that would do great for everyone."

Callisi gave a nod and a soft snicker, "The second option sounds so serene, so calm. I think I prefer the former personally. Though... With respects, sir, I'll drink you under the table." she allowed a moment of calm, relaxing her posture slightly before returning to the business at hand, as it were.

This caused Hawkins to smirk and fee less stressed a bit. He nodded and pointed at her. "You are on. Let's make this happen after all this is over. And do me favor, will ya? Do not get shot down. The last thing I want to hear is Hayter flaunting how he is the better fighter pilot over you. Blow him out of the water, would ya?"

This caused Hawkins to smirk and fee less stressed a bit. He nodded and pointed at her. "You are on. Let's make this happen after all this is over. And do me favor, will ya? Do not get shot down. The last thing I want to hear is Hayter flaunting how he is the better fighter pilot over you. Blow him out of the water, would ya?"

"Just as long as you have somewhere to fall when it's over. The shots, I mean. I plan on falling either into a soft couch, or a soft lap." she offered with a nod, "As for Hayter, I throw stones. I don't throw contests."

"He's as good as grounded." she stated, simply. Her pride in her capacity never stronger on display then here. She fought for her troop, she bled for her troop. Now was no different.

"Sounds fair enough," David replied as he looked up at her for a moment. "Thank you for joining us on this mission and as part of our crew. I know you aren't fully Star Fleet, but I rely on you more then you can ever know. That is the same with Commander Mel and the rest of this crew."

Callisi gave a nod, from a solider to a soldier. "There's nowhere else I belong more than here, sir."

With that, the captain waved his hand away from him. "Now get out of here and go fly and blow something up."

"Hai." she responded, taking a few steps back before turning to depart.


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