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Simple Pleasures

Posted on Wed Jan 25th, 2023 @ 12:52am by Commander Liala Ziyal & Commander Raiden Kosugi

Mission: The Goddess
Location: Lounge, USS Gladiator
2875 words - 5.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Reluctantly his duties had pulled Raiden away from the warmth of his bed, and from the presence of Liala. He had left a note for her, along with a red rose. In the note he had written,

"My lovely Liala, forgive me for leaving so soon, duty called my name. Raiden was still on the shifts he had been assigned and there was so much to do.

Raiden felt well rested though, and not feeling so stressed. He did feel regret for leaving and it was so difficult, seeing her there slumbering peacefully. He hoped he'd be able to get a meal with her later on.

Liala began to stir. She slowly placed an arm behind her and felt nothing but empty space. The faint smell of Raiden where his body once lay rising from the sheets as she rolled over to confirm her suspicions that he had disappeared from his own bed.

There was a note, very noticeable from the flower laid upon it and as she read it she couldn't help but smile. His words were few but they still made her feel like if he'd had the choice they'd have woken up together.

"Computer, what is the time?" she asked as she sat up, the sheets still hugging her naked body.

"1015 hours." was her beautifully toned reply.

Liala looked a little shocked. It had been a while since she'd slept past 10am and was quite thankful she'd not taken any sessions today. Looking around she began to see if she could see any of her clothing that was discarded rather haphazardly last night.

Her clothing were upon a chair, her shoes nearby. Raiden had made certain to put them in one spot, for it was something he was wont to do. There was a beeping noise coming from her padd, and a recorded message from Raiden.

I will be taking a lunch break around noonish, if you are awake or not too busy, would you like to have lunch with me?

The small beeping was driving her mad. Yes, Raiden had left her clothing all nice and neatly laid out on the chair. Definitely a keeper that man so far, but her handbag had found its way under the bed and her mini-comm was announcing it wanted attention.

Sounds lovely yes. I'm just awake and will head back to my quarters for a shower and a quick change. I can't wear what I wore last night to lunch. she giggled to herself like a little schoolgirl.

This is true, I'll see you in a bit then was Raiden's quick reply. Raiden had a bit of a smile, when he had received her response. He was looking forward to his lunch with Liala. He was feeling a bit invigorated by the very thought of lunch with Liala.

As time passed she had collected her things from Raidens room and made his bed. She looked around and gave the room a quick tidy and left. Liala smiled as she passed some people in the corridor, her hair a bit dishevelled and typically known as bedhead. She entered her own quarters just down the hall and got ready and made her way to the mess hall and awaited his arrival.

Raiden arrived giving a smile when he saw the lovely lady. "You are beautiful as ever." leaning in and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

This caused a few people who passed on by to raise their eyebrows. This was a new thing, and Raiden didn't even notice their glances. He was more concentrated on the woman he was with. "Shall we?" motioning towards the mess hall.

Liala blushed slightly. "Well thank you. It is nice to be seen, and I have gotten rid of the bedhead I had creeping along the corridor from your quarters to mine." she said as they moved into the mess hall.

The kiss on the cheek was very welcome and it made her feel warm and tingly inside. It made her heart flutter a bit and she noted the shift in some emotion from the crew as he did so. She may not have been able to see them but feeling them was a different matter... it didn't require eye contact.

"Captain let you off for lunch? He must be feeling generous." she teased.

"It is in my contract that I get a lunch break." Raiden replied with a laugh. "Want to go sit by the window again?" referring to last night. "I wouldn't mind."

"Well sometimes the Captain doesn't play by the rules." she said playfully bumping into him. "Yes, the window sounds good. I sometimes forget the time when I'm looking out there. I miss real sunlight..."

Raiden chuckled at her playfulness, then remarked, "Well how about sometime we get some time off and maybe go camping?" leading the way to a table not too far from where they had eaten dinner before. "I'll have to hold off of the red wine." he chuckled. Raiden was feeling relaxed and just at ease, much different than how he had been.

"Well you are on duty, and I'd hate to have to report you to the Captain for drinking on duty." she teased. "Must be me that has the day off." she added as she sat down. Liala could feel his mood improving, rising to meet her own natural light personality. "Camping sounds nice. I could bring a guitar and play by a fire. Oh that sounds exciting." she said as her heart quickened with excitement.

"I would dearly love to hear you play and yes it does sound lovely. " then Raiden grinned "You would report me to the captain? I am not on duty right now so... It wouldn't be a bad thing." giving her a wink. Just then a server arrived.

Raiden ordered a simple Caesar Salad, with some sparkling lemonade. His mood lowered just a little bit though as something came to his mind. "Liala, there is a team being put together to get our people. And part of that team, could include you."

Liala ordered a light pasta dish and a glass of water before turning to face Raiden as she felt his mood shift. "Okay..." she said thinking for a moment. "If it does I will do my best. I don't like fighting, don't like even carrying a weapon." she commented. "But I will help get our people back like anyone else would." Her heart quickening at the very thought of going into a dangerous area.

Raiden reached out and took her hand. "Do not worry, Liala, the Marines will be there as well as security, its a joint effort, so don't worry about that. Unfortunately I will not be going with the rest of you, as the Captain is specifically having me stay on the ship with him."

She felt the warmth of his hand and it comforted her as she gave it a little squeeze. "So, who is leading the mission?" she asked. "And how are we getting there?" she added in the hope that it was not via the transporter.

"The away teams, will be going by shuttles, and who will be the lead? Well once you get to the planet it may well be Wales and Walken. Or... perhaps you? Son of a gun I forgot to take that into account. It was originally supposed to be Wales and Walken but with the er hiccup they experienced on their away mission, it might be you until you make planet side." Raiden rubbed his head as he was feeling just a bit of a headache coming on.

"Thanks the Gods." she said out loud. It was meant to be her inside voice but she was so grateful that she didn't have to go near those horrible transporters.

"I can make it until we get on the planet, I mean its just a shuttle ride... but I have no experience of leading any kind of ground assault, rescue, whatever you call it. Tell me that Wales, or Walken, will be there?" she squeezed his hand subconsciously as her anxiety of this mission grew already.

"Both will be there, waiting for the rest of you to arrive. It will be alright, you will be fine along with the rest of the away team. I have faith in you and the others. " giving her hand a gentle return squeeze and raised her hand to his lips. Raiden looked into Liala's eyes. "I know you can do this."

"Well, good." Liala relaxed a little. "I have no problem with leading, comes with the three pips, but an assault... nope." She felt his lips on her hand and it caused goosebumps to form on her forearms as a result. "Are you trying to distract me?" she asked as she became somewhat lost in his gaze.

"What if I said, yes." Raiden responded, giving a teasing smile.

There was a cough from the side of the table. It was the server. "Sorry to interrupt, you food is ready."

Raiden withdrew his hand from Liala's in order for the food to be placed upon the table.

"Thank you." he spoke to the waiter.

"Ah, I bet you're fun at all the parties." Liala teased the waiter for interrupting a lovely moment. "Thank you." she added as her plate was set down and the chuckling waiter wandered off.

She turned her attention back to the mission. "When is the away mission scheduled for?" she asked wrapping some pasta around her fork.

Taking a bite of his salad, Raiden chewed for a moment before he answered. "Its going to be very soon, this evening or in the morning, all depends on when everything is ready." he said quietly. "I know it may seem too soon but events have escalated with the whole situation." his features going somber. He took a swallow of his drink, then took another bite of his salad. "It will probably be in the morning. I know, not a lot of time to prepare."

"Oh, well maybe I am not off today then." Liala joked a little. She knew the situation, the mission itself, was dark and nothing to joke about but something like this made her nervous. "I'll have to speak to Timia, get medical supplies and stuff." she added taking a bit of her own.

Raiden gave a nod at what Liala said. "It is not going to be fun, and I do wish I would be a part of it but, it is what it is and I am not going to go against what the Captain is wanting. Its Walken's and Wales's baby here." he reached out to caress Liala's hand "Just make certain you get back. And be careful."

"Well fun away missions are few and far between when they need medical officers." Liala spoke softly as she began to play more with her pasta dish than eat it. "I'm glad you are going to be here, out of harms way." she added. He had said the same to her but she too felt attached to him and didn't want to see him in harms way. "And I'm sure I'll be at the back with Timia carrying medical supplies. I'll leave the heavy stuff to Walken or Wales."

"And well that you should, just be assured they will be looking out for everyone, and everyone will be looking out for each other." Raiden gave Liala's hand one more caress and then returned to his eating, "I wish we had the time to spend more time with each other, maybe we could plan for later after this mission is done?" Raiden wasn't going to assume, as it would have to be a decision for her to make or a mutual decision. He would love to spend more time with her.

"Oh I know, well I know Kyle. We've shared a few drinks and chats since we joined the Arcadia. I know he'll keep an eye on things. I've not really gotten to know Lt. Wales yet." she nodded more to herself than anything. People often only come see her if they have something they want to talk about, their problems. Sometimes it was nice to meet randomly and she'd been doing that in the lounge of late.

"Sure, I'd love to spend more time with you once this mission is done. What do you have in mind?" Liala asked wondering if he'd had any ideas come to mind before asking.

"I'd like to take you out on a date, via the holosuite unless we get the chance to go to the station. There are some wonderful places to eat there, and a beautiful park like area. Almost like being outdoors, and definitely a larger place than the Gladiator." Raiden stated, "And could even spend the night and have room service, on the station." Raiden giving Liala an inviting smile, "Making sure you and I give ourselves a self care just to definitely help us recover from what has gone on before. Massage, hot tub."

Liala couldn't help but smile at the suggestion. "I think that sound like a great idea." her head began to swirl with ideas of what they could do, where they could go. "Even the idea of spending the night, that seals it for me. Massage and hot tub." she gave it two thumbs up in a rather childlike eager fashion with a wide grin.

Raiden chuckled, "I am liking that idea even more. Glad you are pleased." picking up his drink and saluting Liala. "Here's to us getting a chance to have some downtime, and actually relax. I am so looking forward to that." he had but a few scant bites more of his food, and seeing his meal nearly done he gave a heartfelt sigh. "Looks like my time with you is almost done, well for this lunch that is." Raiden reaching out and holding Liala's hand once more, and giving her a gentle smile.

"Well I am glad you corrected yourself. Almost thought you were letting me down gently so quickly after asking me to spend the night." Liala teased and squeezed his hand as they held each others. "Make sure you take a proper dinner break though. If the mission is tonight then you know you'll not be off duty for a while."

Raiden gave a nod at her words. "That is true." he looked at the last bites on his plate and moved them away from him. "May I escort you to your quarters before my break is up?" there wasn't much time left and he'd rather, spend as many stolen moments with Liala as he can. "Unless you have someplace else to go."

"You may." Liala said rising from her chair and sticking her hand out for him to take hers. "I know you know the way." she joked. "I need to tidy up... I've not had a chance in a day or so because I've spent it with you." her cheeks warmed.

"Well I will not judge as you certainly had a distraction." Raiden giving her a teasing smile.

Raiden took Liala's hand in his, marveling at the softness, the gentleness and also the strength in her hand. This woman was incredibly beautiful and kind. A healing sort of individual. They walked out of the door, towards her quarters, Raiden being quiet, just enjoying the stroll.

As they walked Liala felt as if everything else around her didn't matter. The potential mission ahead had melted away and she too could feel Raiden's calm oozing out of him. The colour shift in his aura was most pleasing and infectious.

Before long they arrived at her quarters and there was that moment of pause, "So, here we are." she smiled then looked up at him. Liala did only come up to his chin in height, or thereabouts.

Raiden looked deep within Liala's eyes marveling at how they reminded him of the azure blue sky. Then he leaned forward and kissed Liala, pulling her close to him. Then Raiden reluctantly pulled his lips away from hers, "I don't dare step into your quarters, I'd have a difficult time leaving them" Raiden whispered softly, his lips barely separated from hers.

"Yes..." she said stepping down from the tips of her toes. She caught her breath at the same time and added. "I don't want the Captain to reprimand me for taking the XO away from his duties." she placed her forehead against his chest. The urge to pull him inside all the more powerful.

Raiden softly chuckled, "I don't want to be on his bad side either." Another kiss, this time it being briefer than the one before. "I will see you when you return." gently caressing the side of Liala's face and running his thumb across her lips. With a regretful smile, Raiden released Liala from his embrace. It was time for him to get going.

"Yes, yes you will." Liala said as the doors of her quarters opened with a swoosh. "Now, get going Commander Kosugi." she smirked.

With a laugh, Raiden headed down the corridor glancing back towards Liala before he turned the corner.


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